Huo Yuhao's consciousness follows the existence of cause and effect, carrying huge energy, spanning invisible time, and traveling through endless space. It may be a year, or ten years, or a hundred years, or some It might be close to eternity, or it might be just a moment.

His consciousness just drifted between the cracks of various worlds, and along with the pull of the causal line, it traveled through thousands of stars and spanned countless time.

Huo Yuhao's consciousness relied on that weak feeling to successfully trace his roots and re-enter the world where he was born, grew up, and lived.

At the same time, Huo Yuhao could feel it as soon as he arrived. Although the environment of Blue Star did not have any extraordinary elements, the space connected to it and the world that could be traveled and crossed had endless possibilities.

From this, Huo Yuhao could sense that there were some worlds that were weaker than the Douluo World as a whole, or some worlds that were far more powerful overall than the Douluo World.

He even had a feeling that starting from Blue Star, his consciousness could even easily break through the space barriers of other worlds and enter other worlds.

The space barrier between Blue Star and other worlds is by no means as hard as the Douluo Universe and the outside world. Or it can even be said that the Blue Star where Huo Yuhao was born is a link at the center of thousands of worlds, a link between the three thousand worlds. special transfer station.

Perhaps it is because of the convergence of the power of rules in various worlds, or because of the limitations of Blue Star's own latitude, that the mystery of Blue Star's native land is not revealed.

But Huo Yuhao could sense that, unlike Douluo Universe, Blue Star's true existence was far from simply showing that it seemed powerful, but now he had no room to test it.

However, he still had a hunch that some unknown changes were taking place in Blue Star itself, but at this moment he had no time to take care of it, because there was not much time left for him. .

The reason why I say this is because as time passes by after Huo Yuhao's consciousness arrives, Huo Yuhao's consciousness and the power contained in it are all moving in a very outrageous way. The speed began to dissipate quickly.

These dissipated energy did not spill into the surrounding environment or the air as normal, but seemed to disappear out of thin air and be directly erased by some kind of law concept.

According to Huo Yuhao's guess, this should be because the environment of Blue Star does not support the birth of extraordinary beings, so any extraordinary beings will be subconsciously excluded from other worlds.

But Huo Yuhao's consciousness is water without a source, a tree without roots, coming from the future timeline. Therefore, because Huo Yuhao only arrived here through future time, even if he wants to reject it, he has no goal.

That's why the energy in it is directly erased by the law of cause and effect in the world. It's just because Huo Yuhao's consciousness and the energy in it can only interfere with and affect his past self.

Therefore, only the energy in it was erased by the law of cause and effect in the world, and there were no other more terrifying effects on Huo Yuhao's body.

Because if you just project your future self's power into the past, even if you do nothing, just observe and interfere with yourself, the power required is already unimaginable.

You must know that the energy contained in Huo Yuhao's consciousness is enough to restart the entire Douluo World. Even so, it cannot last for long, so you can imagine its horror.

At the same time, every interference and change will lead to a series of chain reactions and changes in the law of cause and effect. These changes will cause the power of the world's laws to fiercely resist and target the law of cause and effect.

But without doing anything, Huo Yuhao's power is now enough, because this part of Huo Yuhao's consciousness can take away 'himself' in just one thought, and he is not prepared to interfere with other people in Blue Star. thing.

All he has to do now is to do something about his past self, and because Huo Yuhao's own time travel has already determined the outcome of his future, and doing it himself will not cause too many changes in the cause and effect of other things. .

Because Huo Yuhao's current interference relies on the induction of the existence of the causal line with himself, so Huo Yuhao's consciousness reaches his former self.

Huo Yuhao only needs to consume a certain amount of power to complete it. If it is to directly interfere with other things that have not yet been determined by cause and effect, even with Huo Yuhao's current power, it is simply impossible.

But what Huo Yuhao came to, who was still just an ordinary mortal boy, was completely unable to feel all this at this time.

Naturally, he would not have expected what kind of changes he would encounter next, or what kind of extraordinary life he would start.

The young man who was still sleeping soundly in the dormitory had his soul and consciousness ripped out of his body with a fluctuation in Huo Yuhao's consciousness.

As the boy lost his soul and consciousness in the next moment, and then with the loss of soul and consciousness, his body's physiological activities also began to gradually stop. At the same time, Huo Yuhao's will also felt a terrifying repulsive force.

This is Blue Star's plane law taking effect. After Huo Yuhao completes the established cause, the power he projected from the future to the current timeline must be driven out.

To outsiders, this was just a young man who stayed up late for a long time and died suddenly in the dormitory. Although it was a pity, it was not surprising.

But no one can know that the soul and consciousness existing in this body have transcended time and space and traveled to other worlds.

As the remaining power in Huo Yuhao's consciousness was ignited by Huo Yuhao, and with the repulsive power of Blue Star, the remaining power in Huo Yuhao's consciousness quickly enveloped the soul and consciousness of the ignorant young man towards Douluo Star. Time and space are approaching rapidly.

And the time and space that his soul and consciousness are about to arrive is not the time and space where Huo Yuhao is currently in the Douluo Star, but another time and space that has not been affected by the time traveler and the plot has just begun.

Because the past and future of the world line that Huo Yuhao himself lives in have been decided, no matter how many times it is restarted, the final ending will be one with Huo Yuhao and there will be no way forward, and it will not change.

Therefore, he must re-open a world line. Only in this way can new possibilities be born. In other words, this new possibility can make Huo Yuhao achieve new breakthroughs.

However, the timeline Huo Yuhao chose this time was not like the time when he came from infancy, because only after experiencing all this, Huo Yuhao would hate it deeply.

For a healthy person, everything he experienced in the White Tiger Duke's Mansion will definitely have an extremely significant negative impact on his subsequent character. And the consequences of its influence have been vividly reflected in Huo Yuhao's current world line.

Therefore, Huo Yuhao now puts his new 'self' directly on the timeline at the beginning of the plot, replacing Huo Yuhao, who is the destined son of Douluo Continent, in order to minimize the impact of Douluo's worldview on the time travellers.

The reason why we still choose to replace Huo Yuhao is because Huo Yuhao's existence is too important to the world of Douluo Continent. If he still exists after the arrival of the time traveler, then no matter what, his existence will lead to many uncertain changes.

And these uncertain changes will greatly interfere with the possibility of the time traveler, or in other words, because of its existence, it will interfere with Huo Yuhao's other possibilities.

Although due to the nature of Blue Star itself, after Huo Yuhao's consciousness arrives on Blue Star, he can use Blue Star as a transit point to travel to other worlds and seek new breakthroughs.

But Huo Yuhao was not prepared to do this, because he understood that his road had come to an end. No matter which world he went to from now on, if he wanted to take a new step, he could only rely on himself.

Even if he changes to a high-level world with a higher upper limit of strength and energy resources, the only thing Huo Yuhao can improve is his 'strength', and his true state cannot be changed due to changes in the world.

The path Huo Yuhao takes is different from other schools in the world. What he pursues is his own breakthrough and the leap in his realm.

And even if he travels to a fantasy world with a stronger upper limit of strength, if Huo Yuhao's improved strength has no realm, all he can become is an ordinary person who can't see his own path.

Therefore, as Huo Yuhao traveled through time and space under the influence of Huo Yuhao's power, the consciousness and soul of the mortal boy, who was originally restricted due to the Blue Star environment, and was destined to live an ordinary life, gradually transformed, and was endowed with the influence of time and space. unique properties.

It is this property that gives the traveler the unique possibility of being different from the natives of the original world and having the possibility of transcending the constraints of the laws of the world.

Combined with the power of destiny of Huo Yuhao, the destined son of Douluo Continent, this possibility can be maximized.

Huo Yuhao in this world line originally had this special possibility, but this possibility was directly covered by the more powerful power of faith.

The power of faith that the previous 'Huo Yuhao' gained throughout his life is proof that he has developed his own possibilities to the extreme.

However, the pollution brought by this path of the power of faith is too strong. Even Huo Yuhao's own unique possibilities have been polluted and affected by the power of faith.

Therefore, even if the power of faith he chooses is different and the path he takes is different, the bottleneck Huo Yuhao encounters in the end is also the bottleneck encountered by the previous 'Huo Yuhao'.

Both of them are trapped in the ultimate world of Douluo, but they are unable to transcend the Douluo world and reach a new realm.

Although I don't know what level the earlier 'Huo Yuhaos' reached and what bottlenecks they encountered.

But precisely because of this, Huo Yuhao did not give the seeds of the power of faith to this new 'self' like the previous 'self'.

Because compared to the power of belief held by the previous 'Huo Yuhao', which is the power of gathering the thoughts of all sentient beings into self-belief, the power of belief of Huo Yuhao in this world line is even more extreme.

The power of extreme self-belief, the self-respecting and unparalleled will contained in it, strips away all things and impregnates all characteristics.

If the seeds of the power of faith containing these are given to the new Huo Yuhao, the moment it directly covers the new 'Huo Yuhao', there will be only one result.

That is, this new world line will also be polluted and assimilated by the current world line that Huo Yuhao is in. In this way, the hope of new possibilities that Huo Yuhao wants to pursue will never be realized.

And because facts have proven that although the power of faith is very powerful, even surpassing all the cultivation systems in the Douluo World, it is not a force that can transcend the existence of this universe, whether it is the collective power of everyone or the power of great power Become one.

The very existence of the power of faith determines that it cannot reach the point of the multiverse, and if the power of faith relies on the power of outsiders, it will have a great impact on a person's growth trajectory.

Coupled with the possibility of contamination by the power of faith, in fact, most of Huo Yuhao's countless failed experiments ultimately failed due to the interference of the power of faith.

Because of the potential existence of the power of faith, most strong people who have practiced to the limit will seek a breakthrough in uniting the masses, but in the end they will end up in a dead end.

This is also the reason why Huo Yuhao is not prepared to give his new 'self' the power of faith.

Across time and space, outside the Star Forest, the battle between Huo Yuhao and the Feng Baboon had come to an end. At this time, a little spiritual light from the sky fell into Huo Yuhao's body.

The huge mass contained in his soul and consciousness directly crushed Huo Yuhao's original soul and consciousness, and then Huo Yuhao's body had to survive in order to continue.

After accepting foreign souls and consciousness, and with the arrival of souls and consciousness with unique characteristics, Huo Yuhao's body also began to undergo subtle changes under its influence.

The energy and mental power existing in its body are gradually tainted with the unique spiritual light of the traveler.

From this, a new world line begins.

As the young man's consciousness and body merged, he reopened his eyes, and a unique world came into view, a new world that was incompatible with his previous ordinary self. (End of chapter)

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