The Peerless Tang Sect’s Tianxin Douluo

Chapter 75: The first round of the game is over, Shrek is on full fire? (1 words)

Chapter 75: The first round of competition is over, Shrek is on full fire? (5000 words)
At noon today, Xuanzi brought Dai Huabin, Zhu Lu, and Caitou as support to meet the last deadline for registration.

Wang Yan calmed down his mind and said with a smile on his face: "How did everyone have a rest last night? The treatment in the Star Luo Empire is really good."

Some people barely managed a smile in response, while others were in a low mood.

After Wang Yan calmed everyone down a little, he began to explain the rules of the competition.

Huo Yuhao, on the other hand, didn't hear a word of it. It was just a fight anyway, and what other bells and whistles could there be?

He was secretly thinking about the opponents he would encounter in this competition, and who could provide extra value to him through fear branding.

His current soul power had been upgraded by one level some time ago. Although it was only level 35, his fourth soul ring had already been planned, and it was a soul beast called the Heart-Taking Tiger.

After the last attempt to transform Nightmare's soul ring with the intention of his heart was successful, it was able to produce new effects in conjunction with the fear brand, which made Huo Yuhao look forward to his fourth soul ring a lot more.

After giving the students a final word of relief, they allowed the students to go back to rest.

After returning to his room, Huo Yuhao had time to connect his consciousness to the spiritual incarnation of the demiplane of the undead.

I saw Hei Yuhao playing with a thin and gaunt man.

This man looked to be only 40 to [-] years old, but his hair was gray, his body was covered with very little flesh and blood, and his skin was covered with bones.

"Is this the true form of the messenger of death?"

Hei Yuhao nodded: "I read from his memory that this guy is a member of the Holy Spirit Cult, lurking at the border between Sun Moon and Star Luo to cause trouble."

"And he seems to be connected to a titled Douluo-level evil soul master behind the scenes."

Huo Yuhao nodded thoughtfully: "Then is it possible for us to use his line to penetrate into the Holy Spirit Religion?"

Hei Yuhao shook his head and said: "It's difficult. He can basically only be regarded as a peripheral disciple. If he wants to enter the inside, the gap is too big. But I learned from his memory that we were in Dragon City before. What they did seems to be known to the Holy Spirit Cult, and they want to absorb us into the Holy Spirit Cult.”

"Forget it, there are currently no chess pieces that can be stably controlled and separated from us. If the Holy Spirit Cult does not require contact for the time being, kill this guy. The corpse will be made into a corpse witch, the spirit will be stripped out to extract resentment, and the soul will be transformed into Soul Fire, let him contribute the final value."

"But he may be of some use at the end of this competition, let's see then."

In the early morning, as the preparations for the competition were completed, all teams and spectators entered the competition in an orderly manner. It was not until three o'clock in the morning that the emperor of the Star Luo Empire finished his speech, and then the official competition stage entered.

With the referee's announcement, the first game of this game finally officially started.

The two sides of the competition were the Tianling Advanced Soul Master Academy team and the Shrek Academy team from the Dou Ling Empire.

When Shrek Academy appeared, the audience's emotions seemed to reach a climax.

"Shrek, Shrek, Shrek..."

The voice calling Shrek Academy resounded almost every corner of the square.

The voice of the host of the competition sounded: "Let's first invite the players from Tianling Advanced Soul Master Academy to play."

A group of pale-faced young players came out. When they walked out of the player area, they even seemed to be a little shaky in their steps.

"Now, let's invite the Shrek Academy team, the number one academy in mainland China, the true kings of the academy, to appear." The host's high-pitched voice pierced the clouds.

Huo Yuhao's expression remained unchanged as he led Wang Dong'er, Jiang Nannan, Xiao Xiao, Ning Tian, ​​Dai Huabin, and Zhu Lu onto the stage.

Although Dai Huabin was hostile to Huo Yuhao in his heart, he still did not dare to do anything out of the ordinary on this occasion, otherwise he would lose the people of the White Tiger Duke's Palace.

Accompanied by waves of cheers, everyone from Shrek climbed onto the high platform of the competition.

But after they came on the field, the roar of cheers gradually subsided, and everyone was a little surprised, even the seven people opposite them.

Everyone was a little dumbfounded. Judging from the appearance of the seven of them, none of them should be over 17 years old. The average was probably about fourteen or fifteen years old, and most of them looked about eleven or twelve years old.

Did Shrek Academy only send seven people from their reserve team in the first knockout match?
Is this the confidence of the No. [-] college in mainland China?

Doubts arose in everyone's mind, but only their own family members in Shrek Academy knew about their own affairs.

At the highest viewing platform, Emperor Xingluo frowned: "I remember that Dai Hao's eldest son joined the official team before, didn't he? They didn't even mention the Soul King in the first game. They didn't even prepare a Soul King. Send it up?"

At this time, they didn't know that Dai Yueheng had died in Shrek Academy, and Xuanzi was still negotiating with Yao Haoxuan in his family, so even White Tiger Duke Dai Hao didn't know about it.

With everyone talking in the audience, under the command of the Star Luo Empire referee, both teams entered the venue normally.

At this time, the members of the Tianling Advanced Soul Master Academy, who were originally under great pressure, found out after they came on stage that they were actually facing a team of teenagers whose highest was only fifteen or six years old, and whose lowest was eleven or twelve years old.

The referee said in a deep voice: "The first round, knockout round, team battle. Both sides can use most of the soul guides to compete. But during the battle, if one side admits defeat, the other side is not allowed to continue to attack. Soul guides cannot use fixed equipment Soul guides and other high-destructive equipment to fight. Do you understand?"

After both sides responded one after another, the referee said loudly: "Both sides retreated to both sides of the field. Follow my order to start the game. Before I announce the start, no one is allowed to release the martial spirit in advance. Otherwise, he will be sentenced to lose." "

As both sides took their positions, the referee standing in the center of the field raised his right hand to signal.The entire arena fell silent. At the same time, one hundred and eight soul masters outside the arena released their soul power. Under the coordination of the soul guidance devices outside the arena, they turned into a huge white light curtain that enveloped the entire competition stage. .

Then the referee announced: "The game officially begins!"

I saw seven people spread out on the side of Tianling Advanced Soul Master Academy, three soul masters in front, two soul masters slightly behind on both sides, and two soul masters at the back, one in front and one behind.

On the Shrek Academy side, Huo Yuhao, Wang Donger, and Dai Huabin stood at the front, with Dai Huabin, who had the highest actual soul power, standing in the center, while Zhu Lu and Jiang Nannan stood on both sides to support, and finally Xiao Xiao and Ning Tian.

Following the referee's order, everyone rushed directly towards the opponent. As the martial soul possessed them,

There are five people in the Tianling Advanced Soul Master Academy who are fourth-ring soul sects, and two are third-ring soul sects. On the other hand, there is only one soul sect in Shrek, Jiang Nannan, but the weird yellow, purple, and black color of the soul ring under Huo Yuhao's feet But it attracted most people's attention.

At the same time, two strange-looking figures outside the venue exclaimed after seeing Huo Yuhao's martial spirit possessing him.

Both of them are men, with ordinary looks but strange figures.One has a particularly thick right arm, while the other has a thin body and a huge head, like a big-headed doll.These two people are Lang Ya and Yu Tao of the Noumenon Sect.

Yu Tao, a man with thick arms, looked at the big-headed man beside him and said, "Lao Lang, could this little guy's martial soul be his eyes? In addition to our own martial soul, ordinary people who want to cultivate to the soul master level and carry a ten-thousand-year soul ring have to pay a lot. The resources are astronomical."

Lang Ya nodded his huge head and responded: "It shouldn't be wrong. After his martial spirit possessed him, his body did not show the characteristics of other beastly martial spirits. And judging from his age and spirit ring, his martial spirit must be good. , basically there is no need to run away, but we still have to observe and observe.”

"But he is a disciple of Shrek, and with a spirit ring of this age, he is probably also a core disciple of Shrek Academy. If we want to bring him to the Noumenon Sect, it will be a bit troublesome."

Yu Tao said nonchalantly: "If we can't do it, don't we still have elders? If it doesn't work, we still have the sect leader. You know, this kid can reach the second ring for a thousand years and the third ring for ten thousand years just by himself without using the secret method of developing the body." Genius, even the young sect leader may not be able to do it."

Lang Ya nodded. After all, their Noumenon Sect's behavior has always been like this. Whatever they like, they will find a way to get it no matter what the cost.

As everyone on the stage approached, Huo Yuhao and Wang Donger gradually fell behind Dai Huabin, while Zhu Lu quickly rushed forward.

Dai Huabin's face looked a little ugly as he recalled what Huo Yuhao had said to him before.

When taking the stage, Huo Yuhao said to Dai Huabin: "As soon as you and Zhu Lu come into contact, just activate the martial soul fusion skills and attack with all your strength. The evil-eyed white tiger and the ghost civet cat have appeared in the competition too many times. You three This kind of soul skill has already been discovered by others, so there is no need to test it anymore."

Dai Huabin was naturally unconvinced by this, but looking at Huo Yuhao, the fear that arose in his heart made him unable to speak. He just responded with anger: "I understand, the command of this battle is yours. If you fail, everything will be over." You alone will be responsible for the consequences."

As the distance between the two sides approached a hundred meters, the control system soul masters on both sides had begun to release their soul skills for remote harassment. At the same time, unlike the Shrek Academy side, the seven people on the other side were all equipped with soul guide ray guns. Although the power of They are not big, only level [-], but they are more powerful and a bit annoying.

The figures of Zhu Lu and Dai Huabin gradually overlapped, and a giant black and white tiger with two wings on its back appeared on the field. It was the Netherworld White Tiger, the martial soul fusion skill that the Dai and Zhu families had been famous for for thousands of years.

Then, accompanied by a breathtaking tiger roar, the white tiger's speed suddenly exploded, its body was shrouded in white light, its body expanded in a circle, turned into an afterimage, broke through the soul guide ray barrage, and rushed straight to the front of Tianling Advanced Soul Master Academy Three people in a row.

Although these three people are all soul sects, their strength is far inferior to Shrek's students, and their soul rings are all three yellow and one purple.

At this moment, Ning Tian also moved. The first soul ring and the third soul ring were blessed on the Netherworld White Tiger at the same time. The Netherworld White Tiger's claws tore out two blades of light and shadow, and forcibly broke through the Tianling Senior Soul Master. The defensive soul guides on the three people in front of the academy.

Except for one defensive soul master who withstood the blow through his martial soul ability and only suffered minor injuries, the other two were vomiting blood and suffered considerable injuries.

Seeing this, the four people from behind the Tianling Advanced Soul Master Academy also followed up. The captain of the Tianling Advanced Soul Master Academy was a level 47 agility attack type soul master. His hands turned into two huge wings, and then his feet The fourth soul ring lights up.

A cluster of feathers flew out from his two wings, entwined with a faint green light and swept in the direction of Shrek's group. At the same time, a control soul master behind their team also sprayed a mouthful of ink from his mouth. The thick green phlegm hit the Netherworld White Tiger.

Most of the attacks from the two of them were resisted by the huge Nether White Tiger, because the Nether White Tiger is a collection of soul power. The dark green thick phlegm seems to be poisonous, but in addition to its corrosive effect on the soul power, it still retains its final effect. The threatening corrosiveness cannot be reflected.

The Netherworld White Tiger's painful eyes exuded violent anger. The main person controlling the Netherworld White Tiger was Dai Huabin. Huo Yuhao, who was already extremely unhappy with the command at this time, was now injured by the poison from the soul master of the Tianling Advanced Soul Master Academy. Seeing that he completely ignored the three soul masters in the front row.

He jumped suddenly, flapped his wings and flew towards the soul master who was like a toad after being possessed by the martial soul.

Everyone else in the Tianling Advanced Soul Master Academy wanted to stop them, but they were no match for the Netherworld White Tiger blessed by the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. The tiger entered the crowd and tore the control soul master's body apart in just a few strokes. Seeing this, the referee quickly came off the field and took him off.

However, his body was severely injured, and even if he was rescued, he would probably have some sequelae.

As the game continued, another agility attack soul sect from the Tianling Advanced Soul Master Academy avoided the head-on conflict with the Netherworld White Tiger, gritted his teeth and attacked the Shrek group alone.

The Netherworld White Tiger was currently being dragged down by the four soul sects and was unable to escape.

I saw Jiang Nannan duck out of the way, the third soul ring under her feet lit up, and then she appeared directly in front of the agile attack type soul sect. When the man saw this, it was too late to avoid him.

The fourth soul ring flashed under his feet, and the crimson soul power on his right hand was covered. A crimson light spread from his right arm to his right palm, attacking Jiang Nannan. Jiang Nannan turned over and clamped his neck directly with her legs. Completely ignoring the fourth soul skill activated by the other party.

There was just a hint of joy in the soul sect's eyes, but when his attack was about to hit, he found that Jiang Nannan's whole body was covered with a layer of golden light, and he couldn't help but turn pale in shock: "What? Invincible golden body?"

Then I saw the first and second soul rings under Jiang Nannan's feet shining brightly. The agility-attack soul sect was irresistibly smashed to the ground by his legs. Due to the gravity control of the second soul skill, Jiang Nannan's this The power of the attack increased significantly, and the soul sect's skull was dented. He passed out without saying a word, and was directly rescued by the referee.

At this time, Huo Yuhao, Wang Dong'er, and Xiao Xiao had also approached the people from the Tianling Advanced Soul Master Academy who had been badly killed by the Netherworld White Tiger. With their assistance, and with a little effort, they finally captured several people from the Tianling Advanced Soul Master Academy. people.

The referee then announced: "The first match is between Tianling Advanced Soul Master Academy and Shrek Academy. Shrek Academy wins!"

Although Shrek Academy still won this battle, everyone else watching the game was whispering. After this battle, the strength of the only soul sect in Shrek Academy was clearly visible, and his soul skills were even more direct. It was exposed on the papers of major colleges.

Needless to say, the two soul masters who can perform the Netherworld White Tiger combo skill needless to say. At this time, the main teams of the other three countries are both happy and worried.

Fortunately, the number of applicants for Shrek Academy has been determined before, and there are only ten people including the preparatory staff. According to the strength they have shown now, the other students in their twenties and thirties can almost be ignored. Only the Netherworld White Tiger and Qibao Glazed Pagoda need a little attention.

Nowadays, apart from the four people they have exposed, there are only three students who have not yet played that are worth noting.

But there will not only be a team competition later, no matter how strong the three people they hide are, is it possible that they can turn the tide of the entire battle on their own?

In this competition, perhaps they can also look forward to Shrek Academy's many-time champion position.

But what worries me is that according to the current situation of Shrek Academy, how can we deter the ambitious Sun and Moon Empire? You must know that the Sun and Moon Empire has been in constant friction with the other three countries over the years, and they also know that their national power is by no means that of the Sun and Moon. Imperial rival.

If it hadn't been for the apparent support of Shrek Academy before, I'm afraid the Sun and Moon Empire would have started a new round of war. Now that Shrek Academy is gradually weakening, how long can it still frighten the Sun and Moon Empire?
At this time, in the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy team, a handsome boy about 15 years old laughed loudly and said: "Is this Shrek Academy? With their appearance, they really have a chance to survive with us. The battle at the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy? I’m afraid the next knockout round won’t be enough for them.”

Ma Rulong, captain of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, frowned slightly, looked at the arrogant Xiao Hongchen and said, "Junior Hongchen, please don't be so careless. As the number one academy in the mainland, maybe Shrek Academy is trying to hide their clumsiness this time? Maybe they He might also be hiding some incredible trump cards.”

"This time we are trying to bring glory to the empire. We must not lose the empire's face because of our carelessness."

Xiao Hongchen said with some disdain: "I know, I know, Brother Ma, if you want me to say that we will send our reserve team to fight against Shrek Academy in the future, I will crush them hard and let them know what it means to be a king." division!"

"Okay, okay, brother, stop bragging." A girl with white hair and red eyes who looked very similar to Xiao Hongchen stuck out her tongue and said.

At the same time, she looked at Wang Dong'er on the stage with curiosity and admiration in her eyes, as if a hot flame was burning in her eyes [Wow, that little brother is so handsome, but it's a pity that he is from Shrek Academy. 】

At this time, everyone in Shrek did not know what others were talking about. After returning to their rest area, Huo Yuhao left directly, and then left a message: "I will go back to practice first, and I will leave the matter of gathering intelligence to you. ”

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(End of this chapter)

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