Chapter 261 Be careful, Nannan

The news that Su Youyue was able to walk spread instantly throughout the Su Mansion.

Even Mrs. Su couldn't sit still and came to Wisteria Garden, not to mention Su Shangshu. She just came down from the court and didn't even bother to change her clothes and ran straight to her daughter.

But at this moment, Su Youyue has not fully recovered, and the rehabilitation training must be measured. Therefore, when the two elders came, they did not see Su Youyue walking by herself, but just listening to the descriptions of the servants in Wisteria Garden, the expressions on their faces He was already overjoyed.

Mrs. Su couldn't help wiping her tears as soon as she left Wisteria Garden: "I never thought that my daughter would be able to walk on the ground in this life."

Zhang's mother also wanted to cry: "Old madam, I didn't expect this. Now it seems that all the rumors about a disaster star are all false. From now on, no one will dare to say that the young lady is a disaster star!"

The master and servant, who had lived for decades and had no ups and downs of emotions, supported each other and almost cried, but they were extremely happy in their hearts.

On the other side, after Su Zhenyun came out of his daughter's yard, he went straight to the pear tree he planted with his first wife, talked a lot, and then left with tears in his eyes.

Before leaving, he seemed to remember something again and asked Uncle Rong to prepare a generous gift for Doctor Ji.

Li Rong's heart was moved and he asked tentatively: "Master, now that the young lady has recovered, I think that Divine Doctor Ji will leave our Su Mansion soon. Do you want to give the set of golden needles in the warehouse to Divine Doctor Ji? Make the best use of everything." .”

Everyone knows that silver needles can do acupuncture. In fact, gold needles can also do it, and the effect is better.

At the beginning, the master traveled all over Yanjing City for his wife, and finally found an old craftsman and asked him to come out and make it for his wife's birthday as a birthday gift that year.

Unexpectedly, before Madam’s birthday, Madam has already...

Li Rong mentioned this today because he wanted to see if his master and this divine doctor Ji had a chance.He has been the master's personal attendant for so many years, and seeing the master grieving for his deceased wife every day, of course he wants the master to get out of here as soon as possible.

When Su Zhenyun heard this, he shook his head directly: "No need."

Li Rong was about to agree, but he seemed to remember something again and changed his words: "That's all, send it to Doctor Ji."

Could it be that the master also has thoughts about Divine Doctor Ji?
Li Rong felt happy.

But Su Zhenyun said: "If this set of golden needles can be used to save lives and heal the wounded, Xixue will definitely be happy if she knows about it."

After that, he left.

Only then did Li Rong understand that the master no longer cared about Divine Doctor Ji, and his willingness to give this set of golden needles was just to follow his wife's previous wish.

For a moment, even he couldn't help but be moved.

When he first met Divine Doctor Ji, the master might have been confused and wanted Divine Doctor Ji to be his wife. But now, knowing that she is not his wife, he can look away and is afraid of treating others as his wife's substitute.

How could God bear to let such an infatuated person like him live alone?
Li Rong shook his head and suddenly felt that it was his turn to rest today and was going home to accompany his wife, but now he felt a little embarrassed.

In the Su Mansion, the news that Su Youyue could walk soon spread.

But when outsiders heard about it, most of them still didn't believe it. How long could the eldest daughter of the Su family be disabled? How could she be able to walk?
Only the people in the Su Mansion watched, Su Youyue was making rapid progress day by day like a toddler.

On this day, she was finally able to get away from Jin'er and Chunya's support and walk slowly by herself.

The two maids were watching from the side, ready to rush to help the young lady if she fell.

I think at this speed, in another seven or eight days, the lady will be able to walk like a normal person!
Just thinking about it made Jin'er want to cry again.

Thanks to Mr. Xie for sending someone all the way to bring Doctor Ji back, otherwise would the young lady have to spend her whole life in a wheelchair?But this is also thanks to Chu Xiaozi. If she hadn't mentioned it, the adults wouldn't have known about Divine Doctor Ji.

Her nose was sore, but at this moment, a figure appeared in the corner of her sight. She thought she was dazzled, but when she looked carefully, she suddenly thought, thank you, sir?

Before Jin'er could recover, Su Youyue, who was walking slowly and cautiously, suddenly stopped.For a moment, she thought that she had seen it wrong. She must have missed Xie Yuan so much during this period that she saw him.

But slowly, until she rubbed her eyes and found that the man's figure had not disappeared, she gradually realized that Xie Yuan was back from Wencheng!
"Xie Yuan?" she asked.

Seeing the man nodding, she couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth and walked towards him happily.

Her pace became faster and faster, as if she had wanted to do this a long time ago.

The pale pink skirt is swaying like flower buds swaying in the wind, and the small embroidered shoes are like flowers blooming step by step.

Finally, Su Youyue walked up to Xie Yuan on her own.

But because of her excitement, she staggered when she arrived and fell towards Xie Yuan.

The man didn't move, but stretched out his hand and took her into his arms, as if he were catching a flower falling from a branch.

The hot temperature from the man's chest instantly enveloped the girl's body. She came back to her senses and her face suddenly turned red. All the colors in this spring day seemed to have lost their color in an instant, and could not compare with the faint pink on her face.

Su Youyue fell into his arms and could clearly smell the bamboo fragrance on his body. Although she was shy, for a moment, she didn't want to leave this embrace.

Like a cheerful little bird, she raised her little head and looked at Xie Yuan: "When did you come back?"

Noticing the evasive glances of the surrounding maids, the man helped her steady before letting go: "I just arrived in Yanjing half an hour ago."

Half an hour?

Then he must have gone to the palace and reported the news about Wencheng to the emperor.

But half an hour was not enough time to report the news to the emperor. He must have been eager to rush to her.

When Su Youyue thought about it, she couldn't help but feel a strong sweetness in her heart.

Then she looked down at her legs, her eyes seeming to fall into the stars in the sky: "Xie Yuan, my legs... my legs are healed!"

As she spoke, she spun around in circles.

A flower suddenly bloomed on the skirt.

She couldn't help but share it with him quickly.

She was originally planning to write a letter to Xie Yuan, but before she had time, he came back. He dealt with Wencheng's affairs in less time than in his previous life, and she didn't know how he did it.

You know, in his last life, he spent two more years settling down than he does now, so the strength in his hands is naturally stronger than it is now.

The girl's cheerful look fell into his eyes, and the man's eyes seemed to contain infinite meaning. His dark eyes looked at her like a night filled with stars.

Love comes from the heart and cannot be cut off.

Xie Yuan watched Su Youyue turn around in a circle. Although he remembered not to insult her reputation, he still couldn't restrain himself and touched her head lightly.

"Be careful."

Be careful, Nannan.

(End of this chapter)

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