Chapter 260 She can leave
Now Su Youyue is used to the novel words from Divine Doctor Ji. When she hears her talking about her boyfriend, she knows that she is talking about Xie Yuan.

But is Xie Yuan young?

Except for his age, he is not young in any way...

He's just a big guy.

"The forces in Wen City are complicated, and he won't be able to come back for a while." Su Youyue replied.

Ji Qingyan heard this and joked: "It seems like you still have official duties that are important to him."

Su Youyue shook her head seriously: "That is not official business, it is the lives of the people of Wencheng. The bandits in Wencheng are extremely vicious. Every extra day that cannot be solved means that more people will die. I hope he comes back later. , can arrange everything there properly.”

This is how she wrote to Xie Yuan. In addition to telling him to pay attention to safety, the letter also asked him to pay more attention to the people of Wencheng.

Every time she saw a man's reply and said yes, she felt a little more happy.

After listening to her words, Ji Qingyan was silent for a while, and then said softly: "You are right."

Ordinary people in the world are suffering, so although she has no sense of belonging to this era, she will not hide in seclusion, but choose to continue practicing medicine here to save people.

Maybe it seems ridiculous to some people, but no matter what way a person lives in the world, he should have his own lofty ideals, his own independent personality, and his own world.

Even if you want to live peacefully without doing anything, that is an ideal.

However, neither her nor Miss Su's ideals were obviously like this.

At first, Ji Qingyan looked down upon these ancients.

What she should do is never look down upon.

"That's all, starting from tomorrow, you can study medicine with me, but you still have to continue to memorize the book. I will test it every once in a while. If you can't memorize it, I will expel you from the school."

Ji Qingyan dropped these words and left again.

Su Youyue didn't understand at first, but she soon figured it out. Maybe it was what she just said that impressed Doctor Ji.

Jin'er was still confused, not knowing what was going on. Wasn't she just talking about Mr. Xie and Wen Cheng? Why did Doctor Ji suddenly change his mind and allow them to study medicine?
She was confused, and after a while, Jin'er was so excited that her round cheeks smiled even rounder: "That's great, miss, Divine Doctor Ji has agreed to accept us as his disciples!"

The master and the servant were happy, and the onlookers Chun Ya were also happy.

In her opinion, there is no need for the young lady to be taboo about practicing medicine in the future, because the folk customs in the Dasheng Dynasty were relatively open. Although there were not many female doctors among the people, ordinary people respected them and considered them to be capable people.

Especially women, sometimes some diseases need to be avoided by male doctors. Of course, they respect female doctors more.

But Chunya also knows that if we push it forward for another ten or twenty years, the folk customs of the Dasheng Dynasty will not be like this. I heard that it was because of his wife, the most talented woman in the capital, who had superb medical skills, literary talent, and outstanding ability. Having made suggestions for the imperial court, the status of women in Dasheng was higher than before, and the atmosphere between men and women was more open than before.

The status of women is mostly raised by these extremely talented and capable women who dare to speak out for the status of women. If all women are content in one corner, I am afraid they will become more and more constrained by the world.

I heard that thousands of years ago, there was a queen on this land, and the status of women at that time was also higher...

Chunya's thoughts were not like a flash in the pan, but stayed in her mind forever.

When discussing with others in the future, she will not follow those concepts of three obediences and four virtues.During the time when Su Youyue was studying medicine, Xiao Feiyan also went to Su Mansion as before. However, seeing that she had been studying hard, after returning to the house, Xiao Feiyan also learned from it and began to read books seriously for her dream of being a female official. Come.

When the Jinghai Marquis family saw this, they couldn't help but be surprised and praised Miss Su as being really extraordinary. She could actually coax Feiyan to calm down and read a book.

Xiao Feiyan's face turned red and red, and she drove out all the brothers who were teasing her.

On the other hand, Xiao Silang, after coming to her place, asked a few more things about the Su Mansion, but since he didn't ask more questions, Xiao Feiyan didn't think much about it.

Seven days lasted only a moment. Su Youyue and Jin'er had been following Ji Shen's medical skills. However, Jin'er's temperament was obviously not as calm as Su Youyue's, and the progress of the course was also far inferior to Su Youyue's.

Ji Qingyan simply said that it was not difficult to divide these two apprentices into a large class and a small class. He asked Jin'er to learn from him when he was studying surgery. He did not take her for the more difficult Chinese medicine courses. Otherwise, with Jin'er's brain, he would not even have the basics. Well done, learning this now is simply counterproductive.

On the seventh day, Ji Qingyan arrived earlier than usual.

Su Youyue and the two maids got up earlier, because one day in advance, they knew that today Su Youyue could try to go to the ground for the first time.

"Doctor Ji, what should I do? Is there anything I need to pay attention to?"

"Doctor Ji, do you need us to support my young lady?"

"Miraculous Doctor Ji..."

Several girls were chattering, almost making Ji Qingyan's head explode. She yelled: "Shut up, everyone, listen to me..."

She answered all the questions from several people in just two or three sentences. Although Su Youyue and the others were told not to be so careful, when Su Youyue got out of bed, Jin'er and Chunya felt like they were taking care of a little kid who had just learned to walk. Baby, you can't be more careful.

Seeing the two of them holding Su Youyue so tightly that they almost held Su Youyue's body up, Ji Qingyan couldn't bear it anymore: "You two might as well walk for your young lady!"

The two maids relaxed a little. Su Youyue took a few steps and found that her legs did not feel the same pain as before, so she moved forward more and more boldly. The two maids were cautious and almost didn't follow her.

After walking half a circle in the yard, Su Youyue was panting slightly when she stopped. The maids in the yard were all gathered together, bursting with joy.

"The young lady's legs can actually walk. Dr. Ji is really amazing!"

"Young lady has just been able to walk on the ground, but she can actually walk such a long distance. It's amazing!"

"The master and the old lady will be very happy when they find out!"

Listening to the chatter of the maids, Su Youyue was so happy that she almost shed tears.

Her legs...really healed?
She...can leave?

It turns out that when she was 15 years old, she actually had a chance to completely heal her leg... But in her last life, she spent more than 30 years in a wheelchair and was disabled for the rest of her life!
How sad!

It turns out that after leaving Lu Mansion, the world outside is really vast...

At some point, Su Youyue's fingers were trembling slightly, and her excited eyes were filled with crystal tears.

Xie Yuan, I can walk again, do you know?
Thank you for giving me all the unexpected surprises in this life.

(End of this chapter)

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