"It's not a real ferocious beast. It's transformed by runes. It's half illusion and half real. Don't be deceived by it." Yu Zimo explained while activating the magic.

"Pa." Shi Lei slapped Yu Zimo on the shoulder and said, "Stay back and don't take action. I can do it myself."

If he remembered correctly, Taiyi True Water was very sensitive and would fly away at the slightest disturbance. Yu Zimo didn't warn him, obviously because he didn't want him to subdue Taiyi True Water!
This girl hasn’t returned home yet!
After leaving the Baiduan Mountains, he must be whipped severely until he is defeated.

Shi Lei directly opened the wood attribute cave. There was a willow heart in this cave, which had various strange powers, including storing items.

The green cave was full of vitality, with the fragrance of vegetation, and a surge of abundant wood-attribute energy, forming a translucent green light shield to protect Shi Lei, and then included Yu Zimo.

Shi Lei grabbed Yu Zimo's hand, stepped towards Taiyi Zhenshui.

Even with one person, Shi Lei was extremely fast. He smashed the black tiger into pieces and jumped into the pool.

"Crash..." The water in the pool splashed and the waves were turbulent, but the splashing water did not fall, but floated in mid-air, as if frozen there.

After one breath, the water in the entire pool flowed backwards towards the sky, with a tendency to fly away from this area.

"Take it!" Shi Lei shouted sharply, driving Liu Mu's heart, a green light emerged, shrouded in the water pool floating in the air, the water pool rising to the sky suddenly stopped, and was nailed to the sky. After a breath, the cave sky released a wave of terror The suction force quickly sucked the frozen water pool into the cave sky.

In just a few breaths, all the Taiyi True Water was taken into the cave by Shi Lei, and Liu Muxin was indeed magical.

Yu Zimo looked at the empty pool, and then at the light green light that filled the sky, and asked in shock: "Shi Lei, why is this cave of yours so magical?"

"This... my cave has been blessed by the ancient immortal king and has many incredible powers. The storage of heavenly materials and earthly treasures is just one of them."

"???" Yu Zimo's face was filled with questions. She felt that Shi Lei was perfunctory with her. She had never heard of the Immortal King, "Forget it if you don't say anything."

"I'm telling the truth, it's up to you to believe it or not." Shi Lei didn't care.

Yu Zimo looked at Shi Lei suspiciously, still not believing in the Immortal King's blessing. It was probably that a certain wood-attributed Noble Phantasm was cultivated in the cave, and the manifestation power of the Noble Phantasm was just activated.

Shi Lei had no intention of continuing to explain, and the jade hand holding Yu Zimo landed on the bottom of the pool without water. Taiyi True Water is a top-notch treasure of heaven and earth, and many spiritual plants grow around it.

These spiritual plants were one level higher than what Shi Lei had encountered before. Each one was crystal clear and exuded a strong medicinal fragrance.

Looking around, Shi Lei drove the cave sky to form a suction force, sucking the water pool and the spiritual plants around the water pool into the cave sky. In the end, even the gravel at the bottom of the pool was not spared. Anyway, as long as it was useful to the cave sky realm, Shi Lei Income into the cave.

After searching the surrounding areas, Shi Lei said calmly: "Let's go! Let's also go find the Fountain of Youth."

In fact, compared with searching for the Fountain of Youth, the best way to rescue the Butian Pavilion Sacrificial Spirit is to hunt a Venerable-level ferocious beast, and then refine the life essence and transport it to the Butian Pavilion Sacrifice Spirit. It only refines the life of the Venerable-level ferocious beast. Regarding the source of essence, even Shi Lei cannot guarantee 100% success, let alone Shi Hao. Far water cannot quench near thirst.

The Fountain of Youth is Shi Hao's best choice now. In fact, if Shi Hao knows Liu Shen's strength, seeking Liu Shen's help is the best way. But now, although Shi Hao knows that Liu Shen is strong, in his heart Liu Shen is not strong. At the level of a Venerable, he still chose to look for the Fountain of Youth.

According to the records in the original book, the Fountain of Youth was in the Baiguo Garden, and Shi Lei took Yu Zimo directly to fly to the Baicao Garden.

Three days later, Shi Lei looked at the large group of people blocking the way and raised his brows. Which big force was blocking him? Looking for death?

After opening several caves within Baiduan Mountain, he was no longer afraid of the powerful people in the formation realm. People below the formation realm could not hurt him unless they were outstanding people. With his speed, the number of people had no pressure on him.

A large group of geniuses, more than forty of them, all young geniuses, were guarding a chariot, which glowed red and looked like a treasure.

"Are you Shi Lei?" A mysterious man covered by a black cloak came from the chariot, his words were hoarse.

Hey, it turned out to be a big force targeting him, and they even knew his name.

"It's me, which big force are you?"

Before the mysterious man could speak, the chariot suddenly made movement.

The red clouds flashed, and the curtain of the chariot made of pearls and jade was opened, and a girl stepped out. She was about fifteen or sixteen years old, with a plump and white forehead, an oval face, curved eyebrows, and big eyes shining like crystals. , there is a kind of spiritual brilliance.

Her skin is snow-white, and although she is still young, she is tall and tall, no lower than a twenty-year-old girl, and a head taller than her peers. She walks gracefully, her soft waist swings like a snake, and her curves are very graceful.

Her figure was extremely good, her bulging conscience was unusually majestic, and her legs were long and straight. As she walked swaying like this, her curves were undulating, graceful and moving, making even a girl like Yu Zimo feel ashamed.

"Guess who I am?" Huo Ling'er raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said with a hint of teasing, "If you can't guess, you will be beaten!"

Shi Lei twitched the corner of his mouth. The person in front of him was the grown-up Huo Ling'er. This is reality, not animation. The modeling of Baiduan Mountain in the animation is not in line with the original work. In the original work, Huo Ling'er has already grown.

"Huo Ling'er! Long time no see, I miss you so much." Shi Lei stretched out his hands and greeted Huo Ling'er.

Huo Ling'er also trotted over excitedly.

Dozens of young geniuses were stunned for a while, looking at Huo Ling'er trotting over in disbelief. They wanted to speak, but they still endured it. What the princess did was not something they could interfere with.

"Pa!" A crisp slap sounded.

Shi Lei covered his face and backed away quickly. He was so happy just now that he didn't even have any defense against Huo Ling'er.

Only then did he remember that the relationship between the two had not reached the level of hugging each other as soon as they met.

"Hey, why did you hit me?" Shi Lei glared at Huo Ling'er. Although he probably knew why Huo Ling'er hit him, he couldn't let Huo Ling'er take the lead. Anger could make Huo Ling'er restrain himself.

"Hmph, you still have the nerve to say that your name is Shi Lei and you are from Prince Wu's Mansion. But I couldn't find you when I went to Prince Wu's Mansion." Huo Ling'er was very angry.

"Huh? Then how did you find me today and recognize me accurately." After this period of growth, the essence of life stimulated him to grow continuously. He no longer looked like a child. He now looks like The appearance of an adult has changed a lot.

"Hmph, you use my storage bag, of course I recognize you!" Huo Ling'er curled her lips and said, "Not to mention, you look quite handsome now, and..."

Huo Ling'er reached out and pinched Shi Lei's arm, and said to Yu, "You're quite strong!"

The corner of Shi Lei's mouth raised. This Huo Ling'er has the flavor of the original work. In the original work, Huo Ling'er was weird and weird from the beginning.

"Pay attention to your identity. You are the princess of the Fire Nation. How can you be so rude to me?" Shi Lei reminded.

The malice in the eyes of those dozens of talented Fire Nation geniuses was extremely obvious.

Huo Ling'er trembled, retracted her hand, rolled her eyes, and said, "This princess is testing your strength..."

"You are so powerful, why don't you join us? I have already contacted the Nine Golden Lions, the Feather King, the Silver-Blooded Giant and other powerful people to go to the Divine Cave to seize a treasure."

"By the way, there are also your talented disciples from Zhulu Academy. Among the crowd behind me are people from Zhulu Academy." Huo Ling'er added one last sentence, trying to dispel Shi Lei's worries.

In Duankong City, she found Shi Lei standing in the queue of Zhulu Academy, but at that time, she and her father were accompanying the important figures of various religions and couldn't get away. Shi Lei looked over and saw a few disciples from Zhulu Academy. It's just that these people were from the Fire Nation!
Standing in the team now does not look like a disciple of Zhulu Academy, but more like Huo Ling'er's guard.

"No, I want to help my brother find the Fountain of Youth, and I will never cooperate with foreign races. Foreign races are my food." Shi Lei licked his lips and said.

"Don't be so fierce. He is our ally and we want to go to the cave together." The princess's small eyes shone like crystal, her mouth slightly raised, and she said teasingly: "Be good, or I'll beat your ass."

There was a crisp sound of "pa", and Shi Lei slapped her on her plump butt without politeness, blinked his big eyes, and asked: "Is it like this?"

"How dare you... hit me..." The Fire Nation Princess was stunned, and then her pretty face turned red with anger. She immediately showed her bright little teeth and bit her bright red lips. Runes all over her body rushed up and flew all over the sky.

Huo Ling'er went crazy, his black hair was flying, his big crystal eyes were wide open, his whole body was surrounded by sunlight, and his clothes seemed to be flying.

"Stop, I have something to say." Shi Lei quickly stepped back, feeling a scorching heat, and found that the place where he stood was actually red, and the rock was about to melt.

The Princess of the Fire Nation went crazy, opened her mouth, a burst of fire burst out, and the place suddenly started to roll with lava.

"Oh my God, you can breathe fire, just like the evil dragon in ancient legends!" Shi Lei was stunned and stepped back a distance again.

"You are the big evil dragon!" Huo Ling'er was so angry when he heard this that his eyes began to spit fire. In front of him, the flame turned into a red bird, rushing toward him with billowing firelight and heat waves, lifelike, like It's a red bird reappearing.

Shi Lei stopped retreating, and a silver moon disk appeared behind him, at the same height as him, emitting a cold light, covering him, blocking the firelight in the sky.

"Huo Ling'er, if you have something to say, don't lose your temper. Ancient evil dragons are like this. If you continue like this, everyone will be scared away." Shi Lei said. He opened seven holes in the cave in a row, and now he is full of energy. He is considered a master in this small world where geniuses gather.

"Forget it princess, junior brother... he's just naughty, don't argue with him." Five other geniuses from Zhulu Academy rushed over to mediate.

The glow from Huo Ling'er's body faded away, the red flames disappeared, and she returned to her true appearance. She glared at Shi Lei and said, "You are so young, but you are so bad. When you grow up, you can be better. You can forgive me if you want, but you must do it this time. When you go to the sacred cave, you must not conflict with the nine golden lions.”

"Okay, provided they don't mess with me." Shi Lei agreed happily.

The Divine Cave is located on a plain, with grass mostly as high as a person and wild wolves howling. This place is very remote and it is difficult to see people.

The group of people entered the grassland and were startled by many giant wolves along the way. They walked through the sage grass and were cautious. The setting sun dyed the sky red, and the burning clouds made the prairie look even more desolate.

"Junior brother, you really dare to take action. She is the most beloved daughter of the Emperor of the Fire Nation. Even the princes would give her some face when they see her." A senior brother from Zhulu Academy said.

"Didn't she want to spank me? I'm trying to treat others the way they want," Shi Lei said.

"She was just talking, and she didn't really beat you up." A senior sister said angrily.

"I didn't hit her hard, I just patted her gently. It was like scratching her, but she didn't actually feel any pain." Shi Lei said plausibly.

Ahead, the princess of the Fire Kingdom on the chariot turned her head, her big watery eyes about to spit out fire again.

"Huo Ling'er, don't stare. I'm not telling you. There are some things you really should change." Shi Lei showed no signs of weakness and wanted to argue.

"What do you want to say?" Huo Ling'er grinded his teeth, his teeth shining brightly in his bright red lips.

"First of all, it's time for you to lose weight. You see your butt is so big and round. If you slap it on it and keep bouncing, it's not good for your practice." Shi Lei looked very serious.

There was a sudden silence on the grassland, and then everyone turned around and looked at Shi Lei behind them. Everyone was in a daze, as if they had seen a ghost. Is this naughty boy challenging him to a duel with the Human Emperor's favorite princess? !

"Look, I was right. Everyone agreed and did not refute. They agreed with what I said." Shi Lei continued to speak.

"Ah poof"

Huo Ling'er's face was flushed, and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood. He flew up from the chariot, and the runes were intertwined. A pair of Suzaku wings appeared behind him, bright red and crystal clear, and he flew towards Shi Lei.

"I'll kill you, you little bad boy!" Huo Ling'er bared his teeth and claws, spitting fire from his big, smart eyes, and his slender and graceful body twisted in incredible trajectories like a water snake in the air.

"Ah, what kind of magic are you doing? You can actually build wings. Please teach me." Shi Lei looked like a good student and asked for advice humbly.

"Bad embryo!" The little princess of the Fire Nation waved her hand, and red fire flew down like lightning in a large area and enveloped it.

Shi Lei ran away without fighting her. He rushed towards the divine cave deep in the grassland and shouted while running away: "I'm not telling you, you have a bad temper. It's not a big deal if your butt is big. Just lose weight, don't you?" You can be as fit as me if you exercise sooner or later.”

"I'll kill you!" Huo Ling'er gritted her silver teeth. Who dared to tease the daughter of the emperor? He even spoke to her with awe. Today, a young boy actually "talked nonsense" many times. She was so angry. My stomach hurts.


On the grassland, the fire burned and swept forward. The wormwood was ignited and turned into a sea of ​​​​fire.

This was a chase battle. In the end, Shi Lei accepted the challenge and collided fiercely with Huo Ling'er. They fought in the ashes, which shocked many geniuses to look sideways.

This is the daughter of the Human Emperor. She is known as a prodigy and is known as a genius. She is extremely powerful. Now she is fighting so fiercely with a child that it is difficult to win in a short time.

In the end, the battle subsided, Shi Lei was still lively, Huo Ling'er was panting, and everyone was shocked when they saw this.

A stone mountain stands across the front, unparalleled in majesty and hugeness. It is the only mountain like this in this grassland, which seems very abrupt. It is very majestic.

There is a black hole halfway up the mountain, I don't know how deep it is, and it emits an inexplicable aura.

At the foot of the mountain, there was a group of creatures waiting, all of them were very powerful, staring at them with eager eyes, and their fierce glare was revealed.

In particular, the leading creatures all have different appearances and are very extraordinary, such as a nine-headed golden lion, a silver giant more than ten meters tall, and a humanoid with a golden horn on its head and wings on its back. biology.

Behind them, each has a group of followers, many of whom are human geniuses, but now they have been surrendered and have become their servants.

"You're finally here, it's too slow. Hey, princess of the Fire Nation, have you ever experienced a big battle? It seems like you've spent a lot of money and you're very tired." The silver giant spoke, with a sound like a big bell, rumbling, The shaking mountain walls are moving.

"Don't talk nonsense, the princess is just losing weight." Shi Lei replied.

Hearing the word "lose weight", Huo Ling'er's eyes widened angrily, as if he was greatly stimulated and almost ran away again.

"Hey, you are..." The humanoid creature with a golden horn and a pair of five-color wings on its back - King Feather, looked surprised.

The person who dared to talk to the Fire Nation Princess like this was definitely not an ordinary person, but there was no information about Shi Lei in his information, so he was a little confused.

"He! He's a bad guy from Zhulu Academy, you don't need to worry about him!" Huo Ling'er suppressed his anger and explained. (End of chapter)

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