"Hao'er, stop it, this is a misunderstanding! Shi Lei is your sworn brother." Qin Yining quickly came out to resolve the conflict.

She was also frightened by the scene in front of her. Why did Shi Lei injure three nobles of the Qin clan in the blink of an eye?
Is Shi Lei so strong?
If Shi Lei had come out of seclusion as soon as possible, maybe Shi Hao wouldn't be injured.

"Mother, I'm sorry, Shi Lei bullied my Qin clan. I don't recognize him as my sworn brother. He must pay the price today!" Qin Hao was majestic and did not flinch.

"It just so happened that the Qin Clan bullied Shi Hao. I don't recognize you Qin Clan either. Today just happened to teach the Qin Clan a lesson. But now I'm going to give my foster mother a face. As long as you get out of the way, I'll treat it as if nothing happened." Shi Lei's lips curled up slightly. He raised his eyebrows and looked at Qin Hao steadily.

"Arrogant! This is the Qin clan, and you will not be allowed to be arrogant!" Qin Hao waved his silver halberd, preparing to take action.

"Then let's fight!" Shi Lei was too lazy to talk to an unreasonable child.

Both sides are at war with each other and are about to take action.

"Hao'er, take off your clothes." A noble from the Qin tribe suddenly said.

"Hao'er, come back!" The other two sages also echoed.

Shi Lei defeated them with just a few breaths, Qin Hao was no match.

Qin Hao is the future of the Qin clan, and they cannot let anything happen to Qin Hao.

"Ancestor?" Qin Hao's expression changed, he waved the silver halberd in his hand again, and said, "Ancestor, I can do it."

"He is several years older than you, and he has mastered the Kunpeng treasure technique. You are not as strong as him, and your treasure technique is not as good as him. Come back!" A Qin clan venerable told the truth.

Qin Hao's expression was full of unwillingness. He knew what his ancestor said was true, but he really couldn't stand Shi Lei bullying the Qin clan so much today.

"Hao'er, stop it! Lei'er, you should also apologize to the ancestors and let's get over what happened today." Qin Yining said again.

Shi Lei frowned slightly, but finally gave Qin Yining some face, cupped his hands and said, "I'm sorry, you were injured by using too much force during the sparring just now."

"Take me to see Shi Hao now!"

The three ancestors breathed a sigh of relief and said to a middle-aged man from the Qin tribe: "Take him to see Shi Hao."

Shi Lei nodded and followed the middle-aged man in. Qin Yining said to Qin Hao, "I'll go see your brother first."

After the three people left, the three sages secretly sent messages and asked whether to activate the clan's grand formation.

After a few minutes of discussion, the idea of ​​activating the formation was finally given up.

Now they don't know the limit of Shi Lei's strength, so they can't take action rashly.

After a cup of tea, Shi Lei landed in front of a palace. Outside the palace was guarding a powerful man of the Venerable level, who was guarding Shi Hao.

"I am Shi Lei, Shi Hao's brother." Shi Lei spoke concisely.

The venerable guard showed curiosity and looked at Qin Yining next to him.

Qin Yining nodded.

"Please come in, we have been waiting for you for a long time." The Venerable moved out of the way.

After many rounds of questioning, Shi Lei led Qin Yining to Shi Hao's bed.

War King, Peng King and others were guarding here, casting wary glances at Shi Lei.

But they did not ask again. The guards outside had already asked many times, so there was no need to ask again.

Shi Lei glanced at everyone in the room, exuding a powerful aura, like Xuanwu coming to the world, with rich vitality radiating out.

"You guys get out of the way first, I want to treat Shi Hao."

The War King and the Peng King looked at each other and stepped aside at the same time, but they also prepared their magic skills at the same time so that they could take action immediately if something unexpected happened.

Shi Lei stepped forward and directly input the rich life essence.

After being baptized by Xuanwu, his life source level was two levels higher than Shi Hao's.

The wounds on Shi Hao's surface disappeared visibly to the naked eye.

War King and Peng King breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

An hour later, Shi Hao woke up.

"Brother, you're here!"

"Yes, I'm here. You should have asked me to come out during the battle!"

"I didn't know they were that strong! Otherwise, I would ask you to come out of seclusion." Shi Hao shook his head helplessly and said weakly.

The immortal golden body, the Kunpeng treasure technique, the Suzaku treasure technique, the Xuanwu treasure technique, the source of life, the small tower, and the supreme bone. He had so many methods, but he never thought that he would die.

"Brother, take me back to Stone Village!"

"Your Majesty..." War King and Peng King said at the same time.

"Hao'er!" Qin Yining grabbed his hand and refused to let him leave.

Shi Hao comforted weakly and said: "Mother, don't cry. Thank you for your kindness in raising me, but I can't repay you. I really don't want my brother's bones. I... have experienced this, how can I let him experience it too!"

Qin Yining burst into tears, extremely sad.

Shi Ziling clenched his fists and roared in a low voice. This is a difficult choice in life, and it is difficult for anyone to choose.

"War King, Peng King, help me up." Shi Hao said, his eyes lacked the glory of the past, they were no longer heroic, and his condition was very serious at this time.

Several old kings helped him up and guarded him.

"I have already met my father and mother. I feel very warm here. I have no regrets." Shi Hao whispered to his parents, with bloodshot eyes at the corners of his mouth. Then he turned his head and looked at the old kings and said, "I still have another one." My wish is that I would be buried not far from Shicun, and I would like to stay there after my death.”

"Your Majesty!" The war king said sadly.

This was the most amazing young man in the world, but he ended up in such a situation, which makes people sad. He should have been so glorious and soaring to the heavens, but he ended up dying young.

"Your Majesty, you will definitely get better."

They didn't know how to comfort him, and the princes also came forward and looked at him, very sad.

"Originally destined to be honored in the world, who can resist, why is this happening?!" They were all unwilling, angry for Shi Hao, and felt regretful.

"Let's go back to Shicun." Shi Hao said softly.

"You can't move. He can't cross the void in this state, and he can't bear that kind of torment." Shi Ziling spoke and stopped everyone.

The King of War and the King of Ming nodded one after another. Shi Hao was in such a bad state that he could not be taken away, otherwise he would probably die on the road.

"As long as I'm here, it doesn't matter." Shi Lei stretched out his hand and input a massive amount of life essence.

The unique vitality escaped from Shi Hao's broken body, and the expressions of everyone in the palace changed. An impulse appeared in their hearts, and they wanted to go forward and eat Shi Lei and Shi Hao.

Shi Lei's vitality was so abundant, as if he were a natural treasure walking in the world, and he would feel as if he were in heaven after taking one breath. Fortunately, the people present were all people with great perseverance and were able to suppress their impulses deep in their hearts.

Soon, Shi Hao became better.

Soon, Shi Lei stopped casting spells and said solemnly to Shi Hao: "The green rust-like curse runes are becoming more dense and integrated into the depths of your bones. With my current attainments, it is difficult to eradicate them. I can only try my best to delay you now." The time of death.”

Although he had expected it, he didn't expect that even he couldn't do anything about it.

The realm is still too low, and the research on runes is not deep enough.

"We have prepared the Nirvana Pool, maybe we can give it a try." The War King suddenly said.

"No need to try, please take me back to Shicun!" Shi Hao shook his head. Shi Lei couldn't do anything, and the Nirvana Pond wouldn't be useful either.

"Try it! If you don't give it a try, they won't be willing to accept it." Shi Lei had different ideas.

Shi Hao's eyes swept across the faces of War King and others, and nodded in agreement: "Okay, let's give it a try."


This time, the kings of the Stone Kingdom brought too many medicinal herbs and bags of elixirs, which were piled up like grain.

The three great sages, Shi Ziling, and Qin Yining consulted several miraculous doctors, studied it carefully, and decided to create a Nirvana Pond to give it a try.

There is a kind of Nirvana method in Bulao Mountain, which is called Five Elements Nirvana.

Now that there are enough medicinal pills, Qin Yining personally arranged it to create the most perfect nirvana pool, baptize Shi Hao's body, restore his vitality, and try to make him nirvana.

"Now that the condition has improved, maybe it can really succeed. If you add a few drops of the Fountain of Youth, the effect will be even better." The King of War also spoke.

In fact, several venerables were still holding on to the idea that if there was no other way, they hoped to use immortal bones to cure Shi Hao at the last moment.

Therefore, they are unwilling to leave. Otherwise, with the Qin clan's approach, the three great sages would have turned against each other, started a big war, and then left.

Making such a request in Bulao Mountain was a humiliation for the Qin people, but Shi Lei had just taught them a lesson and they did not dare to be presumptuous.

That night, Shi Hao sat cross-legged in the Nirvana Pool.

Major forces in the world are constantly visiting, and Burao Mountain is bustling with activity, but all the leaders and powerful men are blocked out. This night is extremely critical and no one can get close.

In the Lingchi, the auspicious air is rising, and the rays of light are flowing, like jade liquid. It is milky white at first, then appears in the color of vegetation, and then turns to earthy yellow, constantly changing.

Everyone asked Shi Hao to enter the Nirvana Pool with a drop of divine liquid in his mouth and began treatment.

His body was covered with injuries, and the bones in his body were full of cracks. As soon as he entered the pool, he was submerged in the mist, and a lot of essence rushed into his body to nourish his damaged body.

"It worked!" Everyone was delighted. Seeing Shi Hao's body glowing, his wounds squirming, and his bones making collision sounds, they all felt that it worked.

The miracle doctor Zhang Zhong frowned and looked at it carefully without saying anything.

Shi Hao closed his eyes, sat there cross-legged, and allowed several great sages to dissolve the power of the medicine and baptize his body. Such a pool of medicine would dissolve many spiritual pills, and the cost was huge!
Qin Yining and Shi Ziling were protecting the law and taking the lead personally. They knew the structure and functions of the Nirvana Pool and looked extremely nervous.

Shi Hao sighed in his heart and silently ran a technique. In order to save his parents and find his grandfather, he made a big fuss here and obtained the secret chapter of Five Elements Nirvana.

He understood that healing here had a certain effect, but in the end it still couldn't change anything. Others didn't know it, but he himself could see through it. The green rust-like curse runes became more dense and integrated into the depths of his bones, making it difficult to eradicate.

After one night, Shi Hao fell into coma several times and woke up several times, and ushered in a bright morning.

Many people stood in the distance, looking at the Nirvana Pool, waiting for the results, and stayed up all night.

"What's going on?!" Finally, when they saw the sound coming from the pool, the princes of the Stone Kingdom rushed over and asked together.

The War King shook his head with a heavy expression. The Five Elements Nirvana Pond seemed to have made Shi Hao's condition better, but he still could not get rid of those curse runes.

The three great sages looked carefully and found that as time went by, the green rust became more numerous and denser.

"Let's go!" Shi Lei said, not wanting to waste time.

"Wait a minute, several miracle doctors are discussing, and want to use magic needles to stimulate the vitality in his body. Let's listen to their final opinions." Peng Jiu said, with a bad look on his face.

Several miracle doctors discussed together, and when the results came out, everyone shook their heads, saying that there was not much hope for the last chance.

King War, King Ming, and King Peng also had ugly expressions on their faces, pacing back and forth. After all, they were disappointed and had no choice.

Shi Ziling and Qin Yining were heartbroken when they heard this. This was their child, how could they just watch it die.

"Miracle doctor, if the bones are replaced, is there any way to increase the success rate?" the two asked in a trembling voice.

Zhang Zhong has been observing Shi Hao for the past two days. He sighed softly when he heard this and said: "Shi Huang seems to have improved, but in fact he has been depleting the Supreme Blood in his body. He has a wish to extend his life, but he has not yet fulfilled it. I want to go back and take a look.”

"What?!" Many people exclaimed, how could this happen? Their faces were as white as snow.

"It's too late to transplant the immortal bone now. The supreme blood loss in the Stone Emperor's body is too serious. It is already a bit unqualified and it is difficult to nourish the bone." This is the conclusion Zhang Zhong came to.

"What?!" Everyone was trembling, their hands and feet were cold, and this wait wiped out their last thoughts.

"Let's go!" Shi Linhu roared, not caring anymore.

"Go, leave here, go back to the wilderness, go back to the Stone Kingdom, go back to our village!" The clan leader Shi Yunfeng also shouted, with tears streaming down his face and unable to restrain himself.

"Miracle doctor, is it really impossible?" Qin Yining felt as if her soul had been separated from her body, and she almost fainted. Her face was pale and without any blood.

Zhang Zhong shook his head and said: "It's a little late, the delay is too long."

"Ah..." Shi Ziling roared, his hair flying wildly, as if he was possessed by a demon, his eyes were red, he was holding a golden war spear, and he didn't know where he was going to kill.

He leaned on the war spear and knelt on one knee. His thick hair was spread out, covering his face. A powerful field emanated. Blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth. His fingers were holding the war spear, and they were also bleeding. He wanted to go crazy. .

Shi Lei shook his head, directly picked up Shi Hao, activated the Kunpeng treasure technique, and disappeared across the void.

For Shi Ziling and Qin Yining, the palms and backs of their hands were full of flesh, so hesitation was normal. Now that Qin Hao's bones were useless to Shi Hao, there was no need to hesitate.

War King, Peng King, Qin Yining and others were stunned for a moment, and then exclaimed: "Wait for us!"

The void was calm and unresponsive.

War King, Peng King and other Shiguo ministers chased him out, but no one could be found anywhere.

Seeing that Shi Ziling wanted to chase him out, Qin Yining quickly said, "You don't have to chase him, I know where Shi Cun is."

Shi Ziling stopped in mid-air, gritted his teeth, and finally did not chase after him.

After confirming that Shi Lei had really left, the miracle doctor said to Qin Yining: "Shi Lei exuded a strong breath of life that day. With such a strong life force, if he tries his best, he will definitely be able to save the Stone Emperor!"

Qin Yining's expression changed, she looked at the miracle doctor and said coldly: "Miracle doctor, don't try to affect the relationship between our mother and son!"

"Whether I am right or not, the saint knows clearly in her heart." The miracle doctor shook his head and sighed. (End of chapter)

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