Chapter 83 Return the relics!

Fan Xin didn't even get a good night's sleep that night. As soon as he lay down, two fair-skinned and beautiful little maids climbed onto the bed wearing bellybands and underpants to warm his feet with their breasts.

Fan Xin was at a young age, so he could not bear this. If he had not just recovered from a serious injury and was not suitable for sexual intercourse, he might not be able to control it.

After finally making up his mind to send the little maid away, Liu Xuan walked into the room with a tray and asked him to turn over the cards.

Behind him, several delicate beauties were wrapped in quilts and carried in by the guards. Their smooth bodies were vaguely visible through the gaps.

Fan Xin was curious about how he could get so many "ladies" since he had not yet married a wife, but Liu Xuan told him that these women were all famous oiran girls in Luoyang.

Cao Dian was good at this when he was the young minister of Dali Temple.

Hearing that they were all used by Cao Dian, Fan Xin suddenly lost interest and kicked everyone out, and then managed to get some sleep.

Zhang Huan saw that his eyes were dark and his face was haggard, so he came over and expressed concern.

"Fan Shaoqing, you are now at a prosperous age, so you must know how to exercise moderation."

Fan Xin glared at him angrily: "Is breakfast ready?"

"According to your instructions, the kitchen made two pots of rice porridge and a pot of Songcai leaf pickles today."

"That's pretty much it. The official salary is limited and the province must save it."

After breakfast, Fan Xin put on a set of regular clothes and took Zhang Huan and Li Lang to Tofu Fang. Wang Huaning did not take a step back even in the battle of Yingzhou. The funeral arrangements he had given must be settled.

Because they were unfamiliar with the place, it was already afternoon when the group found the tofu shop. It could be seen that the tofu shop was doing a very prosperous business, with many customers sitting inside to eat.

Seeing three people standing at the door, a woman with a delicate face wiped the sweat from her forehead and walked forward with a smile.

"This young man would like to eat something. Our store has soup cakes and tofu curd, all freshly made."

"Please, girl, please give me three bowls of tofu curd, and add more vegetable foam and spicy pepper."

"Okay, you three sit down for a while and the tofu cakes will be ready in a while." The woman responded and turned around to serve the tofu cakes.

Fan Xin and the other three found a seat by the window and sat down.

"Sir, this is inappropriate. If you come to a place like this to eat and the other princes in the court find out, I'm afraid they will laugh at you." Li Lang said worriedly.

"What's wrong? We all earn money to support our families and no one is more noble than anyone else."

"If I come from a poor family and want to laugh at you, just let him laugh at me."

While talking, the woman brought three bowls of steaming tofu pudding and smiled.

"Young gentlemen, please use it slowly."

"There is a Lao girl!"

Fan Xin thanked him, picked up the spoon, took a mouthful of beancurd and ate it into his mouth, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Not bad, spicy enough, fresh enough, give me another bowl!"

Just when Fan Xin and the other three were sweating profusely from eating, a middle-aged monk wearing a solemn cassock walked into the shop.

"Amitabha, the poor monk Huineng has met the female donor."

The woman obviously knew the middle-aged monk, and she quickly wiped her hands on her apron when he came in.

"Master Huineng, please sit down quickly. Didn't you promise to come in the evening? Why is it so early?"

"It's good, it's good. Bodhi has no tree, and the mirror is not a stand. There is nothing in the beginning, so how can it be stained by dust."

"The benefactor's matter has reached an extremely critical moment, so the poor monk made an exception and came here in advance." At this point, the middle-aged monk glanced at the diners in the shop with a confused look on his face.

"If it's convenient for the female donor, let's go to your residence to pray now. It's not appropriate to reveal the Dharma here."

The woman hesitated for a moment and finally nodded: "Okay, Master Huineng will wait for the little lady to explain the whole story to the diners."

With that said, he walked towards Fan Xin and others and bowed apologetically. "Young gentlemen, I'm really sorry. The little girl has something to deal with today. Can you come back another day?"

Fan Xin and the others looked at each other, frowning in confusion.

"May I ask, girl, why are you in such a hurry? Our tofu pudding hasn't been finished yet."

"Yeah, we just sat down to eat, and you drove us away. It's a bit unreasonable." The other guests were also very dissatisfied.

Seeing this, the woman sighed and said with slightly red eyes.

"Please understand, gentlemen, that this little lady is here to apologize to everyone."

Seeing that the female shopkeeper really had something to hide, Fan Xin and others had no choice but to leave the tofu shop.

"Fan Shaoqing, we haven't handed over Wang Hua's relics to Jin Niang yet." Zhang Huan reminded.
"No rush, let's check the situation first." Fan Xin said, looking at the shop with the door closed.

For some reason, he felt that something was wrong with the situation. A monk could have to go to someone's boudoir to talk about something important.

Seeing the middle-aged monk and the female shopkeeper walking out of the shop, the three of them followed them quietly.


Qingyi Lane, the Wang family residence.

"Master Huineng, this is the little lady's residence. Please come in." Jinniang opened the door and said respectfully.

The middle-aged monk walked into the courtyard first with kind eyes and chanting the Buddha's name.

When the two came to the house, the middle-aged monk looked around and asked.

"May I ask the female benefactor, is there anyone else at home?"

"To be honest, Master Huineng, the little girl still has a young son and a blind mother-in-law at home, and they went to the temple to worship Buddha."

"That's very good. It is taboo for outsiders to be present when the poor monk is praying. If there is nothing else, let's get started."

After speaking, he took out a porcelain bottle from the cloth bag and handed it to Jin Niang.

"This is the Cicada treasure water purified by the power of the seventy-seven and 49 heavenly wishes of the poor monk. After drinking it, you took off your clothes and lay on the bed."

When Jin Niang heard that she was about to take off her clothes, she seemed a little resistant and asked tentatively.

"Master Huineng, can the little girl not take off her clothes?"

The middle-aged monk sighed and said: "The pink is as red as a skull. The poor monk's Dharma eyes have already transcended all phenomena in the world. The wind and clouds move, but the poor monk's Buddha heart will not be moved."

"The resentment on your husband's death in battle is too great. If you want to see his soul, the donor can only take off your clothes and have a poor monk inject you with the essence of Buddha's power. Only in this way can you see him."

Although Jin Niang still hesitated at the thought of taking off her clothes to see her deceased husband, she made a decision in her heart.

"Well, my deceased husband has not been home for several years. As long as I can see him, I am willing to try your method."

After saying this, Jin Niang took the holy water and drank it with her mouth open. Then she walked to the bed and slowly unbuttoned her dress, took off her dress, and lay down on the bed in her underwear.

The middle-aged monk laughed and quietly watched the changes on the woman's face.

It didn't take long for the woman's pretty face to gradually turn red, and she clutched her chest and gasped.

"Master Huineng, my little girl's body is so hot. What's going on?"

Looking at the passionate woman on the bed, a smile of success appeared on the corner of the middle-aged monk's mouth.

The next moment he took off his monk's clothes, walked to the bed and rubbed his hands.

"Don't worry, female benefactor, the poor monk will instill the power of Buddhist vows into you, allowing you to ascend to the world of joy that makes you feel like you are about to die."

"Ah, what are you going to do? Let me go!" Jin Niang exclaimed!

(End of this chapter)

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