On the way back to the hut, Fan Xin and Xiao Shi walked side by side on the road.

It wasn't until she saw her home that Xiao Shi took the initiative to break the silence.

"Mr. Fan, do you think I'm a particularly dirty person?"

Under Xiaoshi's nervous gaze, Fan Xin hesitated and didn't know how to speak.

He was afraid that his unintentional words would hurt this kind girl.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Shi's eyes flashed with sadness, and she forced a smile.

"Forget it, forget it, the whole city of Lanzhou thinks this girl is dirty, and you are not the only one."

"Let's go back."

Looking at the lonely back, Fan Xin sighed and chased after him.

Seeing that his sister and Fan Xin were back, Li Ci changed his previous attitude.

He hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

"Sister, has Governor Duan agreed to let me go to the Imperial Academy?"

Thinking of the previous scene, Xiaoshi shook her head.

"I don't know whether Inspector Duan has agreed or not. Anyway, just take the exam yourself."

Seeing that there was no hope of going to the Imperial College, Li Ci's face instantly turned pale and his eyes were dull.

"It's over, it's over. This year, there are only ten places in Lanzhou to be recommended to the Imperial Academy. Now I have no hope at all."

Speaking of this, Li Ci seemed to remember something and suddenly raised his head to look at his sister.

"Sister, why don't you dress a little more revealing and go to beg Governor Duan again? What if he agrees?"

Xiaoshi looked at her brother blankly, her heart completely turned cold. She never dreamed that she would be allowed to enter the Imperial Academy for herself.

The younger brother actually asked himself to sell his body to Governor Duan.

However, Li Ci, who was in a state of madness, did not notice his sister's pale face at all, and still asked her to see Duan Jishi.

Fan Xin couldn't stand it any longer, so he slapped Li Ci in the face.

"Shut up, you bastard! If you want to get into the Imperial Academy, just rely on your own ability!"

"Your sister doesn't owe you anything!"

"What do you think..." Li Ci was about to scold Fan Xin, but he saw the killing intent in his eyes.

He was so frightened that he quickly shut up and snorted at his sister.

"You wait, three years to the east of the river, three years to the west of the river, don't bully the young man into poverty."

"You will regret it one day when I am named on the gold medal list and become a high-ranking official with a generous salary!"

After that, he flicked his sleeves and robe and ran out.

"Little words!"

"Forget it, let him go. If you are so spoiled, you will hurt him sooner or later."

Fan Xin sighed softly after stopping the poem with reddish eyes.

One night passed, Xiaoshi got up early and made Fan Xin a hot porridge and rice.

And boiled two round eggs.

"I know you are the young shopkeeper of the Luoyang Chamber of Commerce, and your family has a lot of money."

"But I only have porridge and eggs here, so you just have to make do with it."

When it comes to the tone of the poem at the end, I feel a little inferior.

Fan Xin smiled and drank all the porridge in the bowl. Finally, he put two eggs in his pocket and prepared to eat them when he was hungry for the exam.

Before going out, Fan Xin said seriously to Xiaoshi.

"In my life, I have seen mountains of gold and silver seas, and I have eaten things that even the emperor has never eaten."

"However, there is no delicacy in the world that can compare to your bowl of porridge and eggs!"

After saying that, he got on the sedan chair and headed towards Hongwen Hall.

Looking at the back of the sedan chair as it receded, Xiaoshi had already burst into tears.

"Thank you Mr. Fan, you are the only one in the world who thinks I am clean."

"If there is an afterlife, I will marry you and be a clean wife..."


"Oh, brother Fan, why are you here? It's already half a stick of incense after the closing time of the examination room."

Seeing Fan Xin coming, Yang Feihong breathed a long sigh of relief and hurriedly stepped forward to help Fan Xin walk to the mountain gate.

"I'm sorry Yang Changshi, the exam is almost over, right?"

Fan Xin asked sheepishly, holding his stomach.

Hearing this, Yang Feihong smiled.

"Are you there yet? Governor Duan and Cui Jijiu have told you when you will take the exam."

"This exam is specially prepared for you, and everyone else is running with you."

While talking, the two came to the examination room, where Duan Jishi and Cui Ti were already waiting.

As soon as I saw him coming, I immediately waved my sleeves and announced the start of the exam.

In an instant, hundreds of officers with sabers walked into the examination room, each staring at a candidate.

When it was Fan Xin's turn, Governor Duan came over in person.

"Brother, don't be nervous. This exam is just a formality."

Saying this and waving, Yang Feihong came over holding an identical paper.

"The answers above are from the Imperial College. I guarantee you will pass smoothly. Just copy them."

"Thank you, Governor Duan..." Fan Xin cupped his hands gratefully and was about to copy it.

I don't want my stomach to growl again.

"Prince, look at this..."

"It's okay. Let's go to the toilet first. I'll ask Yang Changshi to help you answer the paper..."

An exam related to the fate of life was posted on the notice wall by the government after Fan Xin went to the latrine twice.

Not surprisingly, Fan Xin won the first place, and several other unofficial candidates were also written on it.

Seeing that they were admitted to the Imperial College, all the successful candidates cheered.

But those real candidates who failed shook their heads and lamented the fate of fate.

"Congratulations to Brother Fan for winning the top spot. Should we set off for the Imperial Academy?"

Cui Ti asked with a smile.

"Cui Jijiu, please wait a moment. I'll go back and say goodbye first."

After handing over to Cui Ti, Fan Xin hurried all the way back to the thatched cottage. Although it was a lie, he still wanted to tell Xiao Shi the good news.

Unfortunately, the thatched cottage has long been empty, leaving only a big rusty lock.

At this time, an old man came over, put down his hoe and said.

"Young man, please call me Fan Renyan. The girl who lives here asked the old man to tell you, don't look back and keep moving forward!"

"She is not worthy of you in this life. She will be your wife in the next life!"

Fan Xin took a deep breath, took out an egg from his arms and handed it to the old man with both hands.

"Old man, tell Xiaoshi, it's not that her body is dirty, it's that the world is dirty."

"One day I will eradicate the ugliness in this world and restore a bright and prosperous world to the Tang Dynasty!"

"By then she can live innocently!"

"Also, please tell her my real name is Fan Xin."

"When he becomes the most powerful person in the world, he will definitely welcome her to live in Zhonglie Mansion in a glorious manner."

"Anyone who violates these words will be punished by both humans and gods!"

After saying these words, Fan Xin walked towards the official road without looking back.

Looking away from him, the old man sighed and opened the hay on the firewood pile.

"Daughter, such a good young man is rare in the world. If you miss this village, you won't have this shop."

"Grandpa Meng!"

There are only little poems and loud cries left in the empty wilderness...


"Mr. Fan, it's getting late. We should hit the road. There isn't much time left for the talent selection ceremony in Luoyang."

Noticing that Fan Xin kept looking back, Cui Ti shook the horse's reins and reminded him with a smile.


The road was long, and half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the majestic city in front of her, Cui Ti let out a long sigh of relief.

"I'm finally back. Although Lanzhou is making money, it can't cope with the acclimatization."

"Brother Fan, I have always been yearning for your house. Can you come and ask for a drink of water?"

Faced with Cui Ti's inquiry, Fan Xin smiled slightly. "Of course. I just want my brother to thank Cui Jijiu for his support."

Although I knew this person was cautious, I didn't expect him to be so suspicious.

As soon as I returned to Luoyang, I couldn't wait to test myself.

Seeing that Fan Xin didn't hesitate at all, Cui Ti became slightly less vigilant and said with a smile on her face.

"Forget it, I'm just going to bother you for my brother's sake, come on!"

After a brief conversation, the team headed towards Luoyang City again.

As you enter the city gate, the bustling noise suddenly hits your face.

The crowded streets are full of people passing by.

When passing a pork stall, Fan Xin reined in his horse and stopped the team.

"What's wrong, brother, why are you stopping here?" Cui Ti was puzzled.

"I don't know about the sacrificial wine. My brother likes to eat sausages. I'll buy him a bunch of them."

"Oh, that's it. This is the first time I've heard of someone willing to eat this stuff."

Cui Ti smiled, showing a hint of realization.

But his eyes never left Fan Xin.

Fan Xin laughed under the former's gaze.

"Shopkeeper, why are you blushing in such a cold weather?"

The butcher smiled flatteringly, nodded and bowed.

"Go back, sir, you are in high spirits when a distinguished guest comes to your door!"

"Then why is it yellow again?"

"Wax for cold protection!"

Fan Xin chuckled lightly: "Your boss knows what's good and what's good. Come on, wrap up this bunch of pig intestines for me."

"Okay, wait a minute!"

The butcher was overjoyed and quickly wrapped the pig intestines in butter paper, then respectfully handed it to Fan Xin with both hands.

"Sir, are you the one who lives in the Taipingfang Chamber of Commerce compound?


After taking the package, Fan Xin nodded and smiled at Cui Ti.

"Cui Jijiu, let's go. My brother will be very happy to see us later."

"Haha, that's exactly what I meant!"

After the team took two turns on the street, they finally arrived at Taipingfang Luoyang Chamber of Commerce.


"Cui Jijiu, we're here!" Fan Xin glanced at the big words "Luoyang Chamber of Commerce" on the plaque and reined in the reins.

"Tsk tsk, it is indeed the Luoyang Chamber of Commerce that is famous all over the country. This mansion alone can't stop it with 200,000 yuan."

Looking at the magnificent Chamber of Commerce compound in front of her, Cui Ti said with unabashed envy.

"Haha, Cui Jijiu is so humble. You can make a lot of money every day just by taking the imperial examination. Naturally, you can live in a mere house."

After saying that, Fan Xin walked up the steps and said to the servant.

"Tell the boss that I'm back."

"You are not..."

"Shh, I want to give the big shopkeeper a surprise, go ahead."

Fan Xin patted the servant and gave him a meaningful look.

The latter nodded sharply and ran towards the courtyard, shouting.

"The third shopkeeper is back! Everyone, come out quickly!"

In a moment, the middle door of the chamber of commerce opened wide, and hundreds of servants in blue robes filed out from both sides.

The collective bowed down and prostrated.

"Congratulations to welcome the third shopkeeper back home!"

Amidst the deafening congratulations, the big shopkeeper Yingniang ran out of the door.

When he saw Fan Xin really coming back, his eyes immediately became moist.

"Yan...Third shopkeeper, are you okay?"

Fan Xin nodded with a smile on his lips.

"I'm back, big shopkeeper."

"Just come back. Just come back. You don't know how difficult it is at home these days."

"After hearing that something happened to you outside, several high-ranking officials went crazy and sent thousands of people to look for you."

"It's a pity that only your sword and the body of the guard were recovered. Only now does everyone believe that you are really dead."

Wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes, Yingniang glanced at the smiling Cui Ti and was suddenly startled.

"Hey, Cui Jijiu, why are you here?"

As the chief shopkeeper of the Luoyang Chamber of Commerce, Yingniang recognized the identity of the person at a glance.

"The great shopkeeper has a good memory. You still remember me. I came back with the third shopkeeper of your chamber of commerce."

Unlike Fan Xin, Cui Ti had a hint of respect in her words when facing Ying Niang.

After all, the latter is Princess Taiping's butler.

"Since Cui Jijiu came back with the third shopkeeper, go in quickly and have a glass of thin wine so that I can fulfill my duty as a landlord."

"This will disturb the big shopkeeper."

After the group entered the chamber of commerce compound, Ying Niang immediately ordered people to prepare a sumptuous palace banquet, which made Cui Ti secretly dumbfounded.

At the same time, he became even more determined to win over Fan Renyan, the God of Wealth.

After three drinks and five dishes, two gray-haired old men walked into the living room with the support of the maid.

As soon as they met, Fan Xin held Fan Xin in his arms and shed tears.

Behind them, a plump woman hugged her child and cried too.

"Don't blame Cui Jijiu, who has been loved by the old man since he was a child. He couldn't sleep all night after hearing about the accident."

"Now that I have returned safely, it is inevitable that I will feel a little sad."

Yingniang poured a glass of wine for Cui Ti with a smile, and the latter picked up the glass flattered.

"The boss's words are serious. It is human nature to feel sadness and joy when family members are reunited."

"Come, I'll give you a toast!"

Putting down the wine cup, Cui Ti glanced at the sky and bowed her hand politely.

"I still have something to do, so I won't delay your family reunion. I'll contact you in a few days and say goodbye."

Since there is no problem with Fan Renyan's identity, he no longer needs to stay here.

Lanzhou and his party received two hundred thousand copper coins, and he had to give the money to the people above him as soon as possible.

When Cui Ti left, the white-haired couple who were holding Fan Xin in tears suddenly stopped wailing and knelt down on one knee.

Immediately afterwards, the butlers and servants around the hall bowed down one after another.

"Deputy Director of the Intelligence Department, Mei Chaoxue, Mei Chaofeng!

"My subordinates, Qianniu Guards Zhonglang General, Ma Liang, Zhang Xian..."

"See His Highness King Yan! General Tiance!"

"Everyone, get up." Fan Xin waved his sleeves and robe, signaling everyone to get up.

"Mother Ying, what's going on with Admiral Tiance? Please tell me one by one."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Yingniang bowed and whispered in Fan Xin's ear.

a long time.

Fan Xin took a deep breath, suppressed the melancholy in his heart and said.

"I am investigating an earth-shattering scientific expedition case. It is forbidden to reveal the news that I am still alive before knowing the details of the other party."

"Did you hear that?"

"I obey my orders!"


On the other hand, Cui Ti returned to the mansion, took a bath, and smoked it with sandalwood for a while.

Then he carried a suitcase and walked towards Princess Taiping's Mansion.

Since the news of Fan Xin's death came back, Princess Taiping has been depressed for a long time.

This gave Cui Ti, who had always been thinking about Princess Taiping, a glimmer of hope.

So I took the huge sum of money I just received to show my courtesy.

"Go in and tell Her Highness the Princess that Cui Ti is back from Lanzhou!"

"Cui Jijiu, please wait a moment. The Za family will report to Her Highness the Princess."

(End of this chapter)

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