In the mansion, the main hall.

The once bustling hall became deserted, and Princess Taiping stood in front of the wall, staring blankly at the portrait above.

The portrait shows a handsome man with a smile on his face.

"Husband-in-law, it must be very cold under the cliff of Fuqi City. I don't know if you can get used to it..."

As he spoke, a cold teardrop dripped down his cheek and fell to the ground, splashing a cloud of dust.

At this time, the palace door opened, and the chief steward Fan An came over and said softly.

"Your Highness Princess, Cui Jijiu from the Imperial College is asking to see you. Look..."

"Let him come in." Princess Taiping wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and her face regained its cool look.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness."

Not long after Fan An left, Cui Ti, dressed in white Confucian shirt, walked into the hall.

There is a sense of suaveness in his behavior.

"Cui Ti, the Imperial Academy's sacrificial wine, has met Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

"No need to be polite, how is the Lanzhou group doing?"

Cui Ti straightened up, opened the box and took out an account book from inside.

"Back to Your Highness, Lanzhou and other officials collected a total of more than 200,000 copper coins, which is 80% more than in previous years!"

"so much!"

Princess Taiping was startled and secretly took a breath of cold air.

Cui Ti also said with emotion: "Yes, there were not so many originally."

"Thanks to the governor of Lanzhou for introducing a very rich young man to my subordinates."

"This man's surname is Fan. He is a wealthy businessman. In order to stand out and get the first prize, he specially gave his subordinate 200,000 guan of copper coins."

When talking about Fan Xin, Cui Ti still felt excited and sighed.

However, the speaker accidentally heard that the young man's surname was Fan and he was a wealthy businessman. Princess Taiping's heart skipped a beat.


"Is the young man you are talking about King Yan Xin?"

Seemingly knowing what Princess Taiping was thinking, Cui Ti shook her head while feeling jealous.

"Xiaguan thought it was His Highness King Yan at first, but later I realized that I was overthinking it."

"This person is indeed a distant relative of a wealthy merchant, as evidenced by the Lanzhou Governor's Office."

"It's absolutely impossible for him to be the prince-in-law who jumped off a cliff and died for his country."

Seeing Cui Ti's words, Princess Taiping's newly raised hopes were once again dashed.

Yes, thousands of people were sent to search for Fan Xin. They even found the golden dragon sword and his protective armor. How could he still be alive?

It must be that I miss you too much.

After thinking this, Princess Taiping forcibly cheered up and spoke clearly.

"You have done a good job in this matter. I will definitely reward you heavily when the imperial examination is over. Go back and rest first."

Cui Ti was about to step forward to comfort Princess Taiping and increase their relationship.

But he didn't expect the latter to directly issue an order to drive away the guests, so he had to reluctantly salute.

"By the way, I am going to Daxiangguo Temple to offer incense tomorrow morning. Please call Mr. Fan to come."

Cui Ti…………



In the dark hall, Li Longji stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back as if waiting for something.

After an unknown amount of time, a figure pushed open the palace door and walked in.

"Your Majesty, Zhou Tong, is here to see the prince!"

"Get up, how are things going?" Li Longji said calmly.

"Back to your lord, according to the news from the spies of the Prime Minister's Mansion..." Zhou Tong stood up and whispered a few words in Li Longji's ear.

The latter sneered.

"Recently, my aunt has relied on His Majesty's love for her to cultivate her power and interfere in the affairs of the court. I, the king, tolerated it for the sake of family ties."

"I didn't expect that this person would become more and more unscrupulous, and secretly conspired with my eldest brother to send me to the northern border to guard."

"It's just too much!"

"My aunt wants to make a lot of money through the imperial examination, so I will make it happen for her!"

"You immediately choose someone to approach Cui Ti. As long as he can get into the top three, he will pay you as much as you want."

"I would like to see how many lives my aunt has to kill when the lid is lifted in the future!"

At the end, Li Longji's eyes burst out with endless chill.

"Don't worry, my lord, the inner guard met a young man named Li Ci in Lanzhou who was dissatisfied with the exam."

"This person has no ambitions and no brains. If he is promoted to the top three, once exposed in the future, it will definitely shock the court!"

"At that time, even if His Majesty wants to protect Princess Taiping, he will not be able to."

Zhou Tong licked his lips and smiled sinisterly.


Cui Mansion.


After returning home, Cui Ti kicked the maid who came up to her and pressed her down while the latter struggled desperately.

While tearing the other party's skirt, he gritted his teeth.

"You shameless bitch, you don't take me seriously, I will torture you to death!"

"Ah, sir, no!"


Cui Ti's eyes flashed fiercely, and she slapped her hard.

Soon there was a gasp in the room.

After an unknown amount of time, Cui Ti, who was sweating profusely, put on her clothes and glanced at the maid who was huddled in the corner and crying.

He flicked his sleeves and left the bedroom.

"Sir, a middle-aged man who calls himself Shen Wansan is asking to see me. He says he has something to ask for."

"Let him come in." Cui Ti picked up the tea cup and took a slow sip.

Ever since he became the imperial minister, countless people came to him to do business every day.

So the visit was not surprising.

Before the tea was finished, a middle-aged man with a big belly walked into the hall.

"I have admired the name Cui Jijiu for a long time, and today I saw you are really extraordinary."

Hearing this, Cui Ti curled her lips and said indifferently.

"Okay, I don't know how many times I've heard this, so I'd better tell you why you're here."

Shen Wanshan was startled and laughed twice.

"Cui Jijiu is indeed a sweetheart, so let me make it clear."

"I have a son, but his qualifications are not good enough. I would like to ask Cui Jijiu to help him get into the top exam."

"You can ask for the silver you need."

"This one……"

Cui Ti tapped her fingers on the table with a confused look on her face.

"Your Excellency is joking. There is a talent selection ceremony for the imperial court. How dare I teach you privately..."

As if aware of the other party's concerns, Shen Wanshan took out a secret letter from his sleeve.

"I am the cousin of Bingzhou Governor Shen Wanhe. I was recommended by my elder brother."

After opening the letter and taking a look at the contents, Cui Ti finally had a smile on her face after discovering that it was indeed written by the governor of Bingzhou.

"It turns out he's Lao Shen's cousin. I've been negligent. Someone, please bring tea to Mr. Shen."

"Thank you Cui Jijiu, but don't you know about the number one scholar?"

Cui Ti's smile faded and she sighed: "Logically, I should help you, but you came too late."

"The number one pick has been bought for 200,000 yuan."

"What! Such a thing happened?"

Shen Wansan stood up suddenly, his face turning blue and white.

He gritted his teeth and held his fists for a long time.

"Sacrifice the wine. The top prize in high school is a matter of great honor for our Shen family. I am willing to spend 250,000 yuan to regain this position. Please grant me your permission!"

Cui Ti's face was uncertain, sometimes she gritted her teeth, and sometimes she looked hesitant. Finally, he slapped the table hard.

"Deal! Who do you want to be the top pick?"

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Shen Wansan's lips curved into a mysterious smile that was difficult to detect.

"Returning to the sacrifice of wine, Quanzi Shen Ci grew up in Lanzhou. This is his guide and certificate."

After glancing at the content above, Cui Ti didn't take it too seriously. As long as his identity was reliable and there was money to be made, he didn't have any problem with it being a pig.

"Okay, Mr. Shen, I have official duties to attend to. Please prepare the money first and wait for notification in a few days."

"Then please Cui Jijiu!"

After watching Shen Wansan leave, the old housekeeper hesitated and said.

"In honor of the wine, let's hand over the position of number one scholar to Shen Wansan, what about Fan Renyan...?"

Cui Ti sneered.

"Of course it's official business. Since ancient times, the one with the highest price gets it. Even if Fan Renyan finds out, he can't blame me."

"Okay, go to the Luoyang Chamber of Commerce and tell Fan Renyan that Princess Taiping will go to Daxiangguo Temple to offer incense tomorrow and ask him to accompany her."

"Hmph, this guy who smells like copper is really annoying."

The next day, early morning.

Cui Ti arrived at Luoyang Chamber of Commerce early and was surprised to see Fan Xin's sallow face.

"Hey, brother Fan, what's wrong with you? Didn't you have a good time when you were drinking yesterday?"

"Brother, I almost don't recognize you."

Fan covered his mouth with a handkerchief and coughed, apologetically.

"I'm sorry Cui Jijiu, I caught a cold in Lanzhou... cough cough...

Cui Ti suppressed the disgust in her heart and waved her hands.

"Brother, you are too careless. Let's go. It will be time for Her Royal Highness to set off soon."

"Okay, let's go."

The two got on the sedan and went all the way to the Prime Minister's Mansion.

At this time, flags were already flying here and there were many guards.

Fan An frowned when he saw Cui Ti coming with a masked man with a sallow face.

"Cui Jijiu, Her Royal Highness the Princess wants you to take Mr. Fan with you on the ride, please?"

"Thank you, General Manager Fan!" Cui Ti tugged on Fan Xin's sleeve.

"Brother Fan, let's go up. Don't keep His Highness waiting."

The imperial sword is exclusively for the emperor and cannot be used by anyone except the emperor.

But as the emperor's favorite sister, Princess Taiping was not among them.

This is why Cui Ti was so happy that her nose was filled with snot.

As the two of them entered the palace, Princess Taiping, who was wearing a cyan tube top and a red dress, slowly opened her eyes.

His eyes glanced at Cui Ti, and finally fell on Fan Xin.

When those familiar eyes came into view, Princess Taiping was stunned.

Then a mist filled her beautiful eyes.

Aren't these the eyes that haunt the dream? How could there be two people so similar in the world?

"Your Highness the Princess seems to know Fan?" Fan Xin coughed into his handkerchief.

After coming back to her senses, Princess Taiping took a breath and said meaningfully.

"You and my husband are very similar, as if you are the same person."

"Oh? Such a thing happened, who is he?" Fan Xin was a little surprised.

"He..." Looking back on the past, Princess Taiping had sighs in her eyes.

"He is a seventh-grade county magistrate, known as Fan Qingtian by the people. He has saved the country from the turmoil several times."

"In front of the Turkic army, when everyone abandoned me and ignored me, only he came generously carrying a coffin."

"Do you know? At that moment, I was so shocked and so proud!"

"There is such a good man in the world who is not afraid of death, has the world in mind, and values ​​love and justice!"

"If I couldn't help myself, I would have wanted to go with him immediately."

Seeing Princess Taiping getting more and more excited as she talked, Fan Xin's eyelids twitched and his face turned red...

At that time, he just wanted to give Datang a sigh of relief. He never thought that the world would come up with so many dramas.

"Tell me, should I care about such a good man in this world?"

After saying that, Princess Taiping stared at Fan Xin closely, trying to see something strange in his eyes.

Unfortunately, Fan Xin was not moved at all and just covered his mouth and coughed twice.

"Such unparalleled heroes are indeed rare in the world! No wonder Her Royal Highness the Princess has been in love for the rest of her life."

"I wonder where Fan Qingtian is now?"

After finding nothing strange about Fan Xin, a flash of disappointment flashed in Princess Taiping's eyes.

Eyelids droop slightly.

"In the battle of Voai, he jumped off a cliff and died for his country in order not to be captured by the Tibetans."

"When I saw you, I thought he was not dead. Now it seems that it was just wishful thinking after all."

Perhaps because she was tired, Princess Taiping didn't say a word again during the rest of the journey.

When they arrived at Daxiangguo Temple, the presiding master, who had received the news in advance, led a group of monks to greet him.

"The poor monk Samantabhadra meets Her Royal Highness the Princess, Amitabha!"

"Master presiding, there is no need to be polite. The queen mother has become increasingly critical recently. I have come to pray for her."

"Amitabha, Bodhi has no tree, and the mirror is not a stand. There is nothing in the beginning, so how can it cause dust."

"Your Highness the Princess's filial piety is commendable. I believe that the Emperor will be very relieved if he knows about it."

Princess Taiping smiled slightly and walked towards the Main Hall.

Seeing this, Cui Ti caught up and smiled.

"Your Highness, will I accompany you to pray to the Supreme Emperor?"

Princess Taiping stopped, looked back at him, and then moved to Fan Xin.

"You stay outside the palace and take care of it, and let Mr. Fan accompany me in to pray for blessings."

Cui Ti...

The process of praying was extremely long, and the monks did not stop chanting until the sun went down.

"Amitabha, you are so good. On behalf of the entire temple, this poor monk would like to thank His Highness for donating 10,000 guan of sesame oil money."

The old monk put his hands together and recited a Buddha's name.

"Master presiding, the words are serious, I take my leave!"

Nodding towards the old monk, Princess Taiping glanced at the huge stone standing on the square.

Just as he was about to board the imperial banquet, the boulder suddenly shook and then fell towards Princess Taiping.

"No, protect Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

At the critical moment, dozens of guards rushed towards Princess Taiping, but they were too far away to reach her in time.

Cui Ti was so frightened that she lay on the ground, covering her head and trembling.

At this time, Fan Xin was the only one left beside Princess Taiping.

Without any hesitation, Fan Xin grabbed Princess Taiping's hand and ran to both sides.


The smoke and dust dispersed, and the boulder was only ten inches away from Princess Taiping.

A disgraced captain of the guard ran over and knelt on one knee.

"My subordinate deserves to die. I didn't expect the boulder to loosen. Please punish me, Your Highness."

"Go back and get thirty military sticks."


After repelling the guards, Princess Taiping came to Fan Xin and said calmly.

"It seems that you are really not Fan Xin. If he were here, he would definitely protect me.

"Get off and go back home!"

Looking at Princess Taiping's back, Fan Xin sighed softly and murmured.

"Taiping, if the boulder stops shaking sooner or later, do you really think that your husband can't see it?"

(End of this chapter)

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