The ten people on the opposite side immediately changed their colors. They came from the Yu Clan of the Prince Family and were well-informed. They quickly realized that the crystal bone mirror in Shi Hao's hand was extraordinary. It was definitely a powerful treasure!

"Do it!" one person shouted.

These people didn't say much, they were all very decisive. In an instant, everyone was filled with light, extremely blazing, and finally made a sound like a tsunami.

With a "boom", more than a dozen people moved together, and waves of blue water surged in one after another, submerging the entire mountainous area. The Yu tribe was born with the power of water.

In the sky, there was heavy rain, and the continuous heavy rain provided them with energy and spirit. At this moment, more than a dozen people communicated with the world. Their energy was like a sea, and the runes were densely packed, turning into dozens of huge waves and sweeping forward.

This is not a real swamp, but a wave made of intertwined runes. Such a vast wave covers the sky, which is very shocking and terrifying.


Not far away, a huge boulder was directly submerged by the waves. The boulder broke and fell off. The rocks rumbled, and the ancient trees broke and exploded in an instant.


The nine-headed lion roared, and a golden rosary appeared in front of him. He held it up with spiritual power and soared into the sky, avoiding the waves of dozens of runes, which were even stronger than it and did not choose to attack them.

"This is a terrifying battle formation. The runes of ten people are integrated into one. The power exerted is not as simple as the sum of ten people. It is equivalent to the action of twenty or thirty people. It is terrifying!" Even Shi Hao! They were all shocked. These ten people were extraordinary, but what was even more shocking was their combined attack formation.

"I'm familiar with this. Zhulu Academy has many similar battle formation methods. I'll break their battle formations." Shi Lei said loudly.

Most of the battle formations in Zhulu Academy pay attention to integration and are committed to integrating the power of the entire legion. The power they can exert may only be 70 to 80% of the legion; but there are also a few battle formations that pay attention to blessing. With the blessing of the battle formation, they can exert a lot of power in a short time. times the combat power, this type of battle formation requires very high tacit understanding and requires years of practice.

"The slanting wind and drizzle slash the stars and the moon!"

More than a dozen members of the Rain Clan shouted together, and the raindrops in the sky became even denser. They all turned into sharp blades, roaring, flashing with dazzling light, and sweeping towards the two of them.

"Chi", "Chi"...

Shi Lei could clearly see that every raindrop was as sharp as fine gold, and it left a mountain next to it full of holes. As for the ancient trees, they turned into powder, and the boulders turned into honeycombs. There are holes everywhere.

"The sea of ​​thunder comes to the world to destroy the evil spirits!" Shi Lei roared angrily, and activated the Suanni Treasure Technique, and the thick rain clouds in the sky immediately gave birth to monstrous thunder.

As for the name, the name of the opposite move is so poetic and picturesque that he cannot fall behind others.

The thunderous thunder descended from the sky and rushed into the waves of the Rain Clan.

"Boom, crackle..." The waves were about to be broken up by Shi Lei's sea of ​​thunder.

"The heavens and the earth are shaking!" More than a dozen people shouted.

At this moment, the heavy rain from the sky became more torrential, and the water underground immediately boiled, turning into a vast white land with runes everywhere, sweeping towards Shi Lei and the three of them.

At the same time, the large lake not far away was also communicated, and the lake swept in like an angry sea. Runes condensed in the lake shone brightly, carrying the power of heaven and earth.

The dull sound was like a tsunami, the waves were overwhelming, and the endless runes were superimposed, becoming the source of destruction, trying to submerge Shi Lei and the three of them here.

The golden lion is awe-inspiring, it is the overlord of the land, and it hates this kind of water the most, especially since it also contains treasures and countless intertwined patterns, making it feel very passive.

"Jiaotian on the outside and tender on the inside." Shi Lei roared and opened the cave with the character 'Thunder' written on his body. Through the thunder talisman in the cave, he could sense the thunder between heaven and earth more clearly.

Suddenly countless thunder and lightning sprout from the clouds, from the rain, from the water, and thunder will appear wherever there is water vapor.

The Rain Clan runes in the clouds, rain, and water were shattered one after another, as if they had been invaded by a virus.

Obviously, more than a dozen people are weaker than Shi Lei in terms of rune attainments. The entire rune sea cannot isolate the influence of the 'Thunder' character glyph, allowing the thunder character glyph to take effect in the rune sea.

Shi Lei only wanted to say one thing about such a victory, "Liu Shen will be the eternal goddess!" '

Just casual teaching made his attainments in runes far surpass those of others.

"Broken!" Shi Lei shouted sharply, and lightning burst out in the waves of the Rain Clan.

With a "boom", no one knows how many electric lights exploded, flying in the water, and densely packed purple snakes swam at extremely fast speeds, extremely crazy.

Where there is water, there is lightning. When they are connected together, the scene is terrifying. The stronger the power of water, the stronger the interweaving of lightning. One is the carrier and the other is divine power. When the two meet, it is the most amazing collision.


In just an instant, six Rain Tribes screamed and flew into the air. It could be clearly seen that their bodies were charred black, with wisps of green smoke rising in the rain, and they were completely charred.

The six people fell on the mountain and fell into pieces, because they had been chopped into charcoal by lightning and would crack with a slight impact.

There were still a few people spitting blood, their buns standing on end, and their bodies were charred. They did not die immediately. At this time, there was a look of fear in their eyes. They pointed at Shi Lei tremblingly and said, "You..."

As soon as they opened their mouths, a burst of lightning spurted out. After they uttered just one word, they fell apart and died on the spot.

Only one person was seriously injured and survived, but half of his body was blackened and trembling in fear. His head was not struck by lightning. At this time, his face was as white as snow, and he said with a trembling voice: "Rain and thunder are born together, the most powerful secret of the Thunder Clan, how could it fall?" In your hands?"

He ran away in panic, wanting to retreat alive, but how could Shi Hao, who had been waiting for a long time, give him the opportunity to urge the nine lions to step forward and cut off his retreat in an instant.

The nine-headed lion was emitting golden light, and its whole body was dazzling. It stood there like a golden boulder blocking the path, making him despair and full of fear.

This young man has already subdued nine lions at such a young age. I think Shi Yi was only like this when he was the same age a few years ago. Even if he is stronger, he will not be much more powerful. Also, the young man who took action before has the highest level of thunder magic among the contemporary generation. I think I can compete with Shi Yi.

A great fear arose in his heart. He wondered if the Rain Clan had made a mistake in ambush this time. Why did they provoke two such terrifying teenagers? If they were not eradicated now, there would definitely be a disaster in the future!

Yu Zimo and the four sealers who were sitting not far away stared at Shi Lei solemnly and made no move to rescue the surviving Yu clan geniuses from Shi Hao.

Compared to Shi Hao, Shi Lei, who was surrounded by purple thunder, was a greater threat to them, because in addition to the thunder and lightning on Shi Lei's body, they sensed that the rain clouds in the sky contained more and stronger thunder and lightning. If it came, it would be like a catastrophe. .

"Who are you?" A sealer couldn't help but asked Shi Lei.

Shi Lei's whole body was wrapped in purple thunder, and he could not see any expression. He accelerated the concentration of thunder clouds in the sky, while pointing at Shi Hao and said: "You have made a mistake, he is the protagonist now, don't you just doubt the identity of the naughty kid?" , did you ambush him?"

"I can tell you that I am that child back then." Shi Hao whispered, looking at the sky with his eyes as if penetrating the boundless void, seeing the tragic scenes of more than eight years ago.

"What?!" The intercepted Rain Clan genius was frightened, shivering and freezing. He felt as if he had fallen into hell. He knew something was wrong!
The Rain Clan did such a thing back then, and the child who lost the Supreme Bone survived. How could he be good? The child grew up to be strong enough to subdue nine lions, and had such a terrifying companion. In the future, the Rain Clan There will definitely be a massacre!
He seemed to have seen that in the future, there would be endless battles in the Rain Prince's Mansion, and many ancestors of the Rain Clan who had gone into seclusion would be awakened. When they came from their ancestral land, they would all have to fight bloody battles with the two young men in front of them!

One possesses a powerful thunder magic, which broke the battle formation composed of more than a dozen of them with one blow; one can survive without the Supreme Bone and grow to the point of subduing nine lions. These two are already incredible. .

His eyes finally slowly focused on Shi Hao, and he remembered an even more terrifying thing. How powerful would this child be if he had not lost his Supreme Bone? It must be more powerful, he couldn't help but tremble!
He was under so much mental pressure that he couldn't help shouting: "No, you shouldn't survive!"

Yu Zimo and the four sealers on the other side were relatively calm. Although they were shocked that the child did not die, they did not suffer a mental breakdown.

"Shi Yi is a god. He is invincible. With him here, our Yu clan can be safe and prosperous for at least thousands of years!" Yu Zimo said loudly.

She thought of the young man who was the leader of the gods who were equal to his peers - Shi Yi. Only he could suppress this child and eradicate and kill them both!

Shi Hao didn't say another word. He flipped the crystal bone mirror in his hand, and a thick thunder flew out with a frightening breath. It penetrated the rain curtain and with a bang, the last survivor's chest was pierced, his whole body was scorched black, and then the whole body exploded!

The golden lion shuddered. This sworn brother smiled playfully and was kind-hearted all day long, but he didn't expect that he also had such a fierce and decisive side.

"Zi Mo takes action, we will assist you, and we will break the seal if necessary." A sealer ordered Yu Zimo.

The battle came and went quickly, and the situation was developing in an unfavorable direction. Originally, they ambush the naughty kid here with the intention of killing him.

In order to make Shi Yi a natural Supreme, they did something very extreme. They dug out the bloody Supreme bones from a child and put them into Shi Yi's body; the child whose bones were dug out became a Baby, they originally wanted to eradicate the problem, but were unable to do so due to a series of changes.

This time they thought the naughty kid might be the child whose bones were dug out back then, so they investigated the naughty kid's whereabouts and arranged a killer ambush again.

Unexpectedly, a young man ran out and protected the naughty child.

To kill the naughty child, that boy was a hurdle that he couldn't overcome. Judging from the thunder method that the boy just showed, it can be seen that he was very powerful. It only took two moves to break the battle formation composed of more than a dozen geniuses in their clan.

With such fighting power, Yu Zimo may not be an opponent, and they are ready to break the seal at any time.

"Okay." Yu Zimo responded sweetly.

Her movements, every frown and every smile have magical power. She is a psychic girl. For just a moment, Yu Zimo's temperament changed, and a piece of cyan text appeared, imprinted in the void behind her, antique, like a mottled ancient scroll opened.

This is a piece of psychic characters, exuding a hazy brilliance. Each word has a three-dimensional sense and seems to be alive, releasing an indescribable power.

"seal up!"

Yu Zimo gave a soft drink, and the voice seemed to come from nine days away. It was soft and refreshing, and filled with a strange murderous aura.

She waved her bright white left arm, and the runes behind her jumped, blooming with bright rays of light, and then quickly flew forward!
Each of these characters is glittering and translucent, each one is like being made of fine gold, shining brightly, flashing with metallic luster, and has endless ancient meanings, and its power is breathtaking.

"Haozi, wait a moment and watch my brother avenge you."

Before he finished speaking, Shi Lei took action. He would not wait stupidly for Yu Zimo to attack first. Purple lightning was lingering around him, traveling between Yu Zimo's runes, crackling, roaring, and bursting. sound.

He did not go all out at the beginning, but wanted to test the level of Yu Zimo, one of the two heroes of the Yu clan, and at the same time try out what magical skills the Yu clan had.

Shi Lei rushed into the runes created by Yu Zimo. Many runes were struck by purple lightning and turned into fireworks in the void. They were beautiful and gorgeous, exuding amazing energy fluctuations.

Yu Zimo's runes were like a mottled ancient scroll, carrying the power of endless years and almost immortal. After the runes were wiped out by lightning, they regenerated in the same place and suppressed Shi Lei again.

In all directions, there are densely packed runes, like spells from the gods, falling down. An ancient scroll hangs on the sky, sealing the entire sky.

A kind of terrifying fluctuation appeared, gentle and not very violent, but like the vast sea slowly rising and falling, as if a raging wave would burst out at any time and scatter the dark clouds.

Shi Lei raised the corner of his mouth, stretched out his hands, and pressed them together vigorously. A green lotus appeared on his hands, turning slowly, exuding a hot breath.

The sound of "clicking" is endless, Qinglian is crushing the runes, destroying the densely packed runes, trying to penetrate the sealing light curtain.

"Scroll of a lifetime!"

Yu Zimo shouted softly, her voice was clear and resounded throughout the world, her whole body was glowing, extremely blazing, and the sound of the Tao was rumbling, instantly causing the place's vitality to vibrate violently.

In the void, the characters formed into pieces, forming an ancient scroll. It spread out quickly and gradually became real and became more solid. It was like a magic sealing scroll from the sky, trying to seal Shi Lei and the others.

Shi Hao and the Nine-Headed Lion King looked solemnly, each preparing their precious phantoms and magic, ready to take action at any time.

Shi Lei scolded lightly, Qinglian enlarged and wrapped around his whole body, flying towards Yu Zimo at high speed.


The green lotus and the scroll collided together, and various mysterious symbols shone like stars in the sky.

"Zizzizi." The sound of burning flames sounded, and the scroll runes were burned into nothingness the moment they touched Qinglian.

"Seal! Seal! Seal!" The girl shouted softly continuously. Her whole body was crystal clear, and various ancient characters were swirling around her. She almost lifted off the ground and took off.

"Thunder Strike." Not only was Shi Lei not blocked, but his speed increased by another level.

In the sky, the light was flying, the runes were constantly intertwined, the sounds of thunder and flames were burning, and the mottled ancient scrolls spread out like a hanging Milky Way, becoming more and more dazzling.

"Boom." With a sound, the scroll was torn open like paper, and Shi Lei's figure rushed out.

The earth shook, the lake surged, and the mountains and forests rumbled!

Finally, the ancient scroll shattered in the sky, and all characters disappeared.

"Zi Mo's psychic magic has failed!"

The elders of the Rain Clan were stunned and felt terrified.

"Don't worry, this is just the beginning."

They forced themselves to calm down and continued to watch the battle.

The ancient scroll disappeared, the rain and mist evaporated, and the heavy rain poured down on Yu Zimo, turning into crystal water flowers one after another, floating around her, containing the secret meaning of runes.

Turning rain into soldiers, the rain in the sky swirled around Yu Zimo and turned into crystal petals, which looked extremely gorgeous and shone with amazing rays of light.

A smile appeared at the corner of Shi Lei's mouth. The Rain Clan's use of these techniques was equivalent to blessing his thunder and lightning. Once struck down, the power of the thunder would be doubled!

Amidst the chirping sound, pieces of crystal petals flew forward and charged forward, like flying swords filling the sky, sharp and sharp.


Shi Lei scolded, the green lotus dissipated, the accumulated electric light shot out, the purple light filled the void, and flew forward, it was very scary.

In the shattering sound, all the crystal petals shattered, the runes collapsed, and Shi Lei rushed to Yu Zimo with a few bolts of lightning, forcing her to retreat quickly.

With a "pop", one of her sleeves was blown to pieces, revealing a snow-white arm. Shi Lei grabbed the arm.

If it had been anyone else, this arm would have been crushed. At the critical moment, she ran the runes, removed the power of lightning, and channeled it into the earth beneath her.

"The thunder and lightning skills he knows can restrain my Rain Clan's skills. This is not good!" The elders watching the battle felt awe-struck and uneasy.

The heavy rain was pouring down, purple lightning flashed around, and the girl and Shi Lei were submerged.

Suddenly the rain became heavier, and a dark cloud came over them, covering them above them. There was a crackling sound, and a huge blue lightning struck down. The scene was extremely frightening, containing the power of heaven and earth, and extremely terrifying.


Next to it, a low mountain was struck by lightning. It was torn into pieces and rocks rolled down. It was an astonishing sight.

"So strong. Zi Mo has really mastered this magic to the point of perfection. He can perform it at will without any preparation."

"Electricity is generated in the rain and complements each other. This is the magic of my Rain Clan to transcend the restrictions of the ethnic group!"

Several elders were very excited.


Blue lightning danced and struck at Shi Lei, falling continuously. The electric light was terrifying and terrifying.

Thunder and lightning intertwined in the rain, putting both sides in danger.

Shi Lei had no intention of escaping. Bathed in cyan lightning, he had a close hand-to-hand fight with Yu Zimo.

This cyan lightning was driven by Yu Zimo, so naturally he didn't give in to Shi Lei and started fighting with Shi Lei in close quarters with his fists and feet.

Purple lightning and cyan lightning collided, shining so brightly that Shi Hao and others couldn't help but cover their eyes.

After a few breaths, Shi Lei locked Yu Zimo's hands behind his back and made him kneel on the ground.

Yu Zimo's precious phantom was destroyed, and all the armor and clothes on his body were naturally wiped out. His graceful figure was revealed, as white as ivory, crystal clear and shiny.

After Shi Lei thought for a moment, he took out a coat to cover his graceful figure.

The cyan lightning dissipated, and then the purple lightning dissipated, revealing the two figures.

When Shi Hao saw Yu Zimo being captured, he yelled and said, "I knew my brother would win. That fat woman's waist is too thin, like a water snake. Although her breasts and butt are big, they are It’s not that she is strong, her body shape is not comparable to that of my brother, which seriously affects the fat woman’s ability to fight. My brother will definitely win in a hand-to-hand fight.”


"Everyone unlock the seal, come together and kill him!"

The elders who were watching the battle shouted loudly, and they all had runes flashing all over their bodies, and they rushed forward together. It was impossible for them to watch Yu Zimo being captured alive by Shi Lei.

As the elders quickly approached, their auras also increased. (End of chapter)

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