Chapter 206 He knew she liked him
Looking at the panicked backs of the two people, Su Youyue secretly said that the worries of the two people now are still too superficial.

If the two of them had not provoked Xie Yuan today, perhaps Master Liu's matter would have passed easily.

But with what the two of them did just now, Mr. Liu would probably only be punished severely and would never be let off.

The depth of the friendship between the new emperor and Xie Yuan was still underestimated by these people.

That is truly a life-long friendship...

In her previous life, when she was with Xie Yuan, she knew about the past between the two.

In the fifth year after Baili Hongxuan ascended the throne, he went south to the south of the Yangtze River with Xie Yuan, but was assassinated. At that time, the whole country was shocked, but no one knew that the emperor blocked the sword for Xie Yuan.

When Su Youyue found out, she was shocked. After all, Baili Hongxuan had already secured the throne at that time, and there was no need for Xie Yuan to fight for him, but he just blocked the knife for Xie Yuan and almost hurt his life.

From then on, no matter how bad outsiders said that Xie Yuan would be despised by those in power sooner or later like him and eventually end up with a tragic death, she didn't believe it at all.

Su Youyue silently prayed for the Liu family for another two seconds, and then quickly touched Chunya with her elbow: "Let's go quickly."

Chun Ya wondered whether her young lady was shy after hearing what Mr. Xie just said about the two being compatible, so she wanted to run away quickly?
She couldn't help but smile from her aunt, and was about to push the young lady in the direction where Xie Yuan was not present, when Prince Bei suddenly blocked her on the other side.

"Miss Su, we meet again."

The corners of Su Youyue's lips twitched, indicating that she didn't really want to meet Prince Bei.

Of course she didn't want to get married, but she didn't dare to think too much about whether she would refuse if it really came to the point where she had to get married.

In fact, she had been thinking about what the third princess did in refusing to marry her in her previous life.

As a princess of a country, she enjoys the salary of all people. Although the marriage is not what she wants, it is also her responsibility.

The country is too weak and the emperor is incompetent, so he will force women to get married. But a weak country has no diplomacy. When that time comes, the prince will have to be a hostage. In worse times, the whole people will be soldiers, and even children will have to go to the battlefield. , this is a responsibility that must be shouldered.

The shame of a weak country has existed since ancient times. Only when the country is strong can we have the confidence to say no.

If Prince Bei really forced her to get married, Su Youyue would be the kind of person who would choose to agree.

She is indeed not a big shot who serves the country and the people, but when it comes to the point where she needs to choose, she will not refuse.

Thinking of this, Su Youyue thought of Xie Yuan's current forced marriage.

It's probably because he is so good to me now that I have the confidence to say no...

Su Youyue lowered her eyes, unable to explain what she felt in her heart. After lowering her eyes, she couldn't help but look at Xie Yuan again.

Don't be too nice to her. In front of him, she has gradually lost the confidence to say no...

"My lord is well." Su Youyue replied calmly, her attitude definitely not warm.

But Prince Bei seemed not to recognize her tone and stared at her cheerfully: "Miss Su is fine too. Miss Su's dress today is really stunning."

Unexpectedly, after traveling thousands of miles to come here, I would actually meet such a beauty who suits my liking.

Although this beauty has an unmarried husband at the moment, if he talks a few more words, he will inevitably have two pieces of meat, which can actually satisfy Xie Yuan.Sure enough, after Prince Bei finished speaking, Xie Yuan's face turned dark, and anyone could see his displeasure.

As dark-faced as Xie Yuan, there is also the third princess behind Prince Bei.

She was so angry that she almost went crazy, but she had to endure it. Today, she was no longer the beloved third princess. There was an imperial brother above her who wanted to kill her at any time, and there was no one behind her to protect her. She was... She could only endure the anger from all directions cautiously, almost becoming a doormat, how could she dare to bully Su Youyue.

Not to mention bullying, Xie Yuan was next to Su Youyue at the moment. She didn't even dare to say a harsh word, so she could only keep a dark face unwillingly.

She couldn't understand how a disabled person could be worthy of Prince Bei's liking.

Could it be that he still planned to marry a disabled person and become his princess?

She didn't speak, so of course no one cared about what she thought. Xie Yuan stared at Prince Bei coldly: "Your Majesty still has the leisure to care about my fiancée, so why not care about tomorrow's martial arts competition."

At this time, the bet between the two countries has not been made public, and not many people know about it, but it is impossible for Prince Bei not to know about it, and he has already agreed.

At tonight's banquet, the two countries will make this bet public.

But although Prince Bei is concerned about this martial arts competition, he really has nothing to worry about. In his opinion, it is impossible for Dasheng to win Dongrong Kingdom. This time Dasheng's new emperor and Xie Yuan are simply humiliating themselves.

You know, the emperor cares about you very much, so this time, for your own safety, the emperor sent the most powerful warriors from Dongrong Kingdom.

And there is also Tuoba, a young general who is extremely skilled in riding and archery. You must know that this young general is a martial arts prodigy in their Dongrong country. He started practicing martial arts at the age of three and was able to shoot three eagles with one arrow at the age of 12. At the age of ten, he had already defeated the first warrior of Dongrong Kingdom in the gladiatorial arena, and now he has become the strongest warrior recognized by Dongrong Kingdom.

Thinking of this, Prince Bei couldn't help but feel lucky. Fortunately, he didn't disclose the news that General Kaoba was coming with him during his trip, otherwise Da Sheng wouldn't have foolishly made such a condition.

After the emperor of Dasheng Kingdom announces the news of the bet at the dinner, he will ask General Tuoba to show up. Then Dasheng Kingdom will be dumbfounded and hand over the promised conditions!
Prince Bei narrowed his eyes, and there was a hint of a smirk in his eyes, but he still pretended: "What Mr. Xie said makes sense, so I won't disturb you anymore."

After that, he left with his hands behind his back.

It's just a woman, so he can clearly distinguish between it and the interests of the whole country.

And although this beauty is good-looking, he prefers to see Xie Yuan's stinky face. As long as it can make him angry, he will feel happy in his heart, and he will be happier than if the beauty pays attention to him.

Seeing Prince Bei walking away happily, Su Youyue couldn't help but feel a little confused.

She always felt that Prince Bei was not someone who would give up so easily. Could it be that he was hiding some tricks?
Thinking of the bet between the two countries, she couldn't help but feel a little worried.

But when she saw Xie Yuan again, she suddenly felt like there was a Dinghai needle in her heart.

In her previous life, she had never seen anyone who was more skilled in martial arts, riding and shooting than Xie Yuan.

As long as he plays in person, Da Sheng will definitely win in this big gamble!

Xie Yuan turned around and saw the girl looking at him with expectation and trust. His heart suddenly moved slightly, and the coldness just now disappeared.

Is she...expecting to play in person and win this huge bet?

He knew that Nannan really liked him.

(End of this chapter)

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