The blood of the perfect world spreads all over the sky

Chapter 318: The sky battlefield opens, Shi Lei attacks Demon Lake

"Since Shi Yi is so powerful, let him come back and give it a try." Shi Hao said coldly.

He was a member of the Yu Clan. He turned pale after hearing this and said nothing. He was afraid of causing great disaster to his people. If this disaster uprooted the foundation of this area of ​​the Spirit Transformation Realm, he would really be unable to cry. Out.

"My good brother, you are too self-righteous. Even the true God dare not say that you are invincible in heaven and on earth." Shi Yi responded indifferently.

"I dare to say it!" Shi Hao said simply.

Everyone was speechless. This small member of the Stone Clan is really strong and dares to say anything. Is this because of his character or because he has that kind of belief in his heart?

"The belief of invincibility has been with me since I was born. I really hope to fight you right away." Shi Yi said to himself.

"Then what are you waiting for? Come here and have a fight." Shi Hao said.

"War? You are just a monk in the spirit transformation realm, are you worthy of me coming over? I'm bullying you too much." There was a trace of ridicule in the corner of Shi Yi's mouth.

Shi Hao didn't say anything and strode into the Yu Clan's mansion. This was a vast pure land, full of auspiciousness and shining rays of light, which was very suitable for cultivation.

There are fields of elixirs and various auspicious beasts here, all transformed by the spiritual power of the Virtual God Realm, and they are no different from the real ones.

A crystal clear stone tablet appeared, and the power of Shi Hao's right foot shook the world, breaking the previous record and being unmatched.

The lesson learned last time was too profound. They suffered heavy losses and had no way to fight against this young man.

As if Shi Hao entered an uninhabited area, he scanned around without any scruples, not taking this place seriously at all. Everyone in the Yu Clan was shocked and angry, and kept retreating, not daring to stop them.

There is a lake in front, which is very large, with rippling blue waves, rising spiritual energy, and twinkling rays of light. The scenery here is very beautiful.

The big cracks were so wide that they kept opening and finally looked like a canyon.

Shi Hao not only filled in some necessary information on the crystal stone tablet, but also added this sentence in response to the other party's taunt just now.

Because that is the ancient sacred mountain area, which is infinitely far away from the pure land of the human race, and can only be reached quickly by opening the golden passage with a formation.

On the shore of the big lake, there is an ancient building, like an ancient temple, grand and solemn, and even exudes the aura of a god.

"Go and get the decree from the gods, or invite Shi Yi here." Shi Hao said.

There was a loud sound of earth shattering, and Shi Hao stepped hard on the ground with his right foot. The entire palace exploded into pieces and turned into a rain of light. There were even more casualties. This vast ancient land collapsed.

With a buzzing sound, Shi Hao left the ruins. This time he stepped onto the formation to enter a special area, which was extremely far away.

This is a record monument. Once a record is set, this kind of monument will appear everywhere to tell the world about it, and it will be simultaneous and instantaneous.

Everyone was shocked. These two people were so evil. They actually talked in this way. They were so powerful!


Shi Hao was carving words, and stone chips were flying on the merit stele. Those glorious records were all reduced to ashes, leaving only a few words. This was a letter of war, which the Yu Clan wanted to give to Shi Yi.


The plaque glowed, there were thousands of auspicious clouds, and the magic mist billowed. This turned out to be a rare treasure, so powerful that it would shatter Shi Hao's palms.

I have never seen such a person or such a confrontation. This would make ordinary people ashamed to death. What an amazing confrontation is this?
At this moment, let alone the Virtual God Realm, even in the real world, there were major earthquakes everywhere. After people got the news, they called their friends and quickly entered the Virtual God Realm to watch this duel that would go down in history.

This made a group of people furious and their eyes were splitting, but no one dared to step forward. They were really afraid of being beaten last time. In fact, since Shi Hao stepped into this foundation, many important people retreated directly. Give up here.


At this moment, the False God Realm became a little quiet. People knew that the war might not be far away, and Shi Yi would eventually challenge it.

"Are you qualified?"

Obviously, the visitor was not a good person, he was just here to stir up trouble, and he had a big feud with the Rain Clan, so he didn't feel any guilt after barging in like this.

Above a huge gate, there is a plaque with only three words on it: Demon Lake!
Shi Hao was here, and everyone's hearts were pounding. They didn't dare to get close and watched from a distance.

Everyone was dumbfounded, this was really too extravagant, having a conversation in a record-breaking way, this... was like listening to a book from heaven, it made people tremble, it was extremely shocking.

The Yu Clan's treasured land was reduced to ruins, all due to the power of this kick.


It contained the names of the ancestors of the Yu tribe, recording their great achievements and being a symbol of glory. However, it was cut off with a slap from Shi Hao.

A stone tablet appeared, and he wrote only one word on it: Yes!

This was a peaceful place, and no one dared to disturb it on weekdays, but today there were many creatures, following behind Shi Hao, they rushed to this place.

Dots of crystal, light and rain danced, and another stone tablet appeared. Shi Yi broke another record in the inscription realm. There were only a few words on it: Are you forcing me? !

A crystal clear stone tablet appeared, recording the reasons and so on, and he even left a direct message on it: Do you want me to go back and play with the children? Why do you want to fight with me?
This was a kind of contempt, but also a kind of arrogance and conceit. He felt that going back like this would undermine his majesty, and thought that Shi Hao was still not qualified.

Shi Hao's body was densely covered with runes, and his consciousness fluctuated violently. The whole thing was like a big furnace. He punched forward, bursting out a monstrous aura. His body and spirit resonated, showing his power, and the world was shaking.

"To fight or not to fight?"

It can be said that it is a forbidden land. On weekdays, no human race will join in the fun and will stay away from it.

The next moment, Shi Hao took action, smashed the pair of giant doors into pieces with a slap, and took off the plaque.

This scene is horrifying, with runes densely covered, lightning intertwined, and flames rising. There are many formations guarding this ancient land, but they are all abandoned at this moment.

"It's too much. Why didn't you ask yourself when you committed crimes back then?" Shi Hao said coldly. At the same time, he slapped him and broke a merit tablet in the center of the Yu Clan's foundation.

Soon, Shi Yi responded. He was so domineering that he broke a record without speaking or saying anything.

The faces of everyone in the Yu tribe were livid. When they mentioned the laws of the gods, they were filled with pain. Such a sacred thing was eaten twice by this naughty child!
"Don't go too far!" a young man said angrily.

"This..." People hesitated for a while, but finally followed, relying on their courage to see what happened.

"Open it for me!"

Shi Hao roared, and the ten caves opened together to imprison this place. Kunpeng exerted his power and turned the bronze plaque into powder with his bare hands, erasing it inch by inch.

And during this process, a divine flame was burning, beating fiercely, and dissipated in the void.

"A trace of divine power!" Everyone trembled. The plaque was absolutely extraordinary, but it was destroyed like this.

Everyone was horrified. This guy was too strong. He was so bold to come here to provoke the people of Demon Spirit Lake and destroy their mountain gate.

In an instant, a crystal clear stone tablet appeared, destroying the plaque on the Ancient Demon Lake, breaking the bronze plaque inspired by the gods, and breaking the record.

Everyone's scalp was numb. Is this guy going to defy heaven?
Shi Hao looked calm and left two words on the stone tablet: War or not?

Someone broke the record in the area where the inscription realm is located, and a stone tablet appeared with only one word on it: war!

There was a brief silence, and everyone was in an uproar. Shi Yi accepted the challenge. Apparently he was going to the area where the spirit transformation realm was located, and wanted to fight Shi Hao here!
After breaking records in a row and leaving messages on the crystal record stone, the two of them had a conversation in this way, which really shocked people and left them speechless. It was too "cruel". .
Shi Yi accepted the challenge, thinking that he would arrive soon. This made everyone's hearts and blood surge, and they were looking forward to this battle.

This place was extremely depressing. The mountain gate was knocked down by Shi Hao's slap, and the bronze plaque was turned into powder. This naturally alarmed the strong men inside, and dozens of auras rushed out.

Where is Devil's Lake? Inhabited by pure-blooded creatures, they can command the boundless wilderness and are unparalleledly powerful.

Anyone who dares to provoke anyone during the day will retreat when they see the creatures coming out of the Demonic Lake!

The big lake is blue, clear and crystal clear. Some figures walk out of the majestic buildings by the lake. Their faces are as sinking as water. Who dares to mess with them for many years?
This is a restricted area, where descendants of gods live. There is no need to send people to guard the gate, because no other living beings dare to approach it. This situation is very strange, and it has never happened before.

"How brave, no one has dared to step through the gate of my Demonic Lake for many years, but you destroyed the gate of my clan!" A middle-aged man shouted.

"He is...Shi Hao." A young man next to him whispered.

"What?" The man was suddenly startled, and his breath became weaker.

Shi Hao touched his chin, and suddenly he looked up to the sky and burst out laughing. He felt that he had missed something in the past, and he didn't realize it until today. The so-called ancient sacred mountain is simply a treasure. There are pure-blooded creatures here that can be hunted and refined into precious medicine!
This is the False God Realm, but all of it corresponds to the outside world and can achieve amazing results. The treasures here can nourish spiritual power, and returning to the real world can feed back the physical body.

"Why are you laughing? Do you think you can do whatever you want here?" The middle-aged man's face darkened, looking extremely ugly.

In the battle in the imperial capital, Shi Hao killed the Jade Demon Black Eyed Spider, which shocked the wilderness and caused huge losses to the Demon Spirit Lake. That was a venerable man who was killed by a young man like this.

"Who are you, half human and half insect? Replace yourself with a pure-blooded creature." Shi Hao said.

The middle-aged man on the opposite side was livid, which was a kind of contempt. He didn't take him seriously at all. This was a shame for the strong man in the penalty area.

"This world is not a one-person world. No one is invincible. As a human being, you must know how to be respectful. This is Demon Spirit Lake, not a place for you to run wild!" the middle-aged man shouted.

"Well said, this world is not a world for one person and one clan. Then let me ask you, why did Demon Spirit Lake scare Prince Wu's Mansion, force my grandfather away, and even kill me?" Shi Hao asked.

He took a big step forward and didn't like the Demon Spirit Lake at all. He immediately took action and slapped forward with a palm. The rocks rolled and the waves in the lake were shocking.

The middle-aged man and the others all staggered back, their faces all pale. This is the result of their avoidance. If they attack hard, they will definitely suffer a big loss, and they will most likely see blood immediately.

"Young man, you have passed!" At this moment, a majestic voice sounded, and a big black spider appeared and walked out of the magnificent building by the lake.

"Close to pure blood?" Shi Hao stared.

Even in the Ancient Sacred Mountain, there are not many pure-blooded creatures, and most of them are descendants of mixed blood.

Despite this, the creatures that come out of the sacred mountain are far stronger than the outside world. If they are close to pure blood, it will be even more amazing. They can suppress one party.

Demon Spirit Lake is a forbidden area and cannot be desecrated. There was a violent rage inside, like a hurricane impact, flying sand and stones, and stones as big as millstones were rolled up.

The black spider was huge in size and had frightening black hair. It stared at Shi Hao non-stop.

"You first killed a respected member of our clan, and now you come here to act wild. You are really bullying others."

"Didn't you, Demon Spirit Lake, always want to get rid of me? Since we are enemies, why do you blame me for bullying? You should fight to the death." Shi Hao said coldly.

He walked into the mountain gate alone and came to the big lake. Facing the magnificent palaces one after another, he felt a majestic atmosphere, but he was fearless.


The big black spider suddenly shouted, spitting out a big brilliant web. At the same time, the place lit up, covered with silver runes, and there seemed to be endless galaxies intertwining on the ground, trying to trap Shi Hao in it.

Unfortunately, this was ineffective. Shi Hao's left arm shook and emitted a brilliant divine light, as if it was burning, causing the place to fall apart and the formation to collapse.

"God's magical weapon!"

"That is the ancestral arm guard of Tianshen Mountain."

Some people exclaimed that Shi Hao had a big killer weapon on his body, and it was now being used to intimidate many people in Demon Spirit Lake.

Everyone was so nervous that they were breathing rapidly. Before Shi Hao could fight Shi Yi, he had a conflict with such a restricted area. It was really a wave of unrest!
This also attracts attention, and it may become more intense and trigger an unprecedented war. You know, these forbidden areas are the most difficult to mess with. As a descendant of the gods, God knows what terrible backhand and trump cards will be left behind.


The big black spider rushed over, spitting out a piece of runes from its mouth, turning into particles like star sand, corroding all tangible qualities, which was extremely terrifying.

Shi Hao looked at him indifferently, and his hands evolved into magic seals, shaking out runes of order one after another, obliterating all those shiny things.

"Ten thousand spider webs, kill them!" someone shouted from the opposite side.

Shi Hao looked at each other calmly, and the divine light in his body evolved and turned into a divine furnace, causing him to become blazing, as if he had become an eternal divine furnace.

With a "boom", the flames surged and burned. The spider webs that sprayed over were all ignited, and the brilliance was gorgeous and blazing.

Shi Hao strode forward, but someone blocked him, and was knocked away with a punch. He fought fiercely with the big spider, colliding one after another, and fire and runes burst out together.


The big black spider backed up and coughed up blood. It was difficult for him to stop Shi Hao's footsteps.

"Young man, this is enough. This is a restricted area, my Demon Spirit Lake's territory, and you are not allowed to mess around!" Another big spider appeared.

This is a green creature, with a glowing body and an intimidating aura. It looks like a hill. It is a pure-blooded creature.

The most important thing is that there is a precious phantom hanging above its head. The beam of light is astonishing, and it circulates the secrets of the heavens. The sun, moon and stars are vaguely emerging there.

This spider was very scary. It was definitely a veteran of the Demon Spirit Lake lineage. Especially the magic weapon gave people a very bad feeling, which made Shi Hao's heart skip a beat.

The magic weapon was blurry and wrapped in a ball of light. Shi Hao looked carefully and realized that it was a formation flag.

Soon, he noticed that the aura of the ancient land ahead was completely different. Under the control of this formation flag, it was filled with mist, as if there was chaos energy emanating from it.

"The great formation left by the gods!" Shi Hao was surprised and did not immediately challenge him.


In the end, a big collision unfolded. Shi Hao had no backup plan. The opponent had a divine magic circle, so he used the divine arm guard, and a shocking battle broke out.

No one expected that before the two young supremes started fighting, such a shocking battle had already broken out here, which was extremely fierce.


Big waves surged into the sky, and endless water splashed up in the blue lake. Various patterns were densely covered and intertwined into sheets. The big spider was green and bright, urging the formation flag to suppress it with the supreme formation.

Unfortunately, it encountered Shi Hao, who opened up ten caves, evolved endless divine light, transcended the extreme realm, and here can be said to be standing on the pinnacle.

The battle was fierce. The magnificent building was cracking, the runes were being worn away, and it was getting dim.

This was originally a complex of buildings that looked like ancient temples. It was located by the lake and was extremely majestic. However, at this time, it had lost its luster and was no longer so solemn.

Everyone was terrified, this was too scary!

A majestic heavenly palace exploded and turned into powder. The first major formation was shattered. Shi Hao's divine armguard glowed, stirring up the wind and clouds in the sky. He was extremely powerful.

The green spider flew sideways, and the ball of light above its head rolled down, disappeared into the depths of the ancient land, and disappeared.

It changed color. It was an ancestral weapon. I expressed dissatisfaction with it, thought it was unworthy, and lost the dignity of the Demon Spirit Lake lineage, so I abandoned it.

Shi Hao rushed over in a few steps, and the big green spider escaped, but in the end it still couldn't get faster than him. The two collided one after another, blood splashing.

With a "pop", the big spider was killed and its body was torn in half by Shi Hao. This result stunned everyone.

A pure-blooded creature was killed!

This is definitely a big event, with far-reaching impact. Even before the Youth Supreme War has begun, there are already extraordinary figures who have died.

Shi Hao took action and sealed the corpse. He never thought that the corpse would turn into a rain of light and disappear. He snapped his fingers, and a soul-killing needle flew out and plunged into the light rain with a pop.


In the real world, a shrill scream came from the Demon Spirit Lake, and a big spider's head exploded into a piece, bleeding continuously, rolling there, and was about to die.

Silently, a golden spider appeared, took out a magic weapon, quickly suppressed it, fixed its head, and absorbed a ray of red light with supreme supernatural power.

In the Virtual God Realm, Shi Hao was stunned. When he saw that the light rain was about to extinguish, it shone several times and finally dissipated. It didn't look like death.

This shocked him greatly!
There was a huge roar, each magnificent building glowed, and the Demon Spirit Lake became more and more terrifying, with fluctuations like a vast ocean.

"Hey, there's a second level!" Shi Hao exclaimed. He was indeed outside the restricted area of ​​the gods. There was more than one god's magic circle guarding him here.

No matter who it is, it will be very difficult to capture this place.

"That's enough!" At this moment, a loud shout came.

In the distance, a heroic young figure appeared across the sky. His majesty and power were incomparable. Wherever he passed, the heroes retreated, making people tremble.

Shi Yi is here, he descends from the sky like a god, his whole body is shining, he is strong and domineering.

Everyone is shocked. Now that the real owner is here, a fight between dragons and tigers is inevitable, which will cause a huge disturbance!

Shi Yi, who is about sixteen or seventeen years old, has black and thick hair, and the roots are crystal clear and radiating brilliance. His skin is as shiny as jade, and his eyes are deep and lively. Standing there, he has a special aura.

"My good brother, your hands are really not soft." He said calmly.

After so many years, so many things have happened. The two young supremes finally met again. Everything has changed. They stood face to face, separated by a long distance.

Shi Yi has a handsome appearance. He is sixteen or seventeen years old. He is not shorter than an adult. His body is slender and strong. At a glance, he gives people the feeling of a dragon among men.

This young man is extremely stable, his eyes are like a galaxy, his double pupils are shining, the sun and the moon are rising and falling, and there is even chaos aura filling the air!

Shi Hao is relatively young, with long black and shiny hair that hangs naturally on his chest and back. His eyes are bright and he looks sunny, with a gentle smile on his lips.

However, at this time, he stopped smiling. He was very serious, because he finally faced a terrible enemy and had been seeking transcendence for so many years. Yes, Shi Hao was very strong and extremely talented, but after all, he had been cultivating for a few years late. He had been practicing hard since he was a child, hoping to catch up quickly. He was well aware of the heaven-defying power of Chongtong Eyes, and he had never despised or been careless.

The moment they met, the two stared at each other, and their eyes burst out with brilliant light, which was extremely shocking!
Many people fell back, including the creatures in Demon Lake, who also exclaimed, closed their eyes, and quickly backed away.

Everyone was shocked, because the aura between the two people was heart-stopping, and even the creatures in the Ancient Sacred Mountain couldn't stand it. It was so terrifying there.


When the eyes met, it was like the sound of swords. The two collided, and a brilliant rain of light erupted, like sword energy striking one after another, with a sonorous and deafening sound.

Especially Shi Yi's eyes were so terrifying that when people looked at him from a distance, they felt as if they were facing an ancient abyss, and their souls were about to sink into it.

The beams of light were clearly blooming, but people felt like they were sacrificing their souls when faced with two magic wells.

As the eyes opened and closed, wisps of runes flashed, and chains of order swam, making the world completely different, changing the rules of heaven and earth!

Vaguely, in those double pupils, there are the destruction of the sun and the moon, and the rebirth of the stars. It is full of despair, but also contains vitality, making people want to dedicate everything like moths to the flame.

These eyes were so terrifying that even princes would feel palpitated when they saw them.


Behind them, there were many people coughing up blood. They were all experts, but they suffered severe injuries under those pupils and could not withstand the pressure.

This is shocking. They are outside the battlefield and have only been slightly affected. What kind of pressure did the other boy in that scene bear?

The few people standing at the front took out their Noble Phantasms and tried to protect them, but they didn't expect the weapon to crack on the spot and then explode. This scene was horrifying.

Those people fell back, blood flowed from the corners of their mouths, and there was great terror in their hearts. They will be unforgettable for the rest of their lives and left an indelible impression.

This is Chongtong, confronting people here, causing such a terrible impact!

In the center of the field, Shi Hao's eyes were as deep as the starry sky. He was indeed shocked. The opponent's eyes swallowed the soul, and the world was replayed. Destruction and rebirth coexisted.

Unknowingly, Shi Hao's eyes changed, from deep to blazing, and his pupils turned into Taoist bells, golden and bright.

At the same time, his consciousness also turned into a golden bell, ringing slowly, and then the whole body seemed to have "transformed into Tao" and became the carrier of Tao.


This bell sound is like falling from the nine heavens, deafening and deafening. Its sound is continuous, distant and clear, as if it comes from the divine world in a mighty way, cleansing people's souls.

At this moment, many people who were about to sink woke up in shock. They were all horrified and quickly backed away.


There was another Taoist sound, like a yellow bell and a big Lu, alerting the world, and the Taoist waves spread rapidly like ripples.

In each of Shi Hao's eyes, there is a golden bell, which is shaking at this time, as if it has replaced the pupils, becoming blazing and unfathomable, making people awe-inspiring.

At the same time, his body did the same, and his bones rang together, turning into Tao sounds, like dragons roaring and tigers roaring, sonorous and ear-splitting, blessing the Tao bell, shaking people's hearts and minds.

At this time, not to mention other people, including the princes and the creatures in the ancient sacred mountain, were all heartbroken. Shi Hao was very young, but he had such attainments.

His body is like a bell and his mind is flawless. Faced with the oppression of his double pupils and facing off against a young man who rivals ancient gods and men, he remains so calm and calm.

Shi Hao was lying dormant like a real dragon, standing still. In the first confrontation, he was at a disadvantage. You must know that what he faced was the most terrifying power of the double pupil!

"Brother, you're not good enough yet." Shi Yi shook his head, with a cold smile on his lips, and said, "I'm just looking at you normally, and the power of double pupils has not yet appeared."

As soon as this sentence came out, the scene fell into silence, and everyone was stunned. Is what he said true? Everyone's pores are pouring cold air into them.

If this is true, how terrifying are double pupils?
Is there any need to fight again? There was simply no chance of winning. Thinking of how terrifying he was, many people felt powerless and had to surrender.

Shi Hao's face was calm, and he just looked at him without any disturbance. After a while, he showed a smile, and with a flash of sunlight, something appeared in his palm.

It was an eyeball, which was dim at first, but with a slight movement by him, it exploded with terrifying power, shocking the scene!

"Double pupils, are they very powerful? I also have one, but I usually use it to hit people." Shi Hao said casually with the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

Everyone was shocked!

This... is really shocking. Why does he have double pupils? And he just took it out like this, without covering it up at all. Is this a kind of invincible self-confidence?
While people were trembling in fear, they also showed a strange expression, and used their divine eyes to hit people, did they treat them as stones and bricks? Thanks to him for speaking out.

Shi Yi was very calm, with no joy or anger, and no emotional fluctuations. He was extremely calm and said: "It's just a divine eye. It is a dead thing after all, and it is difficult to show the power of one or two out of ten."

Everyone was amazed, was it only one-tenth of the power? After being activated by Shi Hao, those eyes clearly had a terrifying aura that made people want to kowtow.

"Really? Then let me see the true power of the Double Eyes." Shi Hao said without fear.

"Brother, if you want to see the true power of Double Eyes, I can satisfy you, but before that you have to accept my test, otherwise you won't have a chance." Shi Yi showed his confidence and looked down upon his opponent with a kind of scorn.

"What a test, you are worthy of testing me?" Shi Hao looked disdainful, and at the same time raised his head and shouted loudly: "I apply to open the Void Arena."

As soon as he finished speaking, the auspicious clouds fell from the sky, and the holy light emerged, descending a golden channel, spreading down, peaceful and majestic.

"Why did a passage appear?"

"Oh my God, what is this?!"

Everyone was surprised and looked at the sky in disbelief.

Auspicious colors are falling from the sky, sweet springs are gushing from the earth, green lotuses are growing in the sky, and the fragrance is lingering in the air. The universe is filled with colors and peace. .
A golden avenue spread out and landed in front of everyone. From there walked down a figure, majestic and solemn, tall and sacred, like a true god patrolling the sky.

Everyone was in a daze and felt their mouths were dry. What was going on? How could such an abnormal situation occur in the Virtual God Realm?

This fluctuation was so violent that it disturbed the place and stopped the battle. This figure stood on the golden avenue, looking down at everyone like an ancient god.

"Your fighting here will destroy the balance of the virtual god world. I agree to the application of 'I love drinking animal milk', and the sky battlefield is opened."

His whole body was shrouded in holy light, and when he spoke, he rumbled like thunder, causing severe pain in people's eardrums.

Everyone was stunned. Through these words, people came to an astonishing conclusion. This is a creature in the virtual god world, and he is guarding this space.

Is this... God?
Thinking of this question, everyone's hair stood on end, and then their blood started to boil. This was so amazing that it made people scream.

The Virtual God Realm has its own will, and now it's manifested? !

According to legend, this world was built by the spiritual power of the gods worshiped by ancient ancestors. Some people say that this is the world after becoming gods, full of mystery.

How many people have seen this kind of scene in the past?

Now the creatures in the Virtual God Realm have appeared, manifested their true bodies, and spoken these words, which is really shocking and inexplicable.

The golden avenue leads straight to the sky, exuding an awe-inspiring aura, majestic and intimidating, especially the figure that is as formidable as a mountain.

This makes people think, what kind of place is that, and why haven’t they heard of it? Many people are suspicious.

At this time, only the creatures in the Ancient Sacred Mountain were shocked, because some powerful elders had heard about it and after careful reflection, they knew what kind of place it was.

"The battlefield in the sky..." An old chilong said to himself. He was a pure-blooded creature, his whole body was bright and red, his dragon body was coiled in the clouds, and his heart was awe-inspiring.

"That's the battlefield where ancient saint-level warriors duel!"

"Yes, the gods also fight there!"

In the distance, there were powerful pure-blood beings whispering and talking about what kind of place it was, causing everyone to panic that such a secret place actually existed.

The sky battlefield is a vast area located above the sky. It is a sacred battlefield where the top battles in the past were fought.

Many people were surprised. Although these two young men are called supreme, they are only for their peers. How can they compare with the saints and gods of ancient times?
What this creature from the Void God Realm wants to do is too flattering to the two of them.

"The battlefield in the sky is not only a place where great figures from ancient times battled, but it is also a venue for battles between beings beyond the extreme realm. However, it has been rarely used for a long time." The bright figure on the golden avenue said, and his voice roared, vibrating throughout the sky. .

Many powerful forces are ashamed, especially the powerful ones from the Ancient Sacred Mountain. In ancient times, invincible supreme beings could be born among their ethnic groups and enter to fight there, but today, even this battlefield has almost been forgotten.

"In addition, when the war starts outside the same domain, the sky battlefield is also the place for duel." The figure said majestically.

"God-level arena battle?" Everyone was surprised, then shocked, and knew immediately.

People are familiar with this legend. Every long period of time, there will be collisions and contests between great domains, and there will be duels between peerless geniuses.

According to rumors, this is a group of young people who claim to be able to become gods. The arena in which they compete is defined as god-level, but it turns out that it is also on the battlefield in the sky.

When it comes to the god-level arena battle, many people are excited because the rewards are so generous. As long as you can log in, you have a qualification and will be generously rewarded.

To be honest, people don't know much about the sky battlefield, but they still know about the god-level arena battle. There are too many legends and events, full of blood and passion.

It is said that every time in troubled times, there will be a collision between the great domains, and there will be a god-level battle between the domains. At that time, it will not be a competition for supremacy in one domain, but a war between multiple domains.

The god-level arena battle is a real contest, a confrontation between the top geniuses, and is known as the most dazzling, passionate, and fierce battle among all the realms.

Unparalleled gods, eternally beautiful people, world-famous fairies, etc. will all board this arena. When the time comes, it will be a battle of heroes and thousands of flowers competing for beauty.

How could everyone not be surprised? Judging from the current situation, the wilderness is going to be in chaos. Inferring from this, there may be disturbances in other areas, and there may be conquests by then.

Once the realms collide, the god-level arena battle will surely begin. At that time, all the realms will really attract attention, heroes will compete, beauties will appear side by side, and young people with the appearance of the reincarnation of saints will appear!

At this moment, what does it mean for the creatures in the Virtual God Realm to mention the battlefield in the sky?
Is this a preview of the upcoming opening of the dusty god-level arena? Everyone's hearts are racing, nervous and looking forward to it.

Shi Hao and Shi Yi stood face to face, far apart. Their faces were expressionless, only their eyes were shining like stars, exuding an intimidating aura.

"Only geniuses who are proud of their field cannot enter the battlefield in the sky. As long as you can go up, you will be rewarded..." said the figure on the golden avenue, speaking unhurriedly.

This figure revealed a piece of news that shocked both Shi Hao and Shi Yi. They had used stone tablets to record conversations before, and naturally they had set some records. There were rewards for them, but they have not been given yet. Now the figure stated that if you enter the sky battlefield, all rewards can be accumulated, and a generous gift may be given in the end.

"I want to know, who are you?" Shi Yi asked calmly.

This also made everyone startled and held their breath, wanting to know his identity.

The tall figure on the golden avenue spoke indifferently and showed no special mood swings. He introduced himself and said: "I am the domain envoy."

The Virtual God Realm is also divided into large areas, which correspond to the real world.

From his words, it can be preliminarily judged that he has great authority and seems to be very impressive.

"What are your rights and responsibilities?" Shi Yi was very calm, as he had done in the past, and was not afraid of the other party's identity, so he asked again.

"I am the will of the Void God Realm, responsible for guarding this space." He said truthfully.

Moreover, the domain envoy also gave an explanation, giving an example that he had expelled Shi Hao, which was surprising.

In the distance, the naughty boy bared his teeth and glanced sideways at the envoy. He was not afraid at all, even provocative.

The next moment, Shi Yi secretly communicated with this will and asked him if he could continue to get the mysterious reward of the year if he entered the sky battlefield.

Shi Yi once broke a terrible record and received an extremely mysterious gift. The Yu clan people had privately discussed that it was no weaker than the Bronze Divine Book.

"If you defeat your opponent in the sky battlefield, you can give it to me." This was the domain envoy's response.

Almost at the same time, Shi Hao also secretly asked if he could get a bronze book if he accumulated rewards, knowing that he had just set several records.

"If you defeat your opponent in the sky battlefield, you will receive a generous reward." The domain envoy said expressionlessly.

Shi Hao glanced at him sideways and muttered to himself: "Not only did he expel me and break through the Ten Caves, but he also wanted to covet my reward, he said."

The domain envoy stared, the runes flashing in his eyes, and the chaos energy filled the air, it was extremely shocking!
This is the will of the world built by the gods with their spiritual power. It is extremely mysterious. Many people want to know it. Shi Hao naturally wanted to know it too and stared at it for a long time.

Finally, Shi Hao asked, "When will we enter the sky battlefield?"

"One..." Suddenly the figures of two old men not far away flashed past.

The domain envoy paused and said: "Now, immediately, immediately."

As soon as he finished speaking, two golden lights fell from the void, covering Shi Yi and Shi Hao, and they were teleported away.

Not far away, Mr. Jingbi and Mr. Bird looked at each other and said with a smile, "We have fulfilled Mr. Shi Lei's request."

"What?" The many creatures onlookers were stunned and then became noisy.

"Why are you going to the void battlefield? We are still watching the battle!"

"Yes, I also want to watch the battle."


"This is a good business!" Uncle Jingbi smiled proudly and waved his hand, and a few lines of words appeared in the void.

[General viewing tickets cost 10,000 jingbi.

The ticket for the medium-sized game is worth 100,000 yuan, and the location is in the middle.

Tickets for advanced viewing are one million per person, and the seats are near the front.

The special tickets for watching the game are worth 10 million yuan each, and the position is at the front. 】

After a few lines, there was an uproar. This was a blatant money grab!


Demon Spirit Lake is a mysterious and terrifying place located deep in the wilderness. Over the years, few creatures of other races have dared to approach it, otherwise they would have to destroy themselves.

It is very quiet here, and there are no giant beasts to be seen. There are two huge mountains in front, standing like portals, and there is a huge net between the two mountains, silvery white and crystal clear.

This is the portal to Demon Spirit Lake. It is a huge divine spider web. It is said that it can cover the sky, the blue sea and the sky, and can trap anything.

A huge lake with steaming spiritual energy, this is the scene behind the portal.

The lake is silvery white and full of energy. Some spiders crawl on the surface of the lake, shining brightly and absorbing the essence of the gods.

This is the Demon Spirit Lake. The entire lake is transformed by spiritual energy and contains endless essence. Practicing here can greatly increase your speed.

On the shore, there are some ruins, all of which are collapsed palaces, and you can vaguely see the glory of ancient times.

Although the palace is dilapidated, it is not lacking in vitality. On every broken wall is a large web, and a terrifying spider is lying there, with blood flowing out of it.

It is said that gods lived here countless years ago. Finally, the temple collapsed and became a ruin, and the gods and demons left.

Shi Lei took his legion and sneaked to the 'Spider Web Holy Gate' with no trace! 'before.

The essence of life is a secret skill from another universe. It can suppress their spiritual power fluctuations to a minimum, and it is impossible to detect their existence without deliberately exploring.

The entire legion was broken into pieces and used various means to sneak in. Finally, 70,000 people gathered here.

This number was beyond Shi Lei's expectation. He could infiltrate 10,000 people, but he didn't expect there to be 70,000.

It seems that Demon Spirit Lake is slacking off!
Is it because no one has ever sneaked in, so they are not vigilant, or maybe people are attracted by Shi Hao in the Void God Realm, and they all go to see Shi Hao; or maybe the outside of the Demonic Lake is tight and people are concentrated in the lair.

Suddenly, dense spiders appeared behind the Spider Web Holy Gate. A large number of spiders flew into the sky, looking down at Shi Lei's army.

The boundless murderous aura covered the entire legion. If the legion had not formed a battle formation, this power alone could defeat 70,000 people.

'Tsk! It seems that he is being cautious enough to protect Shi Yi! Shi Lei sighed secretly.

"How dare you invade the Devil's Lake, you villain?" a giant spider over a hundred meters wide said.

"Attack!" Shi Lei had no intention of talking nonsense to the big spider.

Having learned the Kunpeng magic and Xuanwu magic, he dared to attack Demon Spirit Lake alone. The reason why he brought 70,000 people was to prevent Demon Spirit Lake from wearing down him with the human sea tactic!
This battle is like the Blitzkrieg of World War II. He is the tank that opens up the situation, and the legion is the cornerstone of a solid advantage.

After several years of development, his legion has taken a step further. All legion soldiers who have practiced the essence of life have reached the spirit transformation realm. The legion still has 500,000 cave heaven realm reserves, and they will lose 5 million to the cave heaven realm.

All he needs to do is open the teleportation array, and the billions of humans behind him are his most powerful backing.

Billions of humans are no match for Demon Spirit Lake, but they are enough to cheer for him and sit in the rear.

"Crackling" sound of electric shock sounded, Shi Lei's whole body was surrounded by purple divine thunder, and half of the sky turned into a purple thunder field.

He did not hesitate too much, and used three things at once, using the thunder and lightning magic, black magic and kunpeng magic at the same time, turning into a bolt of lightning and rushing towards the spider army. (End of chapter)

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