Chapter 678: Name Abandonment (End of Text)
Before Su Youyue left Dongrong with her family, she asked the Bai family to only take care of Shen Yuanzhen and Shen Yuanyang.

The Bai family agreed.

Although they hate the Shen family, they mostly hate the Shen family and his wife.

Moreover, Su Youyue only asked the two of them not to be bullied too much.

Now that the Bai family is backed by Princess Pingyang's mansion, they still have a bit of face.

After paying homage to the rebuilt tomb of Shen Nannan, these Dasheng people finally embarked on their way back to Dasheng.

Because of the wind and snow along the way, when they returned to the land of Dasheng, spring was already in full bloom.

The land of Jiuyuan Pass is full of golden winter jasmine flowers.

After Hua Qingyun asked a group of people to bring news to Washington, he said goodbye to everyone here.

Seeing him leaving with Chu Xiaozi's ashes and relics, with a trace of sadness on his back, Su Youyue could vaguely feel that he already knew Xiaozi's thoughts.

But before they had time to say anything, they were already separated between life and death.

Hua Qingyun is still the same Hua Qingyun who wrote the Records of Dasheng Mountains and Rivers in his previous life, but his mentality is different in this life. I wonder what kind of Records of Mountains and Rivers he will write again.

"Let's go."

When Su Youyue turned around, she vaguely saw a white shadow flashing on Dongrong's land.

But when she looked carefully, she saw nothing.

She thought she was dazzled and quickly got into the carriage.

This time, they didn't have to go too far.

Because Emperor Baili Hongxuan and everyone in the Xiao family had been waiting for their return at Jiuyuan Pass.

They also had a letter from the old lady of Su Mansion. Because they knew they were going to Jiuyuan Pass soon, the letter did not go to Dongrong.

Among them, there are many old ladies who are angry at their sons and daughters-in-law, and hope that they will go back soon.

Xiao Feiyan was about to pounce when he saw Su Youyue, but stopped in front of her belly.

"Ahhhhh! Yue'er, you, you, you, you!"

The men of the Xiao family who were subconsciously preparing to stop her breathed a sigh of relief.

Baili Hongxuan also moved his eyes to look at Xie Yuan.

Xie Yuan was still looking at Xiao Feiyan in a prepared manner.

Not to mention the two elders of the Su family, they both stepped forward and stopped the person together.

Seeing that she was still so lively, Su Youyue couldn't help but smile: "Yes, you are going to be an aunt."

Xiao Feiyan was happy at first, and then patted her forehead: "It's over, my parents will definitely urge us to get married when we get back!"

Everyone couldn't help but be amused.

Xiao Feiyan bent down and waved his hand towards her belly: "Little guy, you really followed your mother on an exciting adventure before you were born!"

The little guy in Su Youyue's belly is indeed born to take risks.

Because she was worried about her growing belly on the way back to Beijing, the schedule was clearly arranged.

Unexpectedly, this little guy was born the day before they returned to Yanjing.

That day, everyone from top to bottom, from senior to junior, from general to soldier, knew that Mrs. Xie was going to give birth, and everyone was anxious.

Jin'er stomped on the spot and accidentally stepped on the folding mirror several times.

Qingluo took Zheying to boil water. When she saw a dozen secret guards rushing to fan the fire to boil water, she pulled him back and ran back to see what was going on.

Xiao Feiyan was pacing back and forth anxiously outside the door. He looked more anxious than Su Zhenyun, his biological father. In fact, Su Zhenyun was so dazed that he couldn't even hear others calling Master Su three times.

Seeing Xie Yuan break in, Baili Hongxuan said to his relatives: "Bless their mother and son to be safe. I have discussed it with Xie Yuan a long time ago. I am the godfather of this child."


As soon as Xie Yuan came in, he was almost kicked out by his mother-in-law. In the end, he could only squeeze into a small corner and half-knelt, holding Su Youyue's hand, his eyes were red with pain.

"Nanny, it won't hurt anymore..."

Su Youyue looked at his red eyes and suddenly became nervous: "Why are your eyes still red?" Could it be that the poison has not been removed yet?
Lu Xixue slapped Xie Yuan on the shoulder: "What nonsense are you talking about? It will be over if you don't give birth to a daughter! If you can't help, don't cause trouble, and get out!"

Her slap was loud, and as soon as it hit, Su Youyue became nervous, and Xie Xiaobao fell to the ground.

Xie Yuan didn't even look at her before he went up to hug his wife.

Lu Xixue slapped her again: "If you are disliked by others, go away and don't cause trouble. I still have to clean up my daughter!"

Xie Yuan didn't respond when the slap came down. Xie Xiaobao started crying very loudly.

Everyone watching outside had their eyes lit up and breathed a sigh of relief.

"This child will be born safely at home tomorrow, but he has to be born halfway. Why not name him Xie Lusheng!" Xiao Sanlang muttered.

Xiao Feiyan punched her third brother: "It doesn't sound good, it doesn't sound good! You have to let me, my aunt, give him a name. I have already given it to him, and his name is Su Baobao!"

"...So why is the surname Su?" Xiao Silang asked.

Xiao Feiyan snorted: "Yue'er works so hard, what's the deal with Yue'er's last name? Besides, Yue'er really has a family fortune to inherit! Look, after Mrs. Su comes back, the Su family has long been richer than the Xie family!"

Xiao Silang couldn't talk to his sister, so he had to secretly tell his third brother: "Baobao Su doesn't sound good. He doesn't sound domineering at first glance. It sounds like a boy to me. I should be like Mr. Xie. From now on, I will go into battle to kill the enemy. If you are victorious, I will call you Xie Bu Lose.”

Jin'er frowned when she heard this: "This is too unpleasant. I have thought about it too. Children are all round and soft. If he is a young master, he will be called Tuan Ge'er, and if he is a young lady, he will be called Tuan Ge'er. Mianmian!”

Seeing the disapproval expressions on these people's faces, Jin'er became unhappy: "Zhejing, do you think what I took looks good?"

Zhejing nodded: "Of course it sounds good."

Everyone looked at the two people together, saying that you two are now a family, can you not be colluding?

Qingluo next to her asked in a low voice: "Aying, if it were you, what would your name be?"

Orikage Masayoshi refused sternly: "It's not my turn to take the name of the young master."

Seeing how dull he was, Qing Luo changed her mind: "What if it's your son or your daughter?"

Now Zheying is more accepting: "If it's a boy, let's call it Xie Alin, if it's a girl, let's call it Xie Amu."

"Okay, sounds good!" Qingluo praised.

Anyway, she doesn’t have a surname. If she gives birth to a son or daughter in the future, she will have her surname!
"Does it sound good?" Zheying felt a little unconfident when he saw that everyone else's names were ridiculed by the crowd, but his own name was even praised.

Qingluo praised: "It sounds great!"

Finally, Emperor Baili Hongxuan also spoke: "Stop arguing, this is my godson and goddaughter. I should be the one to name them. I think I will call them Baili Shengye. I wish us great prosperity in the future." Great work for the ages!”


Since this person is the emperor, no one dares to complain about the unpleasant name. Only Su Zhenyun dares to stand up and question: "Your Majesty, even if Xiaobao doesn't have the Xie family's surname, he must have our Su family's surname. How can he have your surname?" , If it is not reasonable, I will sue you!"

"It's useless to offer discounts. Give it back!" Baili Hongxuan vetoed it with one vote.

Hearing that it was more lively outside than inside the delivery room, Su Youyue held her chubby son in her arms and asked doubtfully: "Mom, what's the noise outside?"

Lu Xixue leaned to the window and listened, then she became angry and shouted outside: "Shut up, everyone, I have the final say on this matter. This little grandson is called Lu Dadao. He is powerful and domineering!"

It was suddenly quiet outside.

Su Youyue was ashamed.

With Lu Xixue taking care of her all the way, she was not that tired after giving birth and still had the strength to kick Xie Yuan.

"The child's father, please say something quickly!"

"It's Madam who has the final say." Xie Yuan couldn't keep the corners of his lips down, and his eyes looked at her with infinite indulgence like he had done countless times in the previous and this life.

Su Youyue was so moved by this look that she started talking nonsense.

"Okay, I'll get it."

"Then let's call him Xie Xiaobao!"

Ever since, Xie Xiaobao's name was finalized in the mouth of his mother who gave the name to him.

(End of text)

ps: Author's words: It's been one year, thank you for your companionship, it's finally over, I'm happy! I didn't dare to read the comments for some reasons. I haven't read the comments for a long time. I will read them slowly when I wait for the extra chapters. I will also make up for all the million-word extras and the final extras that I promised before. I'm really sorry, babies. I wanted to do it earlier. It's finished, but it couldn't be finished for some reasons. The plot has been changed a lot, so I was afraid that the writing would be too bad. I didn't dare to read the comments anymore. I gave up on myself and delayed the extra chapter for so long. In short, I really thank the babies for accompanying Xie Yuan and Yue'er. Been gone for so long. Their story has come to an end, and there will be additional extras for the supporting characters in the follow-up episodes!

(End of this chapter)

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