Chapter 82 Official promotion!
"Don't worry, the Queen Mother is visiting Fan Xin, she won't doubt me."

Although the figure said so, his body left the screen and walked out of the manor through the back door.

Looking at the empty room, Li Yuanjia clenched his fists and said with a ferocious expression.

"Wu Zetian, you forced me to do this!"


Luoyang, Guanfeng Hall.

Fan Xin had a long dream. In the dream, several tauren pulled him towards the bridge, and then an old lady with wrinkles on her face brought a bowl of soup.

He said that as long as he drank this bowl of soup, Fan Xin would be worry-free for the rest of his life, but as he drank, he found that the soup was too bitter.

It's more bitter than Sanlejiang with soy sauce!

next moment.

He opened his eyes and sat up, breathing heavily.

"Thank God, you finally woke up." A gentle voice sounded in my ears.

Seeing a sweet-looking female officer sitting in front of the bed, Fan Xin subconsciously lifted the quilt and took a look, making sure he was fine before speaking.

"Where am I?"

"This is the Guanfeng Hall, where the Queen Mother rests."

"What, the place where the Queen Mother rests?" Fan Xin was shocked and quickly went to the ground to put on his shoes.

According to regulations, men were not allowed to stay in the harem. If someone found out that he had slept in the Queen Mother's bed for a few days, wouldn't he be nailed to the pillar of shame in history?

Seeing this, the female officer covered her mouth and said with a smile: "What are you afraid of? Who dares to say anything even if the Queen Mother allows you to live here?"

Fan Xin waved his hands while putting on his clothes: "You don't understand, I'm taking the overall situation into consideration."

At this time, a majestic voice sounded outside.

"You weren't even scared during the bloody battle with the Khitans. Why are you so scared after sleeping in my bed for a few days?"

Wu Zetian opened the bead curtain and strode in wearing a dragon robe, Xiao Jing and Shangguan Wan'er followed behind her.

Several palace maids quickly bowed and bowed: "Slave, please see the Queen Mother."

"You go out first."

After driving away the palace maid, Wu Zetian looked Fan Xin up and down. Seeing his ruddy complexion and strong body, Wu Zetian couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, the century-old ginseng sent from Goguryeo is really effective. It didn't even take half a month to cure the disease."

"This is all thanks to the Queen Mother's life-saving grace. If the imperial doctor had not intervened, I would have died." Fan Xin said with emotion.

Wu Zetian laughed and waved her hands indifferently.

"You are my sharp sword of the Tang Dynasty. How can I let you fall in Yingzhou?"

Speaking of this, she took over the brand new official uniform and golden dragon sword from Shangguan Wan'er and handed them to Fan Xin.

"Your official uniform is full of holes and can no longer be worn. I will give you a new one. Can you see if it fits?"

"Queen Mother, isn't the grade of this official uniform wrong? I am of the fifth grade."

Looking at the deep crimson official uniform, Fan Xin's face was full of doubts.

He remembered that the official uniform of the fifth rank was light crimson, so why did his rank increase after sleeping?

Wu Zetian and Shangguan Wan'er looked at each other, and the latter explained with a smile.

"Fan Xin, you are no longer the governor of Yingzhou, but the fourth-rank Shaoqing of Dali Temple. You will go home for a visit after leaving the palace. You can take office tomorrow."

With that said, he handed Fan Xin the imperial edict to make him an earl.

Fan Xin collected the imperial edict and solemnly bowed to Wu Zetian, expressing his gratitude.

"How can I let the Queen Mother treat me like this? How can I exchange three hundred guards and eighty maids for silver?"

Wu Zetian's smile faltered, and she pointed at the door and said tremblingly.

"You, disappear for me immediately." "Yes, Wei Chen will resign immediately!" Fan Xin ran away without saying anything. He never wanted to come to this harem again.

There was faint laughter from several women behind him.

Liu Zi and Zhang Huan sat in the carriage and took a nap holding their whips.

Seeing Fan Xin coming out, he hurriedly stepped forward to greet him and said with a smile.

"Master, are you okay?"

"Nonsense, if I have something to do, can I still come out? Hurry up and go home to see the new house." Fan Xin said excitedly as he got on the carriage.

I've been extremely busy during this period, and now it's time to enjoy life.

Fan Xin's home is at the end of Luoyang Tianjie, which is a very good location.

When they arrived at Fan Mansion, they were immediately overwhelmed by the majestic mansion in front of them.

The huge gate of the mansion was twice as big as the Wushui County Government Office, and the two carriages that drove in were too big to miss.

What makes Fan Xin most happy is the word "Fan Mansion" on the plaque. It seems to have been written by a famous master. When the family falls into trouble one day, it will probably be sold for a lot of money.

When he learned that Fan Xin was back, a fat leader came out with three hundred guards. Behind them, eighty pretty little maids were waiting on both sides of the red carpet.

"Young Master Liu Xuan, we finally have you back."

Fan Xin glanced at the guards and maids, smiled and nodded.

"You all, get up and take me in to take a look."


Liu Xuan dispersed the guards and maids, and took Fan Xin there himself. He had to say that Shaoqing's Mansion was much larger than the house in Wushui County.

It took half a stick of incense to walk down the Sanjin courtyard.

"Tell the people below to cook some food. I'm a little hungry after walking for such a long time." Fan Xin looked up at the sunset and said.

Unexpectedly, Liu Xuan smiled and said, "To be honest, young master, dinner has been prepared for you and is in the dining room in front."


Following Liu Xuan to the dining room, Fan Xin almost lost his breath. He saw that the dining table was filled with dozens of delicacies, all of which were top-quality delicacies that he had never tasted before.

Seeing that Fan Xin looked ugly, Liu Xuan thought he was too young and said with a smile.

"Master, you are the Count of the Tang Dynasty. According to the rules, each meal requires at least 64 dishes to meet your status."

"Today I'm in a hurry and there are only fifty dishes. You can eat them first. Wait until the remaining ten cooks are in place tomorrow to ensure that the dishes are complete."

Hearing that there were ten cooks left, Fan Xinxin was bleeding.

"How much does this meal cost?"

"It's not much, just fifteen copper coins. It will be a little more when the cooks arrive tomorrow. Plus, the house's food and clothing expenses only require 150 copper coins per month."

"Ah, what's wrong with you, sir?"

"Call the doctor quickly, I can't do it anymore!"

In a hurry, Fan Xin let out a long breath, covered his chest and pointed at Liu Xuandao.

"Get out of here, you are not eating here, you are clearly trying to kill me!"

"You guys should go out first and wait until the young master calms down."

After closing the door, Liuzi said with a sad look on his face: "Master, how about this table of food? It would be a waste not to eat it."

Fan Xin rolled his eyes and said thoughtfully: "You take a few people to take these meals to Dali Temple, just say that I ordered them for them, and you will get the meal money back when they are finished."

"Then we spend [-] Wen to cut ten pounds of pork, buy a few barrels of bulk wine mixed with water, and let's have a delicious meal of Braised Noodles."

"After all, this is our first meeting, we can't make people think we are too stingy, we still have to spend the money we should.

(End of this chapter)

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