Chapter 87 The storm in Dali Temple!
Li Taiping did not expect that Fan Xin's holy family was so deep that it even gave him the golden dragon sword and python robe.

You must know that the Queen Mother has rarely shown favor to her subordinates since she has been in charge of the Tang Dynasty for so many years, and even if there are rewards, they are ordinary things.

Not to mention the royal sacred objects like the Golden Dragon Sword, which are like my presence.

Now the mother has broken the rules and promoted Fan Xin one after another, which shows how important this guy is in her heart.

It is not difficult to imagine that Fan Xin will become an important minister like Di Renjie in a few years.

Thinking of these, Li Taiping took a deep breath, with determination in his beautiful eyes.

The guard is right, the only way to rescue the consort is to ask Fan Xin for help!

Just when she was thinking about how to get Fan Xin to help her, the supervisor of Hanguang Temple who got the news hurriedly led people to the main hall and bowed to Li Lang.

"Amitabha, Hanguang Temple is the place where Buddha practiced his spiritual life. Why are the benefactors of Dali Temple surrounding this temple?"

"you are?"

"The old monk's name is Huide, the temple supervisor of Hanguang Temple!"

"It turns out to be Master Huide!" Li Lang walked around the old monk several times and said with a cold face.

"A few days ago, our Dali Temple received a report that Monk Huineng, a monk from your temple, pretended to be an expert and defrauded people of money and sex on the pretext of injecting Buddhism into people!"

"According to the rules, we must immediately take him to Dali Temple for investigation."

"Please ask Monk Huineng to come out and come with us!"

After hearing these words, the old monk frowned slightly and said.

"That's good, that's good. Junior Brother Huineng has been stationed at the Sutra Pavilion all year round. He has never taken a step out of Hanguang Temple. How can he go out and defraud money? Did the donor deny the wrong person?"

"Impossible! According to the witness's confession, he is your monk Huineng from Hanguang Temple!" At this point, Li Lang seemed to lose his patience and waved his hand at his subordinates.

"Come on, bring Monk Huineng out to me!"


The temple guards shouted loudly and rushed towards the various pavilions and palaces, causing all the monks to look at them angrily.

A few monks even quietly tightened their grip on the sticks in their hands.

Seeing this, the old monk calmly shook his head, and then the monks loosened their sticks.

"Amitabha, donor, please let your subordinates come back. The old monk will let Huineng come out."

Li Lang was just trying to scare the old monk. Hanguang Temple was an important place for Buddhism, the Queen Mother was involved, and thousands of people were watching below. Naturally, he didn't dare to rush in.

So he waved his hand and signaled the temple guards to come back.

The old monk whispered a few words to an elder beside him, who nodded and went to the Sutra Pavilion. Soon a middle-aged monk in gray clothes walked to the main hall.

It looked like he was Monk Huineng, whom he had met once before.

"Huineng has met the temple supervisor, brother, and I don't know why you called this young monk here."

The old monk held a Buddhist bead and said with kind eyes, "Junior Brother Huineng, this benefactor of Dali Temple received a report. Some people said that you pretended to be an eminent monk to defraud money and sex. I wonder if this is the case?"

Hearing this, Monk Huineng's face changed and he said anxiously.

"Brother the temple supervisor is unjust! The young monk stays in the Sutra Pavilion all day and has never left the mountain gate. How can he talk about cheating money and sex!"

"Unjustly accused?" Li Lang sneered and said to Monk Huineng.

"The day before yesterday when you went to the tofu shop to harm the female shopkeeper, I was at the scene. Do you still admit your mistake?"

At this time, Monk Huineng also recognized Li Lang and said with a surprised expression.

"You are the group who came to look for Xiao Monk yesterday!"

"I said you got the wrong person!

"Hmph, you still dare to quibble when you have all the witnesses and physical evidence!" Li Lang waved his hand: "Come here, bring me back to Dali Temple!"

"Ah, Brother Temple Supervisor, save me, the young monk was wronged!" However, no matter how he shouted, the old monk remained unmoved and watched helplessly as he was taken away by the people from Dali Temple.

After the pilgrims dispersed, an elder said with a ferocious face.

"Big leader, Blood Snake knows that we have too many things going on. Should we infiltrate into Dali Temple at night and kill him?"


The kind-hearted look on the old monk's face disappeared and was replaced by a cold look on his face.

"The Blood Snake has followed His Highness King Lu for many years. He has gone through countless life and death tests, and a mere Dali Temple can't do anything to him."

"Furthermore, Wu Zetian is about to burn incense, and there is not much time left for the royal family surnamed Li. We must control Hanguang Temple as soon as possible and make final preparations to eradicate the Demon Queen."

"I asked you how the replacement of the monks from Hanguang Temple went?"

The elder bowed and said: "Everyone has been replaced except for the trash Xue Huaiyi. He is being detained in the back hall and interrogated about his living habits."

The old monk gave a satisfied sigh and walked to the back hall. The place he passed along the way once again became the kind-hearted temple supervisor.

When he arrived at the back hall, the old monk glanced at the monk sitting on the ground with his hands tied, and said coldly.

"Monk Huide, I will give you one last chance. As long as you hand over the key to the secret passage of Hanguang Temple, how about I spare your life?"

"Amitabha, Buddha once said, if I don't go to hell, who will go to hell? If I let you come in through the secret passage, I don't know how many people will suffer misery."

"The poor monk advises the donor that the sea of ​​suffering is boundless and there is a shore." The old monk sat cross-legged on the ground with his hands clasped together and said.

A murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the fake old monk: "So you are not going to hand over the key to the secret passage?"

The old monk chanted the Buddha's name and slowly closed his eyes.

"Okay, okay, since you don't know how to praise me, don't blame this leader for being ruthless."

As soon as he finished speaking, the fake old monk flipped his wrist and a sharp blade radiating cold light suddenly penetrated the old monk's eye socket.

Seeing this, other subordinates also took action to kill the monk in front of them.

After the screams in the hall disappeared, the old monk threw away his sharp blade and said murderously.

"You get rid of the corpses of these monks first, and I'll go see that loser Xue Huaiyi."

"Didn't Dali Temple arrest our people? Then let the princes and nobles go and ask for our people."

After saying this, the old monk left the apse and walked through the corridor to a magnificent palace.

"Big leader, why are you here?" the young novice guarding the gate asked curiously.

"I have something to report to the abbot. Is there anything special about him inside?" The old monk glanced at the ajar door, and there was faint laughter coming from inside.

The young novice curled his lips and said, "Don't mention it. Apart from meeting a scholar named Li Taiping, the abbot spent almost all the rest of his time having sex with his new female disciple."

"Hmph, let Xue Huaiyi indulge himself. His life will be over when the Demon Queen is eliminated!"

After giving some instructions to the little novice monk, the old monk adjusted his expression and said kindly and loudly.

"Huide needs to see the abbot, senior brother, for something. Is it convenient for you?"

The laughter stopped suddenly, and a lazy voice came from the hall.

"It's Junior Brother Huide, come in and talk about anything."

"Yes, brother."

The old monk bowed his head, opened the door and walked in.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, a shout of surprise came from inside.

"Brother Abbot, what are you doing!"

(End of this chapter)

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