Tang Dynasty: The seventh rank of official residence, and you will be given the Ten Thousand People

Chapter 375 Every family has its own sutras that are difficult to recite

Fan Xin snorted coldly when he saw his second son being rendered speechless by him.

His eyes scanned the ministers.

"The state has its own laws, and every family has its own rules. If I break the law, I will be punished by the state's laws. But after I say this today, whoever dares to confuse right and wrong without conscience!"

"Don't blame me for being ruthless, I hope you will take care of yourself!"

This sentence made all those who supported the King of Han bow their heads in guilt.

It was only at this moment that they suddenly discovered that the seventh-grade county magistrate who was famous in the Tang Dynasty had never quit, but had put away his minions in another way.

If anyone really thought that Fan Xin was dead, they might not know how he died.

Of course, there are also people who are not afraid of death. A censor named Sun Wen jumped out with a sneer in the queue.

"Your Highness King Yan, no matter how much you talk about the dead being alive, it won't change the fact that you are the deputy director of the Killing Intelligence Department."

"Don't you often travel around the world with a copy of the Laws of the Tang Dynasty?"

"Why, it's your turn and you can't do it this time?"

When he said this, Sun Wen looked proud.

The most influential figure in the Tang Dynasty, he defeated such a top minister.

It won't be long before his reputation as Sun Wen spreads throughout the world.

When he thought about being called Sun Qingtian wherever he went, Sun Wen's heart felt like he had drunk a sweet spring.

Fan Xin clasped his hands and smiled casually, without even looking at Sun Wen.

His eyes swept over the ministers one by one. All the officials who glanced at them lowered their heads and did not dare to look at them.

In the name of the human shadow tree, although Fan Xin has retired from politics for a long time, after all, his power is still there, and it is not worth irritating him at this time.

"My actions throughout my life are worthy of heaven above and worthy of the common people below."

"Being an official in this life is worth it!"

After finishing his words, he walked out of the hall under the complicated eyes of everyone.

"The laws of the Tang Dynasty clearly stipulate that the massacre of government officials is tantamount to rebellion and killing without mercy."

"As regent, although I have extenuating circumstances, I am not immune."

"You should be fined 30,000 guan of copper and handed over to Jin Wuwei with a heavy staff and 300 army sticks!
"Young masters, there is no need to see you off, I, the king, will go on your own!"

Looking at Fan Xin's lonely back, all the ministers in the palace and Fan Jing bowed solemnly.

Thirty military sticks will kill someone under a heavy staff.

Fan Xin sentenced himself to a three-hundred-person military stick, which was because he was determined to die.

Li Ling Yuefeng's eyes were red, her lips were trembling, and the wood thorns in her palms were dug into her flesh due to the force, and bright red blood dripped on the ground.

At this moment, all she wanted to do was kill someone! Kill countless people!

Just when the hearts of the emperor and his ministers could not calm down for a long time, a strange voice came.

"What does a criminal who violates the law look like?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Sun Wen as if he were a dead person.

I secretly thought that this house was finished.

Sure enough, the Queen Mother's cold and suppressed voice came.

"Sun Wen, you deserve to die for arbitrarily framing an important official of the imperial court and pretending to be a governor!"

"Come here, pull out the heavy staff and thirty court sticks!"


Two murderous Jinwu guards grabbed Sun Wen by the collar and dragged him to the inner execution hall opposite.


Inner punishment hall

This was the place where the imperial court punished the palace guards, so it was filled with instruments of torture.

"Your Highness King Yan, the Queen Mother and all the ministers are listening across the way. The lowly officials can't help it."

Jin Wuwei clasped his fists with a guilty look on his face.

"It doesn't matter, just fight with your strength, don't be merciful,"

Fan Xin said calmly with his hands behind his back.

"Okay, Your Highness is indeed a famous figure in the Tang Dynasty. The lowly officials are offended!"

Jinwu Wei winked at several of his subordinates.

The latter immediately took out a fat cow from the cabinet and put it on the ground, then wheeled up the water and fire sticks.

In order to let the people in the hall opposite hear the noise, two people stood at the door and took turns shouting.

Not to mention, the veteran who has been imitating it for many years really looks like him, and those who don’t know it think it is Fan Xin who is being tortured.

There was no idle time inside either. Jin Wuwei moved a table to get some food and drinks.

Several women were called from the back door to rub Fan Xin's shoulders and legs.

"Your Highness Prince Yan, don't worry, when you arrive at Jinwu Guard, it will be like arriving at our own home."

"If you hadn't protected us, we brothers would have been bullied to death."

"Here, this is the tribute wine collected by the general. Brothers, I want to toast you."

Taking the wine cup and taking a sip, Fan Xin nodded with satisfaction.

"General Jinwuwei has a good relationship with me. There is nothing he can do if he is with the wrong person."

"But you are innocent, please let me know if anything happens in the future."

Speaking of this, Fan Xin seemed to think of something and slapped his forehead.

"By the way, tell Dali Temple later and ask him to clean up the single room in Dali Temple."

"I think I will have to stay there for a few days."

The leader of Jinwu Guard smiled and agreed.

"Don't worry, we are all old acquaintances. As soon as we heard that you were returning to Chang'an, the Dali Temple specially renovated the prison three days in advance."

While they were talking, Sun Wen was escorted in.

On the way here, he heard Fan Xin's miserable cry, which scared him so much that his calves went weak.

Who would have thought that as soon as he entered the door, he would see this guy sitting there drinking wine and eating food, with several maids waiting around him.

He suddenly became furious and wanted to scold him with a wave of his sleeves and robe.

As a result, he was hit on the head with a stick and fell down.
"My lord, this old dog hurts you so much, what should you do?"

"I am guilty, and if I am punished seriously, Yushi Sun should be treated the same as me."

"Got it!"

The little leader of Jinwu Guard kicked Sun Wen viciously.

"Young boys, beat this old dog that is barking like crazy to death!"


A stick was swung on his waist, and Sun Wen suddenly woke up from his coma and let out a shrill scream.

A pair of triangular eyes stared at Fan Xin and said with difficulty.

"Your Highness, King Yan, is this what you mean by sacrificing yourself for the law and carrying a heavy staff of three hundred military sticks?"

"It's so ridiculous. I'm going to go to the Queen Mother to sue you for cheating on me!!"

Sun Wen roared unwillingly.

The second stick hit him. Sun Wen's body stiffened and his head hung down.

"Go and carry the old guy to the main hall of Tai'an Palace for the Queen Mother and all the princes to see!"



Tai'an Hall.

It was very quiet here at the moment, everyone was staring at the inner punishment hall opposite.

The screams had been going on for a while, rising and falling, and sounded like they were dying.

Among them, there was one scream that was the sharpest, and it sounded like the voice of Sun Yushi.

"Hearing this, Yushi Sun may not be able to survive thirty sticks."

someone said.

"Yeah, if he didn't make any sound after screaming, he must be dead."

"On the other hand, although Fan Xin's scream was a bit miserable, it lasted long enough."

"You don't understand. It's normal for Fan Xin to be beaten more often if he is strong and healthy."

"On the contrary, Sun Wen is old and sick. He will be disabled even if he is not dead after thirty sticks."

"The Queen Mother is taking revenge."

To be honest, all the ministers had considered everything, but they did not expect that the Queen Mother would have such deep feelings for Fan Xin.

So much so that the empress dowager of the Tang Dynasty did not hesitate to raise the butcher's knife at Yan Guan for the sake of her personal feelings.

Just when the ministers were worried, two Jinwu guards dragged a corpse into the palace.

"The Empress Dowager is told that Sun Wen, the imperial censor, could not bear the punishment of the cane and has died!" After looking at the body for a while, a sneer flashed across Li Lingyue's lips.

"Pull it out and bury it!"


Jin Wuwei dragged Sun Wen up to leave.


Li Lingyue hesitated for a moment and asked Jin Wuwei.

"How is Fan Xin doing?"

One of them took a deep breath and clasped his fists in front of the emperor and his ministers.

"Returning to the Queen Mother, I have been in the imperial guard for ten years. I have never seen a man as upright as His Highness King Yan."

"A stick that can even break bones was swung at him but he gritted his teeth without making a sound."

"Just like this, he is still saying that the emperor breaks the law and the common people are equally guilty, so that the young people must not be merciful and must be beaten to death.

Li Lingyue could no longer listen to what Jin Wuwei said behind him.

At this moment, her mind was filled with Fan Xin's figure.

From the first meeting between the two to Fan Xin being ordered to turn the tide several times in critical situations.

The scenes seemed to have just happened, pounding her heart.

Now people are being tortured in the inner torture room, but she can't do anything.

This made Li Lingyue feel powerless for the first time.

next moment.

Li Lingyue's heart surged, her throat felt sweet, and bright red blood seeped out from the corners of her mouth.

Seeing this scene, the officials' expressions changed greatly, and they shouted and gathered around.

"Queen Mother, what's wrong with you? Call the doctor quickly!"

"Queen Mother!"

Looking at the courtiers who filled the palace shouting in pain, Li Lingyue broke away from the servant and looked coldly at the King of Han.

"The King of Yan did not hesitate to suffer three hundred punishments for the sake of the Tang Dynasty. I am very heartbroken!"

"Are you satisfied this time?"

With one sentence, the cries of pain in the palace suddenly stopped.

No one expected that the Queen Mother would say such heavy words.

In particular, Fan Jing fell to his knees and put his head on the ground without even daring to take a breath.

The Queen Mother is putting Fan Xin's sin on them.

"Queen Mother, my original intention is just to ask His Highness Prince Yan to restrain himself."

"Who would have thought that he would give himself a sentence of three hundred heavy sticks.

"If you feel angry, you can punish me and others."

Fan Jing lifted up his royal clothes and knelt on the ground and spoke sincerely.

The biggest scourge has been eliminated. It's no big deal to say a few cheap words to let the Queen Mother vent her anger.

Li Lingyue glanced at Shangguan Wan'er's son and felt indescribable disappointment.

The last happy thought in my heart was gone.

"That's it, I have nothing to say at this point. You can just take care of yourself."

Li Lingyue flicked her sleeves and robe and walked towards the harem.

Looking at her back, the ministers looked at each other, not knowing what she meant.

"Your Highness the King of Han, what do you mean by the Queen Mother's words? What do you mean we can take care of ourselves?"

Several ministers came over and asked

Fan Jing's face was uncertain, and he gritted his teeth and stood up from the ground.

"Let's go back and talk!"


The inner punishment hall.

"Your Highness King Yan, the court meeting has ended, and it's time for the general to carry you to the prison of Dali Temple."

"You see?"

General Jinwu Wei Zhonglang asked with a smile.

After glancing at him, Fan Xin threw away the toothpick and took the initiative to lie down on the bed.

Several palace maids put a bloody shirt on him and painted a line of black blood on the corners of his mouth to make it more realistic.

Afterwards, a hollow iron chain was wrapped around his body.

From a distance, I thought he was a seriously injured death row prisoner.

"Boy, you need to improve your behavior. I smell of alcohol and have a rosy face. It's fake at first glance."

"Go and get some ginger and blood, just apply it on it."

Looking at the bronze mirror, Fan Xin found some flaws and said dissatisfied.

"As expected of the prince, he is an expert at first glance. I will do this for you."

After the general painted Fan Xin again, he carried him out of the palace gate and walked towards Dali Temple.

The places he passed along the way quickly attracted the attention of the people.

They were all shocked when they saw Fan Xin lying on the stretcher with bruises.

"Isn't this His Highness King Yan? Why was he beaten like this?"

"Alas, the treacherous officials in the court saw His Highness King Yan's great achievements and were jealous and maliciously framed him."

"In order to take care of the overall situation, His Highness Prince Yan had no choice but to sacrifice himself for the law. What a sin."

When they heard that Fan Xin, who made decisions for the people, was framed by Fan Jing, the king of Han Dynasty, the people were completely angry.

Spontaneously running around to tell each other, one spread to ten, ten to a hundred, and tens of thousands of people gathered in just one day and walked towards Tai'an Temple.

Ask the court to severely punish the traitor and restore Fan Xin's innocence.

At the same time, Feng Ma, together with a group of people who had been favored, knelt in front of the Dali Temple to express their grievances.

The Dali Temple was so frightened that they reported it to the cabinet overnight and asked how to deal with it.

"What should I do, Mr. Di Ge? There is a sensation in Chang'an now, and a large number of people are gathering towards the palace."

"If we can't think of a way anymore, I'm afraid the Tang Dynasty will be shaken."

Cabinet Minister Fang Ao said anxiously

Di Renjie sat in the front seat, stroking his beard with a solemn expression.

"Taizong once said that the people's hearts are like water, which can carry a boat and also capsize it."

"His Royal Highness King Yan is quite prestigious among the people, and there are countless people who have benefited from him."

"Now that he is seriously injured and imprisoned, the people are rightly angry."

"The person who tied the bell must untie it. The trouble was caused by the King of Han. In the end, he had to step in to solve the problem."

The cabinet members looked in agreement. They were right. Only the King of Han came forward to end this matter.

No one else can solve it.

"That's what you say, but how could the King of Han be so proud and arrogant that he ask Fan Xin to be released from prison?"

Fang Ao expressed his worries.

"Don't worry, Minister Fang. When this matter develops, no matter whether the King of Han wants it or not, he will have to resolve it.

Di Renjie smiled slightly, with a hint of worry on his face.

"Compared with this, I am more worried about the Queen Mother's dragon body.

"Since Fan Xin was punished with three hundred sticks, the Queen Mother has never left the palace again."

"This incident seems to have had a great impact on her. I am worried that something may change."

Everyone sitting here was a cabinet minister in charge of the central government, and they immediately understood the meaning of Di Renjie's words.

"Mr. Ge, are you referring to You Nailiang who is next to the Queen Mother?"

"Yes, this person's charming bone demon is far beyond the comparison of his predecessor."

"A few days after entering the palace, I received three awards in succession. Even when riding a horse in the palace, I had to be led by the prince from outside the domain."

"It can be seen that it will not take long to become the most powerful official in the Tang Dynasty."

This news was too shocking for everyone, and an old man with a black face started shooting at the scene.

"It's unreasonable. A bastard who has no fame at all, how can he rely on his charm to seduce you?"

"I'm going to meet the Queen Mother right now and ask her to get rid of You Nailiang!"

"Brother Jialiang, please be patient. The palace has been sealed off and we can no longer see the Queen Mother..."

At the end, Di Renjie let out a long sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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