The blood of the perfect world spreads all over the sky

Chapter 143 The gaze from the female war goddess

Chapter 143 The gaze from the female war goddess
Fairy Tianhu was sweating profusely. If she had moved before, she could still struggle, but now if she dared to move, she might die immediately.

She had heard many times in the upper realm about the horrors of Zhulu Academy in the lower realm. Now that she was facing Zhulu Academy, she felt that those rumors were exaggerated.

She had only experienced the murderous intention of dying if she moved like this from a god-level powerhouse.

There are so many gods in the upper realm, it’s hard to overstate how many of them are everywhere!
But the members of the Five Color Legion are just a group of women from the Cave Heaven and Spiritual Transformation Realm. The battle formation formed by this group of women actually surpasses the Venerable Realm and has power close to that of a god-level powerhouse?

Although it is not yet at the god level, it is still terrifying!

What if it is a legion composed of the Venerable Realm?

In the upper realm, there are many god-level ones everywhere, but in the venerable realm, there are really so many of them.

She began to recall the records in the church, and what troubled her was that there was no record of fighting against the Legion of the Goddess of War in the records.

So in all the great catastrophes, have the legions of the goddess of war been hidden?

This made her frown. Does the powerful religious elder of the Goddess of War Legion know?

Maybe you know, but the elders in the church don’t care!

After all, the Great Tribulation is about harvesting the lower realm. To put it simply, it is about reaping the benefits. Since the core legion of Zhulu Academy has not gone to war, they will not take the initiative to look for it.

It's like a vast plain, full of wheat, but there is a large jagged rock in it. If the machine drives over it, it will probably collapse. The best thing to do is to avoid it!
Of course, every time the harvesters in the lower world were unable to let go of their pride from the great religion, some people would fight against the boulders, level them, or be destroyed by the boulders.

The huge rocks left in place are so troublesome, and the huge mountains that actively bury the huge body are no longer searched for.

Whose inheritance is this Zhulu Academy?So powerful!

Zhulu academy, academy, academy, zhulu, zhulu...

Fairy Tianhu's thoughts were racing, and she quickly thought of a possibility.

King of people!

As a saint of the Jietian Sect, she has seen a lot of information, including the legend of the Seven Kings. The Jietian Sect is not the most powerful religion in the upper world, but it is the one with the longest heritage, because The Jietian Sect is a branch of the Jietian Dao in the immortal world.

At first glance, the human king seems to be just a prince, but this king is not that king. The "king" of the human king is the "king" among the immortal kings, and is an existence at the level of the immortal king in the immortal world.

Moreover, the title of Human King is very special. You can take other titles of Immortal King at will, but the title of Human King needs to be fought for, because this title needs to be fought for!
The Human King can get the title of 'Human King' because the Human King won the 'Battle of the Deer'.

If it is the inheritance of the human king, it makes sense. It is said that the seven kings have rebelled against the human race and the fairy world.

The descendants of the Seven Kings and the inheritance of the Seven Kings are the targets of suppression in the fairy world.

No wonder there is no Zhulu Academy in the Three Thousand Dao Prefectures of the Upper Realm, and Zhulu Academy never goes to the Upper Realm.

Staying in the lower realm, the legacy of Zhulu Academy will always exist!
Fairy Tianhu thinks that her reasoning is very accurate, Zhulu Academy is closely related to the inheritance of the King of Humans.

But it has nothing to do with her!

Suppressing the descendants of the Seven Kings and the inheritance of the Seven Kings is a matter for the Immortal Realm. The influence of the Immortal Realm is much weaker in the three thousand states in the upper realm, and it has no influence at all in the lower realm.

She'd better complete her mission on this trip!

As for the issue of Zhulu Academy, as I said before, it had nothing to do with her and she didn't want to worry about it.

Besides, there are countless smart people in Jietian Sect. If she can deduce the origin of Zhulu Academy, naturally other senior officials can too!

The higher-ups of the Jietian Sect didn't care about it, so she didn't care about it anymore, and it seemed like she couldn't care about it either.Fairy Tianhu looked at the colorful auspicious clouds not far away with vigilance, took out a token from the Qiankun Ring, and threw it over.

A cloud of five colors floated out and stopped the token.

After a while, the five-color cloud returned the token to Fairy Tianhu, and at the same time, the majestic voice of the female war goddess sounded: "Fairy Tianhu, please don't resist, come with me."

Fairy Tianhu put away the token, hesitated for a moment, nodded and smiled sweetly, and said: "Okay, but the female war goddess sister has to protect me!"

Since the word "please" was used, it meant that she was safe. Since she was safe, she let go.

The female war goddess did not answer, but slowly approached, and then directly wrapped the Sky Fox Fairy inside.

The city defense troops below watched as the female Ares Legion took Fairy Sky Fox away and flew directly into the core of Zhulu Academy before returning to camp in an orderly manner.

In a corner of the trading city, Shi Lei saw all this clearly. The power of Zhulu Academy was really beyond his expectation!

It seems that what you gain from joining Zhulu Academy is not only the female war goddess, but also powerful magic skills!
Well, that pure girl army...


Let's talk about it then!

Three days later, Shi Lei followed a large army to the Butian Pavilion examination site. More and more people were on the road. They passed through various mountains and lakes and came directly to a huge square.

A huge monument stands in front, with four characters engraved on it: Zhulu Academy.

The writing is powerful and vigorous, and there is a vague sense of vast and grand fighting spirit coming towards the face, as if there is a god general standing there, looking down on everyone.

Only when you get here are you close to Zhulu Academy, but this is not counting the mountain gate of Zhulu Academy, it is just one of the surrounding squares.

There are as many as sixteen such squares.

What surprised Shi Lei was that the female War Goddess and the Sky Fox Fairy were both here.

Shi Lei frowned. He didn't believe that there was such a coincidence in time. Among the sixteen examination places, this place was selected, and there were two beauties there. There must be adultery... there must be something fishy!
He thought carefully and looked for his own flaws. All the items he collected from the witch were put into the cave and suppressed by Liu Muxin.

As long as the other caves are put into the cave, they cannot escape the fate of being refined by the cave. The cave transformed by Liu Shen is very magical and can survive objects and store items.

The witch's belongings are all covered by Liu Muxin's aura. Even if the witch comes from the upper world and inherits many strange magic arts, she can't break through Liumuxin's cover.

I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out...

Shi Lei turned his attention to the Goddess of War, and happened to look at each other. His heartbeat skipped a beat, and he pretended to be calm and turned his gaze to the examiner next to the Goddess of War.


Why is the female war goddess still looking at her?
Did she recognize it?
Because of the previous record of auctioning Zhulu Academy tokens, Shi Lei did not use his real name when registering, but used the name Shi Jinglei.

There is nothing noteworthy about this name, because he is just like his name and has super lightning talent.

So what went wrong?

One minute later, the goddess of war's eyes were still on him, and his last trace of luck disappeared.

With a sigh, he looked at the Goddess of War bravely. The two looked at each other. After a few seconds, the Goddess of War showed a meaningful smile to Shi Lei.

(End of this chapter)

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