Chapter 240 Yan Liuli’s win over

Lei Mengsha's face darkened, and he complained: "Boy Shi, if you can help me, please help me. Can you please stop talking about raising my wife and daughter? I think I can live for a long time and I don't need your help."

Shi Lei shook his head and said nothing more. Ever since Lei Mengsha intervened in the Southwest Road matter, Lei Mengsha entered a countdown to death.

Just because he has an unreliable brother - Langya King Xiao Ruoyi. Xiao Ruoyi has prestige, an army, brothers, a strategy, and the support of ministers, but he has disagreements with Emperor Tai'an. This is Li Shimin A replica!

As long as Xiao Ruoyi is no longer the emperor, what the successor must do after taking the throne is to eliminate the threat of Langya King Xiao Ruoyi. The successor may have different abilities, spend different time, and use different methods, but eliminating Langya Wang Xiao Ruoyi's threat must be the most important thing in the new emperor's heart, more important than the invasion of other countries and the loss of large areas of territory.

The existence of Xiao Ruoyi is not that of a master with great achievements, but that of a master with great achievements, because he is a member of the royal family. Generals with different surnames who have high achievements and shocking masters rarely die well, let alone members of the royal family who have the right to inherit the throne.

So when he knew that Xiao Ruoyi was unwilling to fight for the throne, he gave up the idea of ​​helping Xiao Ruoyi.

Shi Lei knew the principle of talking deeply but not expressing his inner thoughts.

Lei Mengsha was about to speak when he saw Shi Lei shaking his head but not speaking.

"There's someone!" A loud shout rang out. Like a big cat that had been awakened, Sikong Changfeng picked up his spear and stood forward.

The sound of a flute reached everyone's ears. Sikong Changfeng looked wary, raised his spear and pointed it at the door.

"Whoosh." With a sound, a figure appeared in front of Sikong Changfeng.

"That shameless Fenghua Young Master has made an appointment for us with a guest. It seems that the guest has already arrived." Luo Xuan turned his head and glanced outside the temple.

Lei Mengsha took a step forward, his previous crying and complaining posture disappeared, he wiped away the non-existent tears, and said softly to the visitor: "You are here."

Lei Mengsha ignored the looks of others, just looked at Master Qingge and asked: "Luo Xuan, why are you here too? Why?"

These two Riddlers are really annoying. I can't say their names, but at least give them titles. That one is uncomfortable to hear.

Young Master Qingge smiled and said, "I have a good friend who happens to be from Qiandong City. My young prince, you... are very famous in Qiandong City."

Just as Sikong Changfeng was about to take action, Lei Mengsha's voice came out: "Wait a moment, one of our own."

Sikong Changfeng suddenly realized and said: "The person in the sedan during the day was her!"

Shi Lei also agreed: "She does look good, but... she is too cold and scheming."

"Who is that person in Tianqi City?" Baili Dongjun asked curiously.

She noticed the undisguised aura of Xiaoyao Tianjing on Shi Lei's body. A boy of seventeen or eighteen years old turned out to be in Xiaoyao Tianjing. This was a genius boy.

Luo Xuan replied: "I will take the first step and come to pick you up. Others are doing more important things. Of course, that one will never leave Apocalypse City. He will stay in Apocalypse City and be responsible for the layout behind the scenes."

"Of course the family will not agree to our intervention. Except for you, the disciple who was expelled from Leijiabao, there is really no way for us to participate in this matter openly. But brothers are brothers, and the family belongs to the family. Now we are just for Brothers are here. The man in Tianqi City said that Gu Jianmen must not die. This is our final bottom line." Luo Xuan, the son of Qingge, looks elegant and handsome, but when he said the last sentence, there was a hint of Killing intent poured out.

"No more nonsense." Lei Mengsha suddenly spoke, interrupting their conversation.

The person who came was dressed in white and was an elegant young man holding a flute. He passed through Sikong Changfeng, who was looking at him with a spear raised, and stood directly in front of Lei Mengsha.

"His grandfather's name is Baili Luo Chen." Lei Mengsha said angrily.

Combined with the scorched black circle outside the door, Shi Lei should have just advanced to the free world realm, and he still mastered the extremely powerful thunder method.

Young Master Qingge's eyes lit up and he asked in surprise: "The only grandson of the Zhenxihou Mansion?"

He had already obtained information from Xiao Li, which included information on the strength of the three young men. According to the information, Shi Lei's strength was at the level of freedom.

Luo Xuan stepped forward to salute and said softly: "Miss Yan."

"You know me?" Baili Dongjun was stunned.

Lei Mengsha snorted coldly and replied: "Of course he is the handsome young man who has seen the dragon but never seen the end."

Indifference is not the problem, the problem is that the scheming is too deep. Qin Shi's Jing Salamander was also very cold, but after Jing Salamander had a child, he was able to walk into Jing Salamander's heart. If it were Yan Liuli, it would be difficult to say that he would have a deep friendship with such a person. Either listen to her completely, or just give it a try.

Lei Mengsha waved his hands to show that he didn't care, and said excitedly: "I thought I was the only one willing to come. This matter on the Southwest Road involves many sects and families. You guys are involved..."

Miss Yan glanced in the direction of Sikong Changfeng and said coldly: "It's a bit unexpected that you are not dead yet. According to Xiao Li's temper, someone should be sent to kill you immediately. It is true that you can escape the pursuit. good."

Baili Dongjun nodded: "It is indeed beautiful, looks a bit like a ghost."

Looking at Mr. Qingge's meaningful smile, Baili Dongjun immediately understood. He scratched his head and explained: "It's easy to talk about, but in fact it's not... nothing is outrageous. Don't listen to their rumors and don't believe everything... …”

Lei Mengsha said with a smile: "This is not the first time we have met. I escorted the lady all the way. We have met many times on the road."

"I'm Baili Dongjun." Baili Dongjun greeted quickly.

Lei Mengsha was startled and quickly asked: "They are all here? Where are they?"

Lei Mengsha recognized the identity of the woman in red at a glance. Hearing the words of the three teenagers, he was so frightened that he blocked the three men behind him and whispered: "You learned from me how to talk too much." Is there something wrong? Do you know who this woman is? You dare to tease her just by opening your mouth!"

"Shi Lei." Shi Lei also introduced himself.

The four of them felt confused for a while, thinking to themselves, aren't you the one who talks the most nonsense here?

"My name is Sikong Changfeng." Sikong Changfeng also put away the spear in his hand and said.

I don't know when a woman in red was standing outside the temple. The woman was very beautiful, but her face was expressionless, as cold as winter, making people feel cold for no reason.

"I can hear your cry from so far away. You are not worried about being found by the enemy at all." Master Qing Ge shook his head, as if he was accustomed to the behavior of Master Zhuo Mo in front of him.

Yan Liuli glanced at the three young men and stayed on Shi Lei for a while.

Qingge Master Luo Xuan raised his eyebrows and said loudly: "Not only am I here, they are also here?"

Lei Mengsha sighed and said helplessly: "I exposed myself, gave up my well-hidden identity, and saved three...passers-by."

Miss Yan returned the greeting, nodded and said, "Mr. Zhuomo, Mr. Qingge, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"The names are all very good." Mr. Qingge nodded slightly, then looked at Baili Dongjun and asked, "Is your surname Baili?"

"What a beautiful woman." Sikong Changfeng sighed in a low voice.

"Especially if you escape from being hunted, you can also advance to the realm of freedom. Not bad, very good." She said the last words to Shi Lei.

Compared to the other two, Shi Lei was more worthy of her appreciation. Young Talent was talking about people like Shi Lei.

"I rescued them. I have been hiding among your guards since you set out. I am Xuezheng." Lei Mengsha took over the conversation.

Miss Yan glanced at Lei Mengsha and shook her head: "I don't remember."

Lei Meng Killer staggered, smiled awkwardly, and said, "Miss Yan is really as cold and arrogant as the rumors say... But Miss Yan, why are you here? I thought... we were enemies."

Luo Xuan nodded and sighed: "Fenghua only told me that there will be a key person here to cooperate with us. I never thought that this person would be Miss Yan of the Yan family."

Baili Dongjun and Sikong Changfeng were confused. Baili Dongjun scratched his head and asked, "I'm sorry, I really can't understand."

Lei Mengsha sighed and asked, "Do you know why they smashed up your wine shop?"

Thinking of the house of wine that had just been smashed, Baili Dongjun suddenly became angry, stared at Lei Mengsha and asked, "Why!"

"Because there are two big families in Southwest Road, one is the Gu family of Qianfang, and the other is the Yan family of Muyuhang. Sometimes the two families are incompatible, and sometimes they are in harmony and co-governance. In recent years, the black and white families of Southwest Road are not To side with the Gu family is to side with the Yan family, and they have been fighting endlessly until half a month ago, Gu Luoli, the head of the Gu family, was assassinated and died. The only two elders of the Gu family who can make the decisions are Gu San Ye and Gu Wu Ye. , are the two uncles of Gu Luoli. Gu Luoli also has a younger brother named Gu Jianmen, who is the Young Master Lingyun among the eighth young masters. And Gu Luoli died within a few days, and the third master and the fifth master Gu A marriage has been arranged for Gu Jianmen, and the woman is Yan Liuli, the daughter of the Yan family, who is the beauty in front of you." Lei Mengsha explained.

Sikong Changfeng frowned and thought for a moment, then said: "So this matter was planned by the Yan family. They teamed up with the fifth and third masters of the Gu family to assassinate Gu Luoli, and then controlled the Gu family of Qianfang who lost their head through the marriage."

"Young man knows the darkness of this world very well." Lei Mengsha patted Sikong Changfeng on the shoulder and continued: "That's it. Gu Sanye and Gu Wuye have status, but they have no status. Real power has been idle in the Gu family in the past few years. They want to use the Yan family to seize the power of the Gu family. Even if the Gu family loses the number one position in the Southwest Road, they don't care."

Baili Dongjun suddenly realized, turned to look at Yan Liuli, and said, "No wonder the people on that street are so strange. It turns out that the entire area around the Gu Mansion is controlled by the Yan family."

"The entire street is in the hands of the Yan family. Except for the land deed in your hand, the Yan family has never bought it. I thought I just couldn't find the owner, but you happened to show up at this time. This is very strange." Yan Liuli said lightly.

"Haha, it is indeed very strange. You, the Yan family, probably never thought that this land deed is in Zhenxihou's mansion, and the one who comes here to open a wine shop is Zhenxihou's favorite only grandson." Lei Mengsha said with a smile.

Yan Liuli was stunned, then turned to look at Baili Dongjun: "Are you really from the Baili family?"

Baili Dongjun smiled awkwardly, nodded and said, "Why is my grandfather so famous?"

"Not only your grandfather, of course, your grandfather, the God of Death, Old Marquis, is the most famous in the family. Your father, mother, uncles, including your grandfather, and the white snake coiled on the roof now, They are all very famous." Lei Mengsha patted Baili Dongjun on the shoulder and said with a smile. "Why are you so famous?" Baili Dongjun left Qiandong City for his first trip. In Qiandong City, his grandfather and parents were very popular, but he didn't expect that everyone would still know the names of his family outside Qiandong City. .

"Hey, it's just like the name you have in Qiandong City." This time it was Young Master Qingge who answered first. After he finished speaking, he paused, and finally added four more words, "Fearful after hearing the news."

Baili Dongjun touched his nose in embarrassment and said with a sneer: "You'd better stop talking about me. I have a question now. Since the Yan family is stronger than the Gu family, they want to take the first place in the southwest road, and you have to come and help Gu." Jianmen, so Miss Yan and you should be enemies. Miss Yan’s men just fought with you, why did she come here to have a secret meeting with you again? "

Lei Mengsha clasped his fists, turned to look at Yan Liuli and said, "Good question."

Qingge Master Luo Xuan twirled the bamboo flute in his hand and asked with a smile: "I want to ask too."

Miss Yan looked at them calmly and slowly said a few words: "Because... I love him."

Yan Liuli's words "I love him" surprised everyone in the room.

Just now, they were talking about grudges and power struggles, but Miss Yan said "I love him", which was a bit inconsistent with the current topic. The atmosphere has reached this point. Are you talking to us about love?

The only one who is still calm is Shi Lei. Firstly, he has known the plot for a long time. Secondly, Yan Liuli said that she loves Gu Luoli only because she said it. No one knows whether she really loves her. In the original work, Xiao Ruoyi speculates that it is Yan Liuli didn't love Gu Luoli, so she married the dead Gu Luoli just to fight for power.

He believed in Xiao Ruoyi's wisdom. If Xiao Ruoyi could make such an inference, he must have discovered a lot of doubts. However, things like love could only be said by the person involved, and Xiao Ruoyi could not refute it.

Yan Liuli had a panoramic view of everyone's expressions. After seeing Shi Lei's expression as usual, he couldn't help but take another look.

The genius showed little interest in their affairs from the beginning, as if he didn't want to get involved.

"Who... do you love?" Lei Mengsha asked after hesitating for a moment.

"You actually fell in love with Gu Jianmen? Did your Yan family kill Gu Luoli just to get you to marry Gu Jianmen? Are you... crazy?" Before Yan Liuli could speak, Lei Mengsha revealed himself The guessed answer, I opened my mouth and wanted to continue: "You..."

"Shut up." Yan Liuli glared at Lei Mengsha fiercely.

"She loves Gu Luoli, the head of the Gu family." Luo Xuan explained to everyone.

Yan Liuli glanced at Luo Xuan and did not deny it, but Luo Xuan keenly caught the hatred hidden in her eyes.

He sneered and said, "It seems I guessed it right."

"The Yan family of Muyuhang and the Gu family of Qianfang sometimes complement each other, and sometimes the two families are incompatible. When I was very young, the two families were considered family friends. Brother Gu and I grew up together. I respect him. I admire him, and this kind of admiration and respect is like a seed. When I grow up, the seed also grows up, and that kind of admiration and respect slowly turns into love." Yan Liuli's eyes slowly followed her narration. The slowness became a little misty, and turned into resentment: "As time goes by, the Gu family and the Yan family have been fighting for the position of the leader of the Southwest Road, so that now, my brother Yan Bietian has killed Gu Luoli and Brother Gu!"

Everyone could hear the hatred in Yan Liuli's words, and couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts. Even Lei Mengsha, the talkative one, wisely remained silent.

Only Shi Lei looked as usual, and he still said the same thing, he believed Xiao Ruoyi's inference.

He is strong, blessed by clones from all over the world, and his intelligence may far exceed Xiao Ruoyi, but he is not as good as Xiao Ruoyi in this kind of conspiracy.

Yan Liuli glanced at Shi Lei without revealing any trace.

After a moment of silence, Baili Dongjun asked: "Then why did you still agree to this wedding?"

Yan Liuli sneered and said: "No one knows that I like Brother Gu. My brother wants to use marriage to control the entire Gu family and then the entire Southwest Road. Not only did he kill my lover, but he also used me as a chess piece to set up a game. Then I will Let’s do what he wants for the time being.”

"You entered the game with yourself first, only to break it." Lei Mengsha said with a solemn expression.

"Yes, on the day of the wedding, my brother will be there, and all the heads of families and sect heads in Southwest Road who can speak to him will also be here. On that day, I will not marry Gu Jianmen, but my brother will die. ." Yan Liuli's last three words were filled with hatred.

"So you want to join forces with our eighth son?" Lei Mengsha asked.

"According to my brother's plan, I will marry into the Gu family. After that, the new second son of the Gu family, Gu Jianmen, will soon die of illness, and I will be in charge of the Gu family as a widow. If you don't help me, Gu Jianmen will soon die. Die of illness." Yan Liuli smiled and said, "You have to make this deal with me."

"Then what do you need us to do?" Lei Mengsha asked.

"The other young masters will send something over soon. Bring this thing to my wedding in three days." Yan Liuli ordered, then smiled and said, "You'd better be prepared to kill people."

"What?" Lei Mengsha asked curiously.

"You will know soon. You just need to remember one thing. I am on the same side as you. The chess player behind this wedding is not only my brother, but also me." Yan Liuli turned around and said slowly Walked slowly outside the courtyard.

Bai Liuli, who was lying on the roof basking in the moonlight, twisted up and then hung down. A huge snake head appeared in front of everyone. Bai Liuli spit out the snake letter and looked at Baili Dongjun, as if asking if he wanted to Eat this impolite woman directly.

"Your name is Liuli, so don't eat her." Baili Dongjun stepped forward and touched Bai Liuli's head, and ordered: "Go back to sleep."

Bai Liuli opened her mouth wide, exhaled a breath of filthy air, and returned to the roof.

Being blocked like this, Yan Liuli seemed to have remembered something. She turned back to look at Shi Lei and said, "It's not very safe on this road. Young man, how about you see me off?"

Shi Lei frowned, but before he could refuse, a strong force came, and Lei Mengsha's voice sounded at the same time: "You said you were helping me, go see her off quickly, it's very dangerous for a girl to walk at night. "

"Okay... okay!" Shi Lei reluctantly agreed.

Lei Mengsha guided him to enter the realm of Xiaoyao Tian. He owed Lei Mengsha a favor and said that he would help with the Southwest Road matter, so he would do his best to help.

Of course, he only helps as a thug and will not make any suggestions.

According to his idea, when the seven young masters gather together, there is no need to engage in so many conspiracies. They can just set up an ambush and kill Yan Bietian. The Gu family can continue to be the leader of the Southwest Road. There is no need to wait for the wedding.

Yan Bietian is not a good person, and he would not feel guilty if he were ambushed and killed on the road.

Who can resist the ambush of the seven free heavens?

Although this method is a bit crude, as long as the whereabouts are concealed, if Yan Bietian is dead, the black and white will only think that Gu Jianmen is superior and will not suspect the Eighth Young Master.

Everyone with a discerning eye knows that the death of Gu Jianli was caused by the Yan family. As soon as the head of the family died, he married off the young lady of the Yan family without even giving him a few months of mourning period. The plot turned directly into a conspiracy, and he cheated on his wife. It is so ugly that anyone who is not stupid can see it.

Yan Bietian's conspiracy turned into a conspiracy, either because he regarded Gu Jianmen as a fool, or because he was very confident in his own strength.

Judging from the original work, Yan Bietian belongs to the latter. The people of Tianwaitian, the support of Huixijun, the acquiescence of Emperor Tai'an... etc. are all the sources of Yan Bietian's confidence.

The only thing Yan Bietian missed was that all the Eighth Young Masters of Beili took action. One person planned the plan and seven others contributed...

Yan Bietian's story tells Shi Lei that external forces are external forces after all, and only one who is strong enough can be confident.

Shi Lei walked out of the temple and followed Yan Liuli a few meters behind, without any parallel thoughts.

In fact, this escort is not necessary at all. Although it is not mentioned in the original work, Yan Liuli is definitely capable of martial arts, but he has not reached the free world and has not fought.

As a direct member of the second mafia family in Southwest Road, he didn't believe that Yan Liuli could kill him even if he didn't know martial arts.

After the two of them walked two hundred steps, Yan Liuli stopped and waited quietly. Shi Lei hesitated for a moment, walked to her side without stopping, and asked, "Miss Yan, will I send you here?"

"No, keep sending, you and I will go together." Yan Liuli said calmly.

Shi Lei shrugged and said indifferently: "Okay."

The two of them walked a few steps, and Yan Liuli suddenly said, "Are you a prodigal son like Sikong Changfeng?"

Shi Lei hesitated for a moment and replied: "Yes..."

It's just that his waves are different from Sikong Changfeng's.

"You also have no father or mother?"

"Yes, no father, no mother, no family." Shi Lei nodded.

"Then how about you help me?" Yan Liuli said.

Sikong Changfeng has good talent, but unfortunately according to Granny Zhen’s report, Sikong Changfeng is about to die.

It's impossible for Baili Dongjun to be won over, only Shi Lei is worth a try.

And Shi Lei advanced to the Happy Heaven Realm tonight, which made her a little impatient.

"As long as you are willing to commit yourself, I will help you for a while." Shi Lei said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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