Zhang Huan nodded, "Twenty thousand cavalry are ready to go, and the heavy artillery battalion and the divine machine battalion are about to arrive."

"Oxygen tanks and medicinal materials are all set up at settlement points near the army."

"It's just that I don't understand something. Fuqi City is located in the northwest of Dafeichuan, and the terrain is extremely high."

"Even a person with such high martial arts skills like me has difficulty breathing. Why don't you just attack the source of the river instead of going to such a dangerous place?"

Fan Xin smiled lightly, came to the window and looked northwest.

"Fuqi City is located on a strategic high ground and is easy to defend but difficult to attack. Whoever controls this place will have the initiative on the battlefield."

"This is also the reason why Prime Minister Chita transferred grain and grass supplies to Fuqi City."

"If we attack Heyuan, we can certainly capture the city, but in this case we will have to attack the main Tibetan force huddled in Fuqi City."

"How many lives do you think we have to survive to reach Dafeichuan?"

Zhang Huan touched his chin thoughtfully. He was also someone who had seen big scenes, and he quickly figured out the reason.

"So you sent Wu Liang and Qin Shu with an army of 50,000 to Heyuan to attract the main Tibetan force entrenched in Dafeichuan."

"And then take advantage of the empty defense of Fuqi City to capture the city in one fell swoop, allowing the Tibetan army to attack us?"

Fan Xin showed a hint of approval.

"Yes, once the traitor Wu Liang passes the news to Chita, the latter's ambition will definitely not give up the fat that is put on his lips."

"As soon as the main Tibetan force stationed in Fuqi City leaves, it's time for us to launch a surprise attack!"

At the end of the sentence, Fan Xin's eyes flashed with cold murderous intent.

He wanted to use the plank road that Xue Rengui had used to repair Chen Cang secretly, and teach the Tubo people a lesson!

Let him know that those who invade the Tang Dynasty will be punished no matter how strong they are!

After several days of preparation, the Tang army on the front line was finally assembled. After sacrificing the blood flag, Wu Liang and Qin Shu led an army of 50,000 to the source of the river.

The momentum was so great that even the Tibetan people as far away as Heyuan were alarmed. In the early morning, Han Jie hurried into the commander's house with the report.

"Sorry, Prime Minister, Fan Xin'er sent 50,000 troops to leave Shanzhou. The specific destination is not yet clear."

"Fifty thousand Tang troops?"

Garchita put down his brush, rubbed his forehead and frowned.

"Fifty thousand is not a small amount. Does Fan Xin mobilize so many people to take back Dafeichuan?"

Speaking of this, he seemed to remember something, raised his head and asked, "By the way, is there any news from Wu Liang and Qin Shu?"

It's okay not to mention the two of them, but Han Jie is filled with resentment.

"Prime Minister, I would like to give you my final advice. These two Han people have betrayed even their own compatriots, let alone us Tubo people."

"You'd better be careful in everything."

Chita smiled slightly and said nonchalantly: "Han Jie, you don't understand the Han people. Once they choose to betray, their methods are often more ruthless than us Tubo people."

"Because they don't want someone alive who knows they've become a traitor."

While he was talking, an old man walked into the room holding a secret letter, bowed and said.

"To the Prime Minister, there is a secret message from Wu Liang."

"You should step back first."

Signaling the old man to leave, Chita opened the secret letter, took a look at it, and then handed it to Han Jie.

"Look, the truth is right. As soon as Tang Jun left Shanzhou, Wu Liang told me their mission."

At this point, Han Jie had nothing to say and could only change the subject.

"Prime Minister, Fan Xin'er sent 50,000 Tang troops to Heyuan. It seems that he wants to take action. How about we bring in the main force of Dafeichuan and annihilate them in one fell swoop?"

However, what surprised Han Jie was that after hearing this plan, Garchita sighed softly.

"This plan is indeed good, but I am worried that once the main army leaves Fuqi City, the Zhou army will take advantage of the situation to occupy it."

"If that's the case, we will be passive."

Han Jie shook his head and said with disdain.

"Prime Minister, you are too cautious. The terrain of Dafeichuan is high and the environment is harsh. Even we Tubo people have difficulty adapting to it, let alone the Tang army who has been staying in the Central Plains all year round. It is impossible for them to choose that place!"

"Besides, your brother Chidu and ten thousand men are stationed in Fuqi City. How can a few Tang troops capture it?"

Seeing that the Prime Minister was still hesitating, Han Jie said loudly.

"This opportunity cannot be missed, and it will never come back. If we miss this opportunity, it will be difficult for us to destroy the Tang Army."

"And there is not much time left for us by the King of Tibet."

Hearing the words "King of Tubo", Garchita was shaken all over, and then said through gritted teeth.

"That's all, I don't believe that Fan Xin will choose the most difficult place to attack. Someone, come here and send the order to mobilize Dafeichuan's main force to leave the source of the river."

"The truth is that we want to destroy this 50,000-strong army in one fell swoop!"

Woo woo woo.

The low horn sound lingered in the mountain stream. Through the heavy snow in the sky, a city made of stones was located on a high slope, quietly overlooking the Tubo people below.

Although Princess Wencheng made the Tubo people accustomed to silk and satin when she married Songtsen Gampo.

But for ordinary poor people, animal furs are better able to withstand the cold on the plateau.

"Mr. Fan Lihua, I heard that your silk caravan is very close to the Great Cannibal. Can you help me bring back a batch of kerosene? You also know that we Tubo people like this stuff."

A Tibetan general wearing a Confucian robe rubbed his hands in embarrassment.

Hearing this, Fan Lihua laughed and patted Chidu's shoulder affectionately.

"Don't worry, General. Our silk caravan is here to transport goods. Next time we return to the Western Regions, we promise to bring you dozens of barrels."

Chidu was overjoyed, took Fan Lihua's hand and said happily: "It's not too late to go on the Silk Road later, let's go have a drink first."

"Why are you so embarrassed? Look at me."

While the two were fighting, a Tibetan soldier with a command flag on his back ran over and knelt down on one knee.

"Report to General Chidu, the Prime Minister has sent an order!"


"This" the messenger glanced at Fan Lihua awkwardly, as if he didn't know whether to say it or not.

Seeing this, Fan Lihua smiled.

"You guys go ahead, I'm going to see if the caravan's salt and iron tools have arrived."

"I'm sorry, Brother Fan."

Fan Lihua came to the slope and looked at the beautiful snow below the mountain. There was a trace of worry in her eyes. She didn't know whether the Duke's army could reach it on time from such a high place.

At this time, Chidu came over with a smile after finishing speaking.

"What are you thinking about, Brother Fan?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I see there are signs of mobilization of the army. Is there going to be a war?" Fan Lihua asked deliberately after coming back to her senses.

Chidu's smile faded, he glanced around and whispered.

"You are a friend of the Tubo people. It doesn't matter if I tell you. Just now my eldest brother sent an order to dispatch 30,000 troops to the source of the river to encircle and annihilate the Tang army."

"Look, the troops of King Fan under his command have come out!"

Following the direction of Chidu's finger, Fan Lihua saw a well-equipped Tibetan army walking out of Fuqi City and disappearing into the mountain stream along the winding snow road. I was secretly glad that the Duke of Guo had a clever plan, otherwise the Tang army would have to pay a heavy price if they wanted to take this city.

"Okay, Brother Fan, I heard that you brought good wine to my general. Let's go in and have a drink."

When it comes to wine, Chidu's eyes light up. The plateau is no better than the Central Plains. All kinds of delicious wine can make people drunk to death.

Putting aside the distracting thoughts in her heart, Fan Lihua enthusiastically followed Chidu into the city.

At the same time, the steward of the silk caravan brought a large amount of fine wine to the Tibetan soldiers at various posts.

Let these men who have never had a drink all year round lick their lips with greed.

"Come on, Tubo brothers, in order to improve your life, General Chidu specially spent money to buy a lot of good wine. You can drink it tonight!"

Under the smile of the steward, except for the Tibetan soldiers who were on guard duty, all the Tibetan soldiers rushed to grab the wine jars.

It's not that they are vigilant, but that Fuqi City is located in a cold place. Even if there is no one to defend it, it will be difficult for the Tang army to climb up.

They have an absolute advantage on the high ground!

The cold wind was howling, the snow was flying, and between the vast sky and the earth, a Tang army wearing cotton armor was climbing up the back of the mountain with difficulty.

This is the most difficult snow mountain road they have ever climbed, and there will be a slide back every few steps.

The most unbearable thing is that the strong wind on the mountain is getting stronger and stronger, and the blow on my face is as painful as a knife.

At this time, several Tang soldiers who were walking in front suddenly fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth, their faces were blue and purple, and they seemed to be out of breath.

"Quickly, buckle the oxygen bottles in the bags for them!" Seeing this, Fan Xin said loudly.

Fuqi City is a land of earth and valleys. It has fertile grasslands in summer, but in winter it is a nightmare for Qinghai people.

Because the air is 60% less than usual!

After some rescue, several fallen Tang soldiers finally woke up and joined the mountain climbing army again.

"No wonder the Tubo people didn't set up sentries on the back of the mountain. It's difficult for Daluo Jinxian to get up just because of the bad terrain."

Zhang Huan gasped with white breath.

"The road is a bit difficult, but it is an opportunity for us. As long as we climb up and make peace with Fan Lihua, we can capture Fuqi City at the minimum cost."

Fan Xin was kneeling in the snow with a sword in his hand, breathing heavily, with no blood on his face.

Over the years, the steep terrain here was completely different from the Fuqi ruins in his memory.

It doesn't look like a human path at all.

After a brief rest, the 20,000-strong army climbed up again, during which hundreds of soldiers closed their eyes permanently.

Despite mountaineering training, the harsh environment was more than they could bear.

Finally, at the moment when the sun set, 20,000 Tang troops appeared in the snow outside Fuqi City, without cheering or shouting.

Everyone was lying on the snow, staring at the Fuqi Ancient City in the distance like wild wolves.

"Come, Brother Tubo, let me toast you another drink!" Guo Jia, the steward, poured the wine for the defenders enthusiastically. Guo Jia, the steward, winked at several of his followers, who calmly walked towards the city gate defenders.

With lightning speed, he inserted the knife into the guard's chest, then pulled out the door bolt and opened the north gate of Fuqi City.

The next moment, the 20,000 Tang troops who were dormant in the snow drew their weapons and quickly rushed into Fuqi City.

Seeing this scene, the Tibetan soldiers who were drinking were shocked and hurriedly picked up weapons to resist. For a while, the whole Fuqi City was full of shouts of killing.

General's Mansion, lobby.

With a bang, the door was knocked open, and a Tibetan soldier covered in blood broke in and said in panic.

"Oh no, General Chidu, the Tang army has invaded!"

"What did you say!"

Chidu overturned the table and looked at his subordinates in shock, with disbelief in his eyes.

In order to prevent the Tang army from sneak attacks, he deliberately set up ten checkpoints on the way down the mountain. Unexpectedly, the Tang army still touched them.

Without any time to think, Chidu pulled out his sword and pointed it at Fan Lihua opposite, his eyes dark.

"Tell me, did you do it?"

There were only a group of outsiders from the Silk Caravan in Fuqi City, so the trouble must have had a lot to do with them.

In response, Fan Lihua smiled slightly and put the wine cup on the table.

"General Chidu, Fuqi City has always been our territory of the Tang Dynasty. You first annexed Tuguhun and then invaded our country."

"Do you think this is okay?"

As soon as the words fell, several caravan guards jumped out from the darkness and surrounded Chidu, threatening to splash his blood seven feet away.

Seeing that he had guessed correctly, Chidu gritted his teeth angrily.

He never dreamed that the caravans that had been active on the Silk Road for several years were actually Han spies.

Seeing that he was trapped in a tight siege and unable to escape, Chi Duxu narrowed his eyes and said.

"Tell me what you want!"

"Of course, go out and tell your subordinates to stop resisting!" A cold voice came from outside.

Immediately afterwards, Fan Xin walked in carrying the golden dragon sword, and blood dripped down the tip of the sword and fell to the ground.

"My subordinate Fan Lihua is here to see the Duke!" Seeing Fan Xin coming, Fan Lihua hurriedly stood up and saluted.

"You have done a good job. If you have time, go back to Luoyang and see your mother and wife. They often talk about you."

Patting Fan Lihua on the shoulder, Fan Xin turned his eyes to Chidu, whose expression changed slightly and sneered.

"You Han people often say that everyone is destined to die. It may be heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a chicken feather. If you have the guts, give me a good death."

Then he closed his eyes.

Fan Xin didn't care about this and waved his hand to call Zhang Huan.

"Since this Tubo general wants to commit suicide, please grant him his wish."

"Yes, Lord Guo."

Zhang Huan sneered and drew out his sword and struck Chidu. Just when the sword was about to split his head, Chidu, who had closed his eyes and waited for death, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Wait a minute, I thought about it. You Han people also have a saying, which is that those who understand current affairs are heroes. I want to be a hero!"

Everyone looked at each other and burst into laughter.

Facts have proved that it is human nature to be greedy for life and afraid of death. Under Zhang Huan's threats, Chidu obediently walked out of the room and ordered the remaining Tibetan soldiers to throw away their weapons and surrender.

After taking over Fuqi City, Fan Xin's first thing was to strengthen the city's defense, because the next main battle was the highlight.

It was also a key battle to decide who was the owner of this land, Datang and Tubo.

"My lord, in addition to those who died in the battle, we have captured more than 6,000 people in total. Do you want to kill them all?"

Zhang Huan came over and asked.

"Keep them first. With these prisoners here, Chita will be restricted when attacking Fuqi City. Tell the brothers to step up repairs."

"Once Chita finds out that he has been tricked, he will definitely fight back. Then a war related to the fate of the country will be waiting for us!" (End of this chapter)

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