The Peerless Tang Sect’s Tianxin Douluo

Chapter 76 Wang Yan's 'tactics', the round robin begins (5000 words)

Chapter 76 Wang Yan's 'tactics', the round robin begins (5000 words)
Dai Huabin looked at Huo Yuhao's back and felt indignant. In this battle, Huo Yuhao was completely fishing in troubled waters and did not use any soul skills. Most of the battle was solved by the Netherworld White Tiger used by him and Zhu Lu with the help of Ning Tian.

As a result, this guy immediately became the commander-in-chief. Did he still take the identity of this commander to heart?Why did Wang Yan let Huo Yuhao be the commander instead of himself?
Wang Yan saw Dai Huabin's face and quickly stepped forward to comfort him: "Dai Huabin, Zhu Lu, you have done a good job this time and brought out the momentum of our Shrek Academy. You will continue to work hard in the future. Teacher believes that you can lead our Shrek Academy again." Return to glory."

After hearing this, the jealousy in Dai Huabin's heart was still rising, but it was not easy to break out. He sat directly in the seat in the rest area and watched the competition of other teams in the stadium.

Wang Donger followed Huo Yuhao directly out of the competition venue and returned to the Star Emperor Hotel.

Huo Yuhao returned to his room, looked at Wang Dong'er who had followed him, closed the door and asked, "Why are you following me here if you don't go back to your room?"

Wang Donger looked at Huo Yuhao, bit her lip and said, "Yuhao, are you not very concerned about the glory of the college? I can feel it."

Huo Yuhao nodded irrefutably, and then said: "It's not like you don't know what happened during the beginning of school. Anyway, I'm still in Shrek Academy, so naturally I will try my best to be a good student. As for you, you are What do you think?"

Wang Donger shook her head in confusion: "I don't know, but what Mr. Xuan said before made me feel... very strange, and some of it can't be explained. I always feel that a lot of what he said is wrong, but Mr. Xuan is Shrek Mr. Su of the college, how could he be wrong in what he said?"

Huo Yuhao smiled slightly. The power of faith he had left in Wang Donger's body seemed to be still working normally. At least now she would not follow the Shrek Academy's dogma mindlessly like in the original work.

At least she has her own thoughts, otherwise if she still obeys Tang San and Shrek mindlessly in the original work, she will be ineffective in her next plan and will be of no value.

"Do you really think Shrek needs an institution like the Supervisory Corps? Or do other countries need it? And Shrek's students need to give everything they have for this institution?"

"Think about Yao Haoxuan, Dai Yueheng, Gong Yangmo, Chen Zifeng, Xixi, Beibei, Xu Sanshi. Think carefully about what Mr. Xuan said before, what exactly touched you and made you willing to sacrifice your life and forget What about joining the hell?"

"Can you leave your family and relatives behind and devote everything to a goal that you don't know the future? I won't go into details. You can go back and think about it yourself. I want to practice."

Wang Donger was speechless, her brain seemed to be a little blank, and she was pushed back to her room by Huo Yuhao. She couldn't help but recall the last words Huo Yuhao said when he pushed her out.

"Why did you abandon your daughter's body and disguise yourself as a man to join Shrek Academy?" This sentence echoed in her ears for a long time, seeming to occupy all her thoughts.

Why?This in the end is why?Why can't I remember it?

Huo Yuhao returned to his room and finally sent Wang Dong'er back. He felt that after cutting Tang Wutong, she really became a curious baby, always asking him questions. He still didn't know what Tang San was. I'll take another look when I have nothing to do.

What can I say?That your father tore your soul apart and then asked you to come down and be fucked by me?Or is it that the strong men of Shrek Academy are using their spiritual power to brainwash the students and develop new fanatic followers for your father Tang San?
Right now, I wasn't ready to directly confront Tang San, even if it was just the two dogs under him, it would be a bit troublesome.

Huo Yuhao felt that the soul power of the second martial soul in his body seemed to be filled to level 31. He did not take the initiative to practice during this period. Those who were affected by the fear mark contributed to the power of faith provided by him.

Huo Yuhao is preparing to do a great job in the competition this time. After all, among the millions of people who come to watch this time, the number of soul masters only accounts for one thousandth, but even ordinary people can provide themselves with some fear. , even if it offers less.

But if your performance can leave a mark of fear on one or two percent of them, then the amount of soul power converted from the power of faith gained every day will be considerable, and then you can specialize in the first martial arts. There is no need to consider the second martial soul for the cultivation of the soul.

For this reason, Huo Yuhao must ensure that every time he plays, he can bring new surprises or shocks to others, so he chose Zangzhuo in the first game.

With the in-depth practice, two days passed quickly. Until the evening of the third day, Wang Yan knocked on Huo Yuhao's door: "Yuhao, the knockout round is over. Come to the conference room and let's discuss tomorrow's plans." Tactics.”

After following Wang Yan to the conference room, all nine other people were present, including Ma Xiaotao and Ling Luochen, who were seriously injured.

Wang Yan sorted out the information in his hand and said, "Xiao Tao, Luochen, please give me a detailed timetable for your recovery from your injuries."

Ma Xiaotao frowned and said: "I say it will take at least 20 days. If you are injured, you should be able to fight with normal intensity in ten days. If you use your full strength, you should be able to fight once with full strength after ten days, but the injury will be aggravated by then. After that, I probably won’t be able to do it again.”

Ling Luochen said coldly: "My words are a little better. It will take fifteen days to fully recover from the injury, but it will also take ten days before you can fight normally. You can't do it with all your strength. My physical fitness is not as good as Ma Xiaotao."

Wang Yan nodded: "That's good news. In this case, Xiao Tao and Luo Chen will have a chance to play in the round robin."

Wang Yan encouraged the reserve team's performance in the knockout round and then said: "Now I want to re-understand your personal abilities to formulate future tactics."

"I basically understand the soul skills of Jiang Nannan, Ning Tian, ​​Xiao Xiao, Wang Dong, Dai Huabin and Zhu Lu. Only Yu Hao and He Caitou can tell you in detail about your soul skills?"

He Caitou touched the back of his head and said in a seemingly honest manner: "Teacher Wang, my martial spirit is a cigar. It can burn for about 10 minutes. It can last for two days after being made."

"The first soul skill is called Spirit-Invigorating Thick Cigar, which can increase the user's mental power by about ten percent."

"The second soul skill is called the Power Amplifying Big Cigar, the third soul skill is the Defense Amplifying Long Cigar, and the fourth soul skill is called the Soul Power Amplifying Thin Cigar. Since I haven't used it much, I need you to see the specific effects after using it now."

After everyone tested it, it was found that its actual effect was about 15.00%. Then Wang Yan praised it, and then he continued.

"Caitou's soul skills are so effective. Caitou, you should equip others with a set of cigars made by you before the competition. This way, after entering the battle, it will be like they have an assistant like you."

"This can greatly increase the combat power of our team, and even in team battles, you can concentrate on using the soul guide instead of consuming soul power to use soul skills to provide boosts for others."

Wang Donger frowned when she heard this. In the past three days, she had been thinking about what Huo Yuhao said before. Now that she heard Wang Yan's 'tactics', was there really any glory in such 'tactics'?
So is it possible that all teams will compete in subsequent games to see which one has more logistics and food-type soul masters?Or whose soul master has a bigger belly and can eat more food made by a food-type soul master?
Huo Yuhao glanced at Wang Dong'er, who was frowning, and knew that his previous words had aroused her self-consciousness, and then opened his mouth to add some fire to her.

"If this is your tactic, Teacher Wang, then I will continue to practice."

"Although I don't care about using other methods against powerful enemies of life and death, it's just a competition, and I won't look for loopholes in the rules for this."

Then he turned around and left. Wang Donger seemed to have made up his mind and followed Huo Yuhao out of the conference room. Others also walked out one after another after hearing this, but Wang Yan, who was contradicted, froze in place and was very embarrassed.

After leaving, Huo Yuhao and the others went directly back to their rooms. It may be because the meeting ended early, or it may be because he was not conspicuous in the competition before, so he did not meet Xiao Hongchen who came specially to provoke him in the original work.

Through the power of faith, Huo Yuhao could feel that Wang Donger's mood next to him was very complicated at this time, but he did not pay too much attention to it. Now that the guidance and pressure he had given her were in place, it was up to her to establish her own direction.

Time quickly came to early morning during practice. Starting today, there will be a round-robin competition, which is divided into team battles, single battles and group battles of two, two and three. The 67 teams are divided into eight groups and will last for sixteen days.

Only the two teams with the highest points in each group after the round robin are qualified to participate in the subsequent competition, which is the top [-].

At this time, the 67 teams that qualified from the knockout rounds were all sitting in the rest area, waiting for the start of the next round robin.

At this time, as usual, Shrek Academy took the lead in the first game.The host on the high stage of the competition said: "Now, please invite the Shrek Academy team from the first academy in mainland China and their opponent, the Star Luo Empire Yunluo Senior Soul Engineer Academy team, to enter the waiting area. At the same time, the captains of the two teams are invited to come on stage to confirm them. way of playing.”

Huo Yuhao walked onto the stage. The opponent's captain was a strong man with short blond hair.

The lottery tube is transparent, eliminating the possibility of secret operations under normal circumstances. There is a small circular hole on one side. The referee inserts three small balls representing different fighting styles through the hole.

Then turn the hole upward and let the captains of both teams throw it out at the same time. When the small ball falls out or after it falls, the referee takes out the first one.

When the big ball was thrown 20 meters into the air by two people, a small ball fell out.For Huo Yuhao, if it was just a game of pure luck, it would only take him a single thought to make the ball fall out under the influence of his heart.

And with his mental power, even if the opponent wants to use special power skills to affect the result, he will naturally compete with him. There are three colors of balls: red, yellow, and blue. Red represents the battle, and yellow represents the battle. Individual battles, blue represents the second, second, and third team battles.

I saw a small ball falling from the air. The referee caught the small ball and at the same time recovered the big ball that fell in the air.After showing the ball to the captains of both sides, he signaled to the Emperor of the Star Luo Empire at the head of the Imperial City before loudly announcing it through the soul-guided loudspeaker he carried.

"Shrek Academy vs. Yunluo Academy will adopt a one-on-one individual elimination match. Please send No.1 players to play."

During this trip, Huo Yuhao naturally stood directly on the stage, but the No. 1 student sent by the opponent was not tall, with broad shoulders and a bit fat.

Huo Yuhao didn't say anything after he came on stage. He just looked at the other party coldly. The other party was trembling slightly and seemed to have no fighting spirit.

But after the referee shouted, the game officially started. The Yunluo Academy player's machine was flipped over, with three metal tubes as thick as thumbs coming out of each arm, and two metal tubes as thick as arms each turned out on both shoulders. metal pipe.

A pair of folded wings unfolded instantly on his back, six metal tubes protruded from each side of his two thick legs, and there was a soul guide in the shape of a metal breastplate on his chest.

Then Huo Yuhao was just possessed by his martial soul, and at the same time his second soul ring flashed, and he just gave him a look, and activated his mental shock. He saw the man just rolled his eyes, and then he fell to the ground with bleeding from his mouth and nose, and the sea of ​​​​spirits was affected. A serious impact cannot be recovered without ten days and a half of cultivation.

"Referee, it's time to announce the result, next one." Huo Yuhao said coldly, looking at the referee who had just announced the start of the game and hadn't realized what happened.

"In the first individual knockout round, Shrek Academy wins! Please send new players from Yunluo Academy!" Seeing this, the referee said quickly.

The second person sent from the opposite side was a girl, about 1.7 meters tall, about eighteen or nineteen years old, with a delicate appearance and a strong figure.

After seeing both sides in place, the referee directly announced the start of the game.

Still the same as before, Huo Yuhao used a mental shock to hit the opponent directly and seriously injured him like the previous person. At the same time, he was marked with a fear mark.

Upon seeing this, the referee immediately announced that Yunluo Academy should send new players to the field.

The person sent by the opponent for the third battle was their captain, a four-ring soul sect. However, under Huo Yuhao's mental impact, he was still unable to resist and was seriously injured. Everyone else in the audience was in an uproar when they saw this.

No one could see what kind of ability Huo Yuhao used to knock the opponent unconscious without touching the opponent's soul power defense. Moreover, there seemed to be no fluctuation in soul power. Only some people who were good at mental power could see that everyone in Yunluo Academy It seems that the shock to the spiritual sea caused the coma.

But they also couldn't understand how Huo Yuhao bypassed his soul power and directly hit his opponent's spiritual sea.

In the end, the remaining people in Yunluo Academy chose to admit defeat, and because the captain and the two main soul sects were all seriously injured and unconscious, it could be said that they would not be able to compete in the next round robin.

Huo Yuhao left immediately and returned to the Star King Hotel to continue practicing, regardless of the arrangements made by Wang Yan and others.

One day later, Wang Donger knocked on Huo Yuhao's door: "Yuhao, Teacher Wang Yan said he would take us out to relax. Do you want to come with us?"

Huo Yuhao nodded: "Okay, let's go together." Huo Yuhao followed Wang Dong'er to find Wang Yan. Because of Huo Yuhao's previous confrontation, Wang Yan was quite resentful towards Huo Yuhao. But now the competition needs to rely on Huo Yuhao's support. After all, Huo Yuhao's combat power Wang Yan knew it.

To hold on until Ma Xiaotao and Ling Luochen appeared, they had to rely on him, so although Wang Yan was dissatisfied with this, he finally nodded to him as a signal.

Wang Yan took them to an auction house and explained the concept of the fusion of soul masters and soul masters on the way. Because everyone had been watching the battle these days, they understood it in their hearts.

In the current situation where the reserve team is playing, without relying on the soul guide, the strength will be far inferior to that of other colleges. Even with the soul guide, it can only barely close the gap.

After everyone put on masks and made some meaningless disguises, they entered the auction house and took their seats.

"Welcome all distinguished guests to the Starlight Auction. Our auction will begin soon. All distinguished guests are invited to take their seats."

Beautiful female voices came from all directions, and the auction hall fell silent.The surrounding wall lamps, which were not originally very bright, gradually dimmed, while the lights on the auction stage began to gradually become stronger.

Huo Yuhao only spent 15 gold soul coins to take a picture of a milk bottle and a soul-devouring knife, but other than that, he did not purchase any other soul tools.

Seeing this situation, Wang Yan asked nervously: "Yuhao, don't be impulsive. This is related to your life and future. I can't let anything happen to you."

Huo Yuhao shook his head and said: "My second martial soul is enough to suppress the evil nature in it. Although my body has not fully recovered yet, I will be able to suppress it normally in the future."

Wang Yan frowned slightly when he heard this, but he didn't know what to say. He just sighed silently. However, he also knew that Huo Yuhao was accepted as a disciple by a light attribute elder in Shrek Academy. He hoped that this soul-eating murderous knife would be in his hands. It can be conquered smoothly.

The subsequent auction items were of no use to Huo Yuhao. After the auction, he returned to his room at the Star Emperor Hotel.

He threw the box containing the soul-eating murderous knife directly into the demiplane of the undead. His current mental power accumulation is still a little short. Although he can use the mental power of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm to fill it, he can't use it at the moment. After all, he is facing The right opponent is not yet strong at the Lingyuan level.

It is better to use fear brand and spiritual absorption to accumulate first, and then use the spiritual power of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm when needed.

Just like this, another day passed during training, and then came the match between Shrek Academy and Qianling Advanced Soul Master Academy.

This time, it is still the same as before, a single elimination match. After all, for Huo Yuhao, the single elimination match requires far less effort than other competition methods and can produce a much stronger effect than a team match.

As for inflicting mass fear on the surrounding audience, he planned to wait until the finals to do it.

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(End of this chapter)

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