The blood of the perfect world spreads all over the sky

Chapter 239 Advance to the realm of freedom

Chapter 239 Advance to the realm of freedom

Sikong Changfeng saw that Baili Dongjun didn't have any worries on his expression, and he was relieved for Xiaobai. Baili Dongjun didn't worry about his personal maid, so he didn't have to worry at all.

Xiao Bai really didn't need them to worry, and he wasn't so critical that he hid from Bai Liuli's mouth.

Because at this time, he was escorted by two people, one was Lord Zhuo Mo Lei Mengsha and the other was Lord Qingge Luo Xuan.

Baimei Xiaoli climbed up from the ruins with an extremely ugly face. He had made a mistake today. He didn't expect that the young man holding a sword in the wine shop was a body refiner. A body refiner holding a sword was indeed very confusing.

There are many legends about body refiners who strengthen their bodies all the time, and use the free earth realm to fight the free heaven realm. In some legends, the body refiners use the strength of the free earth realm to kill the free heaven realm.

It's not surprising that he was rushed away by a body refiner.

It's just that... this body refiner is too young and too thin.

The other body builders were all tall and muscular, but that boy...

Is it some new body-training technique?

He couldn't sigh for long, because a big snake rushed towards his position.

Looking at the behemoth, Xiao Li frowned slightly. He had to face not only the giant snake, but also a powerful aura behind the giant snake, which was stronger than him.

After hesitating for a moment, he had no intention of getting out of the way. Although he knew he couldn't stop them, it was important to strike hard while they were escaping so that the big snake would be seriously injured and unable to fight anymore.

Since they are already hostile, it is necessary to take the opportunity to weaken the opponent's combat power.

As for the big snake and the unknown strong man stopping to fight him, that was exactly what he wanted. The big snake should have been driven over by the four helpers. As long as the big snake and the unknown strong man dared to stay, they would wait until the four helpers arrived. their death date.

Waving the brush in his hand, Orochi's speed was much slower than that of the previous body refiner. He had more time to prepare and his power was stronger.

Suddenly there was a flute sound, which was a bit desolate, and there was a kind of sadness like crying in the cool night.

In the desolation, the tense atmosphere on the long street instantly dissipated a lot. The killers chasing on the long street stopped involuntarily and listened carefully to the sound of the flute.

The person playing the flute at this time is naturally not an ordinary person. The powerful warriors will integrate their inner strength into the sound of the flute and can kill people invisible. They dare not slack off and secretly use their inner strength to prepare to resist the sonic attack. After listening for a moment, The expected sonic attack did not come, and they slowly realized that the sound of the flute was really just a pleasant sound, and there was no inner force involved.

But that real desolation can temporarily dull their murderous intent.

The ordinary flute sound did not make the killers relax, but made them more alert. A simple flute sound can do this, but what if it is integrated with internal power?

Who is it? Is it so powerful?

Baimei Xiao Li couldn't help but slow down the movements in his hands. He could also think of things that the killers could think of, but he didn't want to stop.

Suddenly, a rose petal fell through his vision of the Mo River, and landed at his feet, one or two... Many fine petals suddenly fell on the long street, and fell on the long street, adding a unique feel to the long street. Such beauty.

Xiao Li helplessly stopped what he was doing. Flower petals can pass through the Mo River, and the flute player can naturally break the Mo River. He was defeated before the two of them officially took action.

Who is this?

Looking at the rose petals all over the street, Xiao Li thought of a person.

"Young Master Qingge?" He called softly, and his voice broke through the sound of the flute and reached everyone's ears.

Lei Mengsha smiled and said: "Hahaha... That guy is here too. I thought I was the only one who would come."

"White-haired girl, let's go quickly. With that guy here and me, the white-browed girl doesn't dare to take action."

"You are the one with white hair, and your whole family is white hair." Xiaobai pouted, very dissatisfied, and cursed out loud.

Everyone around her had black hair, but she had white hair, which made her different from the others, and she was bullied because of it. It was the young master's kindness that allowed her to be his personal maid, so that she could avoid being bullied.

She doesn't like gray hair, but she is born with it.

Lei Mengsha hurriedly apologized: "Sorry, sorry, little girl, tell Bai Liuli to go away."

"Hmph, Liuli, let's go quickly." Xiaobai glared at Lei Mengsha, very dissatisfied, but she still followed Lei Mengsha's words and quickly asked people to leave.

The giant snake accelerated again, taking Xiao Bai past Xiao Li in an instant. As expected, Xiao Li didn't make a move and just let them go straight through.

Lei Mengsha ran out after him.

The white-browed Xiao Li looked around, and then found a figure on a tall building. Looking at the elegant man, he couldn't help but sigh: "Mr. Qingge, among the eight princes of Beili, he is known as the elegant 'Mr. Ya'. Rumor has it that Every time he appears in front of everyone, there will be elegant music playing, and there will be flower petals falling in the rain. When I saw it tonight, it was indeed like this. I didn’t expect that there really...are people in the world who do this!"

Xiao Li gently twisted the two fingers of his left hand, lifting the fallen petals from the ground, spinning them on his fingertips, raising his head, looking at the young man in white who was playing the bamboo flute on the eaves, and sneered: "Among the eighth young masters of Beili The three of them came to Chaisang City on the southwest road, which really makes people feel... uneasy~~"

He flicked his fingers, and the petals formed into an arrow, which rushed towards Mr. Qingge.

He had given up on taking action just now because he was one against three, and he was definitely no match for him. Now that only Young Master Qingge was left, he had to take action to test the importance of Young Master Qingge among the eight young masters in Beili.

Facing the flower petals and feather arrows shot at him, Master Qingge did not move at all, still playing the flute gracefully. But when the flower arrows came close to him, Xiao Yin suddenly started to rush, and his voice became louder. He was wearing a white robe. With a slight lift, the flower arrow instantly collapsed and fell into a rain of flowers.

"Hmph." Xiao Li shouted angrily, his internal energy surged, and in an instant he rushed forward and punched Young Master Qingge.

"Even the Eighth Young Master from Beili can't even think of using the power of three people to change the new trend of the Southwest Road!"

Young Master Qing Ge pointed his toes and flew behind him, and the eaves of the roof were smashed to pieces by Xiao Li.

But Mr. Qingge still played calmly, and the bamboo flute in his hand was still soothing and melodious. He did not regard Xiao Li in front of him as a threat at all. He turned around and Qingge in white robe passed by Xiao Li.

Xiao Li was stunned and shouted loudly: "Stop him!"

On the long street, Yan Qiansui suddenly appeared and raised the butcher knife in his hand.

At the same time, Granny Needle also flew up her silver needle!

Bai Liuli belongs to the Zhenxihou family. In order not to anger Zhenxihou, they can let him go, but they can kill Mr. Qingge.

The Marquis of Zhenxi was not sure whether he would interfere in the affairs of the Southwest Road, but the Eighth Young Master of Beili had already made it clear that he wanted to participate, so he could be killed.

Young Master Qingge's foot lightly touched the thousand-jin knife, and Yan Qiansui's whole body fell down. Young Master Qingge gracefully passed over Yan Qiansui's head, and at the same time, the jade belt around his waist bounced up gently, flying closer. The hundreds of silver needles were shot down.

The tinkling sound was extremely clear, as if it was accompanying the song.

Mr. Qingge stood on a low building not far from the city gate. A song finally ended. He put down the flute in his hand, turned his back to Xiao Li, Yan Qiansui and others, and said lightly: "The strength of three people is not enough." , what about the power of seven people!"

Xiao Li was stunned for a moment, what? The power of seven people? Could it be... He was startled and asked: "Why are you?"

Mr. Qingge didn't intend to answer, but jumped up and left in a hurry.

"Bai Mei, you need to inform Miss Yan in time." Yan Qiansui said standing aside.

Granny Zhen shook her head: "We also need to inform the head of the Yan family. How long will it take for the family to arrive?"

Xiao Li sighed softly and said: "The master of the family has been held back. I have never figured out who in the Southwest Road has such ability, and now I finally know.

The Eighth Young Master from Beili actually came to the Southwest Road, just... because of Gu Jianmen himself? "

His question went unanswered and the whole street fell into silence.

The city defense troops that were supposed to appear showed no movement at all.

Three miles outside the city, there is Xiruo Temple. In the original work, Lei Mengsha brought Baili Dongjun and others here, but this time it was Shi Lei who brought them here.

Choosing Xiruo Temple was not deliberate on Shi Lei's part, but it was in the wilderness. Apart from going to the village to stay with villagers, or running to a post station ten miles away, the best choice was a dilapidated temple with gray bricks and gray tiles.

Compared with the loess walls and thatched houses in rural areas, the temple environment with blue bricks and gray tiles is actually much better.

Temples that are common in movies and TV dramas only have one Buddha statue and then a lobby. A real temple has several courtyards. It not only has an altar, but also a kitchen, a woodshed, a wing, and a backyard. It's pretty big anyway.

Of course, if everyone is given a choice, they usually choose to spend the night in the Buddha statue hall. In an empty temple, it is safer to gather in the hall. To put it more superstitiously, with the Buddha statue around, people's hearts will be more stable. Even if the Buddha statue is broken, It can also be soothing.

In the altar, Shi Lei used thunder to raise a bonfire, then took a long sword and walked out.

This long sword was Shi Lei's trophy outside the city. In order to seize the leading position of the southwestern underworld, the Yan family was well prepared. There were their people in the city, and there were their thugs on the pipeline a mile outside the city. If it weren't for Shi Lei's exploration The method is the essence of life, and these Yan family thugs who are ambushing outside the city have not yet been found.

These thugs have two tasks. One is to act as a pair of eyes to report back everything they see. The other is to become a force to intercept the enemy when necessary. The thugs Shi Lei met tonight acted as eyes. If he didn't kill them, their whereabouts would be exposed.

Shi Lei stood in the small square outside the altar with a long sword, recalling the scene when Lei Mengsha used his thunder method, grasped the mysterious and mysterious feeling, and then raised the long sword and started dancing.

He danced the Five Elements Sword Technique again, but the feeling of breakthrough was still not caught. He abandoned the sword and changed to boxing. He performed the Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Technique and Xingyi Fist again.

After chasing him, he still picked up the long sword and danced the Five Elements Thunder Sword. He had a vague hunch that it was easier to understand the way of heaven with a sword than with fists.

Once, twice, three times...

"You can't do this. Your swordsmanship is good, but your thunder only exists on the sword, and it is poured into your body. Only when it is poured into your body, can you..."

"Damn it, just pour it when I'm told, and you pour it, and the execution is perfect, but our Lei family only dares to pour it into two fingers. If you pour it into the whole body, aren't you afraid of being burned by Lei?" I originally wanted to be a role model for others, Lei Meng, who was coaching Shi Lei, panicked.

He quickly rushed towards Shi Lei, trying to disperse the lightning around Shi Lei and save him.

But as soon as he got close, the figure with lightning all over his body dodged and moved away.

"'s okay like this, no matter how strong your body is."

The crackling, noisy sound of thunder and lightning resounded like a bird's call.

"Then what?" Shi Lei's questioning voice came from the thunderous figure around him.

Lei Mengsha lifted his chin and reset it, which was about to be dislocated due to shock, but his shocked expression did not change at all.

After hearing Shi Lei's question, he was shocked and opened his mouth to continue explaining, but in a hurry he forgot the philosophical formula from the Lei family. He could only say according to his own understanding: "The realm of freedom is the limit of a mortal warrior. But Xiaoyao Tianjing is a new starting point for warriors. In front of Xiaoyao Tianjing, all warriors are beginners."

"As a beginner, you should respect the thunder method. What you have to do is not to use your own thunder and lightning to direct the thunder and lightning of the heaven and earth, but to use your own thunder and lightning to blend into the thunder and lightning between the heaven and the earth, and then use your own thunder and lightning as an inducer to trigger the thunder of the heaven and the earth... "

Shi Lei had a flash of inspiration and instantly grasped the mysterious and mysterious feeling. The martial arts talents he got from Jing Salamander, Dongjun, Empress, Ji Ruxue and other women exploded. He felt that his thunder method broke through a layer of window paper, and then the sky There was a huge flash of thunder, echoing with Shi Lei who was covered in thunder and lightning.

"Boom." Purple thunder and lightning fell from the sky, hitting Shi Lei with lightning speed.

"Holy shit..." Lei Mengsha swore in surprise. He didn't expect that his plain-spoken guidance could lead to a free world.


"Hey, are you okay? You won't turn into black coal, will you?" Even he had to be careful with that kind of powerful thunder and lightning, let alone the young man who had just entered the realm of freedom.

But at this time, the young man is advancing to the realm of Xiaoyao Tian. If he interrupts at will, the advancement may fail.

Many people never have the opportunity to advance to the Free World Realm. Although the boy in front of him is young, he cannot guarantee that the boy will have a second chance.

Shi Lei stood there and thought carefully for a while, confirming that it was not a fluke that he entered the realm of freedom, but that he had truly understood the way of heaven.

It is true that he has used lightning techniques in multiple worlds, and he has not wasted the martial arts talents he gained from Jing Salamander, Dong Jun, Empress and others.

It was very easy for him to advance to the level of Xiaoyao Tianjing. With just a little guidance, he advanced.

He suppressed the lightning around him, took a long breath, and then replied: "I'm fine. Thank you. I owe you a favor. I can't guarantee anything else, but there is one thing I will definitely do."

"If you die in battle, I will take care of your wife and daughter."

"Thank you for taking care of my wife and daughter." Lei Mengsha thanked him subconsciously. Then he suddenly reacted and said angrily with his eyes wide open: "Good guy, I helped you become your brother, but you cursed me to death?"

Shi Lei waved his hands repeatedly and said: "No, no, no, I don't mean to curse you to death. What I mean is that as children of the world, something may happen at any time. I just give you a promise."

Lei Mengsha nodded: "That's pretty much it... ugh... no, you're still cursing me. You're all a gangster. Why should I die before you?"

Shi Lei quickly explained: "Because you have done great things, your enemies are all big figures in the Xiaoyao Tian Realm, and my enemies are all lowly people. You are one of the top strong men in the world, and you have great responsibilities. The dangers are much greater.”

"It makes sense." Lei Mengsha nodded slightly. He first agreed with Shi Lei's words and opened his mouth to say something else, but was interrupted by Shi Lei: "You are here to see Baili Dongjun, he is waiting inside."

"Hey, yes, Baili Dongjun's matter is more important. I have to ask him why he came to Chaisang City." Lei Mengsha suddenly remembered the purpose of his trip.

The attitude of the Marquis of Zhenxi towards Southwest Road is very important. The affairs of the Yan family are not complicated. If the Marquis of Zhenxi gets involved, it will be a big problem.

Lei Mengsha looked at the door of the Buddhist hall, where Xiaobai was greeting Baili Dongjun and checking whether Baili Dongjun was injured.

To Xiao Bai, Shi Lei's breakthrough was not as important as Young Master's safety.

Sikong Changfeng looked at Shi Lei enviously.

Lei Mengsha looked at Baili Dongjun helplessly and asked: "So, you are really just stupid. You took a land deed from home, and then ran hundreds of miles to Chaisang City to open a wine shop and sell wine. liquor?"

Baili Dongjun shook his head and clarified: "To be precise, I make wine. That's the right way to put it."

Lei Mengsha asked Sikong Changfeng again: "Then you are really a wanderer without a father or mother, but you just happen to be passing through Chaisang City, and there happens to be a place here where you can drink for free, and you can eat and drink for free. And then you settled in?”

Sikong Changfeng scratched his head and said, "You are right to say that, but can you word it a little more tactfully?"

Lei Mengsha turned to look at Shi Lei and asked, "You guys surnamed Shi, why did you come to Chaisang City?"

Shi Lei thought for a moment and said: "First of all, my name is Shi Lei. Secondly, do you really care? If you want to hear a long and well-founded story, I can tell it to you slowly. There are absolutely no coincidences. It's all up to me. within the plan.”

Hearing that Shi Lei was going to tell a long story slowly, Lei Mengsha felt dizzy and waved his hands repeatedly: "No, I don't want to hear your long story."

How Shi Lei got to Chaisang City is really not important now, because he made a mistake in judgment and exposed himself in advance, which caused the original plan to be destroyed. Now he can only think of another way.

Lei Mengsha put his hand on his forehead and blamed himself: "Oh my God, did I lose my mind? I thought you were sent by Apocalypse City for support, and the few chess pieces left behind, I thought you were spying during this period. After receiving countless information, it turned out that you were really... passing by?

So why should I reveal my disguised identity and jump out to save you. I'm going crazy, don't stop me, I'm really going crazy. "

Baili Dongjun and Sikong Changfeng looked at each other. It was said that Master Zhuo Mo was a talkative person. They thought it was just a rumor, but they didn't expect it to be true. Master Zhuo Mo was really a talkative person...

Baili Dongjun felt guilty and couldn't help but comforted: "Brother Lei, don't be too sad. If you need help... we can also help..."

"What are you helping? Help me! Do you know who your grandfather is? Baili Luochen, the Marquis of Zhenxi. Baili Luochen is known as the God of Killing by the world! The kind who buried 10,000 enemy troops with just a disagreement. ! I dare to let his grandson do something that will cost his life? Don't try to harm me. Although Leijiabao no longer recognizes me as a disciple, I can't cause the entire Lei family to be executed." Lei Meng Sha repeatedly waved his hands and shook his head.

Sikong Changfeng paused the spear in his hand and said loudly: "I can help."

Lei Mengsha looked at Sikong Changfeng for a long time and suddenly said: "The person you are about to die is indeed a very good candidate."

Sikong Changfeng froze, and the hand holding the gun trembled slightly.

Lei Mengsha continued to scratch his head and complain, "It's a pity that your shooting skills are so bad!"

This Young Master Zhuo Mo seemed to be in his late thirties, and his martial arts skills were amazing, but his speaking style was more childish than the two young boys.

Baili Dongjun shook his head and said helplessly: "Then you say... what do you need us to do?"

Lei Mengsha suddenly raised his head, turned to look at Shi Lei behind him and said, "Why did I almost forget you? You are already in the Xiaoyao Heaven Realm. Your body is strong enough, and your sword skills are mysterious enough. You can help me a lot. Why don't you speak?" ?”

Shi Lei said with a naive look on his face: "I opened my mouth. I said I owe you a favor. I will support your wife and daughter."

"I'm going to fight for my life, who will support your wife and daughter!"

When Lei Mengsha heard this, he immediately jumped up and cursed: "Damn it, don't always talk about death. I won't die, and I won't let you die. I just need your help."

"Don't worry, with our strength and working together, we will be seriously injured at most, but we won't die."

Shi Lei nodded and did not continue teasing his future father-in-law, but said seriously: "Okay, I've done this to help you, and I can repay your kindness for teaching me my thunder method. Don't worry, your wife and daughter's promise to support me remains unchanged. "

 Asking for a monthly ticket. . .



(End of this chapter)

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