The Peerless Tang Sect’s Tianxin Douluo

Chapter 9 Ten Thousand Years Soul Bone

Chapter 9 Million Year Soul Bone

"Did you do this, Xiao Yuhao? What is going on?" Looking at this strange scene, Tang Ya and Beibei couldn't help but wonder.

"This is my number one soul skill. It's mental chaos. It can make people or soul beasts whose mental power is lower than mine go crazy, but it doesn't last long." Huo Yuhao said casually.

In fact, these are the four million-year soul skills brought to him by Tianmeng Iceworm.

Different from the original work, the time traveler who has never been able to integrate into this world will naturally not allow his spirit to be shared with others. Therefore, under the distortion of the heart, the four soul skills have become...

Mental Detection: Using mental power to fully cover the surroundings, and then after the mental power is recovered from the sea of ​​​​spirits and the information is fully integrated, all the information about the mental detection coverage area is calculated and presented in a three-dimensional form in the mind with extremely high accuracy.

Mental link: Force the mental power of units whose mental power is lower than your own to be linked together, and you can also link yourself with others. As the mental power becomes stronger, the number of links that can be increased will be greater, and the duration will be extremely long.

Mental mimicry: You can use mental power to simulate various situations and possibilities in your mind, but it will not cause any interference with reality. The higher the mental power, the more sophisticated the mimicry will be.

Spiritual incarnation: Split a part of your mental power into an independent part, and you can use your mental power independently.

The two wind baboons just now were actually connected to the spirit of Huo Yuhao's spiritual incarnation. The perspective detected by the spiritual incarnation was distorted by spiritual mimicry and fed back into the minds of the two wind baboons, which ultimately interfered with their six senses. They regarded each other as enemies and died together in their lives.

Tang Ya was nodding thoughtfully when Beibei's face suddenly changed: "Xiao Ya, be careful."

He grabbed Tang Ya with his right hand and activated Controlling Crane and Capturing Dragon. Tang Ya did not hesitate and stepped on the ground to activate Ghost Hidden Trace and was captured by Beibei.

A dark shadow fell to the ground instantly.Immediately afterwards, a strong sweet scent hit his face.

Huo Yuhao's whole body was wrapped with a layer of light blue soul barrier to cover the invisible and colorless wall of the heart that truly had a defensive effect.

Two halos of light rose from Tang Ya's feet at the same time, bright yellow rhythmically moving up and down.

It is the fixed combination of blue silver grass that has been passed down for thousands of years, and the blue silver grass entangles and parasitizes.

"Xiaoya, protect Yuhao." Beibei shouted, three soul rings on his body rose, and his upper body was covered with a layer of blue dragon scales covered with lightning.

Then the lightning on his right arm flashed, turning into a dragon-claw-like thunder and lightning shadow and attacking the Mandala Snake.

As a thousand-year-old soul beast, the Mandala Snake naturally would not sit still and wait for death. It jumped up suddenly and avoided the attack of the dragon's claws.

Tang Ya was trying to drag Huo Yuhao away with the blue and silver entanglement.

In mid-air, the mandala snake suddenly twisted its body like crazy and seemed to be fighting something.

Beibei's eyes lit up when he saw this, the third and second soul rings lit up, a thunder net enveloped the Mandala Snake in mid-air, and the escaped Thunder Dragon Claw behind the Mandala Snake was also pulled Returned.

Forcibly suppressing it to the ground, Beibei's figure turned into an afterimage. A dragon claw on his right palm that was half larger than before fell towards the mandala snake's head, knocking him unconscious.

In fact, it was Huo Yuhao who secretly added a mental shock (which was performed by controlling one's own mental power, not a soul skill).

"Phew, it seems that this mandala snake was careless, otherwise the thousand-year-old soul beast would not be so easy to deal with." The battle went unexpectedly smoothly, and Beibei couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"The timing of the release of Xiao Yuhao's soul skill just now was very clever. Although it didn't last long, if it weren't for Xiao Yuhao's help, it would have been difficult for me to inflict such a thunderous blow on this mandala snake."

"Xiaoya, hurry up, kill him and absorb the soul ring while he has no resistance. Isn't this what you have always wanted?"

Tang Ya nodded, took a flying knife with a handle about half a foot long and penetrated it through the mouth of the snake that Beibei pinched open, ending the life of the thousand-year-old mandala snake, and a purple soul ring rose up.Tang Ya patted her chest and said happily: "I didn't expect it to go so smoothly. Help me protect the law."

Then he sat cross-legged on the ground and began to absorb the Mandala Snake Soul Ring.

Beibei looked at Tang Ya who had absorbed the third soul ring, nodded, then looked at Huo Yuhao and said, "Junior brother, are you okay? The poison of the mandala snake seemed to have come into contact with your soul power just now."

"The poison of the thousand-year-old mandala snake can even erode the soul power, so be careful."

Huo Yuhao shook his head: "It's okay, I'm fine."

Seeing that Huo Yuhao's expression remained as usual, Beibei didn't say much.

In fact, Huo Yuhao's soul power has not come into contact with the poison of the mandala snake at all. This non-attack type of influence ability is almost impossible to affect himself within the wall of the heart.

In addition to its strong resistance to direct attacks, the Heart Wall is also more resistant to various indirect abnormal effects.

Moreover, in addition to the wall of the heart, the external soul bone that Tianmeng Ice Silkworm brought to Huo Yuhao also determined that Huo Yuhao would not be affected by the poison of the thousand-year-old Mandala snake.

As a million-year-old soul beast, Tianmeng Ice Silkworm's external soul bone brings four soul bone skills.

Second Sea of ​​Consciousness: Provides Huo Yuhao with a second sea of ​​spirit.

Why Huo Yuhao can use his spiritual incarnation to connect with others unscrupulously? Because even if he suffers backlash, it will be borne by the second sea of ​​consciousness without affecting his most important first sea of ​​spirit.

Real simulation: It can simulate extremely real illusions, which can only be seen through by a god-level expert in person.

This is the truth about the color of the first soul ring. Even the Ultimate Douluo cannot see through the simulated soul skills produced by the millions-year-old Tianmeng Ice Silkworm.

Tencel cocoon: Condensing mental power into a silk cocoon to control the enemy. Even ferocious beasts will find it difficult to escape in a short period of time.

Extremely powerful control-type soul skills, although they have spiritual attributes, cause physical control, which is equivalent to being exposed to the materialization of spiritual power in advance, and ordinary physical attacks or mental attacks are difficult to break it.

Feathering and Transformation: Physical fitness will improve simultaneously with the increase in soul power, and it will also be strengthened by one's own mental power.

This is the last soul bone skill that Tianmeng Ice Silkworm brought to Huo Yuhao, and it is also the most powerful one. Even the original Tianmeng Ice Silkworm does not have it, and it is only because of the influence of the heart's influence that it emerged from the cocoon. Ability formed by possibility.

Every level of soul power that is increased will bring about changes in Huo Yuhao's body. You must know that this is a change that only happens to strong people at the Super Douluo level, and it will gradually increase the essence of the body.

The mental power will also feed back to the body, forming a virtuous cycle. Now Huo Yuhao's physical fitness can even easily withstand a thousand-year-level soul ring. However, in order not to attract attention, the first soul ring was mimicked to a soul ring close to a thousand-year level.

Not long after, Tang Ya finished absorbing the soul ring and was about to ask Beibei and Huo Yuhao to leave.

Huo Yuhao said: "Teacher Xiaoya, senior brother, what is this?"

He immediately pointed to the datura snake corpse on the ground.

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(End of this chapter)

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