Chapter 144 The Sky Fox Fairy Acts
The female war goddess found Shi Lei based on her induction. She was proud but also very curious.

The last time she was in the Virtual God Realm, she could vaguely sense Shi Lei, and she felt it was very abnormal.

There is no sense in the world without reason. She and Shi Lei only met once. When they met for the second time, their appearance and aura were inconsistent. She was very sure that the 'loving peach' was Shi Lei. This kind of judgment was said to be a sixth sense. It was just an excuse, but there must be an underlying reason for her to sense Shi Lei.

After leaving the Void God Realm, she conducted an in-depth test on herself. After some tests, she found that the life force left by Shi Lei's treatment on her was very special and different from the common life force.

Shi Lei's life force was left over from the treatment. At that time, her injury was not healed, so she did not try to refine Shi Lei's life force. After she recovered, she tried to refine it and found that this life force was somewhat special and could not be refined. The only option was to expel him. After some thought, she decided not to expel him, so she kept him.

Unexpectedly, as time passed, part of the remaining life force merged into her heart.

Since this life force was not harmful, she did not interfere. She did not expect that she would have a vague and special feeling towards Shi Lei.

The female war goddess expelled the last bit of life force and asked the powerful person in Zhulu Academy about the power of life. The answer she got was that it was the first time for a person to see this kind of power of life, and this kind of power of life was very special. Not only does it have rich life force, but it also has pure soul origin. This soul origin is pure and flawless and can be directly absorbed by the soul to increase the soul.

This made the female war goddess even more curious about Shi Lei!

It turned out that Shi Lei auctioned the token of Zhulu Academy, and she thought that Shi Lei had chosen another university.

Unexpectedly, the last time she came to the trading city, she sensed Shi Lei's presence again. At that time, she was so happy that she wanted to go and get to know each other.

He just turned around and thought about it, and decided to endure it. What if she suddenly appeared and scared Shi Lei away?
As for now?

Now Shi Lei has entered the examination room and cannot run away even if he wants to.

These sixteen examination rooms are used by Zhulu Academy to gather troops. They have powerful rune formations that can block the space and restrain a strong man in the cave world with ease!
When Shi Lei looked at her and gave her an awkward smile, she felt happy in her heart.

Shi Lei dared to auction the exemption token she provided, which made her lose face within the academy. Now that Shi Lei fell into her hands, he must be trained well.

"Giggle... Who is Sister War God looking at? Have you discovered a genius?" Fairy Sky Fox smiled sweetly, and then followed the female God of War's gaze.

There were many people in the direction of the female God of War's gaze, but she quickly locked onto the target. There was no one else. In order to highlight his talent, Shi Lei would have thunder and lightning flash around him from time to time. At first glance, he was a person with a small skill in thunder.

Fairy Tianhu was stunned. This person and the little thief were both practicing thunder magic. Are they the same person?
There are many geniuses in the world, but the one who can attract the attention of the Goddess of War for a long time must be the genius among geniuses. The boy below is probably the little thief.

Countless tentative plans floated through her mind.

I didn’t expect that being escorted by the goddess of war can also yield good results!

She looked at Shi Lei and showed a charming smile.

When Shi Lei saw the charming Sky Fox Fairy, he trembled all over, but the performance did not stop. He was obsessed for a moment, and then showed a sunny smile, and smiled at the Sky Fox Fairy, which was quite in line with the kind of obsessed with beauty and carrying... The character of the noble prince.

In fact, he was already wary of Fairy Tianhu!

Fortunately, Fairy Tianhu did not rush over directly to confirm his identity.

If he doesn't rush over now, when he enters Zhulu Academy, Fairy Tianhu will have nothing to do with him!
Judging from the performance of Zhulu Academy yesterday, Zhulu Academy is worthy of Fairy Tianhu, the saint of Jietian Sect.

The female God of War frowned. She had always paid close attention to the two of them, and the look between them was naturally reflected in her eyes. "What? Does Fairy Tianhu like this genius? Even if you do, you have to wait until he loses the selection before you can recruit him."

The words of the female war goddess were sonorous and powerful, full of threats.

If it weren't for the elders' disapproval, she would have wanted to kill this Sky Fox Fairy directly with one knife. The nine-tailed Sky Fox clan belongs to the demon clan, and they are so charming and charming, exuding a seductive aura all the time. Such a demon girl should be worthy of Cut in half!

"Sister God of War is so fierce! She really scared me! I am very obedient, and I obey my sister's arrangements in everything." Fairy Tianhu pretended to be weak, as if she had been bullied by the Goddess of War, which was extremely pitiful.

The academy disciples next to him couldn't help but step towards Fairy Tianhu, trying to protect Fairy Tianhu.

"Hmph!" The female war goddess shouted, causing the academy disciples to wake up instantly and stand awkwardly.

The Sky Fox Fairy covered her face and cried: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...Sister God of War, did I do something wrong?"

The academy disciples not far away felt distressed. Unfortunately, with the fierce goddess of war, they would not dare to step forward even if they wanted to!
If they dare to offend the Goddess of War, the Goddess of War can punish them directly without notifying anyone.

"Put away your little tricks." The female war goddess stared at the Sky Fox Fairy, full of power.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Cried louder.

That crying sound really made me feel pity for him. Even the elder in charge of the examination couldn't help but look over.

"If you do this again, I will send you back to prison immediately." The female war goddess said coldly.

"Oh, Sister Ares, I'm kidding you! Hehe..."

Fairy Tianhu turned from tears into laughter, and her transformation was so fast that those around her who cared about her were stunned in place.

At this time, Fairy Tianhu had a sweet smile, her eyes were bright, and there was no sign that she had cried at all!

Those around them who stepped out of the array immediately knew that they had been tricked. They stood there in embarrassment and wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

"Ahem... Now the exam has officially begun, please listen to the questions!" The elder in charge of the exam was also the one who walked out of the queue and walked toward Fairy Sky Fox, but he reacted quickly and changed the topic directly.

"You are driving a chariot at high speed, and five people suddenly appear in front of you. If you hit them directly, these five people will be killed. But if you turn, one person will be hit and killed, whether it is on the left or the right. What should you do at this time?"

"Please follow your heart and make your own choice!"

"If you choose not to turn, go to area one, and if you choose to turn, go to area two."

As soon as he finished speaking, two huge circles appeared in front of the candidates.

Without much hesitation, Shi Lei jumped directly into area one.

(End of this chapter)

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