Chapter 84 The miracle of Hanguang Temple!

"Hey, don't be afraid, female donor, the young monk will definitely take good care of you."

The middle-aged monk chuckled and rushed towards the woman on the bed.

Just when he was about to take off his bellyband and look at the mountains, a sharp sword was placed on his neck.

"If you dare to move again, I will kill you."

"If you don't believe me, try it!"

The middle-aged monk was so frightened that he trembled all over and quickly raised his hands and said with a trembling voice.

"My lord, please spare my life, I promise you won't move an inch, little monk!"

Taking the monk to the living room, Fan Xin asked with a straight face: "What did you give Jin Niang to drink?"

What happened was exactly as he expected. There was something wrong with the monk in front of him. He tricked the woman into drinking potion and taking off her clothes as soon as she entered the door.

If he doesn't follow today, the consequences will be disastrous!
Hearing this, the middle-aged monk's eyes rolled around and he was about to make up some lie. Fan Xin's face turned cold and he kicked him in the crotch and shouted.


"My lord, spare your life, I'll tell you this, young monk." The middle-aged monk rubbed his chin and said with a smile.

"My lord, I don't know, but the girl is drinking our self-prepared Lienu Powder. No matter how loyal she is, as long as she drinks this stuff, she will definitely fall into the sea of ​​lust and be picked by others!"

"Sir, can I give you some?"

Looking at the middle-aged monk with a lewd expression, Fan Xin snorted heavily and asked Zhang Huan and Li Lang to take him to the courtyard for interrogation.

She walked into the boudoir. At this time, Jin Niang was already muddy due to taking a lot of Lienu Powder. When she saw someone coming in, she pounced on her like a hungry wolf.

Fan Xin had no choice but to knock her unconscious and then drink some water.

After about two hours, Jin Niang slowly opened her eyes. The first thing she did when she woke up was to lift the quilt and take a look inside. She found that she was naked and had a look of despair on her pretty face.

"Don't worry, the monk didn't succeed. He was arrested by the officer."

Jinniang was startled when she suddenly saw someone in the room. When she saw clearly that it was Fan Xin, a flash of surprise flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"Sir, did you save me?" Before she lost consciousness, she remembered that the monk was the only one in the boudoir.

Fan Xin nodded and took out a blood-stained silver ingot and several strings of copper coins strung with strings from his arms.

"I, Fan Xin, was a colleague of your husband Wang Hua when I was the governor of Yingzhou. I was the only one who survived the Khitan attack."

"This is the silver and copper coins that Wang Hua asked me to bring back to you before he died."

"He asked me to tell you, you should find a good man to marry while you are still young."

After hearing that her husband was still thinking about her before he died, Jin Niang finally couldn't help crying.

For a long time, he wiped his tears and stared at Fan Xindao.

"My lord, was my husband still brave when he resisted the Khitans?"

"Fight the enemy in a bloody battle and would rather die than retreat!"

Knowing that her husband had not brought shame on Datang, Jin Niang wiped away her tears and said proudly.

"As expected of the man that my Lady Jin has chosen, he is worth marrying in this life!"

"Yes, your man is a hero of the Tang Dynasty!"

Fan Xin said a few words of appreciation and changed the topic: "By the way, what's going on between you and this monk Huineng?"

When Jin Niang mentioned this, she felt extremely remorseful and said, "It's a long story. One day Master Huineng came to the shop and said that my husband had suffered a bloody disaster and might have lost his life."

"If I want to see the soul of my late husband, he is the only one who can help me."

"I didn't believe it at first, so I went to the Ministry of War Yamen to inquire about it, and the people inside said that Wang Hua did die in Yingzhou."

"This little girl has been fooled by him. If you hadn't come to rescue me, I would have had no choice but to throw myself into a well to save my reputation." "You calculated it?" Fan Xin tapped his fingers on the table, brows tightening. wrinkled together

Naturally, he didn't believe this lie, but it would be a bit unexplainable otherwise.

Wang Hua is an eighth-grade official. Normally, his files are sealed, and it is impossible for outsiders to find out his information.

In this case, there is only one possibility left, that is, someone in the Yamen revealed the news about Wang Hua to Monk Huineng.

He was not alone, but a group of people committed the crime!

"It seems that this monk Huineng is deeply involved!" Fan Xin thought to himself.

After suppressing his thoughts, Fan Xin stood up and said to Jin Niang.

"I am currently working in Dali Temple. If you have any difficulties, you can come to me directly and say goodbye!"

After leaving Qingyi Square, Fan Xin took Monk Huineng to Dali Temple. On the way, he asked Zhang Huan and Li Lang to let Huineng go by deliberately exposing their flaws.

Zhang Huan said in confusion as he watched Li Lang's figure disappear at the end of the street.

"Shaoqing, monks are compassionate. This Huineng doesn't look like a real monk. There is no need for us to play a long game to catch the big fish, right?"

"What's fake is also fake when it's fake. We'll find out when Li Lang follows him back." Fan Xin said calmly.

He had a vague intuition that this case was not as simple as it seemed, and there was probably a corruption group hiding behind it.

In the middle of the night, Li Lang opened the door and walked in to practice Baofen.

"Reporting to your Majesty, the investigation has been completed."

"Oh, what is the origin of this Huineng?" Fan Xin put down his brush and asked curiously.

Li Lang picked up the tea cup and took a sip, then sat on the chair and said with emotion.

"I never expected that this monk Huineng, who cheated money and sex, was actually a real monk."

"After he escaped from us, he circled around Tianjie twice and went straight to Hanguang Temple."

"I was afraid of arousing his suspicion and only followed him to the mountain gate and then came back."

"Hanguang Temple, this place sounds familiar."

Fan Xin thought for a while and said to Li Lang: "In this case, you will lead people to surround Hanguang Temple tomorrow, and first take the monks back to Dali Temple to investigate and see if you find anything."

Unexpectedly, Li Lang shook his head: "I'm afraid it won't work. The director of Hanguang Temple has a great reputation in the court, and the three law ministers dare not touch him."

"I advise you to forget about it. There is no need to get angry over this matter."

When Fan Xin saw that Li Lang was serious, he felt that he was a little rash.

Luoyang is not as good as Wushui County. There are big people everywhere here. If you mess with the wrong people, it will inevitably cause unnecessary trouble.

So he agreed: "Okay, tomorrow morning you two will accompany me to Hanguang Temple to have a look around, and we will wait until the investigation is clear."

The next day, early in the morning.

Fan Xin got up early, put on regular clothes, and took Zhang Huan and Li Lang to the foot of Hanguang Temple.

As the largest temple in Luoyang, Hanguang Temple is quite famous. According to ancient records, the temple was built in the Eastern Han Dynasty and covers an area of ​​more than [-] acres. There is an endless stream of pilgrims who come to pray every day.

"Sir, the seven-level pagoda on the top of the mountain is the famous Jinggong Pagoda. The mountain at our feet is also called Sima Mountain. Legend has it that it is related to Sima Yi during the Three Kingdoms period." Zhang Huan explained with a smile.

"As expected of the famous Hanguang Temple, the steps in front of the mountain gate alone are enough for us to walk for a while." Fan Xin stopped and panted.

After hearing the conversation between the two, a scholar in white turned around and said

"Young Master must have just come to Luoyang. You are only talking about the Hanguang Temple temple complex. What people are really talking about here is actually the miracles of the eminent monks."

(End of this chapter)

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