The blood of the perfect world spreads all over the sky

Chapter 300 Yu Zimo takes the initiative

Dense runes appeared all over the four sealers, emitting a dazzling blue light that stimulated labor. Powerful magic was brewing. One of the sealers even formed his own rune formation. One person was a rune formation, triggering the movement of this space. The power of heaven and earth caused heavy rain to fall across the entire space in an instant. Ordinary raindrops seemed to have the force of a thousand pounds. When they fell on the ground, dense holes appeared. The smoke and dust were instantly knocked down by the rain, and the entire ground was chipped away at a speed visible to the naked eye. On the first floor, the water evaporated by Shi Lei reappeared, and it also contained infinite power.

The heavy rain gradually hit the direction of Shi Lei and others.

Shi Hao was startled and shouted to Shi Lei: "Brother, these are the sealed ones. They are at least at the inscription level and above. Let's run away first."

"Hey, Haozi, don't be afraid. I'm not afraid even in the formation realm. I was just playing with this fat girl before, but now I'm going to do my best." Shi Lei's whole body was filled with purple lightning, and he rushed towards the four people opposite. .

His strongest point is not the Suanni magic, nor the fire-attribute magic that manifests Qinglian, but his powerful body.

With a huge force of four million kilograms, coupled with the speed provided by Lei Fa, the kinetic energy generated is very powerful. This is what allows him to dare to face the powerful people in the formation realm.

It was just a simple magic showdown with Yu Zimo before, but now it's full of firepower. In just an instant, Shi Lei's speed exceeded the speed of sound. A sonic boom sounded, followed by ten times the speed of sound, a hundred times the speed of sound. In just a few breaths, Shi Lei The speed accelerated to an incredible level.

"Bang bang bang." Shi Lei rushed towards the Rain Clan elder against the raindrops that looked like machine guns.

The distance between the two sides was not that far to begin with, and Shi Lei quickly collided with the four elders one after another.

The rune formations created by the four elders were broken one by one, and the first three elders were all knocked into blood mist. Only the elders who formed their own formation withstood Shi Lei's impact.

The last elder also felt uncomfortable. The self-contained rune array had disappeared. His hands were bent unnaturally and his chest was sunken. It was obvious that even if he blocked Shi Lei, he was still very reluctant.

"Pfft." The sealer of the Rain Tribe in the array formation spit out a mouthful of blood, and then looked at Shi Lei in horror: "Are you also a sealer?"

"No, you are not the Sealer."

"Why is your body so strong? Are you the legendary pure-blood descendant?"

Through his memories, he quickly judged where Shi Lei was. His physical strength was several levels stronger than that of ancient relics. This reminded him of a legend. Legend has it that there are pure-blood descendants in the upper world. Those pure-blood descendants It is so powerful that it is common to attack enemies who are one level higher. What's more, it can even attack enemies who are three levels higher.

Now that Shi Lei has shown the strength of the Cave Heaven Defeat Array Realm, what else can he be if he is not a pure-blooded descendant?
Shi Lei did not reply, but used his hands to smash the head of the Rain Clan elder who was secretly preparing a treasure. After looting the storage bag and various treasures from his body, he said slowly: "I am not a pure-blood descendant. , my current strength is all obtained through my own efforts."

He spent so much money to build a legion, so he was naturally rewarded. The 100,000 people in his legion were geniuses from various tribes. The tribes behind these geniuses indirectly became his people. Billions of people supplied the meat of ferocious beasts. He The life essence accumulated rapidly, breaking through the shackles of life several times and completing the promotion of life rank.

In the spirit cage world, the levels of creatures are divided into ordinary level, transformation level, king level, and emperor level. There is no name after the emperor level.

He didn't bother to name it. After the emperor, he directly named it after the fifth level. He broke the shackles of life six times and advanced six times. He should be at the level of seventh level now. The power of his seventh level life essence can be compared to the short-term formation level. contend.

It's a pity that the runes in the spirit cage world cannot be used in the perfect world, otherwise the lord may be defeated with the life essence.

"No, you came here through plunder. Now behind you is a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. In the future, you will slaughter an entire world and plunder the source of life in all worlds..." Yu Zimo suddenly said.

Shi Lei shrugged and said calmly: "What you said is not comprehensive. It makes people think that I am a big devil! With my character, even if I plunder all the worlds, I will only plunder the life source of the beasts and will never attack the human race." .”

"Ferocious beasts are also intelligent. In their eyes, you are the devil; and you have killed a lot of humans." Yu Zimo said coldly.

"I won't argue with you about this!" Shi Lei shook his head. With his character, he would not massacre the human race unless he was provoked. If a world of human race was massacred, it would probably be the world of Xiaoli.

Turning to Shi Hao, he said: "Haozi, I will leave her to you. This is one of the two contemporary heroes of the Rain Clan. Although she is only in the Cave Heaven Realm, her strength can compete with the Inscription Realm. Moreover, she has the talent of psychic. She can see It’s up to you to decide what to do with someone else’s future.”

Before Shi Hao could speak, Yu Zimo turned to look at Shi Hao and said, "When I look into the future, it's chaos. When I look back, there's nothingness behind you. Why is this happening?"

When Shi Hao heard this, he looked up at her and said, "What does this mean?"

"I don't know." Yu Zimo wiped the blood from his eyebrows and said, "You... don't seem to belong to this whole ancient history. Maybe, you... will disappear from this world."

If it was the latter, Shi Hao knew that he would die at any time. As for the former, he was completely confused.

"What do you mean it doesn't belong to this whole ancient history?"

Yu Zimo shook his head and said: "This is a feeling, an indescribable feeling. Anyway, you do not belong to this world."

Shi Lei knew a little about this. After Shi Hao reached the Dao Sacrifice realm, the river of time could no longer restrain him.

Yu Zimo paused and continued: "You are like Shi Yi, unable to see through or see through, and shrouded in a mist."

Shi Hao's face darkened when he heard this, and there was a trace of hatred in his eyes. He said coldly to Yu Zimo: "You go away. As for Shi Yi, I will defeat him."

"Hey." Shi Lei said, but Shi Hao still made the same choice as in the original work. I don't know if it was due to the correction of the plot or Shi Hao's character.

In fact, in the entire lower realm, Yu Zimo's talent is top-notch. She can see a corner of Shi Hao's future. This is such an awesome talent. There are so many people in the original book, but she is the only one who can do it. Such talent has surpassed many pure people. The blood is alive.

But why does Yu Zimo not appear in the upper world or the fairy world in the original work?

Maybe Boss Chen has forgotten. After all, there are so many characters, and it is normal to forget one or two.

Yu Zimo was a little in disbelief. She stared at Shi Hao closely. After confirming that he really let her go, she turned to look at Shi Lei. The moment she saw Shi Lei, she was shocked and her eyes widened, even more than when Shi Hao let her go. Shock.

Shi Lei frowned and said to Yu Zimo unhappily: "Haozi has decided to let you go, so you should leave quickly! Why are you looking at me?"

Although his system is a bloodline robbery system, it does not spare any female character.

Yu Zimo was awakened by Shi Lei's words. When she came back to her senses, her face turned red suddenly. She didn't dare to look directly at Shi Lei and lowered her head: "I...I..."

What is this for?

Why are you blushing and shy all of a sudden?

Shi Lei was a little strange.

"I will stand behind you in the future. I will be one of your wives, the most loving kind." Yu Zimo seemed to have made up his mind and said through gritted teeth.

She didn't know why she became Shi Lei's wife, but she could feel that she would be very happy in the future and be very happy with Shi Lei.

"Huh?" Shi Lei was shocked for a moment, and then realized that with his current ability, any woman would be slept with by him. If Yu Zimo had a relationship with him, it would be normal for her to be slept with. It’s just that that’s in the future!

"I will be with you from now on." Yu Zimo looked up at Shi Lei, the blush on his face had not faded, but his eyes were extremely firm.

She didn't know why she would become Shi Lei's wife in the future, but she knew why she would make such a choice now. Shi Lei had previously killed three inscription-level and one formation-level experts with the power of thunder. Such a talent and Shi Yi no longer gave in too much.

She didn't know where Shi Hao found such a talented sworn brother, but she knew that she couldn't let Shi Lei continue to target the Yuwang Mansion. Shi Yi was no match for the two brothers together.

Based on the love situation between herself and Shi Lei in the future, it can be speculated that she succeeded.

Shi Lei was stunned and did not agree immediately. Instead, he turned to look at Shi Hao and asked, "Haozi, do you mind if she becomes my follower?"

Shi Hao didn't care much about this, waved his hand and said: "Brother, you can like her, but she can't return to Prince Yu's Mansion. If she returns to Prince Rain's Mansion, I will kill her even if she is your little brother."

He even took the nine-headed lion, an ancient relic who wanted to eat him, as his little brother. Shi Lei had nothing to say about taking a fat girl, but he still agreed in advance that it was okay to be his little brother by Shi Lei's side, but not with the Rain Prince's Mansion. Confront him.

Upon hearing this, Shi Lei turned to Yu Zimo and said, "Then just follow me!"

Yu Zimo breathed a sigh of relief, her face retreated slightly, and she stood behind Shi Lei with her head lowered.

"Brother, where should we go next?" The Nine-Headed Lion King asked after watching the two brothers finish their discussion.

The eldest brother's brother was so powerful that he killed four sealers in one blow. It was frightened. When the two brothers discussed things, it didn't dare to speak.

"Brother, I want to find the Fountain of Youth, what about you?" Shi Hao asked directly.

"Me?" Shi Lei looked at Yu Zimo and smiled: "We are going to find Taiyi True Water."

"What is Taiyi True Water?" Yu Zimo looked at Shi Lei doubtfully.

Sure enough, the more beautiful a woman is, the better she is at lying. Those doubtful eyes are so good at pretending!

Shi Lei did not expose Yu Zimo and said with a smile: "You don't need to know this, just follow me."

"Taiyi True Water? What kind of treasure is this?" Shi Hao asked curiously.

"Taiyi True Water can be called a divine liquid and has various miraculous effects. For example, it can be used as medicine and can be refined into peerless elixirs. When refining a treasured artifact, just adding a drop can greatly improve the quality of the instrument.

It contains the laws and order of water. Although the secret of the origin cannot be glimpsed by the world, it is of great significance to those who practice water-attribute skills. Using it to practice can get twice the result with half the effort. "Shi Lei explained seriously.

"This treasure is so good?...But I want to find the Fountain of Youth. The Fountain of Youth is very important to Butian Pavilion. That's why I came in."

This is different from the original work!

Shi Lei was confused for a while, and then realized that in the original work, Shi Hao killed a group of disciples of the Yu Clan and then escaped, and then followed the traces of the Yu Clan to find Taiyi Zhenshui. Now Yu Zimo's team has been killed by him except Yu Zimo. The plot is natural Departing from the original work, the Fountain of Youth is more important to Shi Hao than Taiyi True Water.

"That's it, then let's separate here!" Shi Lei nodded in agreement, and then warned: "If you encounter an enemy that you can't defeat, remember to use the willow branch to notify me."

"Okay brother." Shi Hao responded, turned to leave, and suddenly turned back: "Brother, if I meet a fat woman, I will tie her up to you."

Shi Lei nodded happily: "As expected of my brother, I will leave you a share of the Taiyi True Water."

Because of the source of life, Shi Hao's strength is stronger than in the original work, and it is really possible to catch Yun Xi...

Two days later, Shi Lei appeared in a desert with Yu Zimo.

This is a golden desert, dry and hot, and the sand grains are a little reflective, which makes people's eyes hurt.

There are many lakes in the distance and long rivers winding around the mountains, but here it is completely opposite. It is completely different and makes people a little uncomfortable. The golden desert is too dry.

Most of the day later, they entered the depths of the desert. Although the Wuyu tribe had a special ability to sense water, they also vaguely noticed a difference. There was a mysterious wave here.

Not long after, Shi Lei saw a pool of water from a distance, only one meter square, with divine liquid gurgling and auspicious energy steaming.

However, the two of them walked for several hours and still could not reach the sacred pool.

"It must be the Taiyi True Pool, but there is an illusion, which is misleading us, but it also means that we are close to it." Shi Lei also became excited.

Yu Zimo looked frustrated. She didn't expect Shi Lei to really find Taiyi True Water.

After several explorations, the Rain Tribe finally located the location of Taiyi True Water. How did Shi Lei locate it?
"How did you find this place?" Yu Zimo finally couldn't help but ask.

"Confidential." Shi Lei did not explain to Yu Zimo. The original book clearly stated that a large lake surrounded a desert. This terrain was really special.

Shi Lei and Yu Zimo made various attempts, using the rune knowledge taught by Liu Shen, and spent ten hours finally walking in front of Shenchi.

Although the divine pool is small, it has vast fluctuations, like a vast ocean undulating, which is intimidating. Those divine liquids are sparkling and have a sacred brilliance, shining out streaks of rays of light.

And there is steaming and auspicious color gushing out, covering it there. Even those who are ignorant and don't know that this is the True Water of Taiyi will understand that it is a rare treasure and priceless.

Because the vision there is amazing and consistent with the characteristics of the earth treasure.

Yu Zimo reminded: "Be careful, Taiyi True Water has spirits. We cannot destroy the runes arbitrarily. We must get closer bit by bit and use my Yu clan's natural affinity with water to communicate with it and gain its trust."

Although Taiyi Zhenshui is a pool of divine liquid, it is almost psychic and has evolved runes and laws. It can fly into the sky and escape from the earth, so it is difficult to truly capture it.

It must be approved by it. If it is taken by force, it is impossible to get all the water in such a pool.

As soon as he finished speaking, "Ouch..." a roar sounded.

A black tiger roared, blowing a black whirlwind in the desert. Several sand dunes rolled directly into the sky. The scene was terrifying, and the whirlwind reached straight into the sky. (End of chapter)

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