Early the next morning, Shanzhou officials followed the rules and came to the temple to pay homage to the Golden Dragon Sword. After the ceremony, they all sat on their chairs and looked at Fan Xin after the major case.

"Gong Yan, you are a famous military god in the Tang Dynasty. In terms of command ability, you are no worse than Li Jing. With you in charge of Shanzhou, the generals will feel relieved."

Shanzhou garrison general Guan Shanyue said with a smile.

"Yes, the Tubo people are said to have unparalleled fighting power. You didn't wipe them all out in the battle at Wild Wolf Valley. In my opinion, that guy from Chita is nothing special."

Wu Liang agreed with a smile.

Facing the generals' respect, Fan Xin smiled slightly and said calmly.

"Don't underestimate the King of Tubo. He can force a famous general like Lun Qinling to commit suicide. It shows that Songtsan Tridu still has capable people under his command."

"Okay, let's stop chatting and discuss how to regain the important town of Heyuan."

When talking about business, the officials looked a little more serious, and Wu Liang took the initiative to speak.

"My lord, judging from the current situation, Tubo is on the offensive and our army is on the defensive. If we want to have a decisive battle with them on the Qinghai Plateau, our chances of winning are not great."

"I thought I could take advantage of the cavalry and gradually annihilate them!"

As soon as this proposal came out, many people present expressed their agreement, because the biggest advantage of the Tang army was that it had more cavalry than the Tubo army.

It is indeed the most cost-effective way to use the enemy's strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses.

Fan Xin also thought this was a good idea, although his real trump card was the Shenji Battalion and the Heavy Artillery Battalion.

But he still said: "This proposal is good, but before it can be implemented, the problem of food and fodder for the army in the city must be solved first."

"Otherwise, once we fall into a high-intensity war, we will be in a situation where we don't have enough supplies."

All the officials looked at each other and nodded. Duke Yan was right. Since ancient times, food and fodder went first before troops and horses were moved.

The adequacy of baggage can often determine the outcome of a war.

It's just that Shanzhou is located in a remote area, so it's simply impossible to collect so many supplies.

"You don't have to worry about this. I have purchased a batch of grain, grass and ordnance from the nearby state capital before setting off. It will be shipped to Shanzhou in two days."

"With these things, we can keep the Tibetan army here for six months until they run out of food and fodder!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief. The two countries were most worried about the lack of weapons and food in the war. With these two things, the 60,000-strong army was enough to drag the Tibetan army to death in Shanzhou City.

However, there were exceptions. When they heard that Fan Xin planned to kill the Tubo people, Wu Liang and Qin Shu exchanged vague glances, with a look of worry flashing through them.

After the meeting, the two men came outside holding their armors in hand and found a quiet place to talk quietly.

"Brother Qin, it seems that Fan Xin plans to stay in Shanzhou permanently. If this happens, our way of making money from reselling military supplies will be cut off."

"Those wealthy families who rely on us to make money are still in trouble." Wu Liang said with a frown.

Qin Shu's eyes flashed with coldness and he said expressionlessly.

"Since ancient times, blocking people's way of wealth is like killing their parents. We must not let Fan Xin transport weapons and grain to Shanzhou."

"Didn't he purchase it in a nearby state capital? Then he must have passed through Zhalonggou. We will give him one by then."

Qin Shu did not say anything else, but made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"Okay, as Brother Qin said, we have to take risks for the sake of our future!" Wu Liang spat viciously.

"I will ask Guan Shanyue to go to Zhalonggou in the name of suppressing bandits, and ensure that there are no bones left of the team escorting the grain and grass!"

After being separated from Qin Shu, Wu Liang directly brought Guan Shanyue to his residence. When he heard that he was asked to lead troops to suppress the bandits, a flash of surprise flashed in Guan Shanyue's eyes.

"Manager Wu, the Tibetans are about to attack. Are you sure you want the general to go and suppress the bandits?"

"Haha Laoguan, do you really think that the people passing by Zhalonggou are ordinary bandits? Recently, our general received news that an unknown number of Tibetan spies disguised themselves as government troops and wanted to secretly infiltrate Shanzhou and communicate with them inside. The spies cooperated inside and outside to open the city gate."

"That's why I sent a general like you to annihilate the enemy. Do you have any doubts this time?"

Wu Liang said with a smile while sitting behind the big case.

"It turned out to be a Tibetan spy. This time it can be explained." Guan Shanyue scratched his head and gave Wu Liang a fist.

"Don't worry, Mr. Wu, I will ensure that these people never come back. Just wait for the good news." After saying that, he turned around and left.

"Wait a minute. Since there are Tibetans in the city, we must not tell anyone about this bandit suppression operation. Do you know?"

Giving Wu Liang a reassuring look, Guan Shanyue strode out of the mansion.

Looking at his back, Wu Liang smiled bitterly.

Two days later, Zhalonggou.

In the dark dense forest, Guan Shanyue and a thousand of his subordinates lay on the hill, staring at the ancient road at the foot of the mountain like falcons.

According to the information provided by Wu Liang, Tibetan spies disguised as government soldiers will pass by here when the sun sets.

At that time it will be his time to make great achievements.

"Sandoku told the brothers to cover their faces and no one is allowed to reveal their identity, otherwise military law will be enforced!"

The soldier named Santoku nodded.

"I know General Guan, brothers are all wearing night clothes, so they shouldn't be recognized, but why do we do this?"

"Of course, we want to prevent anyone alive from running out and telling the spies in the city. Manager Wu told me that this spy is hiding among the top brass of the military. If he finds out, he will probably escape."

While Guan Shanyue answered his subordinates' questions, he stared closely at the end of the ancient road, where it was pitch black.

As the two stopped talking, the only sound left in the dark forest was the howling of the north wind.

After an unknown amount of time, a dim yellow light shone at the end of the ancient road, and then carriages loaded with goods came here, escorted by officers and soldiers.


Guan Shanyue's eyes lit up, he pulled out the weapon from his waist and signaled his brothers to prepare, waiting for the convoy to approach and rush down the hillside.

At this time, the convoy suddenly stopped, and a big man in the lead jumped off his horse and looked at the mountain road ahead.

Then a scout was sent to search along the way.

Seeing this scene, Guan Shanyue was finally convinced that these people were disguised as Tibetan people, because ordinary caravans would not send out scouts to search.

This is a method that can only be used by the military.

After some searching and finding that there was no problem, the leading man got back on his horse and led the convoy this way.

When passing by the foot of the hillside, Guan Shanyue suddenly stood up and raised his weapon high.

"This is the time when brothers have made great achievements. Kill them!"

In an instant, a thousand soldiers rushed down the hillside howling like tigers descending the mountain.

Looking at the emerging enemies, a sneer flashed across Liu Zi's lips.

"It seems that what the young master said is right. There is indeed a gap between the enemy and the upper echelons of the army. Are they finally going to reveal their true colors?"

Liu Zi did not choose to fight head-on with the enemy, but ordered his subordinates to light the explosive fuses on the vehicle and retreat in an orderly manner.

With a bang, the huge explosion directly engulfed the enemies rushing down the hillside.

"Pass this uncle's order to kill me!"

Sixth Son lifted up the hundred-jin giant hammer and rushed toward the remaining enemy troops with a loud shout. The Qianniu Guard masters behind him followed.

In just half an hour, the screams in Zhalonggou stopped, and two Qianniu guards wearing flying bear uniforms escorted a general forward.

"General, we have captured the enemy's leader and twenty of his subordinates!" "Well done!"

Liuzi nodded, looked at the angry man in front of him, and said coldly.

"If the general's prediction is correct, you should be officers and soldiers of the imperial court. Who ordered you to come?"

Surprise flashed in Guan Shanyue's eyes, then he turned his head and said angrily.

"Stop talking nonsense, kill me or chop me into pieces. If you frown, I will take your last name!"

"Okay, I didn't expect him to be a man. This general likes to deal with people like this." Liu Zi's eyes flashed fiercely, and he slowly raised the giant hammer in his hand.

For a time, the entire Zhalong Valley was filled with a chilling look.

When several prisoners kneeling on the ground saw that their general was about to be killed, they immediately crawled over to block Guan Shanyue and said angrily.

"If the thieves want to kill us, kill us first! Don't touch General Guan!"

Seeing this scene, Liu Zi was slightly startled. He glanced at Guan Shanyue with deep meaning, and then lowered the giant hammer he raised.

"Aren't Sixth Brother and these murderers going to be killed?" Zhang Huan asked doubtfully.

"Take it back to the Duke for interrogation first to find out who is instigating this behind the scenes."

Ordering the team to clean up the battlefield, Liu Zi took Guan Shanyue and the captives back to Shanzhou. If they made such a big noise, the whole city might be frightened.

Shanzhou, General Manager's Office.

At this time on weekdays, Wu Liang would usually go to Fengyue Tower to find some singers to drink wine, but tonight he obviously had more important things to do.

After walking around the living room a few times with his hands behind his back, Wu Liang raised his head and glanced at the stone carvings and said impatiently.

"It's already midnight. That loser Guan Shanyue is supposed to be back, even if he's a beheaded pig. Why hasn't there been news yet?"

The servant on the side heard the sound and advised: "General, please be patient. It seems that there are too many officers and soldiers escorting the baggage, and it will be difficult for Guan Shanyue to eliminate them quickly."

"We just have to wait patiently."

"Huh, that's all!" Wu Liang waved his sleeves and walked to the desk and sat down, but his eyes were still staring in the direction of the door.

I don't know how long it took, but there was a sudden rush of footsteps in the silent night, and a camp guard walked into the hall.

"Mr. Wu is in trouble. Guan Shanyue was defeated and captured half an hour ago. He is now in prison!"

"What did you say!"

Wu Liang's heart skipped a beat, his entire face turned pale, and his eyes were filled with disbelief.

Guan Shanyue's thousand subordinates are veterans who have been on the battlefield for many years, but they can't defeat a grain and grass convoy. How is this possible?

The most important thing is that Guan Shanyue was sent there by himself. If he couldn't bear the torture and confessed, wouldn't he be killed?

Thinking of this, a strong fear crept into Wu Liang's heart.

"Mr. Wu, the top priority is to silence Shan Yue as soon as possible, and we must not let him bite you out!" the servant said with murderous intent.

Upon hearing the word silence, Wu Liang's eyes flashed with coldness, and he shook his head and said.

"No, as soon as Guan Shanyue was imprisoned, we killed him on the back foot. The intention is too obvious, and it will expose our identity."

"I will find an excuse to go to the camp first, and then we will decide based on the situation."

Sitting in a chair until dawn, Wu Liang washed his face and walked towards the camp. Through observation along the way, he discovered that the number of guards at the gate of the camp had doubled.

This means that Guan Shanyue is indeed locked up in the prison.

"Isn't this Manager Wu? Why are you here so early?" Zhang Huan greeted Wu Liang with a smile.

"Haha, it turns out to be General Zhang. I heard a violent noise coming from the direction of Zhalonggou last night and was worried about disturbing the Duke, so I came to visit early in the morning."

"How's it going? Is Duke Yan okay?"

"Thank you, Mr. Wu, for remembering. The Duke of Guo is not unusual. He is interrogating the enemy leader inside."

"Enemy leader?"

Wu Liang's heart moved and he pretended not to know: "What enemy leader? Aren't you talking about a group of bandits?"

"Hey, the bandits are all good soldiers in the army. They spent a lot of money to suppress the bandits."

"Mr. Wu, you're here just in time. The Duke of Guo asked you to come in." When it came to the key point, Liuzi opened the door and walked out, interrupting with a smile.

Seeing that the trick failed, Wu Liang could only forcefully cheer up and walk towards the door. Based on his understanding of Guan Shanyue, he should not confess so quickly.

Arriving at the interrogation room, Fan Xin was sitting on a chair drinking tea. Opposite him, a burly man was tied to a pillar. He looked like his general Guan Shanyue.

"Guan Shanyue, why are you here!"

His eyes flickered a few times, and Wu Liang pretended to be shocked and shouted.

Fan Xin was slightly surprised.

"Does General Wu know the murderer?"

"Master Huiguo, this person is the commander-in-chief of the army under Xiaguan. May I ask what he has committed?" Wu Liang asked with a worried look on his face.

Fan Xin looked at the unconscious murderer and said calmly.

"I have always suspected that there was a spy inside, and sure enough, the grain and grass convoy was ambushed when it passed by Zhalonggou."

"If the guards hadn't fought tooth and nail to resist, these supplies would have already been in the hands of the Tibetans."

"Mr. Wu, as the deputy marching commander, you have an unshirkable responsibility."

Hearing this, Wu Liang's expression changed, and he was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and trembled.

"My Lord Mingjian, since Li Qingyuan was defeated and captured, my subordinates have been busy gathering the remnants of the army. It is really difficult to review them one by one."

"If you can trust me, please hand over Guan Shanyue to the Shanzhou government. I will promise to find out the spies inside!"

Looking at Wu Liang who looked a little excited, Fan Xin's expression softened a bit and he helped him up from the ground.

"General Wu, please get up. I have no intention of blaming you. Our most important thing right now is to find out the murderer behind the scenes and stabilize the morale of the army."

"As for the interrogation, there is no need for it. Guan Shanyue has promised to tell the whole story of this incident at the trial tomorrow."

"You can come and listen when the time comes."

"Ah? Okay, I will definitely come to listen in person."

Suddenly hearing that Guan Shanyue was about to confess, the panic in Wu Liang's eyes flashed away, and he agreed absentmindedly.

After coming out of the camp, Wu Liang anxiously got on the sedan chair and returned to the Governor's Mansion. His trusted generals who had received the news hurriedly came to greet him.

"How about Mr. Wu, Fan Xin doesn't doubt you, does he?"

"Not yet." Wu Liang shook his head and narrowed his eyes: "But that loser Guan Shanyue will confess tomorrow!"

"If he were to recruit me, I'm afraid Fan Xin wouldn't let us go with his methods."

"Well, go and prepare. When the trial starts tomorrow, I will make Guan Shanyue shut up forever!"

At the end of the sentence, Wu Liang's eyes were full of ferociousness... (End of this chapter)

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