Qinglian's Earth Heart Fire is said to be a strange fire. Its essence is a treasure of heaven and earth, which is made up of a large amount of the essence of heaven and earth. As we all know, after absorbing treasures of heaven and earth, its strength will be greatly improved like taking pills.

Compared with the original work, he absorbs the Qinglian Earth Core Fire more fully. In the original work, Queen Medusa used Qinglian Earth Core Fire to advance to Douzong and consumed part of the energy of the alien fire; Xiao Yan's refining method is Bone Spirit Cold Fire and Ice. The Spiritual Flame Grass counteracted the high temperature of the Qinglian Earth Core Fire; and he used the source of life to resist, which could be said to have absorbed all the energy of the Qinglian Earth Core Fire.

This huge energy allowed him to advance to the peak of Dou Wang in one fell swoop. The reason why he did not advance to Dou King was not because of lack of energy, but because Medusa came over.

If it were an ordinary Dou Huang, he wouldn't be able to sense it, but Die and Medusa had his soul energy in their bodies, and he could sense it as soon as they got closer.

Fortunately, he has refined three-fifths of the strange fire and can control the strange fire.

He began to mobilize his life essence to cover up the fluctuations of the alien fire, but refining the alien fire caused a huge loss of his life essence. His originally full life essence was only 30% of its original value, and could not completely cover up the aura of the alien fire.

As for using Dou Qi to cover it up, his skill is not the Burning Technique and cannot refine the strange fire. His Dou Qi and the strange fire are in a fused state, full of the smell of the strange fire.

It seems that after going out, a lot of trouble is inevitable.

I hope Die can maintain his gentle and kind nature under the pressure of his sister and will not give in to her choice to take action.

Shi Lei unfolded his Purple Cloud Wings and flew towards Yun Yun's location. At this time, Yun Yun looked at the bare cave warily, and she also sensed the aura of the Dou Huang warrior above.

Fortunately, the two fighting emperors were like them and couldn't dig holes in the desert, otherwise they would be in trouble.

After sensing Shi Lei flying over, she turned her head and looked back, her eyes lit up, and she asked: "Are you at the peak of Dou Wang now?"

"That's good, there are two powerful fighting emperors coming up. If you are still fighting spirit, you will be in trouble."

The flying speed of Ziyunyi is faster than that of ordinary Douhuang's Douqi wings, but Douling's Douqi is not as strong as Douhuang's strong ones. They are likely to be overtaken by Douhuang's strong ones. If they are at the peak of Douhuang, then they can escape. The success rate is very high.

The moment Shi Lei saw Yun Yun, he had a flash of inspiration and thought of a strategy. Although this strategy was a bit bullying to Die, there was not much difference between bullying him one day earlier and bullying him one day later.

"One of the two fighting emperors above is my wife, and the other is my wife's sister. Although that sister is not easy to get along with, if they don't take action first, don't take action."

Yun Yun's expression changed and she froze on the spot, staring blankly at Shi Lei.

Shi Lei patted Yun Yun on the shoulder and said, "Let's go up."

Then, he flew out. Of course he knew why Yun Yun froze. He had already seen all of Yun Yun's body and occupied an important position in Yun Yun's heart. Unexpectedly, after not seeing each other for a while, he would have a wife. The little feeling Yun Yun had for him was probably gone!

But the problem is not big. If we calculate the time, the big villain Yunshan will be poisoned to death in a month. Once Yunshan dies, Yun Yun will definitely encounter a lot of trouble with his gentle character.

The Jiama royal family has always regarded the Yunlan Sect as a thorn in their side. Yunshan died, leaving only a junior Douhuang. If nothing happens, he will definitely take the opportunity to take action. Then it will be his hero's time to save the beauty.

Yun Yun was woken up by Shi Lei. Looking at Shi Lei's flying back, she felt an inexplicable sadness in her heart, as if something precious had been taken away from her.

Gritting her teeth, she decided to go out and take a look first.

Above the desert, Queen Medusa leads the butterfly to find a passage into the underground.

"Sister, why don't you go back! When I see him, I will invite him to the Snake Tribe as a guest." Die said to Medusa cautiously.

"You know, the two of us have a special feeling. I felt it the moment you lost your virginity. Since you two have become husband and wife, it's not too much for me, the elder sister, to come to meet my brother-in-law!" Mei Queen Tussaud said with great momentum, her sister was full of style.

In fact, she didn't say a word. She vaguely felt pleasure when her sister was happy. It was okay when she lost her virginity, but after three days of pleasure, her body also reacted and she couldn't help but scream softly.

As a queen, she had not tried it, but the Dou Huang warrior's perception was extremely sharp. She had heard similar shouts. After three days, she roughly knew what had happened to her.

This was a very shameful thing, which was deeply hidden by her, even to her own sister.

"Uh... It's okay for my sister to see him, but we can wait in the yard. Why are we chasing him?" It was only after we chased him here that she roughly knew what her sister's purpose was.

Just see your brother-in-law waiting in the yard, there is no need to chase him here.

Why did he lead his sister to chase her in such a hurry?
"Ha! I don't know who was so anxious that he cried when he found out that he was gone. If I hadn't suggested tracking him, you would have cried in the yard by now." Medusa first teased her sister. For this brother-in-law, she I am still very satisfied, because he made both of their sisters have legs. This is a great kindness and worthy of my sister's lifelong trust.

It's not like they, the snake people, have never married with foreign races. Unfortunately, they made good promises before the marriage. After the marriage, the effect was close to nothing, and it didn't help them snake people at all.

The Snake Tribe had been completely disappointed with the Human Tribe. When she met someone who was willing to help the Snake Tribe with the sixth-level spiritual fluid, she was immediately moved.

Although Shi Lei took away her sister's body not long after they met, Shi Lei compensated her with the sixth-level spiritual liquid when she was finished. It was a compensation for two people. Such a man could not be found even if he was holding a lantern.

If she was just given spiritual liquid, she would not easily accept the identity of Shi Lei's brother-in-law, but Shi Lei turned out to be just a little fighting spirit, which made her extremely moved.

Regardless of Shi Lei's identity, the sixth-level spiritual liquid is very precious to Dou Ling level warriors, so just giving it out like this shows that Shi Lei is already too kind to Die, and even she is a little envious.

She might have a chance of finding a man who was willing to give her a sixth-level elixir, but she didn't have the slightest hope of finding a fighting spirit who was willing to give her a sixth-level elixir.

Moreover, the sixth-level spiritual fluid Shi Lei gave her was exactly what she needed.

The two of them growing legs was an advancement of their bloodline. Their queen's bloodline was deteriorating year by year. This was the only bloodline advancement in recent years.

"That kind of sixth-level spiritual liquid is very important to us snake people. Even our queen's bloodline can advance to this level, let alone ordinary snake people. I want to personally ask my brother-in-law if he still has it. This involves the future of our snake people." Development." Medusa said earnestly.

Die's neck suddenly turned red. This was what she was worried about. If her sister knew that the sixth-level spiritual fluid was Shi Lei's, she would probably beat her too!
"Sister, you go back first! Just ask if I can help you." Die persuaded.

Medusa gently stroked Die's hair and said softly: "Oh, I don't know you yet? It's already your greatest courage to ask for the sixth-level elixir. If you ask for the sixth-level elixir again, what will you do? It’s very embarrassing!”

"Look at you now, your neck is red. If I don't come, you won't even be able to ask questions later." At the end, Medusa couldn't help but tease.

"Ah! Sister, what are you talking about?" Die's whole face turned red.

She blushed not because of her sister's teasing, but because her sister's words reminded her of the happy scene with Shi Lei. It seemed...it seemed that asking for the sixth-level spiritual liquid from Shi Lei was not so embarrassing.

As long as she holds back and doesn't absorb it, that's fine. As for the taste of her in the sixth-level elixir, it is simply negligible compared to the value of the sixth-level elixir itself.

However, this sixth-level elixir can only be drunk by female snake people, not male snake people.

Die took a deep breath, touched her hot cheek, and said to Queen Medusa: "Sister, you'd better go back first! Wait for me to communicate with him first, and then you can come forward."

"That's okay..." Medusa nodded.

A flash of joy flashed in Die's heart. If he could communicate with Shi Lei first, his sister would be able to avoid being angry.

"But he's coming out soon. It's not good for me to turn around and leave now." Before the joy appeared in Die's heart, Medusa's next words crushed her joy.

"Ah~~" Die couldn't help but exclaimed, and wanted to say something. With a 'bang', two figures flew out of the ground not far away.

In just an instant, Die's Douhuang-level eyesight was able to clearly see the appearance of the two of them. Although Yun Yun was wearing a black robe, she could tell at a glance that Yun Yun was a woman, with a beautiful face and a graceful figure. girl.

She is anxious!
She knew that there was not only Shi Lei underground, but also another person, who was also a Dou Huang. She thought that person was Shi Lei's protector, but she didn't expect that it turned out to be a beautiful girl with top-notch figure and appearance. She couldn't help it. Don't think too much.

She immediately pointed at Yun Yun and asked, "Who is this woman Shi Lei?"

Shi Lei glanced at the fried-haired butterfly and explained calmly: "This is the companion who is adventuring with me. This time I am here to look for treasures of heaven and earth, so I asked her to come over to escort me. When I called her over, I didn't I know you!”

Hearing that he had called her before he knew her, Die breathed a sigh of relief, patted his conscience and said, "Oh~~ That's good."

"By the way, she and I are close friends of life and death, and I have been pursuing her. Although you became my wife first, please don't mind if I marry her." Shi Lei added.

He hoped to divert Medusa's attention by saying this, and it would be better to have a fight out of jealousy, so that he would have a reason to leave with Yun Yun.

As for Die's anger, polygamy is a normal thing in this world. As long as Die calms down for a few days, he can easily accept it. With Die's character, he can just coax her a few more times.

Of course, what he said was also to inoculate the butterfly. It was better to say it sooner rather than later.

"What did you say?" Die was furious.

She was completely focused on Shi Lei. She was worried about her sister beating Shi Lei just now. Unexpectedly, the second time they met, he would find another woman, which she couldn't accept for a while.

Yun Yun was also stunned on the spot. The moment she heard that Shi Lei was pursuing her, she felt an inexplicable throbbing in her heart, but it was quickly overtaken by shock.

How could anyone say such things to his wife when they just met?

Medusa also raised her eyebrows and was furious. She deserved to die for daring to betray her sister.

"Boom." A red energy attack attacked Shi Lei.

Having achieved his goal, Shi Lei grabbed Yun Yun, who was a little sluggish, and launched a fighting spirit shield that he had prepared for a long time. Bang, the shield blocked Medusa's hastily launched attack. With a 'pop' sound, Shi Lei used Medusa's attack. The power flies away into the distance.

This time he flew with all his strength. Ziyunyi originally flew very fast. After being promoted to Dou Wang, he flew even faster, reaching dozens of times the speed of sound.

In order to save his fighting spirit, Shi Lei didn't even open the wind shield.

Suddenly a cyan shield appeared, wrapping their bodies to protect them from the strong wind.

Yun Yun looked complicated at this time. It turned out that Shi Lei was pursuing her in order to create chaos and escape!
Just why run?

She couldn't figure it out...

"Wow wow wow... How dare you elope?" Die was so angry that he spread his wings of fighting spirit and chased after him, but the speed was much slower than Shi Lei.

Medusa also spread her wings of fighting spirit and followed.

The originally lively desert suddenly became quiet, with only some large craters that exploded to record everything that had just happened.

After a few breaths, a red figure flew over.

Queen Medusa, exuding red fighting spirit, looked at the entrance of the cave where Shi Lei and Yun Yun came out. Qiongbi sniffed near the entrance of the cave, "Humph!"

"Sure enough, the induction was correct. This is the breath of strange fire. Shi Lei and the woman have strange fire on their bodies."

He raised his slender right hand, then waved it, and a burst of red energy flew out, destroying the entrance of the cave and covering up the strange fire aura, and then chased Shi Lei in the direction of escape again.

You don't have to go down to know that Shi Lei has already taken away the strange fire, otherwise Shi Lei would not leave easily.

This Shi Lei is really interesting. There is an unknown sixth-level spiritual liquid that can help the Snake People, and he has also found a strange fire. Is he the one chosen by the prophecy to help the Snake People?
But why cover up the traces of the strange fire and escape?
She was not a butterfly. The moment she found the strange fire aura, she could determine the cause and effect of Shi Lei's actions.

Five hours later, Shi Lei and Yun Yun landed on a relatively secluded rock.

"Yun Yun, help me protect the law first. The strange fire has not been completely refined yet. I want to refine it here." Shi Lei only refined three-fifths of the strange fire and only controlled it briefly.

If Queen Medusa were domineering and made excessive demands, it would be troublesome.

Before she lost her virginity, Queen Medusa was extremely domineering and without the strength to crush Queen Medusa, he was worried that he would be controlled by Queen Medusa and become a tool of the snake people.

He can help the snake people, but only as a collaborator or regent, not as a tool.

This involves dignity!

As for Die, given Die's character, he probably won't resolutely oppose his sister. The end result will only be an extremely uncomfortable situation between the two of them.

Once he has refined all the different fires and advanced to the Fighting Emperor level, he will have the ability to talk to Medusa on an equal footing. (End of chapter)

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