Chapter 208 Insensitive
After speaking, Baili Hongxuan raised his wine glass with his left hand, first to the ministers in the audience, and then to Prince Bei.

His move made many people stunned for a while.

In previous years, when envoys from the Dongrong Kingdom came, a banquet would be held in the Dasheng Palace for the envoys from the Dongrong Kingdom, and all the ministers of the Dasheng Kingdom would be required to accompany them.

At that time, Emperor Jing often paid homage to the envoys of Dongrong Kingdom first, and then to the ministers after he finished speaking at banquets.

It is impossible for the new emperor not to know this historical rule, but today he broke the rule.

Isn't he afraid of angering the envoys of Dongrong Kingdom and asking them to go back and complain about Da Sheng in front of the Emperor of Dongrong Kingdom...

If a war breaks out between the two countries, how can they be rivals?

Confused, really confused!
Some old ministers sighed secretly in their hearts, but some new ministers' eyes were dimly shining, and their gazes closely followed the emperor's every move.

At first, Prince Pei didn't feel anything, and his expression was as usual. But when he was about to raise a glass to drink, another envoy beside him suddenly came to his ear and whispered something. Prince Pei's face turned dark instantly. down.

"I wonder what Emperor Dasheng means by this? Could it be that he looks down on me?"

Seeing Prince Bei making things difficult, many people in Dasheng Kingdom immediately showed panic on their faces, and subconsciously wanted to flatter Prince Bei.

But before they spoke, the emperor smiled and said, "Why did Prince Bei say this? Is it because I don't respect the prince?"

Prince Bei sneered: "Your father used to respect envoys first and then ministers like you Da Sheng. How come this king has changed his ways?"

His tone was extremely disrespectful for an emperor, but many ministers in Dasheng subconsciously felt that there was nothing wrong with it, and it was the new emperor who was too ignorant, which made Prince Bei angry.

Let them say that the emperor should apologize to Prince Bei and give Prince Bei a step down, and this matter will be over. You must know that Prince Bei is the brother of the emperor of Dongrong Kingdom, and he is angry. He is no different from angering the Emperor of Dongrong Kingdom.

The smile in Baili Hongxuan's eyes did not change: "Then Prince Bei misunderstood. In previous years, when the envoys from the Dongrong Kingdom came, they did not coincide with our grand New Year, so the banquet was specially held for the envoys from the Dongrong Kingdom. , when hosting a banquet for your country’s envoys, the late emperor will naturally honor your country’s envoys first.”

"Yes, Prince Bei doesn't know. This New Year's palace banquet is for the ministers. Our emperor naturally respects the ministers first. Your country's banquet is not actually today." A minister at the table also spoke in agreement. .

As soon as he opened his mouth, other people also echoed, saying what they said to each other. No matter what other people thought at the moment, they all wanted to fool Prince Bei as soon as possible.

Seeing everyone in this group of people saying this, Prince Bei also had a little doubt. Could it be that he was really overthinking it?
He looked at the envoy beside him who was responsible for giving him advice or reminding him of matters to pay attention to, but the envoy was also a little confused and did not speak for a while.

If explained this way, it makes sense. The reception banquets in previous years have never collided with the grand annual banquet.

But no matter what, he didn't believe that the emperor of Dasheng didn't know the previous practice. He must have chosen to respect Dasheng's ministers first after careful consideration, and put Dongrong Kingdom behind them.

To put it bluntly, I still don’t respect them enough, Dong Rongguo.

But for a while, the other party's reasons were reasonable, and it was difficult for them to refute.

The envoy looked a little troubled, but his mind was running very fast.

No matter what, the prince has already raised doubts at this time, and Dongrong Kingdom cannot just swallow this breath.

Seeing that the envoy didn't speak for a long time, Prince Bei didn't speak either, with a dark expression on his face.

Baili Hongxuan's face was always calm and calm, and the smile at the corner of his mouth never disappeared, giving people the impression that he could grasp the overall situation while talking and laughing.

"Now I have already paid tribute to the ministers. Since Prince Bei thinks it is inappropriate, I will pay tribute to Prince Bei again." As he spoke, the palace servant beside him poured wine again, and Baili Hongxuan also picked up the wine glass again. .

Prince Bei glanced at the envoy next to him, and when he saw him nodding to him, he coughed lightly, raised his chin and said arrogantly: "In that case, I won't pursue it any further."

After saying that, he slowly picked up his wine glass.

This move was as disrespectful as possible. It can be seen that many ministers breathed a sigh of relief when he spoke like this, as if they had passed a huge difficulty.

After Baili Hongxuan drank the wine, his eyes moved around everyone's faces, his brows slightly raised, and he took in everyone's sights.

Almost most people had relieved expressions on their faces. There were also a few new ministers he had chosen who looked in high spirits. There were even some people whose faces had nothing to do with themselves and were only thinking about who was in the corner. Don't draw attention to yourself either.

When he turned his eyes to Jinghaihou's family, he saw that Jinghaihou's face was a little heavy, but his sons looked at him energetically like those he promoted.

There was another girl who secretly glanced at Prince Dong Rongguo.

I saw that the legitimate daughter of Jinghaihou Mansion seemed to be very dissatisfied with the Dongrong people, but she did not dare to show it in a big way. She could only secretly glare at Prince Bei and wrinkle her nose.


The smile on Baili Hongxuan's lips deepened, a little different from the smile just now.

However, his eyes only stayed for a brief moment before leaving again.

Su Youyue, who was sitting in the audience, also frowned slightly.

People from the Dongrong Kingdom can be so disrespectful to their Dasheng Emperor, so how can they think highly of their Dasheng people.

How humiliating that even his own king could tell the emperor to hold him to account.

But the most chilling thing is not these, but the insensitive attitude of the ministers in the seats.

The emperor's tribute today is to give them great dignity, and he has already thought of suitable reasons and measures. Moreover, Master Hongde of Dongrong Kingdom has made the mistake in front of him, and he can completely block Dongrong Kingdom. He said something, but this person just thought that the emperor was confused and didn't pay respect to the prince first.

With these people here, it's no wonder that the emperor later changed almost all the important ministers in the court, and finally led the whole Dasheng to become stronger and stronger...

When Su Youyue was thinking this, she felt that there seemed to be a line of sight from the opposite side looking at her.

She thought it was Xie Yuan, so she looked across the way, but she saw that Xie Yuan was looking at the emperor, not at her. That gaze came from the seat next to Xie Yuan.

She couldn't help but be startled when she saw the source of that sight.

It was actually Hua Qingyun, the third young master of the Hua family who was extremely talented and beautiful. He was also the one who made Xiao Feiyan a nymphomaniac in the plum garden before.

Taifu Hua was the Taifu who taught Baili Hongxuan before, so he was naturally a staunch princeling. After the prince lost power, he had been secretly working for him. His current position is naturally more stable than when the late emperor was there.

When Hua Qingyun saw that she was looking at him, he smiled at her and nodded.

Su Youyue didn't really have any friendship with Hua Qingyun, the Third Young Master of the Taifu Mansion, but she had a good impression of him. Although she didn't know why the other party looked at her, she still smiled back at him.

(End of this chapter)

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