The next day, early morning.

Fan Xin woke up from his sleep and saw that the little girl had not come back yet, so he kicked Li Ci who was sleeping soundly.

"It's almost midnight, why hasn't your sister come back yet? Nothing will happen, right?"

Li Ci turned over, chuckled, and said disapprovingly.

"What can happen to a living person? Don't worry about her getting enough sleep and coming back."

"What do you mean by that?" Fan Xin frowned and said calmly.

He had always been confused about how Xiaoshi spent all night cleaning people's dung buckets in order to support his younger brother's education.

Why does this kid have such a disapproving attitude?

"What else can it mean? Of course it means it literally."

Li Ci snorted coldly, turned over and covered himself with the quilt.

Fan Xin was about to ask further when Yang Feihong's voice suddenly came from outside the thatched cottage.

"Brother Fan, are you here? Governor Duan invites you to come."

Fan Xin glanced at Li Ci, put on his clothes and walked out.

Since he had to meet an important guest today, Yang Feihong put on a brocade Confucian robe.

Seeing Fan Xin wearing coarse linen clothes, he smiled and joked.

"It is said that the richer a person is, the more low-key he is. Brother Fan is too low-key. I can't compare to you as a brother."

"Yang Changshi is too modest. I'm just used to it. Let's go."


The two of them got on the sedan and walked towards Yanlai Tower one after another.

When I arrived here, I saw several officials from the governor's office standing at the door. One of the old men was Mr. Meng, who was presiding over the vacancy meeting.

"How about Mr. Meng, have the distinguished guests from Luoyang arrived?"

After looking around, Yang Feihong asked in a low voice.

"The master of the palace is entertaining distinguished guests from Luoyang inside, Yang Changshi, Mr. Fan, please come with me, remember to be careful in your words and deeds."

After sizing up the two of them, Mr. Meng turned around and walked towards Yan Lai's building.

Yang Feihong poked Fan Xin, and the two followed him.

The group of people arrived at the private room on the second floor and were stopped by two burly men holding their arms.

"Who are these two?"

Facing the two guards, Mr. Meng changed his usual dignity and said with a smile.

"Two generals, these two are Yang Changshi and Mr. Fan from Luoyang Chamber of Commerce."

"It turns out to be the famous young shopkeeper of the Luoyang Chamber of Commerce. Gee, it's really rare."

The two guards looked at Fan Xin from top to bottom and nodded secretly.

His eyes are deep and his bearing is extraordinary. At first glance, he looks like a man who has seen the world.

"You guys wait here for a moment, and I, the general, will go in and make a report."

"Thank you, General."

Looking at the guard's back, Mr. Meng whispered.

"Yang Changshi, Mr. Fan, don't look at these two people wearing plain clothes. Their true identity is the fourth-grade Qianniu Guards Lieutenant General."

"Hiss! Such a high level?"

Yang Feihong took a breath and turned pale with fright. He was just a local official. He had never seen such a high-level general.

"Of course, even the governor has to respect them."

Mr. Meng looked very worried.

Seeing Fan Xin's face was calm and unconcerned, he kindly reminded him.

"Mr. Fan, you are a merchant and have never been exposed to officialdom. You don't know the pros and cons of the fourth rank. You must be cautious when you enter. Do you hear me?"

"Thank you sir, I'll use my discretion."

Fan Xin nodded and smiled calmly.

Mr. Meng shook his head when he saw this. The young man really didn't know the heights of the world. He dared not take Qian Niuwei, a fourth-grade Qian Niuwei, seriously just because his family had a lot of money.

That was a big shot who commanded a whole body of guards and horses.

Just when several people had different thoughts, the door opened and two guards came out.

"Your Majesty has your order, please wait outside the door and let Mr. Fan go in alone."

After saying that, he snorted towards Fan Xin.

"Please, Mr. Fan.

In the envious eyes of everyone, Fan Xin strode in.

In the room, there were singing and dancing, and there were many beauties. Behind the wine table, Governor Duan, dressed as a foreigner, sat at the side.

Beside him, a middle-aged man in his thirties with slender eyebrows and sharp eyes sat in the middle, holding two delicate beauties in his arms.

Seeing Fan Xin coming, Governor Duan waved to him.

"Mr. Fan, this is the Imperial Academy wine minister from Luoyang. Lord Cui Ti, why don't you hurry up and salute."

"Cui Ti?"

Fan Xin was stunned. He vaguely remembered that this guy worked as an assistant officer in Fengge Luantai for a period of time, and later joined his wife.

I didn't expect that after not seeing each other for just a year, I would actually sneak into the Imperial College to offer wine.

But I have never been to Fengge Luantai, so this guy shouldn't recognize me.

Suppressing the strangeness in his heart, Fan Xin calmly lowered his hand.

"I, Fan Renyan, have seen Cui Jijiu!"

Cui Ti stopped her movements and waved to the singer.

"You go down first."

"It's Master Cui."

When there were only three people left in the room, Cui Ti stared at Fan Xindao expressionlessly.

"Boy, why do you look familiar to me? Have we met somewhere?"

"Back to Mr. Cui, I am the shopkeeper of the Luoyang Chamber of Commerce. I often travel to Luoyang on various occasions. It is not surprising that you have seen me.

Fan Xin mentioned the Luoyang Chamber of Commerce because the Chamber of Commerce often participated in royal banquets and there were too many people coming and going, so it was not easy for flaws to be exposed.

"is it?"

Cui Di's eyes flickered a few times and he asked.

"By the way, the last time I saw Mr. Yingniang, I gave him several jars of Sanlejiang. I wonder how he drank?"

Fan Xinxin sneered and said lightly.

"Mr., you have so many things to do every day, you must have misremembered. The shopkeeper doesn't drink alcohol at all, so how could she like to drink Sanlejiang?"

Cui Ti was startled, looked at each other and suddenly burst out laughing.

"How about Mr. Cui, isn't my little brother a nice guy?"

"That's right, that's right. With this determination alone, you will definitely not be an ordinary person in the future."

After finishing speaking, Cui Ti turned to Fan Xin and coughed.

"Boy, since you were introduced by Lao Duan, I won't beat around the bush with you."

"Let's open the gate and speak frankly. I am the Imperial Academy's Jijiujiu, in charge of the great cause of the imperial examination, and I have the support of the royal family and all the veterans behind me."

"If you want to enter an official career, I can help you, okay?"

Fan Xin said calmly.

"I want to be the number one scholar, how much money should I give you as a tribute?"

Unexpectedly, Cui Ti laughed and waved her hand.

"Boy, you are mistaken. I am not the one who wants your money."

"I just use your money to do your business."

"Think about how many procedures you have to go through from leaking test questions to grading and then to the palace exam. Can someone help you do it without spending some money?"

"Besides, there are more than 3,800 candidates, and there is only one champion. If I don't take care of it, why should it fall on you?"

Governor Duan on the side echoed.

"Mr. Fan, there are no outsiders here. Let me tell you straight."

"In previous years, the top pick was 80,000 guan, the second was 50,000 guan, and the numbers below the top three were reduced in descending order."

"If you want to stand out from the crowd of competitors, you have to spend some money."

Faced with the chorus between the two, Fan Xin took out a Chamber of Commerce pass and slapped it on the table.

"This is 100,000 yuan, and I will give you another 20,000 yuan when the deal is done! How about it?" "Okay! I like to deal with people like Brother Fan. It's a pleasure!"

Cui Ti stuffed the Luoyang Pass into her arms, patted her chest and promised.

"Don't worry, brother, I will give you a copy of the test questions before tomorrow evening."

"The answers have been specially discussed by our people. You only need to fill them in when the time comes."

Fan Xin hesitated for a moment and expressed his doubts.

"Mr. Cui, although I am proficient in business, I am not good at writing articles. What if I make a mistake?"

However, what surprised Fan Xin was that Cui Ti waved her hand indifferently.

"It doesn't matter, as long as the examiner sees your name on the paper, he will take the initiative to help you write the article."

"Then report to Fengge Luantai and help you determine the ranking of the number one scholar."

Seeing that Fan Xin still had doubts, Governor Duan on the side smiled and comforted him.

"Brother, there is no need to doubt our credibility. When it comes to getting money to do things, no one is more trustworthy than Cui Jijiu."

"Even if something goes wrong when releasing the results, we will try our best to compensate you."

Fan Xin knew that if he wanted to find out the details of these people, he had to get involved personally.

Only in this way can we wipe out all the worms in these countries.

So he spoke.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you two to get the top spot in the next exam. The Luoyang Chamber of Commerce will definitely thank you greatly when it happens."

Hearing the words "Thank you", Cui Ti's face smiled like a flower.

"I like people like me, clean and tidy!"

"Come here, call out the top singer from Hua Man Lou and ask her to perform a dress dance for Brother Fan."

As the vocal music sounded, a group of graceful women in tulle slowly appeared on the stage, with the spring scenery looming as their bodies danced...

Duan Jishi stroked his beard and said with a smile.

"I don't know what I know. The number one in Hua Man Lou is a rare beauty in the world. She has a unique charm about her."

When he said this, his eyes lit up, he pointed at the door and laughed.

"Look, this isn't coming..."

Following the direction of his finger, Fan Xin looked up. When he saw the woman coming in clearly, the smile completely froze on his face.

There was a deep look of disbelief in his eyes.

Because the person who came in was the little poetry girl that I got to know day and night!

The latter obviously didn't expect to see him here, and his pretty face instantly turned pale.

Duan Jishi, who had no idea about this, laughed.

"Miss Shi, today is the day when I receive distinguished guests. You have to show off your skills..."

After coming back to her senses, Xiaoshi took a deep look at Fan Xin and lowered her eyes slightly.

"Prince Duan, the Nu family has been feeling unwell recently. Can we talk about it in a few days?"


Governor Duan's smile faded and his expression was gloomy.

"Miss Shi, if it weren't for my care, how could your brother study in Hongwen Hall?"

"Now that he is about to take the official examination, you have to think carefully..."

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Shi lowered her head and her delicate body trembled, as if she was hit in her weak point by these words.

a long time,

He slowly raised his head and smiled.

"That's all. Since the master of the palace wants to listen, I will perform a dress dance for you and the distinguished guest."

"Okay, this makes sense." Inspector Duan was overjoyed and said to Cui Ti and Fan Xin.

"Mr. Cui, Mr. Fan, this girl Shiyun is a beauty in the world. You will know after a while."

"Hehe, I'll just wait and see."

Cui Ti rubbed her hands and stared at Xiaoshi with burning eyes.

Only Fan Xin said nothing and looked at the woman in front of him calmly.

As the vocal music sounded again, Xiaoshi flicked her long sleeves and spun around in circles.

The gentle tone of words sounded from his mouth.

"Don't you see me dancing gracefully...

"Don't you see, I'm playing drums and singing loudly...

At the beginning, Governor Duan and others listened with smiles.

But as I listened, I realized something was wrong. This was not a seductive strip dance.

It is clearly the tragic story of a woman who has no face to see her lover again.

"Prince Duan, is this the seductive method you mentioned?"

Cui Ti leaned on the bed and said dissatisfied.

"Don't be upset about Cui Jijiu, I will make arrangements right away." Duan Jishi smiled bitterly and said to Xiao Shi with a gloomy face.

"Take off your clothes and dance for me!"

Hearing this, Xiao Shi, who was dancing gracefully in the room, paused for a moment.

Her beautiful eyes looked at Fan Xin with tears in her eyes, the tune became lighter and lighter...

"Heaven has mercy on me, why let you and I meet at this time..."

After singing the song, Xiao Shi reached for the button with trembling hands, refusing to untie it.

Seeing this, Governor Duan was furious, stood up suddenly and gritted his teeth.

"I order you to jump for me!"

"Hey, what are you doing, Governor Duan? I like this kind of stubbornness. Come on, let me teach you!"

Pushing Governor Duan aside, Cui Ti took off her official hat and walked towards Xiao Shi with a smile.

"Little lady, no one can help you here."

As soon as he finished speaking, he pounced on the little lamb like a hungry wolf...

Suddenly, a hand grasped his wrist, and when he looked back, he found Fan Xin, who was silent.

"Brother Fan, you?" Cui Ti looked puzzled.

"Mr. Cui, I fell in love with this girl at first sight. How about being a beautiful adult?"

Fan Xin said with a smile.


Cui Ti was stumped for a moment. He had been in official circles for many years, and he had never seen such a blind boy.

Even though he had made his attitude clear, this boy still dared to fight for love.

What is this for?

Realizing that something was not going well, Governor Duan hurriedly stepped forward to smooth things over.

"Cui Jiejiu, sir, you have a lot of wine. Don't be as knowledgeable as Mr. Fan."

"As a young man, you will inevitably become a little more angry when you see a woman. You must not be like him."

Speaking of this, the governor winked at Cui Ti, reminding him that this guy was a big benefactor and must not be offended.

Cui Ti is a person who knows how to advance and retreat. Naturally, she will not be troubled by a woman and hundreds of thousands of dollars.

He immediately let go of his hand and smiled.

"That's all, since Brother Fan likes this little girl, I won't get involved."

"You guys go out and have some fun. I need to relax."

Coming out of the room, Governor Duan glared at Xiao Shi and pulled Fan Xin aside.

"Master Fan, you are too reckless. What does a woman mean? Why should you offend Cui Jijiu because of this?"

Fan Xin smiled bitterly and cupped his hands.

"This is a difficult matter for you, sir. When you send the money later, you will give me an extra copy."

As soon as he heard that he was being given an extra portion, the anger on Governor Duan's face disappeared instantly.

He patted Fan Xin on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Master Fan, what are you talking about? You are the person recommended by me. If I don't help you, who will help you?"

"Get ready. In a few days there will be an exam for the Imperial College to admit students."

"You go through the formalities first, and I'll help you with the operation when you enter the Imperial College!"

(End of this chapter)

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