Chapter 86: Surrounding Hanguang Temple!
"Control?" The minister of Dali Temple sneered: "There are dragons and crouching tigers hidden under the emperor's feet. Can you take care of it?"

"Listen to my advice, young people should not be too arrogant, otherwise you will offend the big shots and you will die without knowing how."

The Minister of Dali Temple never dreamed that Fan Xin would target Master Xue Huaiyi on the first day he took office.

It was not that he didn't know about the monks of Hanguang Temple who were cheating and concealing evil, but so what.

Master Xue had a close relationship with the Queen Mother. It was widely said that he was a minister of Dali Temple. Even the prime minister at that time had to respectfully call Master Xue "master" when he saw him.

Fan Xin was just a young fourth-grade Shaoqing, and there was no way he could be Master Xue's opponent.

Fan Xin didn't care about the warning from the Minister of Dali Temple. He had died twice on the battlefield, how could he care about a monk?
That's it when he is not in his position. Now that he is the Shaoqing of Dali Temple, he will naturally kill the unhealthy trend in the Buddhist temple.

What's more, this Hanguang Temple is very likely to hide some ulterior secrets.

So he said: "If a place like Dali Temple can't make decisions for the people, then what's the use of us officials?"

"Common people?" The Dali Temple Qing was startled for a moment and said with an angry smile: "Common people are nothing. Believe it or not, as long as Master Xue says a word, the black gauze hat on your head will be taken off immediately."

Seeing that the minister of Dali Temple made it clear that he was unwilling to get involved in this case, Fan Xin said coldly.

"Forget it, since the temple minister doesn't want to offend Master Xue, then the official can just take the lead. I don't believe that there is no king's law in the Tang Dynasty!"

After that, he walked towards the entrance of the lobby. Before leaving, he paused without replying.

"The Master of the Temple is wrong in what he said. Young people are not young people unless they are energetic."

Looking at Fan Xin's leaving figure, Si Cheng asked cautiously.

"What should we do, Temple Minister? If the Queen Mother finds out about the arrest of the monks from Hanguang Temple, we won't be able to afford it."

"What else can I do? Of course I ask Di Xiang for leave and go home to recuperate."

"Damn it, even a subordinate like Fan Xin doesn't know what evil I did in my previous life!"

Coming out of the lobby, Fan Xin called the guards of Dali Temple to the courtyard and discussed the action plan.

When everyone heard that they were going to Hanguang Temple to arrest the monks, they all looked embarrassed.

"Fan Shaoqing, Hanguang Temple is the dominant force in Luoyang, and even the Luozhou government doesn't dare to take care of it. Let's forget it."

"Brothers, it's hard to find a job, but you don't want to lose this job."

Seeing that the temple guards were as fearful as tigers, Fan Xin sighed, showed off his black python robe, and said to everyone.

"This python suit was sewn by the Queen Mother herself before winter and was given to me as a gift."

"She said that when winter comes, the sharp sword of the Tang Dynasty must not be broken by the cold."

"Hanguang Temple is certainly powerful, but am I a vegetarian?"

Speaking of this, Fan Xin pulled out the golden dragon sword with a loud sound and said murderously.

"Listen, as guards of Dali Temple, you are responsible for enforcing the law fairly. If anyone dares to flinch, this golden dragon sword given by the Queen Mother will definitely kill him in court."

"As for the errand issue, you don't have to worry. I, Fan Xin, will bear the huge crime alone and I have nothing to do with you!"

Seeing the golden dragon sword shining in the sun, nearly a hundred Dali Temple soldiers all changed their expressions and knelt on the ground, shouting long live the Queen Mother.

Naturally, they had heard about this golden dragon sword given by Emperor Gaozong to the Queen Mother after being in Luoyang for a long time. When this sword appeared, it was as if the Queen Mother was personally present.

I just didn't expect that it would be given to Fan Shaoqing, which shows how deep his holy love is.

After thinking that these temple guards were no longer afraid, they looked respectful.

"Don't worry, Shaoqing, we will fully cooperate with you to arrest the monk who cheated Hanguang Temple!"

"Damn, I've been putting up with them for a long time. I've been showing off my power on the streets. The good days are coming to an end!"

Seeing that the temple guards cheered up, Fan Xin inserted the golden dragon sword into the scabbard and shouted loudly. "Zhang Huan, you lead a group of temple soldiers to seal off the outside of Hanguang Temple! The rest follow Li Lang and arrest the monk named Huineng!"

"I humbly obey my orders!" The two of them clasped their fists together.

"Okay, let's go!"

With an order, nearly a hundred Dali Temple soldiers mobilized in full force and rushed towards Hanguang Temple.


In Hanguang Temple, pilgrims knelt on the ground to worship devoutly amid the curls of green smoke.

"Your Highness, we have been wandering around Hanguang Temple for so long, shouldn't it be time to return to the princess's mansion?"

Unexpectedly, Li Taiping shook his head and sighed.

"Xue Shao has been imprisoned in Dali Temple for more than ten days. If he doesn't have food, he may be in danger of his life."

"Let's go see Master Xue again and ask him to say a few good words to the prince-in-law in front of the queen mother."

The guard hesitated and said: "But Master Xue said that Xue Shao and his brother are suspected of participating in Li Chong's rebellion. The sacred decree has been decreed and no one can change the outcome."

"It will be in vain for us to ask again."

"Then what should I do? I can't even enter Dali Temple now, so I can't do nothing."

Li Taiping was heartbroken when he thought of the consort lying dying in prison.

Xue Shao is the most talented man she has ever seen. He is humble and gentle, and she holds him in the palm of her hand like a treasure.

However, just such a person was affected by Li Chong's rebellion and was imprisoned.

How could she not feel distressed by this?

Just when Li Taiping was secretly feeling sad, there was a sudden commotion outside the mountain gate, and then the crowd parted and a man in a cloak broke in with the temple guards.

"Listen to me, Dali Temple has been ordered to handle the case. All idlers should get out of the way, otherwise they will be treated as accomplices!"

As soon as the words fell, dozens of heavily armed temple guards rushed to the Main Hall and blocked all passages.

Li Taiping was surprised when he saw this scene.

"Strange, when did Fatty Xie become so bold and dare to lead people to search Hanguang Temple? Doesn't he know about the relationship between Master Xue and his mother?"

Fatty Xie refers to the Minister of Dali Temple.

Hearing this, the guard shook his head: "It probably wasn't Xie Siqing's idea. I heard that the Queen Mother appointed a man named Fan Xin as the young minister of Dali Temple."

"I think this person took office three times as a new official and regarded Hanguang Temple as a place to establish his authority."

"Fan Xin?" Li Taiping frowned slightly: "Is that the one who captured Li Chong, defeated Qiu Shen, scolded King Fan Yang, and killed the fake Zhao Wenhui?"

She heard a lot about Fan Xin when she attended the banquet, and even the queen mother was full of praise for him.

The guard nodded and said with emotion: "It's him. This man has a fiery character. He would rather break than bend. Even Wu Shangshu and all the officials failed to defeat him!"

"Not only that, the Queen Mother also gave him the golden dragon sword and the python robe of King Luling."

"In just six months, he was promoted six levels in a row, directly promoted from the seventh-grade county magistrate to the fourth-grade young minister."

"Throughout the officialdom of the Tang Dynasty, no one has ever been so trusted by the Queen Mother."

"If there is anyone in the civil and military dynasties who can save Prince Consort Xue in front of the Queen Mother, I think only this person can do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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