The Peerless Tang Sect’s Tianxin Douluo

Chapter 7 Tang Clan Invitation

Chapter 7 Tang Clan Invitation

With the completion of the contract, the wall of heart that sealed Tianmeng Ice Silkworm also began to disintegrate layer by layer. To be precise, it was the wall of heart that blocked him from spiritual power and soul power.

In the outermost corner of the spiritual sea, the wall of heart separated Tianmeng Bingshu and his soul power and mental power from Huo Yuhao's own spiritual sea.

"Now, cooperate with me and sacrifice your soul ring and soul bones to me." Huo Yuhao said slowly, and in the middle door that was locked by a chain, wisps of dark power of faith seeped out, It spread to Huo Yuhao's external body.

With the cooperation of Tianmeng Iceworm, the huge soul power and mental power are cut by layers of seals, and can be used by Huo Yuhao at any time.
Outside, the dark sky gradually returned to its original appearance, with terrifying thunder raging in the sky, but due to the power of the law when Electrolux broke through the boundary, it could not come down.

On Huo Yuhao's body, a white halo slowly emerged, and ten golden lines were wrapped around it. Then the color of the golden ring slowly faded, and the dark power of faith also wrapped around the soul ring. superior.

Tianmeng Bingsi could feel that this soul ring seemed to be gradually deviating from its original control, and knew that Huo Yuhao was doing something, but due to the master-slave contract, it could not disobey Huo Yuhao's ideas.

Originally, the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm's body in the outside world slowly dissipated and turned into a ball of white light. It was supposed to be completely integrated into Huo Yuhao's body and turned into his blank martial spirit, but it was blocked by the dark wall of the heart.

Finally, under the influence of the dark heart, it turned into an external soul bone and attached it to Huo Yuhao's body in the form of skin.

As the dust settled, these dark powers of faith were completely consumed.

And because the power of thunder punishment could not feel the existence that did not belong to this world, it casually fell on several ferocious beasts that had reached the level of ferocious beasts in the Star Dou Forest and dissipated.

At this time, there was only one relic left on the ground. Finally, under the pull of mental power, it quickly shrank and then condensed into a ball and disappeared into Huo Yuhao's arms.

At this point, nothing of the million-year-old soul beast Tianmeng Ice Silkworm remains in this world.

Everything here has returned to calm, except for the corpse left by the wind baboon, which proves the battle that once took place here.

Not long after, two figures came running towards here, it was Beibei and Tang Ya.

At this time, Huo Yuhao also opened his eyes and sat up without anything happening.

After all, his physical fitness and mental will are completely different from the original Huo Yuhao.

"Little brother, are you okay?" Looking at the body of Feng Baboon, Tang Ya became worried for no reason.

Beibei also noticed the wind baboon's body, and also noticed that the wind baboon had an injury on its right hand.

There was only one fatal wound from the chin to the head, but Huo Yuhao was not injured except for some dust on his body. He nodded slightly.

[Unexpectedly, although this little brother’s soul power level is not high, he seems to have strong practical experience. 】

Huo Yuhao shook his head and said coldly: "What's the matter?"

After Tang Ya and Beibei caught up, they found that it was different from what they thought. Huo Yuhao didn't need their help at all.

The original plan to win over was naturally in vain.

But for some reason, an irresistible idea suddenly came to Tang Ya's mind [We must let this little brother join the Tang Sect, definitely! 】

It was exactly what Tang San left behind. Otherwise, why would the original Tang Ya fall in love with a strange child inexplicably? Could it be because the grilled fish is so delicious?
Tang Ya clenched her fists and said, "Little brother, it's still very dangerous for you to be alone in the Star Dou Forest. You haven't even entered the outer perimeter yet, and you've been attacked by a spirit beast."

"Would you like to join us next? It will be much safer this way, and if the little brother wants to hunt for the soul ring, we can also help him."

Beibei looked a little strange at the inexplicably enthusiastic Xiaoya, but he also fell in love with Tang Ya's kindness.Huo Yuhao shook his head when he heard this: "I'm going to Shrek to enroll in school. I already have a soul ring."

A circle of dark yellow and slightly purple soul rings emerged from Huo Yuhao's body, exuding the aura of a century-old soul ring.

And as the soul ring appeared, Huo Yuhao's dark blue eyes showed a layer of light golden luster. Both Beibei and Tang Ya could feel the fluctuations of soul power in his eyes, as well as a kind of feeling that made them appear in a trance for an instant. mental fluctuations.

Beibei was a little shocked when he saw this. He originally thought that Huo Yuhao's low soul power was due to lack of talent and lack of family help. Naturally, it was impossible to expect that his first soul ring was actually a century-old soul ring that was close to a thousand years old.

Moreover, the opponent's martial spirit should be a spiritual attribute martial spirit, and it is also a very high-level martial spirit.

But since I heard that he was going to Shrek to attend school next, could it be that he was still under 12 years old?Then his development seems too advanced.

But in this case, this cultivation level does make sense.

If you are only an eleven or twelve-year-old soul master, you may have missed out on some of the cultivation of soul power because of learning some common sense and training in the soul master world.

Coupled with the innate soul power and other reasons, it is normal to only have one link. Moreover, Huo Yuhao has seen the self-created soul skills used before and the combat power to easily kill the wind baboon.

It seems that the opponent may indeed be the kind of soul master who focuses on basic training in the early stage. Although this situation is rare, it still exists. In addition, it is reasonable if the opponent's martial soul is the original martial soul.

"Oh, little brother, are you also going to take Shrek's entrance examination? Beibei and I are also students of Shrek. Maybe you will call us senior and senior sister in the future."

Tang Ya said with a smile: "Little brother, what is your name? My name is Tang Ya, Tang from the Tang Sect. This is Beibei, my disciple."

Beibei smiled helplessly and nodded to Huo Yuhao.

"Huo Yuhao." After hearing this, Huo Yuhao just nodded to the two of them coldly: "Is there anything else? I have to leave."

Even so, the enthusiasm in Tang Ya's heart was out of control: "That's it, little brother, do you want to join my and Beibei's sect? We were once the number one sect in the mainland, the Tang Sect."

Huo Yuhao glanced at Tang Ya and Beibei, with a faint smile on his lips: "Oh, the legendary Tang Sect, I have indeed heard of it, but I heard that the Tang Sect has declined, what is going on? .”

Tang Ya's eyes were red, and she said calmly: "Although Tang Sect is no longer what it used to be, we will definitely make Tang Sect regain its glory."

At this time, Beibei also said: "If you are willing, there is a technique in the Tang Sect that should be very suitable for your practice. It will be very beneficial to your future development."

"And with your current soul power, it might not be that simple to join Shrek Academy."

"But if you join our Tang Sect, our Tang Sect has an exemption quota for Shrek Academy every year, and we can give this quota to you."

"Shrek Academy is the number one academy in the mainland, and it's not that easy to get into."

Huo Yuhao squinted his eyes and thought for a while before saying, "It's not enough, I have to add more money."

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(End of this chapter)

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