Early the next morning, we went to Shanzhou.

Fan Xin was wearing a black bullfight suit and sat high above the big case. On his left and right sides stood officials from all levels of the border area.

"To the Duke of Yan, the time has come!" Zhang Huan stepped out of the queue and clasped his fists.

"Take Shanzhou garrison general!"

Boom boom boom!

Amidst the rapid beating of drums, Guan Shanyue, who was wearing prison clothes and shackled, was escorted into the lobby by Qianniu Guards.

"Bring the prisoner here!"

Signaling the Qianniu Guards to retreat, Fan Xin looked at Guan Shanyue with a majestic expression.

"I want to ask you who ordered you to attack the baggage train at night. If you tell me, I will spare your life!"

Hearing this, Guan Shanyue slowly raised his head, and his tired eyes slowly swept across the crowd. Everyone he looked at had their eyes evasive, but Wu Liang frowned.

a long time.

Guan Shanyue withdrew her eyes and said in a hoarse voice.

"Reporting to the Duke, the person who ordered the general to attack the baggage team is among you, Shangxian. He is"


A poisonous needle with a cold glow was shot into his throat, passed out from the back of his neck, and was nailed to the beam.

Such an important imperial prisoner was assassinated in front of everyone, which immediately caused great panic. Officials fled in all directions.

In a panic, a court official drew out his short sword and rushed towards Fan Xin with a fierce look on his face. It was obvious that he wanted to kill him.

"No, Lord Protector!"

Upon seeing this, Zhang Huan and others' expressions suddenly changed, and they all drew out their weapons and stabbed at the killer.

However, the Yamen servant, who had death intentions, didn't care whether he was hit by a sword in the back.

He only wanted to take the surname Fan Xin.

At the critical moment, when Fan Xin was about to draw out the golden dragon sword and kill the man, Wu Liang on the side suddenly pushed him aside and blocked the sword himself.

"Deputy Manager Wu!"

Seeing the short knife piercing Wu Liang's shoulder, Fan Xin screamed in surprise, pierced the killer's heart with a sword, and kicked him aside.

"How are you, Deputy General Manager Wu, are you okay?"

Looking at Wu Liang, who was as pale as paper, Fan Xin's eyes were full of worry. If the other party hadn't blocked the sword, he would have been the injured one.

After getting rid of the killer, Zhang Huan and all his guards knelt on the ground with a bang, and said with shame on their faces.

"My lord, please punish me for your humble duty as a guard."

"Forget it, something happened suddenly. Even I didn't expect that there was an enemy killer in the camp. Get up and carry Wu Liang down quickly for treatment."


As Guan Shanyue was killed and the killer was executed, a major case that could have been solved ended in failure.

On the way back to the back garden, Fan Xin smiled and patted Liu Zi on the shoulder when he saw Liu Zi with an angry look on his face.

"Okay, a wise man will make mistakes after all his considerations. You and I are ordinary people, and it is inevitable that we will make mistakes. We still gained something from this court hearing."

Liuzi's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "Master, do you know who is behind this?"

“Even if you miss, you’re not far off.”

Fan Xin did not know who the traitor was, but it was not difficult to find out through Li Qingyuan's defeat and capture, and Guan Shanyue's sneak attack on the baggage team.

These two people have one thing in common, that is, they are both generals who hold military power.

The person who can command Guan Shanyue and obtain the secrets of the army must be a high-ranking person who has worked in the local area for many years.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to easily send a killer into the heavily guarded hall.

Looking at the entire Shanzhou officialdom, there are only two people who meet these conditions. It is self-evident who is the mastermind behind them.

Liu Zi obviously thought of this possibility and said in disbelief.

"Master, what do you mean is a traitor?"

"Hush, the secret must not be leaked!" Fan Xin made a silent gesture, looked around, and said with a smile.

"Don't alert the target first. While the other side is proud, we might as well give the Tubo people a trick."

"Chita likes to listen to Han music, doesn't he? I will play the song "Ambush on Flying Daggers" for him personally. Let's see if he can tolerate it."

The night passed.

When the sun rose from the horizon, a low horn sound suddenly came from the frontline camp.

Dozens of armored generals hurriedly walked towards the commander's tent. They couldn't understand why Fan Xin suddenly came to the frontline camp if he wasn't trying to catch a traitor in the city.

Are we going to start a war with the Tibetans?

"General Zhang, Duke Yan is beating the general drum so early. Is there some big move that can't be accomplished?"

Wu Liang asked, hanging his arms.

Zhang Huan glanced around, leaned in front of Wu Liang and whispered.

"I just learned this morning that our spies discovered the Tibetan baggage storage place in Congling. The defenders only had 4,000 people."

"The Duke said that if we destroy that place, it will be equivalent to destroying the Tibetan people's logistical support. Don't tell anyone this news."

Zhang Huan warned with a mysterious look.

"Don't worry, General Zhang. I, Old Wu, is the most strict with his words. I promise not to let anyone else know. Let's go into the tent."

Wu Liang smiled and showed an understanding expression.

In fact, this sudden big operation, as Zhang Huan said, was aimed at the Tibetan people's logistics.

It's just that Fan Xin didn't say it clearly, just let everyone carry out the tasks according to the order.

Wu Liang didn't say anything about this. He just waited for the meeting to end and told the local feudal lords that he would earn more credit for himself so that he could work as an errand when he went there in the future.

"Deputy Manager Wu, the meeting is over, why are you sitting here laughing?" Fan Xin's voice came from his ears.

After coming back to his senses, Wu Liang scratched his head in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Guo. It's rude to be a lowly official. Isn't this the daughter of the family who is getting married? I'm just happy to be a father."

"So that's it. No wonder you are smiling so happily. Go back and arrange your child's marriage. After defeating Chita in a few days, I will personally come to your door to have a wedding banquet."

"Thank you so much, Mr. Guo!"

Wu Liang was overjoyed and repeatedly handed over his hand.

Watching him leave, Fan Xin winked at the two personal guards, who followed him quietly.

After about two hours, the two personal guards responsible for tracking returned to the camp.

"As you expected, not long after these Shanzhou officials returned, several spies sneaked out of Shanzhou. The direction should be towards Heyuan City."

"Number of people?"

Fan Xin was stunned for a moment, and a meaningful smile flashed across his lips.

"This is interesting. I didn't expect there to be so many spies in Shanzhou City. No wonder Li Qingyuan's army of hundreds of thousands suffered heavy casualties."

"Go ahead and execute it according to the original plan. With Chita's cautious character, he will not believe this information until he tastes the benefits."

Heyuan City, government office.

This place was originally the office of the Tang Dynasty government. Later, it became the Prime Minister's Mansion of Chita after it was conquered by the Tubo army.

On this morning, Chita was sitting in front of the case and listening to reports from his subordinates. A general who was responsible for delivering news walked in.

"Prime Minister, we have just received news from Shanzhou that Fan Xin has found our grain and grass storage point and plans to attack at night!" This news was like a storm, and all the Tibetan generals were shocked to stand up with expressions on their faces. He looked at the visitor in disbelief.

"Zanbo, what are you talking about? The food and grass we hid in the Chongling headquarters were discovered by the Tang army. How is this possible?"

"Yes, Zanbo, you are in charge of the army's food and grass. You didn't tell the Han people on purpose, right?"

Seeing that everyone didn't believe him, Zan Bai snorted coldly.

"As shown in the picture, my general's ancestor is the Prime Minister Lu Dongzan who made great achievements. What's the benefit of telling the Tang army about me?"

The thin general named Tuluna curled his lips in disdain.

"That's possible. You and Lun Qinling are brothers. Now that your brother is being forced to death by Tridu Songtsan, who can guarantee that you won't turn against him?"

"If it weren't for your secret help, how could Lun Qinling's son and family run to Liangzhou and seek refuge with the Tang Dynasty?"

Mentioning the tragic death of his brother, Zanbo clasped his hands tightly together and stared angrily at the picture album.

"Back then, your ancestor Tulu Bangse wanted to murder Songtsen Gampo, but he was discovered by Prime Minister Ludongtsen, so he didn't realize it."

"Don't you want to be like him and continue to frame our family?"

Seeing the two sides quarreling, Garchita, who was sitting behind the big case, frowned and said displeased.

"Okay, just stop saying a few words."

After the hall returned to silence, Chita continued.

"This matter is indeed a bit strange. Although Wu Liang and Qin Shu have taken refuge with us, the Han people's words cannot be fully believed."

"Let's do this, Zanbo, let Han Jie help you transport the grain and grass to the Qianniu Mountain area north of the Onion collar department, leaving only a small amount of grain and grass to store there."

"I want to see if the Tang army is really coming to attack our baggage storage area as the intelligence said."

Although Zan Bai felt unwilling to do so, he could only agree with his fists raised, because since the fall of Lun Qinling, his family had been running away to death.

Even a fierce warrior like him was assigned to the Munitions Department to manage the army's food and fodder.

When he returned home from the handsome man's house, Zanbo kicked over his chair and sat there alone, sulking.

When his wife saw it, she came closer and said softly.

"What's wrong, Zanbo, are the ministers in the court making you angry again?"

"Oh, it's hard to put it into words."

Zanbo looked up to the sky and sighed, holding his wife's hand.

"When I first took charge of the army, they didn't dare to treat me like this. Now that the military power has been taken over by Garchita, they don't take me seriously anymore."

"Did you know that when we were discussing the battle today, Chita actually asked Han Jie, a serf, to be my lieutenant. Isn't this a clear attempt to sideline me?"

"Had I known this, I might as well have taken refuge in the Tang Dynasty like Po Zan and others, and I would have saved myself from ending up like this."

Seeing her husband's angry face, the woman gently stroked the back of his hand and comforted him.

"The Han people have a saying that is very good. The hardest thing to buy in the world is the regret medicine. Don't say such angry words in the future."

"If it is reported to the court by the eyes and ears in the family, I am afraid that no one in our family will survive, so we should continue to serve."

"Didn't Prime Minister Chita ask you to transport food and grass? When do you leave, I can get food for you."

Unexpectedly, Zan Boruo shook his head and said bitterly: "No, Han Jie has already taken care of it on my behalf. My husband should have a good rest at home."

While Zan Bai was drinking to soothe his sorrows at home, Han Jie, surrounded by generals, went to Congling Camp to transport grain and grass.

In order to prevent the Han people from suspecting a traitor, only 80% of the grain and grass stored here were transported away, leaving 20% ​​for the Han people who came to attack.

"Lord Han Jie, I didn't expect that Chita Prime Minister would send you to deal with food and grass. Is Zanbo about to collapse?"

A one-eyed man asked with a smile on his face.

Han Jie picked his nose and glanced at him.

"This general has worked for the Prime Minister of Chita since he was a child. How can he be compared to Zan Bai? If he had not had some influence in the army and could not be killed easily, the Prime Minister would have got rid of him long ago."

"But he won't be around for a few days. As long as he wins the war with the Tang army, I, the general, can take his place!"

As the two rode away, night fell unknowingly.

In the dark night, a Tang Dynasty cavalry quietly came to Congling, silently staring at the granary in the camp like a wolf.

"Sixth General, is this where the Tibetans hoard food and grass?" A flash of surprise flashed in the eyes of the chief steward of the General Manager's Mansion.

Previously, he thought it was Fan Xin who was playing tricks, but he didn't expect to find the Tibetan people's food and grass.

"Yes, the Tibetan people like to use stone fences to store grain and grass. Look at the dense fence below. It can supply the needs of at least 60,000 people for a month. It must be the Tibetan luggage."

After saying that, Liuzi slowly pulled out the purple gold hammer and said solemnly.

"Brothers, follow me to attack!"


In an instant, thousands of Tang Dynasty cavalry rushed down the hill like a flood, rushing towards the camp, slashing at the Tibetan soldiers with their swords along the way.

The Tubo soldiers stationed here were no match for the battle-hardened Tang Dynasty cavalry. They were all killed or injured in just a few rounds.

The rest were also killed by the Tang army who caught up during their escape.

After killing the defenders of the Congling tribe, Liuzi ordered people to light the grain and grass, and then led the Tang Dynasty cavalry away in the raging fire.

Looking at their backs, Han Jie crawled out of the hole. He had a clear view when the Tang cavalry massacred the guards.

Whether it was courage or fighting spirit, these Tang Dynasty cavalry surpassed Tubo's King Master, especially the man who led them.

With one strike, he defeated five or six Tubo masters. If they met on the battlefield, who could be his opponent?

"No, this Tang army is too powerful. I must let the Prime Minister know as soon as possible." After taking a deep look at the corpse on the ground, Han Jie jumped on his horse and ran towards the source of the river.

Liuzi didn't know that he had aroused the vigilance of the Tubo people. When he returned to Shanzhou City, he went straight to the Xingyuan without even drinking a sip of tea.

When they heard that the army had burned the Tibetan people's food and grass, all the officials breathed a sigh of relief and showed a hint of joy.

"Congratulations to the Duke of Yan, congratulations to the Duke of Yan. As soon as you arrived in Shanzhou, you cut off the Tibetan people's food and grass. It will take less than three months for the Tubo people to hold on."

Wu Liang boasted with a smile.

Facts have proved that he successfully helped the Tubo people avoid a heavy loss, and he will inevitably be rewarded when he defectes to Tibet in the future.

Qin Shu also started laughing on the other side.

Previously, he was worried that this attack, like Zhalonggou, was a bait thrown by Fan Xin, but now it seemed that he was overthinking it.

Fan Xin, the idiot, did not doubt them.

Facing the congratulations from everyone, Fan Xin smiled and came to the map and pointed at the source of the river.

"Everyone, cutting off the Tibetan people's food and grass is only the first step. Our real goal is to occupy Heyuan City. Only by taking back this place can we create an attack posture against the Turkish army."

"Therefore I order Wu Liang, the deputy commander-in-chief of the Gannan Army, Li Tong, the deputy general of Zuoweiwei, and Qin Shu, the governor, to lead an army of 50,000 to march towards Heyuan!"

"Take advantage of the absence of the main Tibetan forces to retake this place. Anyone who delays the opportunity to fight will be killed!"

"I will obey your orders!"

"Go ahead, I'll leave it to the three of you to do a great job for a long time. I'm waiting for your good news in Shanzhou."

Watching the generals leave, Fan Xin's smile gradually disappeared and he said coldly.

"Zhang Huan, are our trump cards ready?"

(End of this chapter)

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