At the same time, the legion behind Shi Lei took out the prepared formation base from the storage bag. Before the spider legion could attack, they assembled countless magic formations and opened the teleportation formations in mid-air.

For this battle, Shi Lei spent several years of accumulation of the army. It is not an exaggeration to say that the battle went bankrupt, but Shi Lei did not regret it because of his heavy pupil value.

With just a few breaths, Shi Lei rushed into the spider army with all his strength, as if he was in a deserted place.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, several powerful spiders stepped forward to stop them. The 'bang' magic skills collided fiercely. The runes in the sky were shattered, and the five-color glow shone. Poof, Shi Lei crossed the energy center with his body and directly penetrated a huge spider. .

Seeing this, several other powerful spiders quickly shouted in a hoarse voice: "This person is a powerful person at the Venerable level. Please call on the Venerable Ancestor!"

Poof, a big spider in the formation realm was killed by Shi Lei's formation.

"The Venerable Ancestor is currently encircling Xiaoshi in the Virtual God Realm and is currently unable to escape!" A voice came from the depths of the Demon Spirit Lake.

'Boom', 'Whoosh', 'Crackling'... Various energy attacks came out from the teleportation array, covering the spider army that was disrupted by Shi Lei.

The spider legions formed small square formations to fight on their own, each using their magic to resist.

"What? What time is it? It's not important to surround Xiaoshi. What's important is to let the ancestors come out quickly to protect our clan's foundation!" A strong man in the formation realm shouted loudly.

Shi Lei was not the only one who was interested in Shi Yi's body.

The shout successfully attracted Shi Lei's attention. He turned around, turned a corner and rushed towards the formation-level expert who spoke.


Things get more complicated!
Gan! It's all because of the sudden appearance of these venerables that makes the battlefield complicated.

The shouts of killing were continuous, and they all contained the power of the Venerable.

There is no Exalted level expert to resist Shi Lei, the formation has been disrupted by Shi Lei, and there is another large legion that is constantly attacking. The Spider Legion cannot form a large formation to withstand the Exalted level attack.

Shi Lei thought for a moment, stopped attacking suddenly, and slowly retreated with his legion. Soon after, the teleportation altar was opened, and the legion began to retreat slowly.

The charge was extremely tragic!

"Come in, you and I will have our creation right in front of us. The man with double eyes and the supreme bone, if we have it in hand, who can be the enemy?!"

This kind of roar shook the forbidden area. It was the roar of the Venerable. The sound was like thunder, making many people's souls tremble.

"Kill~~" Before Shi Lei could fully enjoy it, a murderous shout came out, which changed the noisy sound of the battlefield and clearly reached the ears of everyone on the battlefield.

"Charge, hold back the humans." The spiders shouted one after another and launched a death charge towards Shi Lei.


The expressions of Shi Lei and the venerables present changed slightly, the venerable of Demon Spirit Lake returned.

Both sides feel like they are throwing a weapon at each other!
I don’t know how much time had passed, but an exciting cheer suddenly came from the depths of Demon Spirit Lake.

Suddenly, the entire battlefield was illuminated by a red light beam, making the already blood-red battlefield even more terrifying.

The war situation has developed like this, and the effectiveness of the legion has become less.

Shi Lei shouted happily and accelerated the killing pace.

"Boom!" Unexpectedly, the red light beam did not hit the legion's protective shield, but bombarded the spiders in Demon Lake.

The spider clan is here to protect their homeland, just like Shi Lei is a big demon who wiped out the clan. If you don't know the truth, you may label Shi Lei as a villain.

After finally clearing out several array formations, Shi Lei, who was planning to march straight in, could only retreat in front of the legion and advance and retreat with his legion.

They can only use human lives to fill it, to fight, and to delay time.


There was no way. During the last trip to Kunpeng's nest, their young venerable disappeared and did not return. There was only one old venerable in the entire group. Now that the old venerable was dragged into the Void God Realm, no one could resist Shi Lei's attack.

Quite decisive!

Shi Lei's army immediately became vigilant and strengthened the protective formation, making the protective shield a little more solid in preparation for the Venerable's attack.

"Hahaha... cool!"

The Venerable returned, and some powerful magic circles in Demonic Lake were activated.

Shi Lei stood in front of the altar, looking into the depths of the Demonic Lake. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. He was full of reluctance, as if he was unwilling after the plan failed. He was pretending to show it to the venerables. He was secretly preparing the Kunpeng Art. He plans to use the miraculous power of Kunpeng's magic to snatch the double pupil.

Shi Lei smiled at this. The spider's tragedy made him feel very happy. Those who bully others will always be bullied.

Shi Lei was also stunned. Didn't the double-eyed woman directly rush into the Demonic Lake to snatch Shi Yi's body?
Where did this group of venerables come from?
I wanted to snatch the double pupil before the girl with the double pupil, but something happened at this time.

In the past, Demon Spirit Lake bullied Shi Hao and hunted him down. Now the situation has changed and it is time for him to take revenge.

This is where the Venerable came.

In just a few breaths, the powerful man in the formation realm was killed by Shi Lei.

"I'm entangled in the pebbles and I can't get out for the time being." A hoarse shout came from the depths of Demon Lake.

There were shouts of killing Zhentian in the Demon Spirit Lake. One after another, big spiders were as big as hills, and their eyes were red from the killing. Now that the enemy has invaded, they are in danger. .
No one thought that a forbidden place inherited from ancient times would encounter a disaster today, just because of a powerful body that attracted the covetousness of the venerable.

Although the newly appeared Venerable has been killing the spider legions, at this time he also released a trace of spiritual energy to stare closely at Shi Lei and the legion behind him, ready to attack at any time.

"Come on, disciples, hold the enemy back until the Venerable returns. The Venerable will avenge us." A large spider in the Formation Realm rushed towards Shi Lei, and it charged extremely resolutely for the sake of its clansmen.

This scene reminded them of the time when they besieged Butian Pavilion, except that their identities were swapped, and they became the party being besieged.


Demon Lake wouldn't give him time to prepare before, but it's different now!

After the battle in the Virtual God Realm, people saw how amazingly talented Dashi was. The two talents and magical powers in him shocked the past and the present. If that little stone wasn't so evil, how many people in the world would be able to check and balance him in the future?

In fact, this battle had already broken out. As soon as the battle between the two stones in the Void God Realm ended, someone sneaked up to seize the body, but they encountered resistance. After all, this is the ancestral land of the Demon Spider lineage, and there are various restrictions, which seriously damages the invading strong men and delays them until more people arrive.


The sky is shattering and the earth is shattering, all kinds of magic weapons are flying, emitting powerful fluctuations, many temple ruins are waiting to explode, and the sky is overturned here.

The mountain gate has long been destroyed. Some sages broke in and started killing. Many big spiders were bleeding on the spot, and there were corpses everywhere.

However, the Demonic Spider Clan has a very strong foundation. The ancestral formation has been revived, and a complex formation has been constructed, and the light that reaches into the sky has swept away the enemies in the outside world.


At this time, the Lord of Demon Spirit Lake is an old man. He has been practicing Taoism for many years and has a profound Taoist practice. He has personally taught Shi Yi many magic skills. He has always had some other "ideas" in his heart. He did not expect that so many people would come to grab it today.

He never thought that Shi Yi would lose, but was killed by Xiao Shi, and ended up with this result.

The physical body of the person who has obtained the Double Eyes is naturally a great blessing. If he can match his spirit, he may be able to become invincible in the world if he practices with this physical body in the future. Of course, it is also accompanied by great dangers, and you will be destroyed physically and mentally at every turn. After all, changing your body is too risky, and not many people dare to do it.

The Lord of Demon Spirit Lake hopes to cultivate Shi Yi, but he will not take away this supreme treasure unless absolutely necessary. Unfortunately, Shi Yi died in battle today, leaving him with no choice. This body has attracted the covetousness of outsiders.

"They are all sages who have little life left or have hidden diseases. Their future has been cut off, so they come here to fight for it. The most important thing is that they were greatly touched when they watched the battle in the Virtual God Realm. The double pupils and the supreme bones turned out to be It can be so powerful." A big spider said from the side.

This is a disaster for Demon Spirit Lake. If the lake defense formation had not been activated, the place would have been filled with steam, filled with precious energy, and densely covered with runes. It would have been destroyed long ago.

Even so, there were sages who came in and destroyed one formation after another.


Blood is flowing, figures are flying, and the magic is astonishing. "boom!"

High in the sky, a spider web appeared, glittering and translucent, dotted with the sun, moon and stars, rumbling, covering an invading Venerable, and then began to refine.

"No, the remnant formation left by a god has revived and started to refine us!" Someone shouted. Although they have invaded, they are in danger every step of the way. After all, this is the ancestral land of the Demon Spider Clan, and the magic formation is surrounded by magic. Formation, runes intertwined with runes, too many backhands.

There had been a war between saints and a war between gods, and it was not destroyed in such a catastrophe, so it was naturally remarkable.

Although one of the magic formations was damaged due to disrepair over time, it was not those powerful men from ancient times who came to attack today, so the Demonic Spirit Lake was not destroyed.

"Old spider, how dare you...ah!"

The Venerable in the net screamed, his whole body glowed with fire. After he was covered by the intertwined remnants of the God's net, he could not escape at all. He was quickly refined and began to burn.

"This..." Everyone gasped.

This is too scary, a respected person is about to die.


A burst of fire rose up, and a monstrous wave erupted there. A true venerable exploded into pieces and turned into a divine fire, burning blazingly.

The death of a character of this level in battle has a great impact and makes many people extremely fearful. Demonic Lake is indeed not a kind place and is difficult to eradicate.

"Hand over that body!" someone shouted.

Although some powerful monks died, people still refused to retreat. Some people became even more crazy. Blood splashed from time to time, and the Demon Spirit Lake suffered heavy losses.

The Venerable's invasion, and it is not a force, is destined to make this place a river of blood. Although there is a restriction to protect it, the Demon Spider Clan has also suffered heavy losses. If this continues, they will be exterminated.

Although the one who came was not an ancient power, there was no master of that level in Demon Spirit Lake now, and it was in decline.

"Puff", "puff"...

Heads rolled off, blood surged into the sky, the Demon Spirit Lake was dyed red with blood, and the Spider Legion suffered heavy casualties and was constantly killed.

Of course, outsiders also suffered great losses.

Various taboo magic circles appeared, and a respected person died in the outside world. It can be said that this battle was a fierce fight, with real fire coming out, and many people's eyes were red.

In the sky, there are dense cobwebs, which are composed of the most powerful symbols. One after another, they hang in the sky, killing all directions.

The battle became more and more fierce, with blood on the ground and many corpses lying on the ground.


A suspended ancient palace exploded to pieces, indicating that a powerful venerable broke into the center of the Demonic Lake.

High in the sky, there is a particularly magnificent Central Heavenly Palace, which is the most important place in Demon Spirit Lake. All inheritances are there, and Shi Yi's physical body is also here.

"Hey, no, who is that woman?!" someone exclaimed.

A woman appeared on the battlefield and walked forward. The formations could not stop her steps. One step was thousands of feet long, she walked through the bloody ancient land and arrived at the center of the Demonic Lake.

"Who is this person?" Even the Venerable was surprised. He turned to look and saw someone taking action.

However, this woman is very special. She shrunk to the ground and avoided those terrible attacks in a few seconds. No magic spell hit her.

Everyone was awestruck. This woman was absolutely powerful and not an ordinary person. If she wanted to gain something here, she would definitely be a strong opponent.

She was dressed in gray clothes, with big sleeves fluttering, covering her proud figure, and giving her a mysterious aura. If you look closely, you will see that her clothes are very old and belong to ancient styles, which are rare in today's era.

A strand of hair was disheveled, covering her fair and pretty face, making it difficult to see her true face. However, when the breeze blew, the smaller half of her face that was revealed was enough to be amazing.

It was a dream-like fairy face. Although it was not the whole picture, it could be expected that it must be extremely beautiful, perhaps only Fairy Yuechan and the Witch could rival it.

The wind blew her hair aside, and in a quick glance, I saw those pupils, with hazy water mist, occasionally conveying the power of time, which made people's hearts tremble.

When she stepped, it didn't look very fast, but each step fell thousands of feet away, and the entire battlefield seemed to suddenly become smaller, which was shocking.

"This is shrinking the ground into an inch, it's an ancient magical power!" Someone narrowed his eyes.

Some venerables saw that this was by no means an approximate supernatural power, nor was it an exaggerated description, but a real magical power that shrunk to the size of an inch and manifested in the world.

You know, this kind of magic can operate to the extreme, so fast that it is unimaginable. It is known as one of the fastest speeds in the world, enough to tie with Kunpeng's speed.


A large seal fell, with five colors of auspicious colors flowing and thousands of silk ribbons hanging down. The seal turned into a huge sacred mountain, covering the sky and covering the woman.

"Suppress the Earth Seal!" someone exclaimed.

This is a powerful treasure, and it is very famous among treasure seals. In ancient times, it was famous such as the Heaven-turning Seal and the Earth-Suppressing Seal, which complement each other.

However, when the woman faced the pressure of the big seal, a symbol appeared in her palm like her bare hands, directly holding up the majestic mountain and shaking it away.

With a bang, the five-color mountain flew up, its falling light illuminated the sky, and it was thrown away from the battlefield.

"Although it is not an ancient earth-suppressing seal, it is still a rare magic weapon, but it was thrown away. This woman is so powerful, where did she come from?" Many people's eyebrows jumped, which attracted the attention of the venerable.

"It's her!" Old Demon Spider, the owner of Demon Spirit Lake, his pupils shrank sharply as he recognized the woman because he had received a detailed report.

When Shi Yi escaped from the ancient holy courtyard, Venerable Golden Spider of Demon Spirit Lake saw a mysterious woman following him out, but he couldn't see through it at all.

But then the woman disappeared and her whereabouts were unknown. Even the Golden Spider didn't see clearly how she left. After returning to Demon Spirit Lake, she drew a picture and told her all this.

Now the owner of Demon Spirit Lake was naturally surprised when he saw her. He was sure that it was the woman who had arrived. She seemed to have amazing magical powers that were difficult to predict.


The magic circle of gods fell. Although it was incomplete, the spider web was still very powerful and difficult for people to contend with. However, this woman's body was very flexible and she made several incredible movements and passed through the gaps in the big web.

The symbols and patterns of the ancient magic circle were just pushed away by a layer of soft light on her body, and were completely dissolved.

The woman took one step forward and climbed to the central heavenly palace hanging in the sky. She stepped on the jade steps to enter the ancient palace.

Everyone gasped, this woman was so powerful, it was like entering an uninhabited land, and the venerables from all sides came to attack. Although they broke into the Demon Spirit Lake and destroyed many palaces, no one has been able to climb to the Central Heavenly Palace.

And as soon as she arrived, she made such a move, which was really terrifying. She crossed the battlefield, avoided the ancient formation, and quickly reached her destination.


Baoguang was flying, magical weapons were rushing around, and the sky was almost boiling. Not only the people from Demon Lake, but also some sages took action to seduce the woman and prevent her from succeeding.

However, in front of the Heavenly Palace, she once again used the magic power of shrinking into an inch, retreating and advancing for a while, dazzling those who watched, and stepped out of the avenue with the roar of the sound.

"Oh my god, she didn't touch the runes, she just entered the formation and walked into the Central Heavenly Palace!"

People marveled that she had avoided everyone's attack, and all the divine light and magic weapons were blasted on the heavenly palace. After the formation was resurrected, she fought back against the heroes.

"Stop her!"

The old spider of Demon Spirit Lake roared, many people came forward, and there was chaos in the Central Heavenly Palace.

The ancient formation revived, and the ancestral weapons roared, shaking the world. This place was about to become a land of calamity.

However, this woman was too fast. She seemed to be taking steps lightly, but when she took one step, it seemed that the stars had passed, the mountains and rivers had changed, and she came to a futon. (End of chapter)

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