The blood of the perfect world spreads all over the sky

Chapter 286 Refining strange fire, Queen Medusa blocks the door

Under the cliff, the fiery red magma flows slowly beneath it. Occasionally, giant bubbles emerge from the magma. But in the blink of an eye, with a slight sound and a bang, the giant bubbles explode, and the hot magma bursts. It burst out from it and flew into the air, like a gorgeous red firework.

Standing at the end of the narrow passage, the two of them looked at the almost endless magma world in front of them. After being shocked, they both frowned involuntarily.

Even a fighting emperor as powerful as Yun Yun was shocked by the magma sea in front of them. The fighting emperor could break mountains, but the magma sea in front of them could definitely kill them.

Of course, no powerful Dou Huang would enter the magma sea.

"I really didn't expect... there would be such a terrifying magma sea under the ground outside Stone Desert City." The surface of Yun Yun's body was wrapped in a layer of dark green light. She wiped the sweat from her face and was surprised. road.

"Yes, it is really a spectacular underground magma world..." Shi Lei's body was wrapped in a purple light, but even so, the hot temperature around him also made him a little hot.

"Where is the strange fire you are talking about?" Yun Yun looked at the magma sea that could not be seen to the bottom, frowning slightly.

Shi Lei recalled the original work and said: "It should be deep in the magma sea, but before that, I have to solve a small problem."

In the short period of time when the two of them were shocked by the magma sea, the two-headed fire snake was already lurking nearby, waiting for an opportunity to move.

"Trouble? What trouble? Isn't the biggest trouble how to find the strange fire?" Yun Yun was a little confused.

Shi Lei did not reply, but closed his eyes and sensed it carefully. At the same time, a fighting spirit gathered in his hand, the metallic fighting spirit he gathered.

The metallic fighting spirit is extremely sharp and can cut through the thick magma.

Yun Yun saw Shi Lei preparing fighting skills, and she immediately drew out her long sword and gathered wind attribute fighting energy.

After a few breaths, Shi Lei waved his hand, and a golden attack struck somewhere in the magma sea.

"Bang." A magma sea was knocked open, Shi Lei's attack was submerged into the magma sea, and then it was covered by the magma sea.

Yun Yun raised the sword in her hand, ready to unleash her fighting skills at any time.

After a while, there was a loud bang, the magma exploded, and the magma shot out in all directions, like a natural disaster.

Yun Yun and the two relied on their own barriers to resist, motionless.

Bang, there was a loud noise, and a huge thing jumped out of the magma sea.

This mysterious creature suddenly ran out from the magma. It was a snake-like monster with a slender body. At a rough look, it was probably about four to five feet long. Its whole body was fiery red. From a distance, it looked like a round ball. Like fire jade, its body surface is covered with palm-sized red scales. What is most surprising is that the head of this monster actually has two... where its slender neck bifurcates. Two ferocious heads grew out, staring into huge diamond-shaped eyes, filled with violent and bloodthirsty killing intent.

A giant snake with two heads appeared in the mid-air of the magma sea, and the pressure of a fifth-level monster covered the entire cave.

"Roar..." The two heads of the two-headed snake roared loudly at the same time.

Only then did Shi Lei notice that the red blood was dripping from the two-headed snake's body. It must have been injured by his attack.

"I'll wrap it around, and you'll take the opportunity to kill it with one strike." Shi Lei warned and rushed forward.

The two-headed snake saw that the tiny human dared to rush towards him. One of the snake heads stared at Yun Yun warily. The other snake head opened its bloody mouth and spurted out a stream of intense flames towards Shi Lei.

Shi Lei flapped his Purple Cloud Wings behind him, changing his flight path and avoiding the flames just in time. His Purple Cloud Wings came from a fifth-level monster that was good at flying. According to the introduction, its flying speed was faster than the Fighting Emperor's Dou Qi Transformed Wings.

In the perfect world, his attacks are famous for their fast speed. Even Ziyunyi is slower than his thunder movement in the perfect world. The flying speed of Dou Qi Continent is not a problem for him at all.

Shi Lei flew like this flexibly, avoiding the continuous attacks of the two-headed snakes. These attacks were much slower than his thunder and lightning attacks in the perfect world, and he could dodge them easily.

After all, the two-headed snake is not good at flying or aerial combat, so it does not pose much of a threat to Shi Lei.

After a few breaths, Shi Lei approached the two-headed snake and started to launch a metallic attack.

The two heads of the double-headed snake bit or collided with each other, and occasionally swept their tails, but Shi Lei dodged them one by one.

Yun Yun narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly, looking at the melee of one person and one beast, constantly condensing the wind attribute fighting spirit, and was not in a hurry to take action.

In the Warcraft Mountains, she had seen Shi Lei fighting flying Warcraft in the air. Even without her help, Shi Lei could defeat the two-headed snake.

It's just that it would be extremely troublesome for the two-headed snake to hide in the magma sea, so she had to help and kill it with one blow.

A quarter of an hour later, the two-headed snake was covered with bloody wounds.

The roar from the two-headed snake's mouth also turned into a whimper...

Suddenly, the two-headed snake spurted out a huge wall of flames, which isolated Shi Lei and then plunged towards the magma sea.

"Phew." A burst of cyan energy hit the two-headed snake, and the two-headed snake directly turned into two sections.

Shi Lei dodged and caught up with the scattered fallen snake heads. A golden energy flew out and with a pop, two snake heads fell.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, after three sounds, Shi Lei put the body of the two-headed snake into the ring, turned around and flew back to Yun Yun.

"The two-headed snake is your reward for this trip." Shi Lei said while trying to take out the body of the two-headed snake. Although the two-headed snake is only a fifth-level magical beast, its snake skin is comparable to the material of a sixth-level elixir. Snakes can survive in the magma sea, and their snake skin is very fire-resistant. After being refined using special techniques, it can be made into good leather armor, worthy of Yunyun Dou Huang's strength.

"No, this time I'm here to return the favor." Yun Yun shook her head and refused.

Her eyes were clear and there was no trace of greed at all.

"You are a fighting emperor, how can you let your trip go in vain." Yun Yun came to repay the favor, but Shi Lei couldn't let Yun Yun run away in vain, otherwise his favorability would be reduced.

He directly took out the two-headed snake and placed it on the ground.

"You help me get the strange fire. I can't let you get nothing. If you are a friend, just take it, otherwise I will feel uneasy."

Yun Yun looked at the body of the two-headed snake that had been placed on the ground, then looked up at Shi Lei. After noticing that Shi Lei was extremely determined, she nodded: "Okay, I'll accept it."

Shi Lei nodded with satisfaction and said: "I'm going in to look for the strange fire now. You stay here and wait to prevent anyone from going in."

Yun Yun looked at the endless magma sea, worried about Shi Lei's safety, "I'd better follow you in!"

"It's good to take care of each other."

Shi Lei thought for a moment, nodded and said: "That's okay, but if you can't support it any longer, just tell me and we'll turn back." He has purple fire protection, and Yun Yun's heat resistance may not be better than his.

"I know." Yun Yun agreed, she would not joke with her own life.

"By the way, you take this elixir. This elixir can detoxify fire." Shi Lei took out a porcelain bottle from Najie, poured out two elixirs, put one directly into his mouth, and threw the other to Yun Yun .

Yun Yun took the elixir and took it directly without any hesitation.

Shi Lei felt happy when he saw Yun Yun didn't hesitate at all. It seemed that Yun Yun still trusted him.


Shi Lei unfolded his purple cloud wings and flew towards the depths of the magma sea. He flew slowly above the magma. The purple fire fighting energy completely wrapped the surface of his body, and his soul perception also came out of his body, scanning the surroundings cautiously.

In the cave, the temperature was terrifyingly high. Even though Shi Lei was protected by purple fire fighting spirit, the light mist spit out by the magma bubbles was not only hot, but also contained a kind of fire poison, so even if Shi Lei swallowed it in advance I know Du Dan, but I still don't breathe the surrounding air randomly, and only breathe the air filtered with Dou Qi.

The magma sea is said to be a sea, but there are some solid rock pillars in it. Some pillars are connected to the top of the cave, and some stone pillars are like small islands on the sea. Due to the multiple obstacles, Shi Lei did not dare to fly very fast and swayed all the way. He leisurely and slowly scanned the magma sea.

As the flight deepened, Shi Lei became more and more aware of the hugeness of this cave. The magma flowing around it had almost gathered here to form a huge magma lake. Occasionally, it would come with a wave of hot air. , in the magma lake, a column of fiery red magma will suddenly rise up, and whenever this happens, Shi Lei, who is flying above, will feel his heart skip a beat.

The lava world in the cave is a world of death, and Shi Lei does not dare to neglect it.

I don't know how much time passed, but Shi Lei finally found his goal.

In the depths of the magma sea, a green light shines.

Cyan light shrouded the magma. Shi Lei looked carefully and could faintly see a blooming cyan lotus standing gracefully in the cyan light.

"Green Lotus Earth Core Fire", ranked 19th on the Strange Fire List, was born in the depths of the earth, and has been tempered, fused, compressed, and carved by the fire of the earth countless times... It takes ten years to become a spirit, a hundred years to take shape, and a thousand years to form. When the lotus is fully formed, its color will be green, and a cluster of green fire will appear in the heart of the lotus. It is called the Green Lotus Fire, also known as the Green Lotus Earth Core Fire. The power of this fire is unpredictable. It can even cause fire near volcanic areas. Volcano eruption! Form the destructive power of nature!
Shi Lei held back the joy in his heart and said to Yun Yun beside him: "That is Qinglian's inner fire. You stay here and don't move. I will conquer Qinglian's inner fire."

Yun Yun nodded and stayed on a nearby black stone pillar. These stone pillars were made of unknown materials, but even the magma sea did not allow them to collapse.

In fact, she was very curious about Qinglian's Earth Core Fire, but it was a treasure that belonged to Shi Lei, and she didn't want Shi Lei to misunderstand it.

Shi Lei flapped his purple cloud wings and flew over quickly.

As his body got closer and closer to the cyan light, Shi Lei could clearly feel that the temperature of his whole body was almost rising suddenly.

Pursing his dry lips, Shi Lei gritted his teeth, stepped on his feet again, and his body finally rushed into the envelope of cyan light.

The body entered the cyan light, and the expected blazing heat did not come as expected, but instead the whole body became warmer. It's strangely reduced.

Shi Lei was also stunned by this somewhat supernatural scene. After a moment, he came back to his senses and quickly glanced around. Finally, it stopped on the blue lotus in the center.

The blue lotus flower is divided into eight leaves. The eight green leaves are as perfect as the most perfect sapphire. At first glance, it's crystal clear, making people feel like they can't put it down.

Among the lotuses, there seems to be a small lotus platform about two or three feet tall. Some holes on the lotus platform are emitting little bits of fluorescent light. They must be lotus seeds condensed from the purest fire attribute energy.

Underneath the green lotus, there is an extremely slender rhizome. It was more than ten meters long, and the roots were densely covered with tiny tentacles. When these tentacles swayed, Shi Lei could clearly feel that they were frantically absorbing the surrounding magma in an almost greedy state. The violent fire attribute energy in it.

Because of this, the temperature around Qinglian dropped a bit.

This blue lotus flower is suspended in the endless magma. Just like duckweed in the sea. Wandering around, with Shi Lei's ability, it would take some time to find such a relatively small blue lotus...

As he got closer and closer to the blue lotus, Shi Lei could feel its beauty more and more. This kind of near-perfect thing could only be created through time and nature.

Carefully avoiding the swing of the root tentacles, Shi Lei slowly came to the top of Qinglian. His excited eyes swept across it, but his body suddenly stiffened...

In the center of the small lotus platform among the lotus flowers, there is a hole the size of a fist, in which is a ball of blue flames. The flames are extremely agile, as if they are alive.

Shi Lei sat cross-legged in front of Qinglian Earth Heart Fire and took out some elixirs and elixirs that he had prepared in advance.

The "Seven Colorful Poison Sutra" introduces fire poison, and naturally there are antidotes for fire poison.

He has been in the Warcraft Mountains for several years and has also prepared some elixirs and elixirs, among which the Ice Spirit Flame Grass is the most critical. This is the spiritual herb that allows the Dou Master to absorb strange fire!

His strength in fighting spirits is more than enough.

Without much hesitation, Shi Lei condensed the life essence and purple flame between his fingers, and then slowly approached Qinglian's inner fire. At this time, he had no distracting thoughts and moved forward without any distractions.

Even if your hand is burned, it can be rebuilt with the essence of life, so there is nothing to worry about.

The moment he came into contact with the Qinglian Earth Core Fire, the purple flame attached to his fingers was instantly absorbed by the Qinglian Earth Core Fire. A sizzling sound was heard, and his fingers were directly scorched, and the life essence gathered between his fingers was instantly activated. Start repairing your fingers.

Shi Lei didn't go any further and just let Qinglian's heart burn.

Soon after, he finally calculated the life essence required for Qinglian's Earth Core Fire to adhere to his whole body. According to his reserves at this time, he could last for ten hours.

This is thanks to the Amethyst Winged Lion King. Without his efforts, he would not be able to have a sixth-level body and collect so much life essence.

Ten hours was enough for him to refine the Qinglian Earth Core Fire, not to mention the Ice Spirit Flame Grass as a backing!
Shi Lei quickly activated the fire attribute fighting energy and began to formally absorb and refine the Qinglian Earth Core Fire.

A terrifying burning sensation came, followed by the coolness, destruction and rebirth of the repair of life essence, which made Shi Lei itchy unbearably. Fortunately, he had experienced it when he was exercising in the perfect world. Although the transformation of destruction and rebirth is faster now, He was still holding on.

Five hours later, Shi Lei opened his eyes suddenly and let out a loud roar.

He didn't have time to experience the newly conquered alien fire, so he quickly put the Qinglian platform carrying Qinglian's inner fire into the ring, because he sensed the butterfly's breath above his head.

Moreover, there was another Dou Huang warrior with her. The aura emitted by this Dou Emperor warrior was similar to that of Die. He also sensed the power of his soul in the strange Dou Emperor.

The strange fighting emperor's life quality fluctuations are somewhat similar to those of a butterfly. If nothing else, he should be Queen Medusa.

If Queen Medusa senses the strange fire.

With Queen Medusa's domineering personality, she might just start fighting, and then it would be a big battle.

So it would be better for him to hide the aura of Qinglian's Earth Core Fire. (End of chapter)

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