There is no airtight wall in the world. When the news that King Yan was tortured and imprisoned, and that the Queen Mother vomited blood and disappeared from her ministers, reached Prince Zhao's Mansion, Fan Ying put on the black royal uniform and ordered people to prepare the sedan chair.

"What are you going to do when you're not at home to handle business?" Princess Yinzhu asked with a frown as she put the fruit down on the table.

"Back to my mother, my father has been severely punished and is now lying in bed recovering from his injuries. I want to go and see him."

As the third son of Fan Xin, compared to his two elder brothers, he is the one whose personality is most like his father, so when he saw his father injured, he couldn't help but want to visit him.

Princess Yinzhu was delighted with her son's performance. Although her son was just a minister of the Ministry of War, this kind of filial piety was rare.

"Okay, my mother will go to Prince Yan's Mansion with you. We haven't seen each other for a long time."

The mother and son simply packed up and then headed to Prince Yan's Mansion in a sedan.

Seeing the arrival of the Third Madam and King Zhao, Feng Ma smiled and bowed: "This servant has met the Third Madam and His Highness King Zhao."

Princess Yinzhu nodded, glanced at the environment in Prince Yan's palace, and her frown deepened.

"Are you the only one in the palace? Where have the others gone?"

"Back to Third Madam, there is another Zhu'er in Prince Yan's residence. On weekdays, the two of us take care of His Highness Prince Yan's daily life."

"Others were dismissed by the prince because they could not pay their wages."

"It's a joke. With an income of hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, how can Prince Yan have no money to hire servants?" Princess Yinzhu said with an angry smile.

When the family was separated, several people agreed that each of the three sons would have 10 million guan of the palace's 30 million guan wealth.

After that, the royal palace's annual income of hundreds of thousands of dollars was owned by Fan Xin alone.

How could Fan Xin not even take care of a few servants?


As if she knew what he was thinking, Feng Ma sighed quietly: "To be honest, Third Madam, in order to allow Your Majesty to implement benevolent government, the Queen Mother moved all the money in the palace to the Internal Affairs Treasury to provide relief to the famine refugees.

"The prince now only has a little salary to support his expenses, and he cannot afford to support so many servants."

"Didn't you see that there are a lot of chickens, ducks and geese raised in the yard? They are to supplement their living expenses."


Princess Yinzhu never thought that her husband would have such a hard life, let alone that Li Lingyue would treat her husband like this for the sake of her son.

Thinking of this, Princess Yinzhu led her son directly into the bedroom, and her eyes turned red at just one glance.

"This is not the same glorious Tang Dynasty hero. He is clearly a seriously injured and dying man."



"Hey, why are you here?" Fan Xin was quite surprised when he saw his wife and third son coming in, and quickly asked the mother and son to sit down.

Princess Yinzhu was so worried about Fan Xin's injury that she couldn't think of sitting down.

"Husband, why are you injured like this? Some bastard did it. I'll go and settle the score with him."

"That's right, father, I will call a few warriors to avenge you!"

Fan Ying grew up in the military and had already developed a murderous aura, so when he got angry he was a bit like a general.

Seeing Fan Xin Laohuai was pleased, he touched his son's head and said with a smile: "You are indeed my son. This kind of filial piety is really rare. Go back and do your job well. The sky of the Tang Dynasty will not fall."

Seeing that his father was determined not to interfere, Fan Ying had no choice but to bow and salute: "Father, it's time for you to rest. I'll take my leave first."

"Go ahead, I'm staying with your father these two days. If anything happens, just send someone to let me know." Princess Yinzhu said with a smile.

Fan Ying nodded towards the two of them, turned and left the bedroom.

Looking at his son's young and upright figure, Fan Xin's eyes were full of admiration: "Originally, I thought that the eldest son, who had been in the palace for a long time, was the best one, but now it seems that the third son is not bad either."

"This child has the air of a wise king at such a young age. It's all due to your good teachings."

"It's a pity that the second child just followed his mother's temper and has been very aggressive since he was a child. He will never give up to achieve his goal."

At the end of the story, Fan Xin was speechless, wondering why there was such a big gap in moral character between his own sons.

Hearing this, Princess Yinzhu smiled slightly: "I am a Turk, and I know that you Han people have a tradition of fighting for power, so I have taught Ying'er to be a person of good conduct since he was a child."

"Only in this way can we stand firm between heaven and earth and survive in the cruel political environment."

"Speaking of Fan Jing's child, actually you wrongly blamed Sister Wan'er. She has been teaching her with sincerity, but it's a pity that it's useless in the end."

When Fan Jing was mentioned, the atmosphere in the room was a little depressing. The words he said in court yesterday were his last warning to his second son.

If this guy is still stubborn, then he can only use Thunder to break his hand for the sake of the stability of the Tang Dynasty.

Thinking of this, Fan Xin suppressed his thoughts and hugged Princess Yinzhu into his arms: "Okay, it's not easy for you and I to see each other again, so don't talk about those bad things."

"Come on, let me test your figure recently to see if you have gained weight again."

After saying that, he reached out to unbutton Princess Yinzhu and felt inside her bellyband, which made Princess Yinzhu blush and said angrily: "You are so old, how can you still be so immoral."

"Hahaha, no matter how old you are, you have needs. Come on!" Fan Xin laughed and pressed Princess Yinzhu under him and slammed into her.

It didn't take long for a seductive voice to fill the room.

While the couple was hiding in the room, Fan Ying sat in the sedan with his eyes closed and ordered: "Change the route to Prince Han's Mansion."

The sedan curtain was opened, and the guard commander asked with a surprised look on his face: "Your Majesty, the King of Han never wants to see us. Are you sure you want to go to the Han King's Mansion?"

"Hmph, the second brother has hurt my father like that. I will ask him if his conscience was eaten by a dog!"

Seeing that his prince was resolute, the commander of the guards reluctantly lowered the curtain and said loudly: "My prince has an order to go to the Han Palace!"

With an order, the team instantly changed direction and headed towards the Han Palace.

The guard guarding the gate saw King Zhao coming and ran into the palace to report.

"What is the third child doing here? Hasn't he been sitting in the lobby of the Ministry of War handling official business?"

"Could I be looking for you to reminisce about old times? After all, you are half-brothers." The concubine analyzed.

"Hmph, when did the third child consider me a brother? Just tell him that I am ill in bed and let him come back another day."

Fan Jing snorted and ordered someone to close the door. Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, an angry voice sounded: "No, I came in by myself!"

Seeing Fan Ying walking in with someone, Fan Jing had no choice but to signal the guards to go down and said with a smile.

"What brings you here? Come in and sit down, let's have a drink."

"Don't do this to me!" Fan Ying kicked over his chair and said coldly to Fan Jing: "I ask you, did you force my father to be punished?"

"Well, I didn't expect the old guy to be so stubborn. He would punish himself with three hundred military sticks if he disagreed..."

Before Fan Jing could finish his words, Fan Ying kicked him to the ground, straddled him and hit him in the face.

Fan Jing was stunned. He never dreamed that his third brother, who was usually taciturn, would dare to attack him.

When he came to his senses, he immediately fired back and greeted Fan Ying.

It didn't take long for the two to get entangled and violently attack each other.

The guard on the side saw this and tried very hard to separate the two people.

When the two were pulled apart, Fan Jing wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said angrily: "Lao San, you fucking dare to hit me!"

"I'm beating you, the unkind and unfilial thing."

Fan Ying stood up and patted the dust on his body. Before going out, he said without looking back: "Remember, this is the last time. If you dare to be rude to your father again, I will never forgive you!" After that, he strode out of Hanwang's Mansion.

"Your Highness the King of Han, do you want to inform the Queen Mother and the court about this matter?" the staff asked.

Fan Jing stood up and shook his head, looking at the passing figure with a look of resentment on his face: "No need, I can't afford to disgrace that person."

"How is our plan going? Have those old stubborns agreed to join our camp?"

"Li Shilang said that the world is peaceful now and it is not suitable to make any changes. He refused to join any camp." Fan Jing seemed to know the answer and sneered and walked to the back hall: "Then find an opportunity to get rid of anyone who cannot be used by me. It’s also a disaster to keep it.”

"By the way, tell You Nailiang to step up his temptation to Li Lingyue and try to get the power in his hands as soon as possible."

"Yes, His Highness the King of Han!" The staff bowed and left the hall.

At the same time, Di Mansion.

At this time, there were many ministers wearing purple official uniforms sitting here.

"Mr. Di Ge, when I and several cabinet ministers went to meet the Queen Mother this morning, they didn't even knock on the palace door."

After hearing these words, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became solemn.

The central branch of the cabinet is responsible for the emperor and down to the prefectures and counties. If the Queen Mother cannot even see her, how can she handle the affairs of the country?

"This Fan Jing really succeeds more than fails!"

"If he hadn't forced him hard, how could His Highness Prince Yan have received a three-hundred-weight stick and gone home to recuperate."

"Well, now there is another Yu Nailiang in the court who only knows Lord Charming."

"Mr. Ge, you are the prime minister of the cabinet and one of the few important ministers around the Queen Mother. How do you think this crisis can be resolved?"

Facing everyone's inquiries, Di Renjie sighed solemnly.

"Now that the Tang Dynasty has just calmed down the civil strife, it is a time to cultivate its strength. Now there is a charming You Nailiang who controls the government. To be honest, there is only one person who has the ability to solve this matter."


"Fan Xin!"

The ministers were stunned and silent. Mr. Di Ge was right.

In this current situation, Fan Xin is probably the only one who can solve the problem.

First of all, the relationship between the couple is far greater than that of You Nailiang. If he comes forward to advise, the Queen Mother may not be able to listen.

The second is that Fan Xin has a strong personality and is not afraid of powerful people. If he knew that You Nailiang controlled the government, he would definitely eradicate the treacherous officials.

Of course, the most important point is that Fan Xin is strong enough. Wanting to deal with You Nailiang is like killing a chicken.

At this thought, more than a dozen cabinet ministers looked at each other and said goodbye to Di Renjie.

Their most important task at the moment is to invite Fan Xin back to the court.


In the palace, Princess Yinzhu changed into formal palace clothes and drove towards the palace in a sedan chair with eight carriages.

In front of the palace gate, two servants holding Fuchen smiled and saluted.

"This slave has sent greetings to the third lady, who are you?"

"My wife is going into the palace to meet the Queen Mother, please open the door.

Princess Yinzhu said calmly.

Unexpectedly, the waiter who bent down to her changed his previous attitude and said with a smile.

"I'm sorry, Third Madam, Lord Hachiro has ordered that no one can enter the main hall during the Queen Mother's rest period, including you."

"How presumptuous! The third lady is the Queen Mother's sister, how many of you have the brains to stop her!" the guard shouted loudly.

After saying that, he was about to draw his knife and take action, but was stopped by Princess Yinzhu.

"Forget it, let's go back."

"Third Madam, you?"

Princess Yinzhu shook her head and winked at her subordinates.

She just discovered that all the guards in the palace had been replaced.

If you forcefully break in at this time, You Nailiang will probably take the opportunity to sow discord in front of the Queen Mother.

With Li Lingyue's temperament, she must have doubts.

After she left, a man wearing a hair crown and a jade-like face walked out of the palace gate.

"Fan Xin's wife is gone?"

"Go back to General Hachiro. This slave has sent her back according to your instructions."

The waiter looked flattering when he said this.

You Nailiang nodded angrily and didn't take it to heart.

In today's palace, You Nailiang is the sky. He doesn't want to let anyone in, even the king of heaven, I, can't get in.

"The Queen Mother has just taken the medicine and gone to bed. I went out for a walk. Do you guys watch the door?"

"Yes, Master Hachiro."

Without further words, he ordered someone to bring a white horse and sit on the waiter's back.

Then he shook the reins and started running along the palace road. When passing by the Taihe Hall, he saw several men in gorgeous clothes laughing and chatting together.

You Nailiang tightened the reins and pointed at the Minister of Industry.

"Master Cao, I am a little tired from riding, so I will let you hold the lead."

The minister of the Ministry of Industry who was named was not angry, but ran over and took the reins.

"Master Hachiro, where do you want to go?"

"Is this it?" You Nailiang hesitated. He was from a humble background and had not seen much of the world.

So he hesitated and said: "I heard that a storytelling teahouse opened in Chang'an, so let's go there and have fun."

"Yes, I will take you there right now."

The two of them came to Chang'an Teahouse together, and the shopkeeper quickly invited them to the best room.

As soon as he sat down, the storyteller slapped the gavel.

"Dear listeners, today we are not talking about Magistrate Fan hunting tigers, nor are we talking about the emperor visiting the thatched cottage three times."

"Just tell me a story about His Highness King Yan who sacrificed himself for the law and spread his blood in Chang'an."

"Speaking of being a traitorous minister..."

Although You Nailiang is proficient in the Four Books and Five Classics, as well as music and music, this is his first time coming into contact with storytelling.

He was fascinated for a moment, and of course he knew who the storyteller was talking about.

But this has nothing to do with him. The more intense the struggle between Fan Xin and his son, the more beneficial it will be to him.

While I was listening with great interest, a few men and women came in from downstairs. Their clothes were obviously not ordinary people.

Looking around the woman's chest, You Nailiang revealed a hint of evil in the corner of his mouth.

"Do you recognize the people downstairs from Cao Shangshu?"

Hearing this, Shangshu Lang of the Ministry of Industry bowed his body and replied.

"Sir Hachiro, these people are the granddaughters and nephews of the current prime minister."

"It turns out that the descendants of the prime minister's family are quite interesting..."

You Nailiang laughed meaningfully.

(End of this chapter)

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