Chapter 679: White Wolf ()

It is said that children only start to have some memories when they are three years old.

Before that, all memories were like a fetus still in the mother's body, returning to chaos.

But he seemed to be born different from ordinary people.

Even before he could walk, he could already remember many things clearly.

For example, the woman who was called his mother would always forget to give him food every three days, and she would always say nothing when she saw him, looking at him with that cold look, and the woman who was responsible for taking care of him would The maid always secretly scolded him as a little monster who couldn't cry or laugh. She knew that he wouldn't cry even if he was hungry, so she often played outside until she completely forgot about it.

Once he had not had any water for two whole days. He was so groggy that he crawled out of bed on his own and went to the basin to drink water. In the end, he also forgot what happened. It was obviously a shallow basin of water, and he fell. He went in, but he couldn't get up no matter what. His lungs were full of water, and it hurt. The suffocation felt like a huge evil ghost was pressing on him, making his eyes black and dizzy.

In the end, he tried his best and finally overturned the basin and survived.

At this moment, he saw the woman standing outside the tent.


I don’t know when she stood there or how long she looked.

Seeing him seeing her, she slowly walked in.

Her blue-green eyes were as cold as before when she saw him.

There was even a hint of disappointment.

He collapsed on the ground in a panic, without any strength to move.

Just when he thought she would take him back to bed, she muttered to herself.

"Why don't you cry?"

He couldn't speak yet, so he naturally wouldn't respond to her.

After asking this question, the woman suddenly reached out to him and strangled his neck.

The feeling of suffocation came again, and he struggled painfully, but still did not cry.

It's strange, as if he was born unable to cry. He just can't cry, and he doesn't know what crying is. Even at this life-threatening moment, he won't make a cry.

He was just a child. How could he struggle against an adult? Soon his eyesight turned black again.

The woman's blue-green eyes are even greener, almost glowing with green fluorescence in the dark, and she has long lost her original calmness and rationality.

Under the strong sense of suffocation, he felt the changes in his body. His limbs and bones were numb for a while, but his internal organs had been pushed to the limit. Even his eardrums seemed to be under great pressure, and they suddenly made a clicking sound. .

As soon as this sound came out, the woman was frightened, and then the hands on his neck suddenly let go, visibly trembling, and quickly retracted them.

Then, she ran out as if running away.

When the maid came back from outside, it was already an hour later.

He climbed back to the bed by himself, but he didn't have the strength to climb onto the bed anyway. He could only curl up at the foot of the bed, with little air in and more air out.

The maid saw the scene in the tent clearly and didn't know what was going on. She only knew that he had soaked the carpet, cursed him non-stop, and slapped him on the back more than ten times. If it wasn't enough to relieve her anger, she hit him hard again. Fell on the bed.

"You little bastard who can't cry, no wonder the nobles look down on you and don't want your son, you are just a little monster!"

After beating her for more than a dozen times and seeing that he didn't cry, the maid became even more disgusted with him.

The days after that were no better. Knowing that the master didn't care about the little monster, the maid came back even less frequently. Fortunately, he slowly learned to walk on his own, and finally walked out of this tent that seemed to him bigger than the world.

The day he came out for the first time, he was astonished at the size of the sky and the breadth of the earth. But before he could fully appreciate the scene outside, he heard many people around him talking about him.

The woman also saw him, her calm expression suddenly changed, she rushed up and slapped him hard on the face: "Who allowed you to come out!"

Everyone around him looked at him with curiosity and disdain. Although he didn't understand it yet, he had learned to read his words early and knew that this was a bad look.

He could only remain silent as before.

But the woman hated him so much that she dragged him back to the tent by his collar. After staring at his face for a long time, she suddenly raised her hand and slapped him more than a dozen times: "You are not allowed to come out, do you hear me?" , If you dare to come out again, I will beat you to death!"

He frowned tightly and swallowed the sweet blood in his mouth without saying a word.

From then on, the woman often beat him.

As long as you see it, you can't avoid the slap in the face.

He came out more often, but his swollen cheeks were always laughed at by other children as a pig's head.

Other adults disdain to attack a young child, but their peers are the most naive and cruel. There is no limit to their evil. Insulting and throwing stones are just the simplest. This is a tribe that advocates force. They can't really ride a horse or hold a whip. and a knife, they would make him kneel on the ground and let them ride as horses one by one. The whip made of cane would hurt more than the wooden knife, which he didn't like.

But the food the maid gave him was really limited. Sometimes it was cold naan in a bowl, sometimes it was just one or two pieces of milk cake that had become sour and hairy, and most of the time there was nothing at all.

He played with these children, and their adults would occasionally throw two bites of food to him on the ground with that weird look that was both contempt and pity.

He was always bruised, dirty and smelly, and sometimes his mother was so disgusted that she didn't want to hit him with her hands.

Once when she saw him picking up the cake that other children had spit out on the ground after half a bite and putting it in his mouth, she suddenly went crazy and kicked him until he rolled over on the ground several times.

"Ciyun, why are you so angry? He's just a child, and he's your biological child..."

Someone was comforting him, but his tone contained contempt and ridicule for women.

After hearing this, the woman beat him harder and harder.

He held his head with one hand, and with the other hand he stuffed the cake that he had secretly picked up after being kicked to the ground into his mouth, then curled up, holding his head and quickly ate the cake in his mouth.

The bread was too hard for his teeth to chew. When the woman saw him eating the piece of bread, she was so angry that she kicked him in the face.

He was chewing heavily when he accidentally bit off a piece of meat from his mouth. His teeth also felt a sharp pain. He couldn't hold it back. The cake in his mouth was mixed with pieces of meat, blood, and a tooth as big as a grain of rice and he spat it out. .

Some of the onlookers gradually changed from pointing at him to pointing at women.

When the woman heard this, she became even more unable to hold back.

He never learned to resist.

Those people always scolded him as a naturally cowardly monster who couldn't cry, laugh, or even resist. He was born a waste. He was destined not to be even a man in the future, let alone a warrior who hunted wolves on the grassland.

But he didn't understand any of this.

He seems to be born with no response.

Maybe he really is a monster.

(End of this chapter)

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