In the vast universe, thousands of stars gathered and dispersed, leaving only a huge planet full of powerful energy.

On this planet, after tens of millions of years of evolution, various cultivation systems have flourished and hundreds of schools of thought have contended.

In order to make it easier to compare various systems, this planet divides practitioners into classes.

The first level is the weakest beginner. On this planet full of powerful energy, even the weakest living being reaches adulthood, as long as he consciously absorbs the energy between heaven and earth to strengthen himself, he can be called the first level.

The second level is the advanced level above this. Warriors temper their bodies and are reborn, mages practice their spirit to touch nature, and other sects and sects also have their own definitions. This is the second level, which can effectively use the world between heaven and earth. Energy, rather than simply absorbing and refining it.

Third-level powerhouses can transform themselves from a deeper level by refining the energy of heaven and earth, and can easily crush hundreds of second-level practitioners. At the same time, reaching this stage of cultivation, most practitioners of the cultivation system Life span will begin to change and extend.

The standard for fourth-level powerhouses is to partially energize, such as the physical body of a warrior and the spirit of a mage. When the carriers they most rely on for combat and practice are energized, the efficiency of using and absorbing the energy of heaven and earth will greatly increase.

The lifespan of the strong at this stage will be extended as long as possible with the replenishment of the energy of heaven and earth without external interference. At the same time, they will no longer be troubled by the physiological phenomena of ordinary creatures.

Whether it is the fifth level or the sixth level, the initial energized part begins to expand to other parts, until the practitioner's body, spirit, and soul are all energized. Once the practitioner has completed this stage, it is completely possible. It can be said that he lives the same life as heaven.

And as energy becomes more and more complete, all kinds of methods and combat capabilities will intuitively increase, changing with each passing day.

The seventh level is another level. With the complete energyization of the whole, the practitioners, no matter what race they were born in before, can be regarded as completely reborn at this time. Their human power can be comparable to that of dragons, and there is no gap between races. .

But in the same way, such a strong person will also lead to a significant decrease in the ability to reproduce, because after complete energyization, the essential meaning of giving birth to offspring is actually to split one's own original energy, so as to create an existence with its own mark but without its own consciousness. .

Therefore, strong men above the seventh level rarely reproduce children. For them, their lifespan is endless. If there is no need for inheritance, what is the meaning of children.

What Seventh Level pursues is quality.

After the body, spirit, and soul have all completed the energy transformation process, what they want to pursue is to continuously borrow a large amount of heaven and earth energy to polish these three and make them stronger.

And this stage is also the stage where practitioners are most likely to die, but it is not because of problems with practice, but because of external forces.

Although the energy of heaven and earth is abundant, it is too scattered, and the absorption and refining is also quite complicated. Even for the long life of a seventh-level powerhouse, it is very troublesome to simply accumulate strength to reach the eighth level.

Therefore, they often choose another faster way, which is to hunt other seventh-level experts.

Because the seventh-level powerhouse itself has completed complete energyization, after erasing it, the energy left behind will not disappear, and these huge and pure energies that have lost the control of self-awareness are far easier to collect and absorb than the energy of heaven and earth. .

Therefore, in this land, if the people who are most likely to kill each other due to competition for resources are the seventh-level strong men, for them, other seventh-level strong men are the most valuable resources. It is far more convenient than trying your luck and looking for some natural treasure.

The energy of the body, mind, and soul of the eighth-level powerhouses has been stacked to the limit. At this stage, although they can continue to improve the purity of their own carrier energy, they have a faster way to improve their strength.

That is the power that carries the laws of heaven and earth.

The body, spirit, and soul composed of pure energy can allow an eighth-level powerhouse to carry the power of the laws of heaven and earth without being assimilated by the power of the laws.

And what a strong man can do after controlling the power of law is much better than what he could do at the seventh level.

Every move is supported by heaven and earth, and every word and deed can be followed. Powerful people at this level often dominate one side on this planet and do not interfere with each other. Otherwise, once they fight, the damage caused will be unimaginable. .

The ninth-level powerhouses are even rarer. It is difficult for a ninth-level powerhouse to be born every ten thousand years, because what the ninth-level powerhouses control is the power of rules. In other words, what the ninth-level powerhouses control is the power of rules. The avenue itself.

For example, there may be existences with similar power to control laws among the eighth-level powerhouses, such as the law of water or the law of the sea, but for the ninth-level powerhouses, this will never happen.

All the power of laws is derived from rules, but the avenue to which the rules belong is unique. On this extremely large planet, the number of avenues is a certain number, totaling three thousand, which is the number of countless living beings. , at most, only three thousand Avenue Lords can be born.

However, the powerful people at this level discovered that outside the planet they were on, there was a dead space with no aura to speak of.

At the same time, they also discovered that under this great and vast land with countless margins, there was an extremely terrifying power hidden under it.

That power was far more terrifying than the Three Thousand Avenues, and even they did not dare to touch it rashly.

But because they can feel this terrifying power, they are constantly exploring and annexing this avenue of their own.

Whether it is to derive more law variants, strengthen the original avenue rules, or to annex the ownerless avenue rules, or to seize other people's avenues.

They want to get closer to the great existence hidden in the core of the world.

The tenth-level powerhouse is called the Taoist Master.

With the help of one regular avenue or several regular avenues, they can carve out their own complete world and universe on this only planet, thereby establishing a new rule order to explore the way forward in the future.

There are only a few dozen such strong men.

But no matter how they deduced, they found nothing. Where is the way forward for the tenth level?
No matter how you expand the small world under your control, you cannot achieve a new qualitative change. No matter how you accelerate the iteration of the creatures in the small world, no matter how you invest resources, it is like a bottomless pit that cannot be seen, swallowing the Tao. The hope of the Lords.

In despair, the first eleventh level strong man in history was born.

A Taoist master took charge of a thousand rules and regulations, forced quantitative changes to complete qualitative changes, and built himself up to a realm that transcended all living beings. It was at this time that the darkest moment of this planet arrived.

When this eleventh-level powerhouse realized and stabilized his own realm, other Taoist masters began to hunt and usurp each other. At the same time, lower-level practitioners also suffered.

The power of law and rules held by the ninth- and eighth-level strong men were robbed, while lower-level creatures were unable to help themselves.

The overlapping and friction of the avenues, the conflict and fusion of laws will cause large numbers of creatures to die under various horrific disasters of heaven and earth. But strangely enough, no matter how devastated this world is, the originally chaotic space and laws will be repaired on the next day, and the number of living beings born in nature far exceeds the number of dead.

It's just that the Taoist masters who are red-eyed will not pay attention to this 'mortal' who is as low as dust.

In the end, after experiencing the darkest age, three eleventh-level powerhouses were born. Just because of their existence, the tenth-level powerhouses were completely eradicated.

It was at this time that the planet, which was extremely huge and majestic even for an eleventh-level powerhouse, shattered.

"How is that possible?" an eleventh-level powerhouse said in disbelief.

No matter how fierce their confrontation was, they never thought of destroying the world itself, or they simply did not think that the world itself would be destroyed because of their confrontation.

Because of this planet, this world is too big and too powerful, even for the eleventh-level powerhouses.

"No, it's the taboo aura, it's Him!" Another eleventh-level powerhouse couldn't hide his horror.

Even though they are all the top experts in this world, the years they have experienced are only tens of millions.

And the time this planet has existed cannot be traced back. Hundreds of millions of years? Billions of years? Or tens of billions of years?

What can be traced back are only some relics that left behind broken inheritances.

These relics played a lot of vital help in the early days of the development of spiritual civilization in this era.

For example, knowing the way forward, providing inspiration, or adding a new practice system.

As the earliest practitioners in the world, the three eleventh-level masters also had the experience of exploring ruins when they were young.

It's just that those relics that are only the sixth and seventh levels of broken inheritance are no longer considered by them who have been Tao masters for nearly ten million years.

At this time, they suddenly realized why the cultivation civilization before their own era would completely disappear after leaving only broken ruins.

When they witnessed the liberation of the taboo atmosphere, some of their deep-rooted concepts, or thoughts that were locked by the taboo, were liberated, and things that they had ignored in the past also came to their minds.

That is, the cultivation civilization before their time was destroyed because of taboos. At the same time, before their time, there was not only one generation of cultivation civilization, but the relics with different styles and complex inheritance could not be left behind by one era.

Thinking about it like this is terrifying to think about, how many generations of cultivation civilizations were there before this, and what is the meaning of their destruction and existence, and why their generation of cultivation civilization could be born in a wilderness.

"Perhaps we are all going to die here." The last eleventh level strong man sighed sadly. Seeing the taboo, just by witnessing it, they couldn't even have the slightest thought of resistance.

Soon, all their thoughts were stopped, including everything in the world, all stopped under the power of taboo.

"It failed again. The thirty-six thousand seven hundred and forty-seventh experiment was terminated because latecomers were cut off. Subsequent improvements were made to this defect."

The indifferent sound of the sky resounded across the planet, and at the same time, all the creatures from the first level to the strongest at the eleventh level were turned into powder and merged into the exploding planet.

In the planet, the huge mouth that has been emotionless swallowed it one by one. After digestion, summary, integration, modification, it was spit out again, reshaped into a new universe, and then the stars evolved, symbolizing another spiritual civilization. Destruction also heralds the birth of another cultivation civilization.

Needless to say, the identity of this giant mouth is Huo Yuhao.

After the breakthrough, Huo Yuhao was unwilling to continue trying to cross the timeline, and wanted to calculate a new breakthrough method through as much evolution and variables as possible.

So this experiment was carried out with the entire universe as the unit.

Various cultivation civilizations and various cultivation systems bloomed and hundreds of schools of thought contended, and finally started anew in a dead silence.

In different experiments, the shallow rules and variables in the universe are constantly being modified. The only thing that remains unchanged is the lowest level logic common to all universes.

Just tens of thousands of experiments, but still unable to give Huo Yuhao new inspiration on how to break away from the shackles of the world. Suddenly, he also became a new god of eternity and creation.

'Is this the only way? Putting hope in another self? Or countless other selves? How ridiculous. '

As Huo Yuhao thought, the stars in the universe kept changing according to his will.

Sometimes it turns into the only complete planet, and sometimes it turns into countless energy-poor and cruelly competitive planets, where creatures are born and die, and buildings stand and decay.

Under countless variables, what is constantly accumulating and growing is Huo Yuhao's own power, and what is growing at the same time is the shackles of the universe itself. They increase and rise at the same time, making it difficult to break through.

Through other people's experiments, through my own experiments, I have gone through hundreds of thousands of attempts, ranging from tens of thousands of years to hundreds of millions of years, but failed, failed, failed.

Huo Yuhao's own timeline is constantly moving forward and bifurcating, but there is no visible hope.

As for placing hope on your past self? A new beginning, new possibilities, a geometric future.

There is nothing to hesitate about now. In that case, let’s get started.

Huo Yuhao did not stop the continuous evolution in his universe. At the same time, his consciousness also began to trace back to his past.

Toward that familiar yet unfamiliar planet, toward his former home, toward the self who knew nothing. (End of chapter)

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