In the void, Shi Lei was traveling rapidly with Shi Hao in his arms.

"Brother, I want to go back to Shiguo first."

"Go back to Shicun!" Shi Lei flatly refused.

People often came to visit Shi Hao in Bulao Mountain and offered various precious medicines to discuss treatment strategies with the King of War and others, which delayed his research too much.

He found that the curse in Shi Hao's body was getting more and more fierce. Soon, even if his life essence was rich, he would not be able to maintain Shi Hao's life. Unless he integrated himself into Shi Hao, the speed at which he could transport his life essence would always be limited. threshold, but the curse's destruction speed reached this threshold, and Shi Hao could only die.


In Stone Village, Shi Lei fell from the sky holding Shi Hao.

Patriarch Shi Yunfeng rushed up immediately and asked, "How is it?"

"I have maintained his injury for the time being, but I haven't found a cure yet. I need time to study it." Shi Lei did not hide anything and directly told the truth.

"What!! Can't you even take action?" the clan leader asked loudly.

"Yes, no." Shi Lei did not give hope randomly.

"Perhaps there is someone in Shicun's treasure house who can help." The clan leader shouted loudly.

The villagers took action, brought out various so-called ancestral artifacts, and tried everything.

Ancient tripods, dark ancient trees, and inexplicable strange rocks were all brought here.

A few days later, Qin Yining brought Shi Ziling, Qin Hao, and the miracle doctor to Shicun.

"This piece of wood... may be blood dragon wood. It is a treasure tree in itself and has been soaked in dragon blood. It is priceless!"

The miracle doctor Zhang Zhong was surprised. He studied medicine carefully and had a deep knowledge of herbs, elixirs, etc. He accidentally discovered that a dark red piece of wood turned out to be a precious sacred tree.

The medicinal liquid boiled from this kind of thing contains dragon blood essence, which may have certain miraculous effects.

"This iron lump, no, this is not an iron block, this is the body of a divine insect!" The miracle doctor Zhang Zhong looked through the "old objects" and picked up a black object that looked like an iron block. He knocked on it and made a clanging sound. .

He was quite surprised, and after careful identification, he found that it was a divine insect called the Black Gold Insect, which could be used as medicine. It was a divine insect that could only be encountered but not sought.

Obviously, this insect is an adult. Although it is only a foot long, it is full of medicinal properties. It is curled up like an iron block.

Qin Yining was shocked. The Stone Kingdom's ancestral land was really amazing back then. Such an adult insect with god-level combat power was actually killed and left in the village.

"It's amazing, it's amazing!" Shi Ziling was amazed.

"If you want to refine the Nine Transformation Divine Pill, this black gold insect is an indispensable main ingredient. Unfortunately, the materials are much different, otherwise we can try to refine it."

According to legend, once the Nine Transformations Divine Pill is refined, as long as it is taken, one can instantly become a god. This is the rarest sacred ancient medicine in the world. Since ancient times, only a few people have refined it in the lower world.

Unfortunately, to make this elixir, you need a variety of god-level herbs, otherwise you wouldn't even have to think about it. It was too ethereal, otherwise if he had this elixir, Shi Hao might actually have hope of surviving.

"This elixir is unavailable in the world. It will be difficult to see a furnace in hundreds of thousands of years." Zhang Zhong continued to shake his head.

Everyone sighed, after all, it was too illusory.

Everyone is looking through these old objects. Unfortunately, there are two surprises that are unexpected, and there are no other special herbs.

However, I did find an ancestral weapon, which was very powerful, but it was just a weapon and could not save people's lives.

The people of Shicun were depressed and lost, and there was nothing they could do.

"No, don't waste anything anymore." Shi Hao shook his head, he fully understood his situation.

Qin Yining pulled Shi Lei aside and stopped talking.

Shi Lei roughly guessed what Qin Yining meant, shook his head and explained: "Mother, I can't save Shi Hao."

"I can't remove his green bronze curse. If the curse is not removed, any precious medicine will be a waste.

Moreover, the green bronze curse is also getting deeper and deeper. I don’t know when my body will no longer be able to sustain Shi Hao’s life. "

If he can completely control Liu Muxin, maybe he can try it with Liu Muxin.

It's a pity that his level is too low and his knowledge of runes is not enough to crack it.

Qin Yining looked at Shi Lei expectantly: "Is it true that you can't be saved? But the miracle doctor said you can be saved."

Shi Lei explained seriously: "The difficulty in curing Shi Hao lies in the green bronze curse. I am not good at medicine and can only heal injuries with strong life force. If the miracle doctor can lift the green bronze curse and fight against the exhaustion of his body, I will also deliver enough life." energy.

Go over and talk to the miracle doctor! "

Qin Yining looked happy and quickly went to find the miracle doctor.

After hearing this, the miracle doctor Zhang Zhong looked very ugly, wondering why the blame had come to him again.

"Saint, I can't. I can't remove the green bronze curse."

Qin Yining turned from joy to sadness and asked, "Is there no way to remove the curse?"

"Let Shi Lei maintain Shi Hao's injury first. Over time, he may be able to find a way to relieve it."

A month later, Shi Lei finished delivering the life essence to Shi Hao again, and then frowned and said: "It won't work anymore, the green bronze curse has strengthened too fast."

It was indeed a decisive blow at the level of a god from the upper world. The curse deepened too quickly, leaving no time for Shi Lei to study it.

"Is there really nothing we can do?" Qin Yining almost cried.

"No!" Shi Lei shook his head.

In fact, he had one last solution, which was to take out Liu Muxin and give it to Shi Hao.

But knowing that Shi Hao would be resurrected, he really couldn't bear it.

This was given to him by Liu Shen.

As for the failure of Shi Hao's resurrection, this is impossible. The future ruthless emperor is monitoring the long river of time.

"You are in so much pain~~~" Qin Yining hugged Shi Hao and cried bitterly.


Half a month later, Zhang Zhong frowned and predicted that Shi Hao could live for more than a day at most, and there was no hope.

"Father, mother, I am very happy to be with you in the last moments." Shi Hao said.

The clan leader Shi Yunfeng’s voice trembled, and the entire Stone Village cried bitterly.

What's rare is that Shi Hao was always awake on the last night. In Zhang Zhong's words, this was a moment of reflection. In the last days, he might not be in a coma.

Shi Lei and Shi Hao met alone.

"Brother, I will give you the Supreme Bone. You can protect your mother and father."

Shi Lei shook his head directly and refused: "I will not ask for other people's bones. There is no need to discuss this matter again."

After saying that, he turned around and left without looking back.

Just when Shi Lei was about to walk out of the room, Shi Hao's voice sounded: "Help me call Qin Hao in."

"Okay!" Shi Lei responded and walked out.

In the dead of night, Shi Hao and Qin Hao met each other. There were no outsiders here, just the two of them.

Everything that needs to be said has been said. Shi Hao only has one request for this younger brother, and that is to take good care of his parents. At this time, there seemed to be some silence between the two.

"Brother, do you hate me?" Qin Hao asked.

"Why should I hate you? We are brothers." Shi Hao said calmly.

"I want to become stronger, become the strongest person in the world and protect my parents, but I couldn't save you this time..." Qin Hao whispered.

"I am dying soon. How can I blame you?" Shi Hao shook his head.

"If there is still time and there is no delay, I will give you the immortal bones. It will not be like this. You have two bones and you are destined to become the strongest person in the world in the future. No one will be your opponent." Qin Hao said softly.

When Shi Hao heard this, he was thoughtful, but he did not answer the question.

Qin Hao didn't speak, just nodded.

For a long time, there was no sound in the empty hall, it was very quiet, and the two fell into silence.

It was not until a long time passed that Shi Hao spoke and said, "Do you think that if a person has two supreme bones, he will be the best in the world in the future?"

"Who else can be defeated?" Qin Hao asked.

"You mentioned this question, which made me think of the upper world. Since there is more than one 'first generation', maybe someone also got the second bone." Shi Hao said.

Qin Hao was stunned. He had never heard of it. This was absolutely amazing.

Shi Hao was very serious and said: "I think it doesn't matter how many bones you have. That is not the way to be the first person in the world. If one day, you have the confidence and feel that you can give up all the supreme bones in your body, then you will You have truly begun to embark on the road to invincibility.”

Qin Hao disagreed and said: "If you have one bone, why give it up? I believe that people with two bones will be stronger and will become the first supreme."

"Perhaps such people have already existed in the upper world." Shi Hao whispered, then he stared at his younger brother and said: "If you think you can become the strongest in this way, then I will give you a chance to fly." It’s higher, but you have to think carefully!”

He didn't know whether his brother mentioned this intentionally or unintentionally, but it didn't matter anymore, he didn't care about the Supreme Bone anymore.

He will die, what's the use of staying, since this younger brother thinks that having two bones can become one of the strongest people in the upper world, then give it to him.

Shi Hao felt that no matter what this younger brother thought, he was born to his parents, and he would have to take care of them in the future.

"Miracle Doctor Zhang Zhong..." Shi Hao called out. "Stone Emperor!" Divine Doctor Zhang Zhong looked at Shi Hao and shouted.

"I want to give the Supreme Bone to my younger brother." Shi Hao explained.

"Brother..." Qin Hao also opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

"No need to say more!" Shi Hao has always been a decisive person, even in such a weak situation. There was a divine light in his eyes, making it difficult for Qin Hao to speak.

His body was already full of cracks, but when he struggled hard, his chest split open. Shi Hao calmly and decisively took out less than two-thirds of the remaining bones.

This bone is still white, but full of scars. It is hard to join together. It blooms with auspicious glow, and even after leaving the body, it still seems to be burning with fairy light.

"Miracle Doctor Zhang Zhong, please help my brother set the bones!" Shi Hao said, sitting there calmly, using his own strength to close his chest. Although there was blood dripping out, he remained motionless.

"Stone Emperor!" Zhang Zhong was shocked. He did not expect that it would be such a result. Instead, Shi Hao gave the Supreme Bone to his younger brother.

Soon, the people in Shicun knew about it, as did Shi Ziling and Qin Yining. They rushed into the palace, all trembling.

"Don't rely too much on these two bones. If one day, we can remove them, nourish the whole body with the supreme blood, and let all the bones transform, then maybe there will be another way to become invincible." Shi Hao said.

The people who rushed in were all trembling and their faces were pale. They couldn't believe it. How could this happen? It would end like this. .
Qin Yining yelled and almost fainted. She rushed forward and hugged Shi Hao's body. Her eyes were blurred with tears and she cried loudly, her heart pounding like a knife.

"Hao'er, my Hao'er, don't die. How could this happen? Mom, I'm sorry for you!"

She was holding Shi Hao, her body was shaking and it was difficult to stand. Looking back on the past and everything she had done over the years, her heart was full of pain and regret. She had missed too much, she had never been by her eldest son's side, and in the end she had to do this again. Farewell.

Shi Hao was bleeding all over and was about to die. He was also very sad and reluctant to let go of all this. He comforted his mother not to be sad.

"Hao'er, don't leave mother, don't die, really don't..." Qin Yining's face was full of tears. She didn't take good care of Shi Hao back then. He was so young, and he was alone in Prince Wu's Mansion, and had the Supreme Bone dug away bloody , endured so much suffering, how unfortunate it is? Later, they lived in Shicun, and they were separated for more than ten years. They were separated into two large areas and were never taken care of. Now, it is like this, the tragedy has happened again, and we can watch helplessly, but we can't treat it.

"Where is the Supreme Bone, come back, hurry up... help Hao'er to connect it, don't let him die." Qin Yining cried, heartbreaking, how could this be so, the eldest son was not transplanted with immortal bones, but gave away his own bones, How desolate it is.

"It's too late. There isn't enough Supreme Blood in the Stone Emperor's body to nourish this bone. Now that it's out of the body, it's useless to send it back and reattach it." Zhang Zhong said.

"No..." Qin Yining's eyes were dull and in unbearable pain.

"Mother, don't be sad. That bone has no effect on me anymore. It can't save me. Give it to your brother." Shi Hao comforted.

"It's my mother's fault, so I hesitated and missed the time for bone grafting." Qin Yining hugged him and cried loudly, full of regret. She was reluctant to let go of her eldest son, and was afraid that her second son would die because of this, so she kept hesitating, but as time passed, she Even if you want to implant immortal bones, it won't work.

"Mother, don't blame yourself. How can I blame you? How can I take my brother's bones? I won't agree. How can I gamble with his life? I have experienced this myself and will not let him go through what I have experienced. The pain I have endured." Shi Hao whispered, blood bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and his face became paler.

Shi Ziling stood here, almost dumb, with tears constantly rolling down his eyes, and murmuring: "It's our fault. It's our fault that we hesitated and missed the time. This will become the pain and pain of my life." Pity!"

"Father, stop talking. You will only make me uncomfortable. It really has nothing to do with you." Shi Hao's nose felt sore.

He didn't blame the two of them. Firstly, he would never want that bone. Secondly, he had also thought about what would happen if he had two children and made this choice. That was undoubtedly filled with pain!
He knew that his parents had been suffering a lot these past few days. Although they hesitated and missed the time for bone grafting, this should not be considered their fault.

"My Hao'er, mother is sorry for you. I really regret it. This will be a pain in my life and I can't forgive myself." Qin Yining was heartbroken, her knuckles turned white and her body staggered, making it difficult to stabilize.

Shi Ziling's eyes were bloodshot and he roared in a low voice. Looking back on his experiences over the years, it was like a dream, full of self-blame and endless regret.

He and Qin Yining felt ashamed of their eldest son and left too many regrets. This was the second time in this life that they saw him weaken and about to pass away.

"Instead of implanting the Immortal Bone for Hao'er, he gave the Supreme Bone to his younger brother. This is so desolate..." Shi Ziling and Qin Yining couldn't restrain themselves, and their words were sad.

"Father, mother, I really don't blame you for all this. Giving that piece of bone to my brother is also equivalent to the continuation of my life and being by your side."

After hearing this, the couple felt even more sad and shed tears.

Shi Ziling roared, his head was black and grew wildly, as if he was possessed, his hair hung down to the ground, his eyes burst with divine light, and he said: "I think of me, Shi Ziling, in the past twenty years, I have been gratifying and arrogant, and I have no control over the world. Horrible! For more than ten years, I have been trapped in the Immortal Mountain. I have lost my courage, my spirit, and my heart. I have regrets in this life. From this day on, I will go crazy and destroy the Immortal Palace in this life. Sweep away the inheritance of the Seven Gods and make a blood oath here!"

He roared, clenched his fists, and a golden spear emerged from behind, pointing straight into the sky.

No matter what, nothing can change this. Shi Hao's life is short, and no one can save him.

The eyes of the people in Shicun were already red, and they gathered around. Their chests were heaving, their breathing was rapid, and they clenched their fists. They wanted to look up to the sky and roar.


They whispered and tears rolled down. They knew that there was no other way. Shi Hao took out all the Supreme Bones and lost the last hope.

"I want to kill someone!" Shilin Tiger roared. Shi Hao did not receive the immortal bone treatment, but lost his own bone, which made this man who walked out of the wilderness want to cry.

The same goes for the others. Er Meng, Da Zhuang and others almost went berserk. If Shi Hao hadn't called out to stop them from messing around, there would have been trouble.

"Child!" The patriarch Shi Yunfeng held his hand. He wanted to say something, but couldn't. Only old tears rolled down from the corners of his wrinkled eyes.

"Brother..." Qin Hao stood aside and called softly.

"Live well, cherish everything, and take good care of your father and mother." Shi Hao nodded and said calmly.

"I will become the strongest person and protect them." Qin Hao said.

Shi Hao looked at Zhang Zhong and said, "Miracle doctor, are you sure that the bones can be set safely?"

Zhang Zhong nodded: "It would definitely not work if it were someone else. There would be great danger, but the Second Young Master should be fine. His body has already contained the Supreme Blood, nourishing the Immortal Bone, and now it can naturally nourish this bone as well."

With divine blood in his body, he could naturally set bones. Shi Hao had those green and patina-like runes in his body, and his supreme blood was severely depleted, so it was dangerous to set bones.

Shi Hao frowned and said: "Although it is the Supreme Bone, far better than other bones and flesh, it is still stained with a little curse, so you must be careful."

"This is not a problem. The second young master has intact immortal bones in his body, which can erase the few runes." Zhang Zhong said.

"Then go ahead and do it." Shi Hao said.

The piece of bone was white and translucent. Although it was severely damaged and full of cracks, and was spliced ​​together, it still shone brightly and bloomed with fairy light.

However, it was bloodshot and a bit sad, and it was so dazzling in the eyes of everyone in Stone Village.

"How unfair, how tragic!" Shi Ziling and Qin Yining couldn't accept it. They hugged Shi Hao, choked and speechless.

Zhang Zhong took Qin Hao and the bone and left. The hall was filled with gloom and mist. Everyone was heartbroken and could not calm down.

"It's done!"

I don’t know how long it took, but news came that Qin Hao had successfully set bones. This was definitely a big event. The boy with two supreme bones was so terrifying. He was destined to shake the heavens and the earth!
However, no one said anything, and no one looked happy.

"Didn't Shi Yi also have double pupils and a supreme bone back then? He was still defeated. Xiao Hao was the invincible!" Er Meng was furious.

"There will definitely be people like this in the upper world. It's too early to talk about whether it's the path to invincibility." Someone echoed in a low voice.

In the early morning, the sun rises in the east, and the golden morning glow falls, shining warmly on people.

"I'm still alive. This feels so good." Shi Hao's face was a little rosy. He lay on a soft chair facing the morning glow and looked at the familiar Shi Cun. He felt satisfied and his heart and body were warm.

After coming back, everyone was very nervous that night, fearing that he would leave before dawn. They were all depressed and felt extremely uncomfortable.

Fortunately, he was still alive. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, but their eyes were a little sore and wanted to cry.

"I really want to stay, stay forever." Shi Hao whispered. At this moment, his nose was sore and he looked at everyone, not wanting to leave.

Everyone was in tears, all sad.

"Let's choose a place now." Shi Hao said, calming himself down.

"Okay, hang it somewhere." Shi Feijiao said.

Ten miles away, there is a low mountain with several ancient pines and clear springs. It is a very peaceful place.

Shi Hao chose a burial place for himself. This was not a spiritual land, it was very ordinary, but here you could see the stone village in the distance. The vegetation was fresh and very quiet.

"This is it." Shi Hao said softly.

At the same time, the color on his face disappeared, his eyes gradually dimmed, the energy he held in his mouth gradually faded, and his life was finally coming to an end.


"Hao'er, don't leave!"

People shouted and rushed forward!
"Lei'er, can you take action again?" Qin Yining suddenly turned to look at Shi Lei.

Shi Lei looked pale and shook his head.

He really tried his best and used all means except Liu Muxin.

Even if he inputs the source of life at this time, it will only last for an hour.

The next time it was half an hour, the next time it was a quarter of an hour, and the next time it was not even enough time to input the life essence.

There is no point in maintaining it anymore.

The main reason is that Shi Hao can be resurrected and there is no need to maintain it.

The morning glow was still brilliant, but Shi Hao was already silent. Everyone put him in the coffin, carried him to the low mountain, and buried him according to his last wish.

An earthen tomb appeared next to the stone village.

Here, he can see Shicun, see the villagers, and be with them.

Shi Lei did not leave immediately, but guarded Shi Hao's grave.

Qin Yining and his wife also stayed here with Qin Hao.

The sun rose and set, the flowers bloomed and withered, and time passed quickly. Under the constant urging of Bulao Mountain, Qin Yining had to leave.

I don't know how much time passed, but Shi Lei also waited for the changes he hoped to see. (End of chapter)

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