The Peerless Tang Sect’s Tianxin Douluo

Chapter 90: Yazhen and the Auspicious Beast, comes to an end (1 words)

Chapter 90 Yaju and the auspicious beast come to an end (5000 words)

"Little guy, what's your name? I'm auspicious beast, and I will be your boss from now on!" The tail behind the three-eyed golden beast couldn't stop wagging.

"Yai, my name is, Yai, whoever is stronger is the boss." The cub responded a little stiffly. He felt that he should have a name, but the meager memory passed down in his blood prevented him from thinking of a nice name. , and responded by taking one word from Yajue’s name.

Yai could also sense the aura of intimacy coming from the three-eyed golden beast. At the same time, a thought in his heart made him suppress the idea of ​​surrendering to the opponent from his blood. Although this guy is stronger than himself now, his future self He will be stronger than her, and he will not surrender to her.

Di Tian nodded. Although he was a return to his ancestors, this little guy also mastered the soul beast language passed down in his blood. This meant that the other party's innate wisdom was very powerful. This was a very good performance.

After all, although the bloodline ancestors are comparable to the second-generation dragon clan at the bloodline level, their own wisdom is hard to say.

"Okay, then I'll leave Yai to the auspicious beast, Zi Ji. During this period, you can take care of the auspicious beast and Yai, and let the Red King rest. I'm going to retreat to delay the coming of the catastrophe." Di Tian spoke, then transformed into his true form and flew away.

"Yes, Beast God." Zi Ji responded respectfully, kneeling on one knee.

The three-eyed golden man kept walking around Yai, using physical harassment from time to time to express his closeness to him, while Yai was lying on the ground with a face full of resistance but helpless. For some reason he was very annoying. Such inexplicable harassment.

"Alright, Rui Shou, stop playing, it's time to go eat." Zi Ji waved and said with a smile.

"Oh, okay." The three-eyed golden beast shook his big head, and the mane beside his head fluttered, reflecting a dazzling luster in the sunlight.

"Take Yai with you and teach him how to hunt. Although he has just been born, he still needs to master the hunting skills."

The three-eyed Jin Ni nodded his big head. He was about to greet Yai but Yai had already stood up from the ground and followed her. The three-eyed Jin Ni shook his head angrily and stepped on the four flames towards Run outside.

Although he had just been born, Yai's physical fitness was very strong and he could already keep up with the three-eyed golden eagles who were not running at full strength, while Ziji hid her aura and followed the two little ones in the dark.

Not long after, they arrived at the mixed zone outside the core area of ​​the Star Forest. Under the guidance of the power of fate, the three-eyed golden eagle discovered a twin Cyclops that was about ten thousand years old.

Because the original chaos attribute was borne by the two heads respectively, the light attribute in one head is very pure, and its spiritual power is far beyond that of ordinary ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts. Therefore, this soul beast can also be regarded as the three-eyed golden beast in the recipe. Delicious food.

The three-eyed Jin Yang was just drooling and wanted to chase the opponent, but found that Yai was running in the other direction: "Hey, Yai, what are you running for!" Then he turned around and glanced at the Twin Cyclops with gritted teeth: "Damn it, it's you. This guy is lucky."

The three-eyed golden eagle could no longer care about the twin Cyclops, and hurriedly chased after Yai. After all, he could eat delicious food at any time, so how could he let his little brother run away!
Then the three-eyed golden ant found that Yai was confronting a golden giant ant. The giant ant was two meters long, and its whole body shone like gold. Its pair of giant teeth looked extremely sharp. It is enough to split mountains and rocks, separate gold and cut jade.

This giant ant is a kind of soul beast called the Gold-eating Ant. It has a thin golden bloodline. It is a rare mutated soul beast that can only appear in the tribe of Thousand Jun Ants. Its attack power and defense power are extremely powerful. Feeding on various rare metals, the aura of this gold-eating ant is almost ten thousand years old.

As soon as the three-eyed golden tiger wanted to get closer to the other party, he heard Yai's deep roar: "I, the prey, are not allowed to come over."

"?!" The three-eyed golden tiger jumped angrily when he heard this: "Damn it, you are just born, how can you beat this guy? Humph, you won't be able to beat it later, you have to cry and beg me. I will help you!"

Yai slowly rotated clockwise around the gold-devouring ants, and the gold-devouring ants also slowly rotated their bodies with Yai. The three-eyed Jin Ni looked a little bored at times.

I saw Yai rushing in a clockwise direction at first, then immediately bouncing and changing direction, sprinting towards the gold-eating ant in a counter-clockwise direction. The gold-eating ant was first surprised by Yai's first movement, and quickly made a big move. He turned around and wanted to face Yai's attack.

But after seeing Yai's feint, his body was covered with an armor-like carapace, which gave him strong defense but also made him lose a certain amount of flexibility.

I saw Yai making a fake move to shake off the gold-devouring ant queen and rushed directly to his side. The dark golden wolf kiss fiercely bit the connection between the gold-devouring ant's head and body, and the gold-devouring ant's golden The carapace shattered as if it had encountered a nemesis, and the original sparkle in its golden eyes disappeared.

A purple-black soul ring slowly floated up, symbolizing the death of the gold-eating ant.

Seeing this, the three-eyed Jin Yang was also a little stunned. She didn't react at first. After all, her hunting always involves her chasing others, or the other party just goes to die peacefully. To be honest, her combat experience is pitiful. Maybe a little more running experience.

Zi Ji in the dark nodded secretly. In her opinion, Yai's bloodline may have passed down some experience in combat. In this case, she would not have to train and teach Yai in combat.

In fact, these were all adjusted by Hei Yuhao in advance. Whether it was the fighting style or language of the soul beast, he carefully extracted it from the memory of the Ice and Fire Dragon King and filled it into the dragon bloodline.

Then Yai first dropped the corpse of the gold-eating ant, walked to the spirit ring of the gold-eating ant, and opened his mouth toward it. He saw that the spirit ring turned into pure soul power and was pulled into his belly, and then He began to move his mouth towards the body of the gold-eating ant again, and Jin Yang was stunned when he looked at it.

Kai, who was only one meter long, ate all the corpses of gold-devouring ants that were over two meters long at an extremely fast speed. Apart from the fact that his body had grown one point larger, there was nothing else revealed.

Zi Ji carefully observed Kai's current state. His body size was ten centimeters larger than before, and his soul power also increased after swallowing this gold-eating ant that was almost 9000 years old. About 90 to 100 years ago.

This increase is already very exaggerated for a soul beast. Of course, as Yi's cultivation level increases, the increase in cultivation level provided to him by the soul beasts around 9000 years old will definitely decrease. But is this the power of devouring ability?

Zi Ji secretly thought, no wonder Emperor Tian had ordered that those soul beasts with devouring abilities must be strictly controlled, and the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger among them would kill them without mercy. If this growth rate is not controlled, it will indeed be Endangering the ecological chain of the entire Star Dou Forest.

However, as a dragon clan, if Yai only supports the beast Yai to devour and practice for 10 years, if this can bring a pure-blood dragon beast king to the Star Dou Forest, maybe some sacrifices of thousands of years will be made. The soul beast is also worth it.

And according to Zi Ji's observation, when Yi reaches 10 to [-] years of cultivation, he may be able to compare with some [-]-year-old beast kings.

"Sleepy." Yai opened his mouth wide, yawned and said directly to Sanyan Jinyi, then lay down on the ground and began to fall asleep.

"???" The three-eyed golden man looked at this scene in a daze, and then roared loudly: "Yai! You guy, you are not allowed to sleep!"

But Yai remained unmoved, leaving the three-eyed golden eagle screaming in place. Zi Ji looked a little helpless, perhaps because Yai needed enough time to digest the gold-devouring ants after swallowing them.

Zi Ji appeared in front of the three-eyed golden beast and said dotingly and helplessly: "Forget it, Rui Shou, I will take Yi and you back to rest first."

"Okay, okay, this hateful guy, I will give him a lesson when he wakes up!"

As Zi Ji left with the three-eyed Jin Ni and Yai, peace returned to the place.

After returning to the Lake of Life, it took Yai an hour to absorb the energy in his body, and then he woke up and said, "I'm hungry."

"Oh?" Zi Ji asked curiously, "Are you hungry so quickly?"

Yai nodded and said, "Absorb it, I'm hungry."

The three-eyed golden man snored angrily, and then said: "Damn it, I brought your kid back before I even ate, and you actually dare to say you're hungry!"

Did Yai just glance at her and ignore her, and then looked at Zi Ji beside him, which made the three-eyed Jin Yang go crazy for a while, and started to mutter on the side.

Zi Ji nodded and said: "Then you and Ruishu can play together in the Lake of Life for a while. I'll bring you food. Your current strength is too low. You need to find a suitable person." You don't get to meet your soul beast every time." Yai nodded, lying on the lakeside and licking the spring water in the Lake of Life, feeling the vitality in his body getting stronger little by little, feeling refreshed, and Zi Ji At this time, he left the dangerous place of Star Dou Forest.

There are more than one or two ferocious beasts living here. Even a human's Ultimate Douluo will not get nervous and enter, and there are other ferocious beasts guarding the surroundings, so she is relieved.

The three-eyed golden beast on the side had fun for a while and then came to Yai's side and asked: "Is this water delicious? Don't you feel bitter? I feel it is much worse than the brains of the twin cyclops."

Yai pushed the big head of the three-eyed golden tiger with his paw and said, "It's not bitter, it's hot."

However, he found that the other party was motionless, and his current cultivation base was only close to 2000 years old, which was incomparable to the 5000-year-old cultivation base of the Three-Eyed Jinni.

At this time, the big head of the three-eyed Jin Ni turned around, thought of something, and said with a smile: "Hey, Yai, Uncle Ditian has gone to bed, Aunt Ziji and the others have also left, and now there are only two of us left. Why don't we two go outside and play, the Lake of Life is so boring."

She had never had a playmate before, but now that she has a friend of the same age as Yai, Miss Three-Eyed Jinyang can no longer suppress her desire to have fun.

Yan glanced at her lightly, and wanted to continue lying down, but the three-eyed golden beast with gleaming eyes grabbed the back of the neck from behind. Although he wanted to resist, the difference in strength was too huge, and he had no choice but to do so. Can be carried away by it.

"Let me go, or I'll call you a beast!" Yao threatened with bared teeth.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" The three-eyed Jin Yang shook his head and seemed to be mumbling something.

"Don't worry about the beast, the auspicious beast is about to slip out!" Yai began to howl loudly.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Seeing this, the three-eyed golden tiger froze, curled up on the spot, and released its bite on Yai. Not long after, a huge canine spirit beast with three heads and a red body fell from the sky, exuding a The terrifying aura was that of the Red King, one of the ferocious beasts. At this time, two heads were still half asleep and half awake.

The head in the middle had a look of horror on his face: "Little Ancestor, what are you going to do? Didn't I say that Zi Ji will take my place to take care of you? Where's her dragon?".

"Wait a minute, who is this boy with a dragon aura? Is it the one Zi Ji brought before?" A person said in a daze.

"Hey, Uncle Chi Wang, I just wanted to go and play with Uncle Xiong Jun with me." The three-eyed Jin Yang suddenly thought of something, and then blinked crazily at Yi with his big golden eyes as big as a human head. Wink.

Yan tilted his head and thought for a moment, then said, "Is that so? Then why didn't you tell me."

Hearing this, the three-eyed Jin Yang nodded quickly: "Ah, yes, yes, that's it! Uncle Chi Wang, I didn't think about running out to play!"

The Red King looked at the three-eyed Jin Ni helplessly: "Okay, then I will take you and this one, Yai? Go find Mr. Xiong, little ancestor, don't scare me."

The Red King controlled his soul power, pulling the three-eyed golden beast and Yan, and flew in one direction of the core area. The closer he got, the more overbearing and domineering his aura became. It was obvious that this place was the residence of Mr. Xiong, and it was even... A reckless man who dares to provoke Di Tian.

He is also a race that forms part of the soul bone of Yai's body. He is the leader of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear Clan, which is said to be able to tear apart real dragons.

Jia Ke can feel that he can feel some kind of indescribable rhythm from this breath. What can he feel from it?
At this time, the three-eyed golden tiger didn't feel anything. He shouted in the sky: "Uncle Xiong Jun, Uncle Xiong Jun! I want to eat honey!"

At this time, in the dense forest below, a tall giant bear slowly woke up. Its huge body was 15 meters tall. It was covered with a layer of dense and thick dark golden hair. Its arms were extremely long and hung down from its body. both sides.

With such a huge body, the length of its arms is actually longer than its knees, which means that its arms are more than ten meters long, and they are also extremely thick. The most exaggerated thing is its shoulders, which have bulging muscles like hills.

He stretched out his paws to scratch his body and muttered: "Hey, why is this little ancestor here again? I can't sleep well again."

At the same time, along with his mental power signal, swarms of bee soul beasts flew up from the forest where he lived. In the end, they were seen lifting a giant container formed by hollowing out a tree trunk that was ten meters wide, in which accumulated A layer of golden honey.

The leader was a queen bee that exuded a terrifying aura, and was actually a 10-year-old soul beast.

Mr. Xiong waved his hand and said, "Take that little ancestor to drink honey. I'll continue to sleep. Don't disturb me if you have nothing to do."

Then Mr. Xiong lay on the ground again, as if he had merged with the dense forest.

The three-eyed golden beast howled in the sky for a long time, and saw a huge bee spirit beast flying up from below, respectfully speaking to the Red King: "Lord Red King, Lord Rui Beast, Lord Xiong is resting at this time and asks us to Take the auspicious beast to dine."

The Red King nodded his head, flew towards the ground with Yi and the three-eyed golden eagle, and landed in front of the huge vessel.

Yai was not attracted by the honey, but jumped off the tree trunk and walked on the surrounding ground. He saw that the surrounding ground was covered with devastation and there were huge scratches everywhere, and it contained a kind of power that could tear apart the space. The artistic conception of splitting, the sharp claws popping out of Yai's hand, he felt as if he could do similar things.

And when he didn't know it, the power of faith in his body seemed to have quietly decreased, and the shape of his claws was slightly different from before. As Yai's claws waved on the ground, a crack was cut in the ground. , although far less terrifying than the traces left by Mr. Xiong.

But Jian feels that as he grows in the future, he will also be able to possess the ability that Xiong Jun possesses to tear apart the world.

Just when Yai was realizing the traces of attack left by Mr. Xiong, the three-eyed golden tiger quietly touched his back, then grabbed the back of his neck, took him flying up, and brought him to Honey.

"Uncle Xiong Jun, the honey here is delicious! Try it, it's a hundred times, or even ninety times better than the water in the Lake of Life!"

He rolled his eyes at her, but he also bent his head and licked the honey. He found that these honeys were the treasures of heaven and earth that could only be produced by bee soul beasts that had been around for more than ten thousand years, and his devouring ability could destroy them. Maximizing absorption and utilization will benefit you a lot.

And ordinary soul beasts can only enhance their soul power a little after taking it, nothing more.

"Hey, hey, don't finish all the food!" Seeing this, the three-eyed golden tiger quickly started to fight for the honey with him. When it got dark, both Yai and the three-eyed golden tiger couldn't eat anymore. .

The Red King helplessly watched the two little guys lying on the ground, and could only control his soul power to bring them back to the Lake of Life.

At this time, Zi Ji has been waiting here for a long time. She found the message left by the Red King when she came back, otherwise she would have gone crazy when she saw the two little guys missing next to the Lake of Life. .

Looking at the two sleeping little guys, Zi Ji sighed helplessly and took them back to the Emperor's auspicious beast's residence next to the great evil place.

In this way, Yai and the three-eyed golden tiger hunted chickens and dogs together in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest, making trouble every day. Of course, the three-eyed golden tiger was the main one doing these things.

Yai spent the rest of his life honing his minions and fighting skills, constantly challenging and hunting various soul beasts with metal attributes or carrying golden blood, killing and devouring them, and strengthening his own cultivation.

In this way, they spent a carefree time in the core area of ​​the Star Forest.

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(End of this chapter)

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