The blood of the perfect world spreads all over the sky

Chapter 320: Plunder the bloodline of Double Eyes and open up 3 caves

There was a young man sitting cross-legged with crystal clear skin. It was Shi Yi, but he had no mental fluctuations, his eyes were closed, and he was motionless.

The owner of Demon Spirit Lake personally stopped him, but when the woman flicked her sleeves, she flew up like clouds and mist, and landed in the distance. He was stunned in shock.

It was obvious that the opponent's cultivation level was better than his, but he didn't know what level he had truly reached. This was a mysterious woman who couldn't see through the depth.

Suddenly, his expression changed dramatically. He saw a white light flash out of thin air. Shi Yi's body and the futon he sat on disappeared simultaneously. The white light penetrated the space and disappeared out of thin air.

The mysterious woman who had just beaten away the owner of Demonic Lake also reacted. Her eyes shot out a divine light and shot toward the lightning in the sky. At the same time, the mysterious woman's figure flashed, the sun and moon turned upside down, and she disappeared.

A loud "bang" sound came from the horizon. The venerables saw the mysterious woman disappearing and appearing on the horizon. A corpse fell out of the void. Who else could it be if it wasn't Shi Yi.

The mysterious woman looked at the shriveled Shi Yi, frowning slightly, and the divine blood disappeared. Suddenly her expression became extremely ugly, she took a step forward, her figure disappeared, and she was already chasing the white light.

Because Shi Yi's double pupils were poached.

If she just lost the divine blood, she could still accept it, but if she lost the double pupils, the cost of rebuilding the double pupils with Shi Yi's divine blood would be too high!

Think about how many pure-blooded creatures Shi Hao ate before he could revive the Supreme Bone.

"Boom!" There was a loud sound, and the mysterious woman appeared outside a green barrier.

She finally said her first words after appearing: "How could there be such a person in the lower world?"

As soon as she finished speaking, her eyes bloomed with brilliant rays of light, turning into two colorful light pillars that hit the green barrier.

"Bang!" The green barrier was shattered, but there was no trace of white light behind the barrier.

The mysterious woman's expression condensed, and her eyes bloomed with white holy light. Wherever the white holy light passed, the space rippled, and then the most original scene of the space appeared, a dark nothingness.

The white holy light scanned back and forth several times, but found no trace of the thief.

"Is it an 'immortal' to be able to hide traces under the power of the double pupil?" The mysterious woman's expression changed drastically, and finally turned into a sigh. She lowered her head and looked at Shi Yi who was holding it in her left hand, and sighed: "It's not easy to get a double pupil. I didn’t expect such a bad fate!”

As soon as she finished speaking, she took a step forward, causing the sun, moon, mountains and rivers to turn upside down and disappear into the air.

"Too fast, unbelievable!" A group of people were shocked. What was the origin of this woman and that white light? They actually crossed such a battlefield and took Shi Yi away directly.

Not only the people in Demon Spirit Lake were in a daze, but also the sages were speechless.

The ancient magic circle in Demon Spirit Lake did not play its due role and never stopped this woman's footsteps. She avoided all the killing runes as if she was in a deserted place.

The venerables outside were not angry. They came all the way to start the war, and finally fought their way in. They were about to succeed, but in the end, someone intercepted the Wushang treasure body.

"Hurry up!" someone shouted.

This is too outrageous. Everyone came to this field, blood was spilled in the Demon Spirit Lake, and there were many corpses. But in the end, such a mysterious woman was killed halfway and took away Shi Yi's body. Who could be willing to do so?

Many figures chased after them into the vast wilderness, but the figures were indistinct. Where to find them? The woman in gray is too fast.

She took one step, and the sun, moon, mountains and rivers were turned upside down, beyond the reach of human beings. Her big sleeves fluttered, and she disappeared at the end of the horizon in the blink of an eye.

There are countless mountains, and the peaks rise one after another. Some venerable masters control the treasures, like streams of light, traveling through the major mountains, searching the mountains and rivers, but there is no trace.

Just like that, she left Demon Spirit Lake and seemed to disappear from the world.

"It's not that we are not fast enough, it's that she is too fast. Unless she learns the Kunpeng method, only a few magical powers can match her." Someone sighed.

Those venerables who came over beat their chests and stamped their feet, but they were really unwilling to be picked off the peaches like this.

Of course, if we say who is the most depressed, it must be the people of Demon Spirit Lake. Shi Yi was originally their "seed" and was placed with great hopes. Even if he died in battle, his body should belong to them.

But now he is watching the woman take away Shi Yi's body, unable to stop him at all.

Some people are going crazy. They have been working in vain, all parties have suffered heavy losses, and in the end they have gained nothing. It is really hard to cry without tears.

The strong men searched, but there was nothing in this vast wilderness. The woman in gray clothes had already left the dust, leaving everyone extremely disappointed.

"Ah..." an old sage yelled. He was dying soon. He wanted to fight for a future, but he couldn't hold his breath.

"That's the big stone among the two stones. The supreme body that's hard to find in the world is just gone!" Another old man with a hidden body disease clenched his fists.

"Hateful, damn it!" In the Devil's Lake, the clan's curses continued, resentful of the old sages and extremely hostile to the mysterious woman.

In the end, it was all in vain, and no one gained anything.

Soon after, the outsiders retreated, and the faces of everyone in Demon Spirit Lake were ashen. They were almost wiped out, but they got nothing. How could they feel so embarrassed?

Soon, the results of this battle spread, and there was an uproar in various places. As soon as the war in the Void God Realm ended, the Demon Spirit Lake was robbed. The occurrence of such a battle between the Lords caused an uproar.

Many people regretted not rushing to the scene and not seeing the battle at Devil's Lake. It was really a pity.

The wilderness is turbulent and it is difficult to calm down, because this series of events is so shocking that the whole world is shocked.

In a battle in the Virtual God Realm, the two stones decided the winner, which shocked the world. Shi Yi died in the battle, and Shi Hao climbed to the top and became the only young supreme in the wilderness.

What is the Supreme? Naturally, there is only one, no one can compare with it!

Now, even pure-blooded creatures cannot compare with him. In that battle, Shi Hao's performance was worthy of being possessed by a god. He was able to overwhelm his peers and was difficult to rival among people of this generation in the wilderness.

"The big stone has passed away, and the small stone is in the sky. Who can compete with it?" This is the sigh of people.

But what if we jump out of the wilderness? People are not sure anymore. After all, after the Shuangshi War, there are people who dare to challenge the domain envoy. There will be a big storm in the future.

"The god-level arena will truly appear, and the time when the geniuses from all regions will collide is not far away."

Then people thought that the wilderness would be in chaos, and their hearts would become even more difficult to calm down. There would be disputes in the world, and perhaps a very terrible period was coming.

But referring to history, in this era it is most likely to produce unparalleled strong men. The so-called genius emerges from troubled times, and this is exactly what it is.

There is a lot of disturbance and noise from the outside world!
"It's a pity that Dashi, regardless of his character and surname, his talent alone is enough to be proud of the past and present, but he died young. God is jealous of talents."

These turmoils are more violent than people imagined. All the major sects are talking about it, and several ancient countries are also talking about it. Wherever there are monks, these topics are inevitable.

"Xiao Shi is really ridiculously powerful. Before the war, a few people were optimistic about him, thinking that he was innately deficient and would be killed by Dashi. What was the result? Everyone was wrong."


The outside world has been boiling for many days, and it is still difficult to calm down, but all this has nothing to do with Shi Cun for the time being.

Shi Lei had returned to Stone Village, holding Shi Yi's eyes in his left hand. As soon as he teleported out, he found himself surrounded by the villagers of Stone Village.

"Where's Shi Hao?" Shi Lei looked around and didn't see Shi Hao's figure. "He went to get treatment. Are you okay?" the village chief asked with concern.

Shi Lei wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said loudly: "It's okay."

Perhaps because she was worried about damaging Shi Yi's body, the double-eyed girl did not attack with all her strength, and the power of the attack was still within the realm of the Venerable.

Fortunately, his Kunpeng magic was not defeated.

Even so, he was still injured by the girl with double eyes and had to give up Shi Yi's body and take the opportunity to escape.

"You'd better go sit down and heal your wounds!" The village chief didn't believe Shi Lei's words.

The village chief turned to the villagers and said, "You all should leave too!"

"Okay, thank you, village chief." Shi Lei walked directly to the mountain behind the village, where there was a cave for retreat.

After choosing a deserted cave, Shi Lei walked in.

He could feel that the girl with double pupil had done something inside his body. If Liu Shen hadn't wiped out the traces, the girl with double pupil would have found her.

Half a month later, Shi Lei used Willow Wood Heart to erase the mark of the double-eyed girl, and began to use bloodline to plunder the bloodline.


The plunder was successful, the bloodline was completed, and a new bloodline - Double Eyes was obtained. 】

Ten days later, the system allowed the blood of the double pupil to integrate into itself, and his pupils underwent special changes, directly evolving into double pupil.

"Tsk tsk...I thought I was going to absorb Shi Yi's double pupils! I didn't expect that I would grow them."

"That's not bad, you can refine the Double Eyes into a Noble Phantasm."

"And I feel that my cultivation talent has grown several times, and the way of heaven and earth is clearer in my eyes."

After the double pupils grew out, he could see the avenues of heaven and earth, the clearest of which were the avenue with the character 'Thunder' and the avenue with the character '生', and the avenue with the character 'Fire' ranked second.

The avenues that have been opened to the sky can be seen, while the avenues that have not been opened are also faintly visible.

"Boom." A new ordinary cave opened.

A year later, Shi Lei finally opened all the caves that could be opened. The number of caves exceeded 3,000, but the number of avenues he saw far exceeded 3,000. Among them, he sensed some weird avenues that were incompatible with this universe, as if The tarsal insect is eating away at the avenue of the universe, and part of the avenue has collapsed and become weird.

This is……

The avenue of this universe is no longer complete!
It seems that we need to find supplements from other universes.

Shaking his head slightly, Shi Lei unfolded his magical eyes and continued to search for a road that was not connected to the cave. If he found a new one, he would open a cave.

With the Xuanwu Treasure, he does not lack the energy to open ordinary caves, and he can also withstand a large number of caves.

He has not practiced for many years, and Shi Lei is obsessed with opening up the cave and has no knowledge of the outside world.

Not sure how long it had been, Shi Lei's heart palpitated suddenly.

He opened his eyes suddenly and saw a green barrier. Outside the barrier, Yue Chan and the girls were sitting cross-legged.

Shi Lei showed a puzzled expression, stood up, walked to the barrier, stretched out his hand to touch the green barrier, and the green barrier continued to shrink, eventually turning into an emerald willow branch.

Seeing the willow branches, he suddenly had a bad premonition. He stared at Yu Zimo and asked, "Where is the Willow God?"

"Liu Shen and several cult leaders entered a portal and never came back." Yu Zimo quickly replied.

Shi Lei's expression changed. Liu Shen left without notifying him. Was it because he was obsessed with cultivation?

Sigh... Although he knew that Liu Shen would leave sooner or later, he was still very reluctant to leave.

After a long time, Shi Lei came back to his senses and asked Yu Zimo: "Why are you all staying here?"

The witch on the side stood up and cursed: "Stay here, we are imprisoned here for easy attack. Then leave as long as the old woman leaves. She imprisoned us here before leaving. She is really your good master." Ah! Is it the secret of her teaching that you like women so much? Why don’t you drill her into the wood?”

"That's enough!" Shi Lei shouted loudly, and the invisible force spread out, instantly suppressing the witch.

"You...why are you so strong?" The witch pointed at Shi Lei and asked in shock.

"Hmph!" Shi Lei snorted coldly, came to the side of the witch, and connected his fingers on her body, confining the witch's spiritual power, blood, and soul.

Perhaps because he had been in seclusion for too long, the seal was somewhat loose.

"You... wow wow... you are really mad at me... I almost broke through the seal, why are you leaving now?" The witch screamed angrily and kicked Shi Lei, but Shi Lei dodged it.

"Even if you break the seal, you can't get out. The most important thing is that the four of you together can't beat me." Shi Lei had already discovered that Liu Shen had arranged more than one layer of barrier, and there was another layer outside.

"Hmph, you'd better be careful and don't let me break the seal, or you'll be in trouble." The witch said unhappily.

She knew what Shi Lei said was true. Liu Shen's old monster of unknown age was too strong and they couldn't break through the barrier at all. But it was still possible to defeat Shi Lei, but Shi Lei left the barrier too early and she hadn't broken through yet. seal.

"Don't resist, I will strengthen your imprisonment." Shi Lei warned.

Perhaps because they knew they were no match for Shi Lei, the three women did not resist, and allowed Shi Lei to restrain their majestic consciences. After he finished, he still groped around and checked the three women.

Finally, Shi Lei turned his attention to Yue Chan and said doubtfully: "You are very quiet. This is very wrong!"

Yu Zimo didn't react when her conscience was violated because she had already been conquered by Shi Lei.

Yun Xi's conscience was offended and her body subconsciously dodged, but to a small extent.

But Yuechan is too quiet, something is wrong!
"My resistance will only arouse your desire to conquer!" Yuechan explained coldly.

"Really?" Shi Lei touched his chin, showing a suspicious look, and then his eyes emitted white light, shining on Yue Chan, carefully exploring everything about Yue Chan, not missing any detail.

Yuechan's expression changed and she wanted to dodge, but then she remembered something and resisted the urge to dodge.

After a cup of tea, Shi Lei showed a look of sudden realization, "So it turns out that he is worthy of being the proud man of the upper world. He was able to hide some tricks under my imprisonment, causing several flaws in my imprisonment."

"Bang, bang, bang." Shi Lei connected several points on Yuechan's conscience and repaired several flaws.

"Phew." Suddenly, Shi Lei dodged and came behind the witch. (End of chapter)

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