The Peerless Tang Sect’s Tianxin Douluo

Chapter 91 4-ring soul sect, the secret method of the body (5000 words)

Chapter 91 The Four Ring Soul Sect, the secret method of the body (5000 words)
At this time, Huo Yuhao has been practicing in the Noumenon Sect for more than three months including the entry trial. Now the poisonous immortal has not returned yet, but Huo Yuhao also received good news from Hei Yuhao, although the spiritual incarnation cannot return. It caused him to lose a lot of mental energy.

However, with the friendly support of tens of millions of people in Star Luo City, Huo Yuhao's spiritual power has not declined but has increased, and has gradually begun to approach the perfect level of Lingyuan Realm, and his second martial soul has also been developed during this period. Gradually upgraded to level 45.

What troubles him now is his understanding of this so-called realm of unity between man and nature. He has been going back and forth between the martial arts field and the Sutra Pavilion this month. After consulting the elders of the Noumenon Sect, they only expressed this realm. The only thing they have in common is that they need to understand their true intentions.

Huo Yuhao sat cross-legged on the top of a mountain. Compared with other trial places in the Noumenon Sect, this place seemed quite ordinary. There was no violent and swift wind, air so hot that it was difficult to breathe, or poisonous gas that poisoned the bone marrow. Extraordinarily ordinary.

He sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain, facing the gentle breeze, recalling all the past and bits and pieces of his life since he came to this world. He unknowingly became a little upset, and then he passed through the wall of his heart. These distracting thoughts were suppressed in his heart again, and Huo Yuhao stood up straight away: [Damn it, if you don't understand it, forget about it. We'll talk about it later. Let's break through and improve our strength first. 】.

As an ordinary person who has traveled from modern times, it is actually difficult for Huo Yuhao to understand what these so-called artistic conceptions and true intentions refer to. Compared with meridians and spiritual power, these things are more elusive.

But he knows that one thing must work in this world, and that is to work miracles with great strength. He can't figure it out now. Maybe it's just that his current strength is too weak. His vision is here, and the method to improve his strength is still there. There are many kinds, so you don’t need to get hung up on them.

At this moment, a familiar loud laughter came from the air: "Quack, quack, good disciple, look what your master brought back to you?"

I saw the poisonous soul covered with green soul power falling from the sky through the void, and in his hand was a black tiger covered in blood scabs, with all four legs broken and all the bones of the body shattered. Huo Yuhao could feel that the mental fluctuations on the opponent's body were quite powerful as he continued his last glimmer of vitality.

Du Bushu threw it directly on the ground in front of Huo Yuhao, and then said: "This is the mind-catching tiger that has been cultivated for the first 5 years. Master Qin, I spent a whole month looking for it in the mixed zone before I found it. Such a head."

"During this period, I also had a fight with the Demon Dragon King of Hell. I don't know how this guy ran out of the core area. Could it be that someone provoked her? Quack, squirt, disciple, kill it quickly. Then absorb its soul ring and see if the soul skill you finally obtained is what you like." The poisonous immortal monster said with a smile.

Huo Yuhao nodded. After being possessed by the martial spirit, his body was emitting a faint blue light, as if it was made of pure spiritual power. Huo Yuhao called this martial spirit, which evolved from the spiritual eyes and specializes in spirituality. It is a spirit body, possessed by a martial spirit.

Huo Yuhao's Lingyuan realm spiritual power was fully stimulated by the increase in martial arts, and he directly penetrated into the mind-taking tiger's spiritual sea and then suddenly exploded.

As a spirit beast with spiritual attributes, the 5-year-old Mind-Taking Tiger also has a spiritual abyss level of spiritual power. Even an ordinary spirit master at level [-] may not be able to absorb its spirit ring as the ninth spirit skill, but he Compared with Huo Yuhao, the difference is as big as a world of difference.

I could only hear the heart-catching tiger wailing in agony and misery. The resentment and rage all over its body were boiling and irritable, but it was unable to get close to Huo Yuhao's body and was washed away by Huo Yuhao's powerful mental power. Along with its last painful wailing, It finally came to relief.

The fear of Huo Yuhao was also engraved deep in the soul of the Heart-Taking Tiger, and Huo Yuhao cut off the backlash of resentment that it might retain after it turned into a soul ring.

Under the synergy of Huo Yuhao's second soul skill and third soul skill, the dispersed mental power of the Heart-Taking Tiger was constantly being absorbed and purified, and eventually became part of Huo Yuhao's mental power.

As for the impurities and residual obsessions in the mind-catching tiger's mental power, they were filtered out of the spiritual world by the wall of the heart, and then completely disappeared because there was no carrier and finally integrated into the world.

After the Heart-Taking Tiger was completely dead, Huo Yuhao sat cross-legged on the ground and began to absorb the soul ring it exploded. Moreover, the soul power of the Mind-Taking Tiger's head was originally surging, which seemed to be giving birth to a head soul bone. .

However, because Huo Yuhao looked down upon the head soul bone, under the influence and intervention of Huo Yuhao through his heart, the head soul bone that had not yet appeared was eventually turned into pure spiritual power and was plundered by Huo Yuhao. .

The absorption of the soul ring was extremely smooth this time, because after being imprinted with fear and having its mental energy drained away, the soul ring showed no will to resist at all, and its rejection of the body as a foreign energy was so powerful in Huo Yuhao's case. There was no room for struggle despite the terrifying physical condition.

After completely absorbing all the remnants of the Heart-Taking Tiger, Huo Yuhao's soul power barely managed to break through to level 42 [Hey, it's really getting slower and slower. ] Huo Yuhao thought with some dissatisfaction, but compared to others, the speed at which his soul power improved was already extremely fast.

Feeling the ability of the fourth soul skill that was finally determined under the intervention of the will of the heart, Huo Yuhao was a little happy because the final effect of this soul skill was not bad as he thought. Under the influence of the will of the heart, in addition to gaining the talent of the Heart-Taking Tiger, He obtained a soul skill that he wanted, and its effect also has an enhanced effect that can be linked with other soul rings that Huo Yuhao had previously obtained.

The fourth soul ring: Mind-catching tiger
Soul ring age: 5 years
Soul ring effect: Huo Yuhao can forcibly control units whose total mental power is not greater than his own through the use of mental power, and the duration is permanent. However, those units that are willingly controlled by Huo Yuhao without resisting are not subject to the upper limit of mental power. Quantity limited.

Moreover, Huo Yuhao can bring his consciousness to the affected target at any time, or Huo Yuhao can use this soul skill to super-remotely affect the units controlled by him, and those units marked by the fear brand will be unconditionally affected. Controlled by Huo Yuhao.

And because of the persistence of the fear brand, even if Huo Yuhao is in other dimensions, he can lower his consciousness to the targets marked by the fear brand to affect them.

The controlled unit's mental power will also spontaneously purify its own mental power under the influence of spiritual absorption and provide the purest part to Huo Yuhao, making it impossible for it to escape Huo Yuhao's control and remove the influence of the fear brand.

At the same time, Huo Yuhao can also use this ability to directly extract the mental power of people who are branded with fear, instead of continuing to absorb their fear emotions bit by bit to condense them. However, Huo Yuhao will not be able to use this trick until critical moments. .

As Huo Yuhao exhaled the last breath of turbid air in his body, he stood up.

"How about it, good disciple, what is the soul skill you got this time, can I use it on your master?" Du Buushi said with a smile.

Huo Yuhao shook his head and said directly: "The effect of this fourth soul skill is only to strengthen the mental control of my third soul skill. It is of no use to you, master, so I won't use it."

"." Du Bushu shook his head and said with pity: "Why are you so boring, kid? I originally wanted to take this opportunity to educate you. Hey, forget it, you have made some progress in cultivation during this period. If you don’t have any questions, let me help you answer them, right?”

Huo Yuhao nodded and talked about his doubts about the realm of unity of nature and man: "Master, what does the realm of unity of nature and man represent? How can a soul master enter the realm of unity of nature and man? Isn't there a clear answer? Say something?"

Hearing this, Poison frowned slightly, and then hit Huo Yuhao hard on the head with a knife: [Damn it, I don't know how to answer this question. Only everyone can come up with their own understanding of this. How come this kid has already thought so deeply after not seeing him for more than a month? No, I have to give him a beating]

"Ahem, I already knew what kind of person you were during the 49 days after I accepted you. You just love to get into trouble, and you are usually smart and cautious. But above all these practices, You are not as pure as your senior brother Long Aotian."

"Although Aotian is a bit stubborn, this is also because of his pure heart. I think that although he is not as strong as you in terms of talent, I believe that he will definitely break through the realm of the unity of nature and man early. Before you, because he won't think about things like you when he has nothing to do." "As the old saying goes, as the saying goes, wisdom will be hurt, and sometimes smart people hurt themselves by thinking too much, but I don’t know whether you have really great wisdom or little cleverness, so in the next period of time, you should stop thinking about how to cultivate the unity of nature and man."

"You go down to the sect immediately. Whether you go to accompany your other brothers to practice martial arts, or you come to me to learn some basic combat skills or fighting styles, or you go to You can also research some other things.”

"Anyway, you have to change the direction and adjust your mentality. Come to me after a month and you have adjusted yourself. I will take you to officially start the cultivation of my core disciple of the Noumenon Sect."

Huo Yuhao nodded. In fact, he had already figured it out before the poison came. It didn't matter even if the path of harmony between man and nature was indeed unworkable.

But this last question about Poisonous Death was just to relieve the regret and sorrow in his heart. In the next time, he was going to focus on promoting cultivation. Huo Yuhao thought that his current strength as a soul sect was still too weak.

In the world of Douluo Continent, no matter how profound the so-called realms and theories are, after all, it is just a world where space can be shattered as long as the power is enough. Even the so-called God Realm has been swept away by space turbulence and black holes. Case.

Nowadays, rather than continuing to pursue the hazy unity of heaven and man, it may be more important to study how to create miracles as quickly as possible.

As for the realm of the unity of nature and man, maybe after I have cultivated enough, I can naturally achieve it naturally.

But what Huo Yuhao doesn't know is that the so-called unity of man and nature requires completely letting go of one's mind and integrating it with the natural will of heaven and earth to understand the laws of this world and integrate into it. But if you want to To enter this realm, it is absolutely impossible for the current Huo Yuhao to achieve it.

Because in Huo Yuhao's second martial soul soul ability, the condition for using the wall of the heart and the mind of the heart is the absolute self, and the power of belief is the same. Only self-respect is the path he can take. The power of belief The fundamental logic of force is contrary to the unity of nature and man.

In the Douluo world, the so-called realm of unity between man and nature that the soul masters pursue is actually just a part of becoming a god in order to comprehend the laws more quickly and adhere to them.

But this is not a path that Huo Yuhao can take. Huo Yuhao has simply thought about it now and no longer pursues this path that is completely opposite to his own direction of becoming stronger.

After that, Huo Yuhao practiced in the Noumenon Sect for another month, and during this period he also learned about Mu En's death from Du Bushai, without the Dragon Pill to extend his life.

Even though he was in the golden tree known as the core of life, he was ultimately unable to suppress the horrific injuries in his body. However, before he died, he performed a wave of baptisms for the disciples in Shrek's inner courtyard, and also for Tang San gathered the last few loyal believers.

During this period of time, Huo Yuhao had not heard from Ma Xiaotao about the birth of a new saint, and based on the information she had collected about the Holy Spirit Teaching Tool and combined with Huo Yuhao's memory, it was almost possible to establish that the so-called Holy Emperor was Tang San. One of the vests left by God Shura.

And according to Huo Yuhao's intelligence, which was based on the fear mark left by Shrek, it seems that it was because of the previous battle with the messenger of death.

Beibei stayed at Shrek Academy after being seriously injured, so Tang Ya didn't have time to come up with any tricks to break her mentality. In the end, although she failed to graduate, she still stayed in Shrek City. .

As for whether Tang Ya should be discovered by the Holy Spirit Cult, Huo Yuhao is now planning to let Ma Xiaotao cover it up as much as possible. After all, how can the words of two saints be as effective as the words of the only saint?
And after hearing the news of Mu En's death, Huo Yuhao felt a little relieved. No matter what the so-called Heart of the Ocean that Tang San bought from the auction was, and whether it could help Mu En delay the loss of his life, it was still Mu En. En is pretending to be dead to paralyze other forces.

But what is certain is that Munn really has no energy left to hide any longer. Even if he fakes his death and escapes, his condition will definitely not be very good, and his final baptism can be regarded as a wave of shock to the mountain.

However, Shrek's weakness is now visible to all concerned people on the continent. Huo Yuhao knows that Shrek Academy at least still has the protection of the Heart of the Ocean and the Golden Tree, and still has these two trump cards.

Moreover, Shrek Academy is the largest institution under Tang San that absorbs faith. Tang San will never sit back and let it fall like the Tang Sect. Therefore, the two dogs of the Haotian Sect also have a lot of power in this situation. There was a high probability that he would be sent out for action, so he persuaded Du Bushit, who wanted to go to Shrek to find a place, and prepared to sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and tigers.

But regardless of whether other people will join in the fun or want to take a piece of the current Shrek Academy or let them give up some benefits, the Holy Spirit Cult is definitely indispensable.

Even if Zhong Liwu doesn't want to do this, after all, Ma Xiaotao is still under Huo Yuhao's control. Huo Yuhao will take the initiative to let her stir up trouble so that they can have a dog-eat-dog fight and force out a few Tang San's trump card couldn't be better.

But Huo Yuhao, who was practicing in his bedroom early this morning, heard his door being kicked open. Then Du Bushu came directly in, grabbed Huo Yuhao who was practicing, and flew overseas.

"What's wrong, Master? Isn't the next training place in the sect?" Huo Yuhao asked.

"Next, I will take you to increase the life of your soul ring, and at the same time practice the secret method of my Noumenon Sect. Although not every soul master of my Noumenon Sect can obtain an exaggerated soul ring that exceeds the number of years through this method, but Without exception, every disciple who can successfully awaken for the second time can increase the life of the soul ring through this method."

Immediately afterwards, Du Bushu began to speak to Huo Yuhao: "What I want to take you to practice next is the secret method of my Noumenon Sect. Only disciples who have awakened for the second time are qualified to practice it."

"The second awakening is the cornerstone of this secret practice. Although other soul masters can also practice it, even the entry level is extremely difficult for them.

"Our martial souls are all body martial souls. No matter which part of the body is used as the martial soul, we body soul masters have far more control and creativity over our own soul power and body's energy and blood than other soul masters. "

"And after the second awakening, we will greatly enhance our abilities in this area, that is to say, no matter what secret methods are difficult to master and have harsh conditions in the eyes of other forces."

"As long as they can be learned by non-limited individuals or someone's exclusive talent, our disciples of the Noumenon Sect can master the key very quickly after reading it once or experiencing its principles."

"When the ancestors of the first generation were traveling around the continent, they often challenged the major sects on the continent, stealing their masters to learn the secrets of their sects, and then supplemented them with the abilities given by the gift of the divine test and their own Understand, after taking the essence and discarding the dross, the first generation Douluo finally created this secret method of the body."

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(End of this chapter)

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