The Peerless Tang Sect’s Tianxin Douluo

Chapter 6 The Disappearance of Electrolux

Chapter 6 The Disappearance of Electrolux

"W-what's going on???" Tianmeng Bingcan looked confused.

It is different from the empty, white spiritual sea or spiritual space of ordinary people.

Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea is filled with densely packed doors, and each door is wrapped with countless chains.

And there are golden barriers between each door.

And this is the actual manifestation of the wall of the heart. In Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea, the isolation of the wall of the heart is absolute.

After entering this place, Tianmeng Ice Silkworm was isolated in an independent space by the wall of the six-sided center.

Outside the wall of the heart, Huo Yuhao faced his eyes.

The huge mental power of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm was divided layer by layer by the wall of the heart, turned into small parts and stored in small parts.

"Now, let's talk, Tianmeng Iceworm." It was different from Huo Yuhao who was acting scared outside just now.

At this time, Huo Yuhao took off his emotional mask and looked indifferently at the Tianmeng Iceworm in front of him.

Tianmeng Bingcan couldn't help but feel a little creepy when he saw this scene that was beyond imagination.

"Who the hell are you!"

"My name is Huo Yuhao, and I will be your master from now on." Huo Yuhao looked at the big insect in front of him and said.

"Damn it, what did you do to me, my mental power, why." Tianmeng heard this and wanted to mobilize his mental and soul power to resist.

But his mental power has long been isolated by the walls of his heart, and his soul power and mental power have also lost contact with him.

At this moment, the outside world.

The sky that was extremely clear a moment ago suddenly darkened, and a thunderous roar sounded high in the sky.

At that moment, the sun's light was completely blocked by darkness.A breathless pressure fell from the sky.

A gray stream of air descended from the sky as if it had encountered a huge suction force. It landed on the back of Huo Yuhao's head and slipped quietly in just a split second.

But at the moment when the gray air flow entered Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea.

The walls of the heart are accumulated layer by layer, and under the influence of the level of consciousness, even the walls of the heart are broken.

But Huo Yuhao's expression did not change. In the sea of ​​​​spirit, the chains on the doors gradually opened.

The golden heart wall turned into pitch black, enveloping the gray airflow.

In the middle door, a young man with almost the same appearance as Huo Yuhao, but with black hair and black eyes opened his eyes.

The golden wall of heart represents Huo Yuhao's soul, while the dark wall of heart represents the essence of the traveler.

Even the residual consciousness of Electrolux, which has a level as high as divine consciousness, cannot break through the isolation of the dark wall of the heart after entering the sea of ​​spirit.

"Holding the sun, moon and stars in my hands, there is no one like me in the world." An old voice sounded.

"I never imagined that this remnant of my consciousness would dissipate here, that's all. I guess it's fate."

The gray air flow turned into an illusory figure and collided with the wall of the heart. The last remaining consciousness of Electrolux was about to be wiped out.Electrolux did not make any other struggles. After all, it is not a moral thing to forcefully break into the sea of ​​​​spirits.

Now that he can almost be regarded as having seen through the world of mortals, he will naturally not hurt Huo Yuhao again because of this.

As Electrolux's consciousness collapsed, the dark walls of his heart piled up one after another, sealing away all the memories contained in Electrolux's residual consciousness.

It turned into a new door, and on this door, there was the image of an old man, whose aura was extremely sacred, but also carried the aura of death.

"This..." Tianmeng Bingshen looked confused. During the confrontation between Huo Yuhao and Electrolux just now, he could detect that although this residual consciousness was not powerful, it was of extremely high quality.

Unexpectedly, he was also wiped out by Huo Yuhao. Thinking of himself in the sea of ​​Huo Yuhao's spirit at this time, he couldn't help but shudder.

"What are you thinking about? Surrender, or die." Huo Yuhao successfully resisted Electrolux's entry and breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

"If you surrender, I can take you to become a god. After all, isn't that what you want?" Although Huo Yuhao could imprison Tianmeng Ice Silkworm at this time, the essence of the Heart Wall is not harm.

With his current ability, he can't actually hurt Tianmeng Iceworm. At this time, he is simply deceiving Tianmeng Iceworm, and he doesn't understand.

Although Tianmeng Iceworm has now acquired the soul power and mental power accumulated over millions of years, without the help of Tianmeng Iceworm, if he wants to completely control it, he will need to spend a lot of time refining it, so naturally it is better to try Try to conquer the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm.

Although according to the original work, Electrolux is indeed one of the few good people and kind elders in all Tang San's books.

But unfortunately, I am not the original innocent Huo Yuhao. I am a time traveler with countless secrets, and I am not a good person.

Naturally, I would not think about getting Electrolux's recognition. I thought that after resisting Electrolux's move in, the other party might self-explode this ray of consciousness.

Unexpectedly, he would choose to leave his own memory, which can be regarded as another kind of inheritance. For himself, this may be a greater gain than getting the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm.

If he could master them all, he would be more likely to break free from Tang San's control in the future.

Moreover, the space key to the demiplane of the undead also exists here. In this case, even if he encounters Tang San's two Extreme Douluo level dogs, he can still run away if he wants to.

Naturally, Tianmeng Bingshen didn't know what Huo Yuhao was thinking at this moment, and was trembling on the side. However, after hearing Huo Yuhao's promise, he was overjoyed and said, "I am willing to surrender."

Having lived for millions of years, he is not a proud spirit beast. On the contrary, he is extremely greedy for life and afraid of death. This is how he can endure the oppression of the ferocious beasts in the Star Dou Forest for nearly 10 years without blowing himself up to death.

Although Huo Yuhao now deviates greatly from what he had imagined before, Huo Yuhao has such abilities at such a young age. Coupled with his own strength, the possibility of becoming a god was much greater than if he had just found a spiritual soul master to guide him. Much more.

The shackles were tied again, and the open doors were closed again. As the middle door closed, the dark wall of the heart turned into gold again.

Huo Yuhao touched the door that symbolized Electrolux's memory with his fingers, extracted the information of the master-slave contract from it, and said to Tianmeng Iceworm:

"In the name of Huo Yuhao, I have entered into a master-slave contract with Tianmeng Iceworm. I am the master and you are the slave. The master will die and the slave will die. I will never disobey the master's will. Do you have any objections?"

As the spell was recited, consuming Tianmeng Iceworm's soul power and mental power, a magic circle slowly rose up, covering Tianmeng Iceworm.

Tianmeng Bingshen knew that once he took this step, there was really no turning back, but now that it was over, he gritted his teeth and said, "I do."

The magic circle slowly shrank and turned into an engraving, connecting the laws of the world and engraving it into Tianmeng Ice Silkworm's body. At this point, the contract was established.

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(End of this chapter)

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