Chapter 209 Don’t be too petty

The two people's eyes only met briefly, and then they quickly dispersed.

However, after Su Youyue withdrew her casual glance, she found that Xie Yuan had been looking at her at some point.

Moreover, seeing her looking behind him, the man glanced back, paused for a moment on Hua Qingyun, and then quickly looked away.

Su Youyue felt a little uncomfortable for no reason, as if she had been discovered for what she was doing secretly, but she calmed down after a while.

Why should she be uncomfortable? She didn't deliberately look at the handsome man. Besides, so what if she did...

The banquet officially began. As the music played, the palace people went to the guests' seats one by one and started serving food. The dancers also gracefully came on the stage, blocking the sight of both sides. Su Youyue felt more at ease and picked up a piece of pineapple cake to taste.

Halfway through the banquet, Xiao Feiyan, who finally breathed a sigh of relief, couldn't bear it anymore. She had no other sisters or anyone around her who could chat with her. She was so envious when she saw Su Rong talking to Su Youyue from time to time.

Seeing that everyone was drinking and having fun, he picked up his skirt and prepared to sneak over to Su Youyue's place to play.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she stood up, the emperor on the stage suddenly spoke: "Prince Bei has just arrived in Yanjing. How can he adapt to daily life?"

When the emperor spoke, everyone present who was having fun subconsciously cheered up, quieted down, and listened to the emperor's next words.

At this time, Xiao Feiyan stood up suddenly and seemed very abrupt.

So many people present looked at her.


Xiao Feiyan suddenly felt that she had a very difficult time at this palace banquet.

After she sat down silently, she drooped her head and never wanted to raise it again.

Fortunately, Prince Bei quickly replied: "Your Yanjing is far behind our holy capital, but the food you eat is not bad, especially the food at Suji Restaurant, which is very suitable to my taste."

The Holy Capital is the capital of Dongrong Kingdom. Because the entire country of Dongrong Kingdom believes in the Holy Religion, the capital is also named the Holy Capital.

Yanjing City was belittled by Prince Bei, but many people present did not feel anything inappropriate or humiliating at all, but took it for granted.

Their great success is not as impressive as Yanjing's, and Yanjing is naturally no match for other people's holy capitals.

But there are also some people who feel that Prince Bei is telling the truth, but they feel extremely humiliated. For their own saint to be so humiliated in front of a prince from Dongrong Kingdom is simply a humiliation for their whole country!
It's sad, it's deplorable, we should strengthen ourselves!
There was still no humiliation on Baili Hongxuan's face, but he said calmly: "I am relieved that the prince can find delicious food that suits his appetite."

Seeing that he had finished speaking without mentioning a word about the bet he had agreed to before, Prince Bei was a little anxious. Could it be that the prosperous emperor regretted it?

If he didn't mention this matter today, there would be a martial arts competition tomorrow. Even if Dong Rongguo won, they would feel like they were at a big loss.

Prince Bei became more and more suspicious that the new emperor of Dasheng definitely regretted it, so after whispering to the envoy beside him, he took the initiative and said: "Your Majesty, this time I am the first to come to your Dasheng." Next time, if tomorrow's martial arts competition is the same as in previous years, it will be too boring."

Baili Hongxuan held the wine glass in his slender hand and shook it slightly, but did not answer immediately.At this time, Xie Yuan spoke instead, looking at Prince Bei with ink-colored eyes indifferently, as if he didn't notice him at all: "Prince Bei finds it boring because Dongrong Kingdom wins every year, but this year... not necessarily."

When Prince Bei saw Xie Yuan talking to him, he felt happy, but he snorted coldly: "What a joke, of course our Dongrong Congress will win this year!"

"That's not necessarily the case." Xie Yuan said tit for tat, "How could the prince know that Dongrong Kingdom would not lose completely?"

Many ministers heard this and began to whisper.

In previous years, Dong Rongguo won, so how could this year be an exception?
This Xie Yuan is young and energetic. He doesn't know who can and cannot be provoked. He just turned over and has some say in the court to deal with a few people. He is so complacent that he doesn't know the heights of the world. No one in Rongguo dared to be so provocative.

The envoy next to Prince Bei fanned the flames and said, "This is interesting, Mr. Xie. Why don't we take a bet on the martial arts competition between our two countries this year and bet on which one of us will win."

At this time, Prince Bei also raised his chin arrogantly: "Let's bet. I will stop here today. If you Da Sheng can win this martial arts competition, our Dongrong Kingdom will reduce your Da Sheng five-year penalty." All goods tariffs for one year and tribute for five years will be paid, and this marriage will be forgotten."

Prince Bei's words seemed to be like spending a lot of money. As soon as he said these words, the ministers in Dasheng Kingdom started buzzing with discussion as if a pot was exploding.

Whoever is an official in the government does not know the importance of this tariff.

It is precisely because the Dongrong Kingdom is stronger than the Dasheng Kingdom that the Liang Kingdom’s trade deficit is also high. The Dongrong Kingdom wants to sell goods to Dasheng. The tariff is low, and the Dongrong Kingdom will earn more. On the contrary, the Dasheng Kingdom wants to sell goods to the Dongrong Kingdom. When the country sells goods, the tariffs are high and the profit is low.

The two countries trade a lot of goods every year, and the difference can be hundreds of thousands or even millions of taels of silver.

And based on the lowest calculation, a few 10 taels of silver can buy tens of thousands of good knives and tens of thousands of fine horses. If this continues for a long time, how can Dasheng defeat Dongrongguo? It is simply spending money to The enemy country buys weapons.

Five years may not seem like much, but it can definitely allow Da Sheng to cultivate and recuperate for a few years without falling too far behind Dong Rongguo.

As for the tribute, there is actually a lot of it every year, but for a country, it is more of a humiliation. At this time, many ministers of the Dasheng Kingdom have already become numb, and naturally they don't think it is anything. Instead, they are more concerned about tariffs. Some.

There are also some new ministers who feel that if they can win, they will definitely feel proud.

How humiliating it is for your own country to pay tribute to other countries!

But any ambitious and bloody person cannot bear it!

We should strengthen ourselves, and it is up to them to change the country's humiliation!People with low status do not dare to forget about the country. They, officials of Dasheng, who live on the salaries of the people of Dasheng, how can they not work for the welfare of the people of Dasheng!

As for not marrying, it is not a bad thing for them. Only a weak country needs to dedicate its own princess to seek peace, and exchange the power of a woman for the country's peace, not to mention a few years of peace. In this way The marriage is really embarrassing.

Send a woman to stabilize the country, but don't know where to use a man?
Some people are paying attention to what Prince Bei said about tariffs, and some are paying attention to what he said about salary and non-marriage. But there is no doubt that almost everyone in Dasheng is happy at this moment.

Only Bailiwei was dumbfounded. What do you mean, Prince Bei doesn't want to marry her?Does he think so little of himself?
She is a legitimate princess, how can she not be compared to those messy tariffs and so on?
Prince Bei didn't even look at Bailiwei. After he finished speaking, he provocatively said: "Your Majesty, the conditions for the opening of Dongrong Kingdom are not low. Your country will not just open three melons and two dates to perfunctory our Dongrong Kingdom." , that would be too petty!"

(End of this chapter)

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