Fan Xin didn't ask any questions, just opened the door and walked into the lobby of the Governor's Mansion.

The place is also full of people, but compared to the outside, the dress and demeanor are obviously at a higher level.

Seeing Yang Feihong coming, they all stood up and handed over their hands.

"See Yang Sima."

"Haha, you don't have to be polite and sit down."

Yang Feihong smiled and said hello, and took Fan Xin to the front seat to sit down.

"How about Mr. Fan, is this your first time seeing such a scene?"

Fan Xin glanced at everyone present, many of whom were wealthy businessmen.

It's hard to imagine what these people will do when they become officials.

After a long time, he sighed softly.

"It's really unimaginable that there is such a place under the bright sky. It's really a great experience."

Yang Feihong echoed with empathy.

"Yes, I was just like you when I attended the first vacancy meeting. I couldn't believe it was true."

"It wasn't until I saw a brothel owner who spent two thousand guan that he became a Master Sigong that I finally woke up."

"In this world, all the hard work and hard work are nonsense. Only money is real!"

"With money, you can be promoted to a higher position and have a lot of wives and concubines. Without money, you are nothing!"

When talking about money, Yang Feihong sounded excited. It was obvious that his experience in officialdom had given him a lot of stimulation.

Yang Feihong coughed when he found Fan Xin looking at him.

"Mr. Fan, when the governor calls out the price later, I will entrust you with the position of chief governor."

"After the matter is completed, I will help you clear your identity and introduce you to an important person..."

Yang Feihong knocked on the table meaningfully and showed a smile that could only be understood.

At this time, an old man in a green shirt walked in from the side door.

His eyes scanned everyone.

"You are all familiar customers, so you naturally understand the process. Governor Duan will sit behind the screen and knock on the spittoon when he sees a suitable bidder."

"Do you have any questions?"

"Mr. Meng, no!" everyone answered in unison.

"Okay, let's get started!"

The old man took a deep breath and picked up three brands from the tray.

"Everyone, these three brands are Wuquan County Magistrate, Guangwu County Magistrate, and Didao County Magistrate. They can be regarded as the three richest counties in Longyou."

"If you want to be the magistrate of these three counties, the starting price is 20,000 yuan!"

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly became high, and several potbellied men immediately raised their hands.

"Twenty-one thousand guan!"

"Twenty-three thousand strings!"

After a fierce bidding process, the black gauze hats of the three county magistrates fell into the hands of the guests at a price of 30,000 guan.

The first sale sold 90,000 copper coins, which made Mr. Meng very happy.

Without even drinking, he picked up ten more brands.

"Everyone, these positions are Sikang, Sihu in the yamen, and positions in the military. The starting price is 30,000 yuan..."

"it is good!"

Everyone shouted hello, rolled up their sleeves, stood on stools and waved the number plates in their hands.

Looking at the lively scene, Fan Xin's face was smiling, but the sadness in his eyes was getting heavier and heavier.

In one morning, the Lanzhou Governor's Office sold sixty positions, earning 1.5 million copper coins!

The amount is so large that it ranks first in the officialdom of the Tang Dynasty!

at last!

After several rounds of auctions, Mr. Meng picked up the last sign.

This sign is different from the previous one. On the red board, there are seven characters written on it: the history of the governor of Wupinlan.

Hiss, the history of Lanzhou! It turned out to be a fifth-grade official position!

Seeing the font on it, all the guests present took a deep breath, with a burning look in their eyes.

No matter how many people work hard to turn their hair gray, they may not be able to become a fifth-grade official.

Unexpectedly, the opportunity is right in front of me now!

Yang Feihong, who had been calm and calm before, became excited now, staring at the sign with his eyes.

After being a Sima for so many years, isn’t it just for this moment?

However, just when everyone was gearing up to compete for the position of governor of Lanzhou, the old man's words were like a basin of cold water poured down on him.

"Everyone must know that Chang Shi is the most powerful person besides the governor."

"Whoever becomes Chang Shi means becoming one of the most powerful people in Lanzhou."

"So the starting price is 150,000 copper coins!"

After hearing these words, everyone's expressions changed drastically, including Yang Feihong.

For them, 150,000 yuan was not only an astronomical figure, but also cost them their lives.

Even if you sell everything, you won't be able to get so much money.

"Master Fan, what do you think?" Yang Feihong cast a questioning look at Fan Xin.

"give it to me."

Fan Xin coughed lightly and said calmly.

"Sixteen thousand strings!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the room turned their attention to Fan Xin and were stunned when they saw that it was a young man wearing white Confucian clothes.

"One hundred and sixty-one thousand guan!" A white-faced scholar fanning himself on the seat said with a smile.

"Mr. Fan, be careful. This man's name is Wang Long and it is said that he has some relationship with the Imperial Guard." Yang Feihong reminded him in a low voice from the side.

Unexpectedly, Fan Xin didn't even look at the other party. He picked up the tea cup and took a sip, Feng Qingyun said calmly.

"Three hundred thousand strings!"

"What! It's doubled!" Upon hearing this quotation, everyone present suddenly stood up and stared at Fan Xin.

There was a look of disbelief in his eyes.

Even the governor Duan behind the screen opened the curtain to reveal half of his face.

As for Yang Feihong, he was even more delighted and proud of his wise decision.

No one expected that this little-known young man would have such strong financial resources.

"It's useless to just bid, you have to see if you can come up with it, otherwise you won't be able to get away with being accused of defying the king's law!

Wang Long sneered, his eyes filled with malice.

Mr. Meng on the stage bowed his hands politely towards Fan Xin.

"Doesn't this young man know his surname?"

"Not talented, Fan Renyan."

"It turns out to be Mr. Fan. The position of governor of Lanzhou is of great importance. Do you think you can..."

Faced with everyone's suspicious looks, Fan Xin didn't care at all. After all, not everyone can come up with 300,000 copper coins.

So with a wave of his hand, he wrote his name on the Chase money ticket he had prepared in advance.

"This is a Datong money ticket issued by the Luoyang Chamber of Commerce. Anyone who holds this ticket can withdraw copper coins and silver coins from various banks under his name. Let's take it for verification."

"How offending!"

The old man cupped his hands and winked at his two subordinates, who went to check with the money stamps.

In about half a stick of incense, the two subordinates returned to the hall and bowed.

"Mr. Meng, after verification that this ticket is authentic, the money can be withdrawn at a bank under the name of Luoyang Chamber of Commerce."

"I understand, please step back first."

Signaling his subordinates to leave, the smile on the old man's face grew stronger.

"Everyone, this vacancy meeting has been successfully concluded. We will see you again in three years."

Seeing the end of the conference, some people who had not bought official positions sighed and left.

The remaining people who had obtained official positions went to go through the formalities with smiles on their faces.

Just as Fan Xin and Yang Feihong were about to leave, the old man said with a smile.

"Yang Changshi, Mr. Fan, and Inspector Duan are waiting for you in the banquet hall. Let's go and have a banquet together?"

Facts have proved that money can not only push people around, but also push people around.

Ever since Fan Xin effortlessly took out a huge sum of 300,000 yuan, he instantly became a guest of the Governor's Mansion. "May I ask, little brother, where is the fairyland? Who is the ancestor?"

At the banquet, Governor Duan put down his wine glass and asked with a smile.

"Back to the governor, I am from Youzhou and have some connections with the Luoyang Chamber of Commerce." Fan Xin said calmly.

The owner of the Luoyang Chamber of Commerce is his wife Princess Taiping.

"It turns out that he has some relationship with the Luoyang Chamber of Commerce. No wonder he is so generous."

Duan Jishi suddenly understood, and the smile on his face became thicker.

Even the way he looked at Fan Xin was different.

Originally, he had doubts about the 300,000 yuan. After all, anyone who could spend so much money was either rich or noble.

If you offend someone you shouldn't offend, wouldn't you be causing trouble for yourself?

Well now, the other party is from the famous Luoyang Chamber of Commerce. Although his background cannot be underestimated, there is no danger to him.

Therefore, his attitude was a bit warmer than before.

Sitting aside, Yang Feihong, who had just become the chief minister, poured a glass of wine for the two of them.

"Brother Fan, do you still remember the big shot that Brother Wei told you about?"

"Remember, is that what you are referring to?" Fan Xin pretended to be surprised and pointed at Duan Jishi.

"Haha, yes, it's the local governor Duan!"

Yang Feihong laughed, his face suddenly tightened, and he said solemnly.

"Brother Fan, I originally planned to recommend you to study in the Imperial College, but then I left it alone."

"But seeing that you and I are quite compatible, I made an exception and asked for a chance to be a governor."

"How do you feel about asking him to give you some guidance and become a promising official in the future?"

Fan Xinxin sneered, what a coincidence, it was just because of his own money.

Do you really think his money is so easy to get?

But on the surface Fan Xin still looked grateful.

He bowed to Governor Duan and gave a salute.

"I hope Governor Duan can point me to a clear path!"

"Haha, Mr. Fan doesn't need to be polite. It's only right for you and me to help you as soon as we meet."

After helping Fan Xin to his seat, Governor Duan stroked his beard and smiled.

"Young Master Fan must know that I have three sources for my talent in the Tang Dynasty."

"I won't talk about the Hongwen Museum and the local official schools. Let's just talk about the most important one, the Imperial College."

"Do you know how many people take the official examination every year?"

Fan Xin shook his head, he really didn't know this.

"Three thousand five hundred people!"

Governor Duan said with a serious face, "There are 3,500 people from the East and West prisons taking the official examination every year."

"And the number of people admitted after the announcement was only 128!"

Fan Xin didn't expect the concubine exam to be so cruel. More than 3,500 talents were admitted and more than 100 were admitted, which was indeed a bit less.

As if he knew what Fan Xinxin was thinking, Governor Duan continued.

"Master Fan, you think these 128 people are few, right? It's actually less than this."

"Oh? Why is this?" Fan Xin asked in confusion.

"Of course it is reserved for the royal family and nobles. The children of these families have already reserved their places from the day they enter school."

"Only a dozen or so people are left for the poor family!"

This time Fan Xin was finally moved. More than 3,000 students took the exam, but in the end only more than 100 were admitted, which itself was already very few.

Unexpectedly, most of them have already been confirmed.

No wonder only a few of the 320 ministers of fifth rank or above in the court came from poor families, and their emotional roots are here.

Seeing that the heat was almost over, Duan Cishi changed the subject.

"Mr. Fan, it's not that I look down on you. Under normal circumstances, even if you enter the Imperial College, you will just accompany you."

"It's very difficult to pass the exam!"

Looking at Governor Duan with a thoughtful look on his face, Fan Xin's expression kept changing.

Finally he held his hand and gritted his teeth.

"It's about the future. I hope Duan Jishi's gang will help. I'll be grateful once it's done!"

This was what Duan Jishi was waiting for, and he chuckled when he heard the words.

"Look, we're separated. We hit it off right away. How could I just stand by and watch?"

"Well, tomorrow I will receive a big shot from Luoyang at Yanlailoulou. You can go with me."

"Remember to perform well and I guarantee you will stand out in the official examination afterwards!"

Fan Xin was overjoyed and immediately stood up and handed over his hand.

"Thank you, Governor Duan, I'll cover all the expenses for tomorrow's entertainment!"

Governor Duan smiled without saying a word and picked up the tea cup on the table.

Seeing this, Fan Xin said goodbye and left.

Looking at his back, Governor Duan's face gradually darkened.

"Yang Changshi, have you checked this person's details? Is he reliable?"

"Returning to the governor, I have checked the position. This person is indeed called Fan Renyan, and he is a distant relative of Yingniang, the president of the Luoyang Chamber of Commerce."

"He has an innocent origin and is not a spy of the imperial court."

Governor Duan was visibly relieved when he heard that Fan Xin was a merchant.

"This is best. What we are doing is a beheading business. We must be careful in everything. Send someone to the local Luoyang Chamber of Commerce to explore this guy's background in the name of saving money."

"Subordinate to obey!"

After leaving the governor's office, Yang Feihong led a team of plainclothes officers to the Lanzhou Luoyang branch.

"Hey, isn't this Yang Changshi? I was just about to go to my house to congratulate you, but I didn't expect you to come."

Facing the shopkeeper's compliment, Yang Feihong sat proudly on the chair and slowly took out the 300,000-pass ticket.

"Shopkeeper Li, this is the pass issued by Mr. Fan of your association. Can you check it?"

"Mr. Fan?" The shopkeeper was startled, a little confused.

"It's Fan Renyan. He said that with this ticket, he can come to your place to withdraw money."

Yang Feihong frowned and reminded.

Shopkeeper Li took the pass from the other party and took a look at the writing on it.

He was stunned at just one glance, and then his whole body became excited.

"Master Fan is not dead, that's great! God bless, there is finally news!"

Seeing this scene, the last doubt in Yang Feihong's heart disappeared.

He knew that Fan Renyan was attacked by horse bandits on the way, and people who wanted to come to the Luoyang Chamber of Commerce thought he was dead.

In this way, he finally met what Fan Renyan said.

After thinking about this, Yang Feihong said with a smile.

"Shopkeeper Li, don't worry. Although the young master of your chamber of commerce was slightly injured, he is not seriously injured and will be back in a few days.

Shopkeeper Li wiped his tears, returned the pass to Yang Feihong, and said with emotion.

"Thank you Yang Changshi for bringing the news. I can finally have a good sleep."

"You go back first. The three hundred thousand copper coins will definitely be transported to the Governor's Mansion within five hours."

"In this case, I will take my leave now."

"Go slowly, don't send me away!"

After sending Yang Feihong away, shopkeeper Li immediately said to the waiters.

"Quick, tell Director Li of the Intelligence Department this news immediately!"

"Just say that we have found traces of His Highness King Yan!"

"Let him get to Lanzhou as quickly as possible!

"I obey my orders!"

The clerks cupped their fists and disappeared into the store...

(End of this chapter)

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