Chapter 262: Don’t you like hearing this?

Su Youyue nodded heavily.

"it is good!"

She has just recovered now, and she is afraid that if she accidentally falls, it will affect her legs again.I also suddenly saw Xie Yuan just now. I was so happy that I suddenly forgot everything.

I don't know if it was because of Xie Yuan's arrival, but when she walked back, she suddenly felt that her steps were steadier, and she no longer had the previous wobbly feeling.

"Miss seems to be walking more steadily. She looks no different from ordinary people." Jin'er also noticed this and couldn't help but say.

Chun Ya nodded, feeling the same in her heart.

Now that the young lady goes out, people outside may not be able to tell that the young lady once had to sit in a wheelchair all the time.

When Su Youyue heard Jin'er's words, she couldn't help but ask Xie Yuan: "Do I look like a normal person when I walk?"

The man's eyes were always on her, looking at her white forehead with a light sweat on her face, and curled his lips: "Well, let's sit down and take a rest first."

After Su Youyue sat down, her excitement finally returned to calm.

Now her body is young and full of vitality, and every move she makes makes her feel that she has endless strength. She feels that she is really becoming more and more like a little girl.

"Has the matter in Wencheng been resolved?" After she calmed down, she asked about the matter in Wencheng.

Xie Yuan's eyes deepened: "It's settled. Thanks to the reminder in your letter, a disaster was avoided."

Hearing this, Su Youyue's heart skipped a beat, and she felt a little guilty. She thought to herself, should the man ask next, how did he figure out that Wencheng's power was related to King Rong? Unexpectedly, the man did not mention it, but changed the subject. topic.

"I brought you some local specialties from Wencheng, you should like them."

Su Youyue subconsciously looked at Xie Yuan's sleeves.

But the man didn't bring out anything as she expected. Instead, he looked at her and smiled: "Li Ying will bring someone to deliver it later."

"Oh!" Su Youyue blushed and quickly looked away. She wanted to say something, but Xie Yuan stood up.

"Recuperate well. I will return to the palace first and take you out for a nice walk another day."

As soon as he stood up, the faint fragrance of ink bamboo disappeared, and Su Youyue was surprised.

Hasn't he been back for half an hour, and he hasn't even entered the palace to see the emperor yet, but instead came to him first?

But it was important to enter the palace and report the news to the emperor. Naturally, she did not dare to waste his time and ask more questions, so she could only nod and let him go as soon as possible.

Less than a moment after Xie Yuan left, Li Ying arrived with a large number of people pulling a cart full of things.

Because most of the cart was filled with food, we pulled it directly to Su Youyue's yard.

Jin'er looked at the cart full of "specialties" and couldn't close her jaw: "There are so many! No wonder Master Xie didn't bring them to Miss from his sleeves!"

Su Youyue also couldn't laugh or cry on her face.

Li Ying made full use of what he had learned from Gao Sheng before, and wanted to please his wife quickly: "Madam... no, no, miss, my master personally picked these things for you! After dealing with the thieves in Wen City, The adults started buying local specialties for the eldest lady."

"I didn't plan to buy so much at first, but when I saw this candy cake, I said that the eldest lady likes to eat sweets. When I saw the crisp tea, I said it was good. In addition, the people along the way were grateful to you for killing the bandits and bringing them to the people. To get rid of harmful things, everyone must take the initiative to stuff things into our cars."

"Hehe, but in the end, my lord asked his subordinates to give him the money." Listening to the scene described by Li Ying, Su Youyue could imagine how popular Xie Yuan was after he suppressed the bandits in Wencheng, and how miserable the people were. The gangsters have been around for a long time.

In fact, she felt more and more that those people in the court called Xie Yuan a treacherous minister, not because Xie Yuan was really like that. She thought it was against their interests, so they jumped on it one by one!

After Li Ying finished speaking, he raised his head and quietly glanced at Su Youyue's expression. Unfortunately, he really didn't have the discernment to see whether the lady was happy or unhappy.

Doesn’t Madam like to hear this?

Li Ying scratched his head and suddenly remembered something, so he slapped his thigh: "By the way, miss, my master went home to wash up first in order to see you when he came back!"


Su Youyue was stunned. Although she didn't know what Li Ying wanted to do when he said this, she suddenly understood what was going on with the bamboo fragrance on Xie Yuan's body.

He was traveling in a dusty way, his body should not have been clean, and his clothes still had a faint fragrance. It turned out that as soon as he came back, he went back to wash up instead of going to the palace first.

Li Ying was still winking: "Madam, this is all my adults want to show off in front of Madam!"

At this time, Zhejing happened to walk in, and heard clearly what he just said, and couldn't help but observe a few seconds of silence for Li Ying.

This brother of his... is it really okay to expose all of your thoughts in front of your wife like this?With so many people present now, these words may reach the ears of the adults, if they let the adults know.

Hey, it seems that Li Ying escaped being punished by running away from the school last time, but he can't escape this time.

Su Youyue finally understood what Li Ying meant. She couldn't laugh or cry for a moment. She couldn't say more about Li Ying, so she could only let Chun Ya take the reward money and give it to him.

Li Ying touched the heavy silver ingot and thought to himself that he finally did something right this time and made his wife happy. When he goes back, the adults still don't know how to reward him!
This job is really worth it, you can get two rewards!
Li Ying went back happily, while Zhe Jing stepped forward.

"Miss, now that Miss's leg has recovered, my subordinate's mission of guarding Divine Doctor Ji has been completed. I come to say goodbye today."

Previously, he stayed here to guard Divine Doctor Ji because he was afraid that Divine Doctor Ji would run away and not treat his wife's leg. Now that his wife's leg has healed, it's natural for him to go back. As for whether Divine Doctor Ji will stay or go, it's all up to her. Mind.

Su Youyue understood this truth, so of course she agreed.

Jin'er next to him asked in surprise: "Brother Zhejing is leaving today?"

Why did he walk so fast? She was planning to make two newly learned pineapple cakes for him to try today.

The last time I saw the young lady in the palace, I liked it, so Jin'er went out of her way to imitate it.

Zhejing looked at Jin'er and saw the little girl looking at him eagerly, as if she had something else to say.

The young man's eyebrows were a little gentler, but he knew that this was not the place to talk, so he could only lower his eyes and say goodbye.

Watching his leaving figure, Jin'er felt inexplicably empty in her heart, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

It’s not like we can’t see each other again, so why would she be unhappy?

Su Youyue thought of something: "Jin'er, go give me a folding mirror first."

Hearing this, Jin'er's eyes suddenly lit up again, she responded, and happily chased after Zhejing.

Chunya saw what her young lady was thinking, and followed Su Youyue, looking at the little girl's cheerful back with an aunty smile on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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