Chapter 207 I guess it’s just too good to be true.

Behind Xie Yuan, Guard Zhang and Guard Li secretly breathed a sigh of relief as they watched the aura around their master turn from gloomy to clear.

In the past, if the adults were in a bad mood, they would all act cautiously, for fear of upsetting the adults.

And often when adults are in a bad mood, it takes at least a day or two to get better.

But now that Miss Su is in front of him, it only takes a moment for the master's mood to change from gloomy to bright.

For a moment, Guard Zhang and Guard Li were eager for Su Youyue, their future wife, to marry into the Xie Mansion.

While the two were thinking about it, more and more people were at the banquet, and they all arrived one after another. Su Youyue took one last look at Xie Yuan, and quickly let Chun Ya and Jin'er push her to her seat.

The man stared at her back, seeing that she had reached her seat and no one was bothering her anymore, and then he went to his seat.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or not, but the location of Su's Mansion was exactly opposite to Xie's Mansion. Su Youyue thought she could escape Xie Yuan's sight. After Clinker sat down, she found that Xie Yuan was sitting opposite her. The two of them could see each other as soon as they raised their eyes. Seeing each other, they couldn't help but grit their teeth secretly.

He must have arranged it himself!
This is really an injustice to Xie Yuan. Xie Yuan really never mentioned this matter to the palace servant who arranged the banquet. However, the servant knew about his engagement with Su Youyue and also knew that this engagement was Mr. Xie's own intention. For It was a deliberate arrangement to please Xie Yuan.

At this time, Su Zhenyun also sat down in front of Su Youyue. Because he was full of worries, he did not look around after sitting down. After thinking about the matter for a long time, he suddenly looked up and saw Xie Yuan, so he immediately smiled at him.

Xie Yuan also smiled and nodded.

Su Youyue watched the interaction between the two, and this time she was really sure that her father was really the one who easily pushed her to Xie Yuan.

I don’t know what kind of ecstasy soup Xie Yuan poured into his father.

The seats in Jinghaihou Mansion were also very close to those in Su Mansion. Xiao Feiyan didn't notice where Xie Yuan was. When he saw Su Youyue in front of him, he immediately shouted excitedly: "Yue'er, Yue'er, look at me, I'm here! "

She smiled brightly and her voice was a little louder due to excitement, which attracted a lot of attention for a while, but Xiao Feiyan didn't care and had already started planning to sneak over to Su Youyue's place to play after the banquet started.

The little girl's smile was as warm as the summer wind. Su Youyue felt happy when she saw it. She was about to answer when she suddenly saw a figure dressed in bright yellow.

The figure had arrived at some unknown time. He had obviously heard Xiao Feiyan's noise, so he was looking this way at the moment.

It was disrespectful to make a loud noise in front of the emperor, so Su Youyue quickly told Xiao Feiyan to shut up.

But Xiao Feiyan didn't notice it. When he saw Su Youyue winking at him, he thought she was teasing him and couldn't help but giggle.

"Feiyan." Now even Mrs. Jinghaihou saw the emperor and quickly grabbed her daughter.

Xiao Feiyan turned around blankly, and saw that her mother and the nanny serving beside her looked very strange, so she looked back confusedly along the lines of their eyes. At this glance, she saw a handsome young man wearing a dragon robe looking at him, with no expression on his face. What a look.

But although his face was expressionless, his bright yellow clothes gave people an endless sense of oppression. This expression without expression was more terrifying than with expression. Xiao Feiyan was startled, quickly turned his head, and nervously grasped his hand under the table. Fingers.

Marquis Jinghai and Mrs. Hou were both a little uneasy. The Jinghai Marquis Mansion was considered an old-school force that the late emperor had re-employed. Although it has not yet been cleared, one after another old ministers were either held accountable and investigated, or demoted and exiled. He couldn't help but feel like a frightened bird, fearing that he would also get into the eyes of the new emperor for doing something wrong.The clinker emperor just glanced at Xiao Feiyan, quickly looked back, and led the palace guests straight to the throne.

For a moment, the entire Jinghaihou Mansion breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that their hearts dropped from their throats.

"Mom, the emperor won't blame me..." Xiao Feiyan has always been bold, but now he has become a coward.

No matter how bold she is, she still knows the consequences of one person making a mistake and the whole family being punished. If she has concerns in her heart, of course she will be afraid.

Mrs. Jinghaihou was not sure what the emperor's attitude was. The new emperor's temperament was not easy to figure out.

In the court, the new emperor would often smile at people one second, making the ministers think that the emperor thought his remarks were good, but the next second he would throw people into an ice cave and send their families into exile.

Sometimes, he would listen to the advice of the ministers with a cold face, but then he would call the person into the palace and have a private talk with the person in person. In the end, the person would walk out of the palace with a smile and shout the emperor's wisdom.

Such an emperor who has an unstable temperament and whose thoughts are not superficial is more difficult to serve than the previous Emperor Jing. It's surprising that the ministers can't panic.

Even Mrs. Jinghaihou, who was very optimistic in the past, advised Jinghaihou to be more cautious in the court and try to say as little as possible.

"It's okay Feiyan, the emperor didn't ask for punishment just now. He has already given enough face to our Marquis Mansion and will not punish you for such a trivial matter."

For now, she has indeed never heard of the new emperor punishing people for trivial matters. On the contrary, when Emperor Jing was still there, he would punish people severely if he was slightly unhappy.

Previously, when a palace maid was cleaning the Chengqian Palace, there was a corner where the dust was not swept. When Emperor Jing saw it, Emperor Jing became furious, beat the person to the ground and drove him to Huanyifang to do hard labor.

Listening to her mother's comfort, Xiao Feiyan did not feel relieved. Instead, she felt a sense of uneasiness in her heart.

Now she was not in the mood to play with Su Youyue. She lowered her head listlessly and pulled her sleeves under the table, which was very different from the happy look just now.

Su Youyue didn't see the change in her. She wanted to tell Xiao Feiyan not to worry. The new emperor was a wise king and would never punish the Marquis Jinghai Mansion for such a trivial matter. But now that the emperor had just sat down, she naturally couldn't do it anymore. What a small move, so I had to wait first.

With the arrival of the emperor, the originally noisy venue suddenly became quiet. Everyone looked at the newly appointed emperor, who was majestic and majestic. After he sat down, his eyes changed slightly. The emperor's majesty was fully displayed, and everyone couldn't help but become quieter.

"The auspicious snow heralds a good year. The first day of this year can be said to bring everything new. I am very happy. I specially invite you all to have fun at the Taihe Hall and have fun. I also specially entertain Prince Bei, the envoy of Dongrong Kingdom, and other envoys to join you." I wish you a happy new year."

Baili Hongxuan's voice was clear and clear, showing a youthful demeanor. His eyes seemed to be smiling but not smiling when he spoke, giving people an unpredictable sense of depth.

Even Prince Bei, who was sitting at the guest table, looked at the young emperor with a more serious air.

This prosperous new emperor does not look like a showman like the previous emperor. The emperor of another country is a wise king, which is not a good thing for his country.

But thinking about the bet he agreed to, Prince Bei suddenly felt that he had overthought it all. The new emperor of the prosperous country was still young and vigorous. He dared to make such a big bet just after he took office, and he was not afraid of losing the hearts of the people after losing. I guess it’s not useful either!
(End of this chapter)

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