The Peerless Tang Sect’s Tianxin Douluo

Chapter 8 Ten Thousand Years Soul Skill

Chapter 8 Million Year Soul Skill
Hearing this, Tang Ya and Beibei were both a little stunned. They considered that Huo Yuhao might reject it outright, or accept it happily because he was born a commoner.

But I didn't expect that the other party would actually say such things. It was really unexpected.

"You can join, but I need a lot of gold soul coins as support. Does your sect have any?"

Even though there was almost no interaction, the plot of inviting him to join the Tang Sect still happened. Huo Yuhao was absolutely certain that Tang San was definitely behind this.

In this case, in order not to cause Tang San to take other actions, it is not impossible to join. After all, Douluo World is different from other magical worlds. There is no such thing as a contract.

Moreover, joining the Tang Clan does not require an oath with a martial spirit to activate the power of rules that may exist in the dark. As for the possible killing after defecting?

To be honest, Huo Yuhao didn't take Tang Ya and Beibei seriously at all, even though his soul power was only level thirteen.

But by using the power of Tianmeng Iceworm and the second martial spirit, he was confident that he could kill both of them within three breaths.

Tang Ya held her hands in front of her in embarrassment, rubbing them nervously, her face flushed, and she looked at Beibei beside her with some embarrassment.

After all, the Tang Sect had even lost its foundation to the Iron-Blooded Sect. Without the basic industry, he still had to learn how to make hidden weapons and maintain his training at Shrek Academy.

His own qualifications are not outstanding. If it were not for the help of Beibei, the great-great-grandson of Moon, it would be difficult for him to continue his livelihood.

Beibei also frowned a little when he heard this. After all, although he was Munn's grandson, Munn didn't actually give him too many privileges, so he still had to rely on himself to obtain most of the resources.

What he uses for his daily practice and for Tang Ya's use is the amount he can advance from the Treasure Pavilion every year, and these must be repaid.

Although he occasionally received gold soul coins from playing games with Xu Sanshi in the soul fighting arena, to be honest, this amount of money could only be considered better than nothing for the money-burning profession of soul master.

But based on Huo Yuhao's demonstrated aptitude and Tang Ya's expectations, if he could be accepted using the Golden Soul Coin, it would be tantamount to making a lot of money.

"That's it, little brother Yuhao, although I don't have many gold soul coins on hand right now."

"But in Shrek City's Treasure Pavilion, if you need it, I can buy items with a total value of no more than 100 million gold soul coins for you every year. How about this?"

Huo Yuhao nodded upon hearing this, knowing that this was probably the highest treatment that Beibei could give.

Moreover, he was planning to join the Tang Clan just to paralyze Tang San, and these 100 million gold soul coins were for free, who wouldn't love it.

Seeing Huo Yuhao nodding in agreement, a happy smile appeared on Tang Ya's face, and her heart was filled with joy. For some reason, she seemed to have seen the day when the Tang Sect would rise again.

And the bit of spiritual thought that Tang San left behind was quite satisfied and he hid it again.

"Xiao Yuhao, let's become a disciple. There are only three of us in the Tang Sect now, and we don't have that many rules."

"You bow to me and change your name to teacher. From now on, you will be a member of my Tang Sect." Tang Ya said seriously.

Huo Yuhao nodded and bowed, although it was different from what Tang Ya had originally expected.

But it's also possible that Yuhao was born as a commoner and didn't understand so many rules, so she didn't say much.

"Very good, Yuhao, you will be the teacher's second disciple from now on. I have met your elder brother." While talking, she pointed to Beibei beside her.

"Elder brother." Huo Yuhao nodded to Beibei with a smile on his face. After all, this person might be his financial sponsor in the next year.

"You're welcome, junior brother. From now on we are a family." Beibei smiled and took out a pair of belts that were completely black and inlaid with pieces of round white jade. "This is a storage soul guide imitated from the soul guide 24 Bridges of Bright Moon Night held by Tang San, the ancestor of the Tang Sect. It can be regarded as a meeting gift from me to you."

As if Tang Ya was afraid that Huo Yuhao would run away, she took out a book from her storage soul guide, "Xiao Yuhao, this is a transcript of our Tang Sect's Xuantian Treasure Record. It records my Tang Sect's unique skills. "

"They are Xuantian Kung, Mysterious Jade Hands, Purple Demonic Eyes, Controlling Cranes and Capturing Dragons, Hidden Ghosts and Hidden Weapons, and Hundreds of Secret Weapons."

"Among them, the Xuantian Technique can be regarded as the top cultivation technique in the mainland. It is only enjoyed by our Tang Sect. The martial soul I just saw should be the eyes of the original martial soul. It should be quite consistent with the Purple Demon Eyes, and the Xuan Yu Hand, Controlling cranes and capturing dragons and hiding ghosts are considered first-class self-created soul skills, and anyone can practice them."

"As for the Hundred Secrets of Hidden Weapons, it is the foundation of our Tang Sect. Once you have mastered the first five secrets, I will teach you the secrets."

After taking the Xuantian Baolu and pretending to be cautious, Huo Yuhao said, "Okay, Teacher Xiaoya, I will definitely practice seriously."

In fact, now that Huo Yuhao has obtained Electrolux's memory inheritance, he really doesn't like the so-called Xuantian Kung. After all, this is the castrated version of Tang San.

And it's not ruled out that there might be a backdoor set up by Tang San.

But maybe it can be used to learn from the meditation methods of the Holy Demon Continent, and create your own meditation method with the help of your heart.

After all, the essence of Xuantian Kung is Taoist inner strength and mental method. Although I don’t know why it is in the hands of the Tang Sect who uses hidden weapons, it focuses on the development of the body.

The meditation method is more about the development of the brain and spirit, and the two may learn from each other's strengths and offset their weaknesses.

With perfect control over the soul power, Huo Yuhao will soon be able to skillfully use the 24 Bridges of Bright Moon Night.

Seeing this scene, Tang Ya also nodded with satisfaction: "Xiao Yuhao, your senior brother and I came out this time to hunt the soul beasts to increase the soul rings. You follow us first and wait until I finish the hunt. After that, go back to Shrek Academy."

Huo Yuhao nodded indifferently. After all, his biggest goal of this trip had been perfectly achieved. The next step was just to carry out the plan step by step.

Following the context of the original work, it affects the plot of the original work little by little, and finally finds its own breaking point.

Tang Ya walked in front, Beibei followed closely, and Huo Yuhao followed at the end. The three of them headed towards the Star Forest.

Tang Ya and Beibei were shocked to find that although Huo Yuhao was only a soul master, his physical quality was not much different from that of a quasi-soul master and a soul master, and he could completely keep up with their speed.

It is no wonder that the first soul ring can absorb a soul ring that is close to a thousand years old. Is this the original martial soul? It is really a gift.

Not long after, the three of them reached deep into the outer area close to the mixed zone.

On the left side of the three of them, Huo Yuhao's mental power keenly detected two wind baboons that seemed to be watching them with eagerness.

Just as Tang Ya was about to take action, she saw the soul ring flashing under Huo Yuhao's feet, and then two wind baboons fought together crazily for some unknown reason.

In the end, they both died and turned into two white soul rings.

"Well, what's going on here?"

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(End of this chapter)

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