A colorful sparrow flew from a distance. It was a colorful sparrow, not afraid of people at all. It stood on the grave, dropped a few seeds, and then lazily combed its bright feathers.

He even raised his head and glanced sideways at Shi Lei, with a look that seemed to say, why don't you leave yet?

Shi Lei sat there blankly and ignored it.

Starting today, Shi Hao's graveyard has changed and a lot of grass has grown.

Half a month later, a group of children went up the mountain. After first saluting Shi Lei, they ran to Shi Hao's grave.

"Uncle Xiao Hao, we are here to see you again." They often take care of this grave, and they have been particularly diligent in this half month, because for some reason the grass here grows too fast and cannot be pulled out.

"Hey, it's that bird. It's holding the seeds and throwing them here. No wonder there are so many strange grasses growing!" A child exclaimed, pointing forward.

"Oh, you thief bird, you are so bad. You have bullied Uncle Hao since you were a child, and now you are like this, and you even come to his grave to act arrogantly!"

A group of children were angry and rushed forward, trying to catch it.

Obviously, this was in vain. Shi Hao had never touched a feather of this five-colored bird since he was a child. He was even made to cry by this bird.

That was one of the few embarrassing things that Shi Hao did not want to mention. Even when he grew up and had the cultivation level of the formation realm, he still had resentment. He wanted to catch this elusive five-color bird, but unfortunately in the end It didn't work as expected. This bird is very thieving and will run away early every time.


The five-colored sparrow chirped, and after combing its beautiful feathers, Shi Shiran left unhurriedly, leaving behind a patch of five-colored light after spreading its wings, and flew to the old jujube tree behind Shicun, where it had its nest.

"It's so hateful, we pull weeds and they plant grass!"

A group of childish cries rushed down the mountain and back to the village to catch the bird, which alarmed the adults.

"What happened?" When the adults in Shicun knew this, they were all surprised.

Later, people went to look for the colorful sparrow, but it turned out that it was very slippery and had long since disappeared.

"What a colorful sparrow, I've never seen it before. It seems a bit weird." Mao Qiu said, its injury was almost healed.

It naturally knew that there was such a bird. Shi Hao had taken it with him to raid the bird's nest full of resentment, but the thief bird disappeared without being seen.

Finally, when people came to the short mountain again, they couldn't help but be surprised. The spiritual energy was even stronger, and a little halo of light was rippling out of the earthen tomb.

"What... happened!?" The old patriarch was the most excited. He was also a practitioner and felt that there was a resurgence of life in the earthen tomb!

In recent months, these grasses have grown extremely vigorously, and now the roots are all glowing, shaped like dragon whiskers, and seem to be moving.

This grass is very special, its rhizomes are particularly thick, and it is different from ordinary grass. Today it looks even more extraordinary, emitting a dense mist of light.

"Let me take a look." Mao Qiu said, his eyes shining with divine light, staring here, and then looking deep into the soil.

Soon, it was surprised!
Maoqiu felt a strange fluctuation, as if he was trapped in reincarnation, and his mind was shaken. This was it. If it were anyone else, it would probably be a problem.

"Don't act rashly!" it warned seriously, then took out the bronze treasure box that Shi Hao once had, opened it, and revealed the double pupil.

"That's..." It was deeply shocked. With the help of its double eyes, it saw that there was a layer of light under the earthen tomb, emitting a ray of life. It was the coffin!
"Reincarnation... If you don't experience life and death, how can you understand reincarnation? Is it because of this?" Xiaohong also came, quite frightened.

How can we understand reincarnation without experiencing life and death? Everyone in Shicun was shocked when they heard this, and the old patriarch was even more trembling. He opened his mouth and was speechless. .
"What...are you talking about? Is it true?" Shi Linhu's chest heaved, his eyes widened, and he looked in disbelief.

Although Xiaohong's words were short, they were shocking and made everyone in Shicun feel excited. They all clenched their fists and looked at it together.

"I'm just guessing." Xiaohong said, it was almost recovering, its wings were growing out, its body was bright red, like it was carved out of rubies, its body was only as big as a palm, bright and bright.

The earthen tomb is glowing, very softly from the inside out, emitting a special wave.

"Come and see!" Maoqiu signaled, the heavy eyes in his hand were shining brightly, shining into the grave, reflecting the real scene, which could not be blocked by the soil.

"Hey, what kind of grass is this?" Xiaohong was surprised. Apart from feeling the power of reincarnation, it never thought that there was a universe and other mysteries underground. The rhizomes of these grasses are like dragon whiskers and are very long. They have spread under the earthen tomb, wrapping the coffin and exuding a gleaming luster.

The rhizome is as white as jade, wrapping around the wooden coffin like a rope. It looks like a big cocoon, with layers upon layers, emitting halo and mysterious fluctuations.

"Don't use your spiritual sense." Xiaohong warned.

Because it was discovered that the villagers could not help but be impulsive and wanted to explore the underground with their spiritual thoughts. Depending on their cultivation level, problems would probably arise.

Sure enough, Ermeng screamed in surprise, and his whole body went crazy. He couldn't hold it back, and went to explore alone, and then his whole body seemed to be out of body.

"Er Meng, what's wrong with you?"

"Hey!" Maoqiu let out a light scold, like the sound of thunder piercing his ears, making his body tremble, his eyes regained their luster, and he felt horrified.

"I... seem to be reincarnating, just for a moment, but it seems like thousands of lifetimes ago. It's very blurry and scary. I... have forgotten it now!" Ermeng babbled like a dream, and finally woke up, holding his head and body Trembling slightly, I got rid of it completely.

Everyone was shocked, and all the children were taken behind them, otherwise they would probably have an accident if they were close to the earthen grave.

Most of the villagers know how to practice, and many of them are now strong in cultivation, but no one dares to mess around. They all observe carefully, feeling excited in their hearts.

"Child, I know... you won't leave. If you can't bear to leave us, you must still be there!" The old patriarch was trembling, with tears streaming down his face.

He felt the most uncomfortable because it was Shi Hao who brought him up. He had never married and had no descendants. Shi Hao was his only hope.

"Xiao Hao, are you still there? Wake up quickly." Da Zhuang shouted excitedly, his eyes red. In the past year, no one was willing to accept the reality that Shi Hao had passed away.

The earthen tomb glowed, and the fluctuations inside became a little stronger. Furball and Xiaohong asked everyone to step back and not get too close.

"You can't even see through double pupils, that's unusual." Xiao Hong exclaimed.

Hundreds of silver grass roots, very thick and long, are wrapped around the coffin, flowing like a galaxy, with little luster, and very strange. It is impossible to see through even with double eyes. The grass roots and the strange cyclic fluctuations block everything.

What changes are happening in this coffin? They dare not touch it for fear of destroying the status quo and causing bad changes.

"This grass is somewhat similar to the resurrection grass recorded in the bone book, but it is different." Xiao Hong stared at these exotic herbs.

On the ground, the grass and leaves are green, but there is no strong fragrance or brilliant brilliance. It is not very special. Only the roots wrapped around the coffin are extraordinary and glowing at this time.

Maoqiu picked a leaf, put it in his mouth, chewed it slowly, tasted it carefully, and said with surprise, "It makes people feel trance-like and makes them fall into reincarnation."

There is a kind of grass in the world called Huihun, which is known as a rare sacred grass. Only one plant has been found in the entire lower world since ancient times.

It is said that it has been brought into the upper world, can give birth to human flesh and bones, and has unimaginable mysterious power!
Once this kind of grass matures, the sky will be filled with blue clouds, and it will look like an ocean. In fact, it is just a grass, which shows how strange and powerful it is.

In addition, there is a kind of grass in the world called reincarnation. If you hold it in your mouth, you can enter reincarnation, which is the most weird and inexplicable.

This kind of grass grows in the underworld. It only appeared a few times in ancient times. It was once brought out by one of the ten evil spirits. Holding it, you can have endless experiences.

Of course, it is also very dangerous. If it is not handled correctly, the holder will fall into reincarnation forever, and his consciousness will collapse from then on.

"This is not Samsara Grass or Resurrection Grass. Its medicinal effect is far inferior, but it has some of their special properties." This was the conclusion Maoqiu and Xiaohong came to.

The villagers were surprised and at the same time extremely happy. They saw hope. This grass is so special. Is it slowly changing the situation in the tomb?
"I think about it, this couldn't be rotten grass, right?" Maoqiu was surprised.

"This... is probably this kind of grass!" Xiao Hong nodded and looked shocked.

It is said that in ancient times, two supremely powerful men once teamed up to cultivate a kind of fairy grass, which was called immortal. The name was amazing, which meant that after eating it, one could live forever.

Of course, this is just a legend from the upper world.

The ancestors of Maoqiu and Xiaohong are very important, otherwise they would never know about it. They have told it to future generations, so future generations will also know about it.

"One of the strong men got the Resurrection Grass, and the other supreme giant got the Samsara Grass. The two of them relied on these two grasses to cultivate, trying to get the Immortal Grass, but they failed."

The Immortal Grass is too heaven-defying to be found in the world.

Finally, they cultivated a kind of grass that has some medicinal properties of rebirth and reincarnation, named Immortal Grass.

If a person is seriously injured and treated with this herb, his body can be kept incorruptible and his consciousness can be maintained in a very stable state without deterioration.

Of course, it cannot be cured, it can only be maintained in an "incorruptible" state.

Incorruptible and Immortal have similar names, but their efficacy is far different and far inferior to the two mother grasses. Therefore, the two supreme powerhouses felt shameless and did not announce it. They only mentioned it to their descendants.

"Unexpectedly, this kind of exotic herb that has not been circulated and whose whereabouts are unknown actually appears in the lower world. Who brought it down?" Xiao Hong said to herself.

"No, this kind of grass is difficult to survive. Isn't it said that it can only grow in special ancient places such as the True Dragon's Lair and the Divine Phoenix's Nest?" Furball frowned as it thought of this legend.

Anything with a spiritual surname can only survive in a strange treasure land, and the requirements for this kind of incorruptible grass are also very special.

The low mountain is lush and lush. This kind of grass is vigorous and flourishing here. It has grown to a large scale. It is surprising that it is everywhere around the tomb.

Whether it is the Resurrection Grass or the Samsara Grass, it is almost impossible to find a second true plant. Many people speculate that it may be an orphan, because even if their seeds germinate, their medicinal effects will be many times different.

From such a comparison, it can be seen that there are so many immortal grasses, but they are indeed far inferior to the divine grasses.

Of course, if not compared with those two grasses, it can be considered a strange grass!
"Look, the soil here is a little special. It's black and white. You can't find it unless you look carefully." Maoqiu squatted on the ground and carefully looked at the soil under the grass.

"No wonder, it must have been the soil caused by that five-colored bird." Xiao Hong nodded.

"Does it know of a place similar to the True Dragon's Lair or the Divine Phoenix's Nest?!" Maoqiu was a little excited.

Incorruptible grass will definitely not grow in ordinary places. Even the soil for cultivating incorruptible grass has been obtained. This colorful bird must know an incredible ruins.

"That colorful sparrow can actually find this kind of grass, it must be very weird!" Xiao Hong said.

They were really surprised. Who did that bird come from? They had never seen it before. It was so slippery and always trying to avoid it.

The main reason is that it has rarely appeared in the past year or two, and I don’t know where it will end up.

The villagers were already excited. From their conversations, they knew that Shi Hao might be able to survive. This kind of grass kept him alive and prevented him from rotting.

"The key is to rely on himself. This kind of grass only keeps him in the same state as a year ago." Xiao Hong said solemnly.

When Shi Lei heard this, his heart moved, and he asked the system to extract the blood of the Immortal Grass, and also pulled out some grass and sent it into the cave.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Hong screamed when she saw Shi Lei's little move.

"I reserve some incorruptible grass in case of emergencies." Shi Lei explained while instilling the source of life, making the incorruptible grass on the grave grow more lush.

"I really want to bite you." Xiaohong couldn't help but said after seeing the changes in Fucao.

Shi Lei's vitality is really strong, and eating it will definitely give you a lot of nourishment.

On this day, there was a sensation in Shicun. Everyone, men, women, old and young, came. Everyone was surprised and rushed up the short mountain to surround here.

It’s unbelievable that such news has come out after more than a year!
"Can Uncle Hao really come back to life?" The children were pleasantly surprised, especially the few little ones who were the first to discover that the colorful sparrows were "planting grass" here. They jumped up and down, extremely happy, and felt that they had made a great contribution.

Shi Hao once had the rune of reincarnation in his body, but now it was emitting such fluctuations, which naturally made everyone full of reverie and extremely happy.

Because this is a sign of recovery!

"Keep it a secret and don't spread it to the outside world!" Shi Feijiao said, fearing that something might happen along the way.

"I want to guard here personally!" The wrinkles on the patriarch Shi Yunfeng's face seemed to have suddenly melted away. He wiped away his old tears and laughed, sweeping away the previous haze, which infected many people.

Since that day, Shicun has cut off contact with the outside world. The altar has been sealed and no one can use it. They no longer go to Shiguo.

There were many people guarding the low mountain, always paying attention to the latest situation, and all the villagers were extremely nervous.

When everyone gathered, the patriarch Shi Yunfeng said to Shi Lei, who was sitting cross-legged on the Great Way of Understanding: "Hao'er has hope of recovery. Your marriage should also be put on the agenda. Give birth to a bloodline as soon as possible to prevent unexpected events." He said something unusual. Seriously, although there is hope for Shi Hao to recover now, he is still full of uncertainties.

He didn't want anything to happen to Shi Lei in the future and there would be no blood descendants left.

Moreover, Shi Lei already has a wife, but she lacks a wedding ceremony.

"By the way, where are the four female dolls! Why don't you let them out."

"Uh... I forgot." Shi Lei was a little embarrassed. During this period, he was too focused on Shi Hao and forgot about this.

"Let it out! Hold a wedding." Shi Yunfeng glared at Shi Lei and said.

"Okay! If you get married, get married." Shi Lei agreed immediately.

He had experienced the urge to get married in his previous life. Once he started, he would not stop. It was better to obey.

As for the birth of children, we will consider this later.

Shi Yunfeng nodded happily, his face full of kindness, "Very good, it's just that among the four girls, you want to marry one, or you should marry all four together."

"Come one by one, marry Yuechan first." He wanted to see if he could lure Yuechan down.

"Very good, I'll go make arrangements now." Shi Yunfeng immediately became happy.

"Thank you, clan leader. The wedding will be held in the village, but the wedding venue will be outside the village." Shi Lei suddenly added.

Although he has set up a defensive formation in Shicun, he is not afraid of ten thousand, but just in case. If the battle spreads to Shicun, it doesn't matter if the formation is destroyed. If something happens to the villagers, he will blame himself.

Therefore, the battle cannot take place inside Stone Village.

Shi Yunfeng asked in confusion: "Why?"

"Yuechan is a saint from the Great Sect of the Upper Realm. Her marriage requires a palace. This is a sign of respect for the saint, so I will build a palace outside Stone Village."

"Saint! You should live in a palace. I will ask the villagers to help you build a palace."

"Okay." Shi Lei did not refuse.


A month later, a palace was built on a high mountain a hundred miles away from Shicun.

The majestic palace is even more radiant in the sunset, and every stone is dyed with light gold, just like the residence of ancient gods. .
A wedding is being held in the Central Heavenly Palace. Such a grand palace is magnificent and magnificent, but the wedding is so simple, with only people from Shicun.

This matter was not reported outside, so as not to cause trouble to Shi Cun.

The matter is of great importance. The holy fairy of Butian Sect is getting married. If word spreads, it will probably cause the younger generation to attack Shi Village and conquer the devil Shi Lei.

Yuechan is so famous that she acts proudly and is not touched by the worldly atmosphere. She is always so transcendent and refined that she cannot be blasphemed in the hearts of many people. She is known as the first fairy in the world.

In addition, the Butian Sect has been immortal and powerful since ancient times. It is an inheritance from the upper world. Their saints are never allowed to marry. This is a taboo.

No one outside knew that this evening someone was breaking the taboo and getting married in the palace to the most beautiful fairy in the eyes of the world.

"One bow to heaven and earth, two bows to the high hall..."

Shi Yunfeng serves as a witness here.

"Yuechan comes from the upper world. As far as I know, status is extremely valuable. Shi Lei, you must cherish it and don't let it down. I think it is good to be named a noble concubine. It is consistent with it." Xiaohong told her.

For some reason, Shi Guo gave Shi a king, one who could build a kingdom.

"I don't recognize this wedding!" Yue Chan said, her white chin raised high, still arrogant.

"Do you still want to be the queen? Definitely not!" Xiao Hong said.


Under the stars, the wedding lasted for a long time. The main reason was that Xiaohong and Yuechan kept arguing, and the villagers consciously shut up and drank there.

"Shi Lei, take your wife to the bridal chamber and give me a grandson as soon as possible!" Xiao Hong regarded herself as an elder.

Yuechan also had an ugly face. After a heated exchange of words, she was also very angry. What frightened her the most was that when the critical moment came, her face suddenly turned pale.

"Suzaku, I apologize to you. Let's end this." Yuechan relented.

Xiao Hong showed a satisfied smile, nodded, and then said to Shi Lei: "Shi Lei, why don't you take your wife away quickly!"

"Xiaohong, aren't you afraid of entering the upper realm and being punished by the Butian Sect?" Yuechan's face changed drastically.

"Don't be afraid, they will definitely be very happy when the time comes and get a grandson with extraordinary talents." Xiao Hong smiled.

Candlelight flickered, red lanterns hung outside, and the bridal chamber was filled with joy. However, the palace was too quiet. There was only a newlywed couple at this time, and there was no maid to serve them.

The villagers of Shicun also returned to Shicun at Shi Lei's request. Even Xiaohong was called back by Shi Lei to preside over the formation of Shicun.

After being sent to the bridal chamber, Fairy Yuechan couldn't calm down. She was really scared and sat there, cautiously on guard.

"Oh, melancholy!" Shi Lei muttered while sitting at the jade table, drinking alone.

Yue Chan pricked up her ears and listened carefully, nervously and puzzled as she observed Shi Lei.

Shi Lei did not start directly as usual, he wanted to give Yue Chan time to master the lower realm.

According to the original work, if the secondary body is too excited, the main body in the upper world will feel the same way!
"The children of Da Zhuang, Er Meng, and Pihou are all running around. Is it finally my turn? But I don't have time to take care of a few little things." Shi Lei whispered deliberately.

Yuechan's hair stood up when she heard this, and a layer of small pimples appeared on her crystal skin. What was this bastard talking about? I'm going to give birth to a few little ones...

She felt hairy. As a holy fairy, let alone giving birth to a baby, even sitting here all night felt like she had been desecrated. It was even more uncomfortable than killing her.

Thinking about that terrible scene, Fairy Yuechan shivered, her earlier calmness and calmness were all lost, and now there were only bursts of chills.

"Yuechan, come and have a drink. You have to obey the clan leader's order for a while." Shi Lei waved.

"What...what order?" Fairy Yuechan spoke unnaturally. It was the first time in her life that she had lost her composure like this, with a deep sense of fear.

"He said, let us have children as soon as possible, not one, but three or more." Shi Lei said.

Yuechan's eyes widened, she couldn't help but retreat, and took a breath of cold air. She must resist resolutely!

"Why don't you speak?" Shi Lei asked.

"Whoever...who wants to give birth to you should find someone else!" Although Yuechan's face was as smooth as jade, it lacked blood at this time.

"I'm getting married to you, why would I marry someone else?" Shi Lei showed a strange expression.

"You did it on purpose, didn't you, to scare me on purpose?" Yuechan said after she calmed down a little, made a judgment.

"It's such a happy day, why should I scare you? How could a majestic fairy look down upon the world of mortals and have such an idea?" Shi Lei said with a smile. He waved to Yue Chan to come over and have a drink with him, asking for a glass of wine.

Yuechan naturally refused, turned her head to the side, sat motionless on the edge of the bed, and ignored him.

"Hey, Fairy, do you like the bed that much? What if you move a little bit?" Shi Lei asked.

Upon hearing this, Fairy Yuechan turned red with anger and scolded: "What are you talking about? Who likes bed? If possible, I want to leave immediately."

"If you don't want to come over, then I will accompany you at the bedside." Shi Lei smiled brightly.

But all this seemed particularly terrifying in the eyes of Fairy Yuechan. It felt like a big devil was approaching. She had chills all over her body and stood up immediately, saying: "Don't move, I'll... go over!"

The moonlight poured in like water from the window, and the two of them drank together. The luminous cup emitted a gleaming halo, and the bright moonlight made the two people's faces appear softly.

"Baby..." Shi Lei was interrupted as soon as he started speaking.

Fairy Yuechan was really angry. How could she call him that? Not to mention that she didn't approve. Even if she agreed to the wedding, she couldn't call it that directly.

"Madam..." Shi Lei changed his name to another one, but when he saw that she still ignored her and was on guard, he couldn't help but smile and said: "The fairies of Butian Sect have always been respected by the world, killing demons and demons across millions of miles. How come you are so nervous in a small bridal chamber now that you are so proud of the Eight Realms?"

After being teased by him, Yuechan was still nervous and wanted to beat him!

"Shi Lei, let's sit down and discuss some things calmly." Yue Chan adjusted her breathing to calm herself down and said this.

"I have always been calm. It's you who are nervous, but it really touches me. I didn't expect that I am so important in your heart and that you care so much." Shi Lei said shamelessly.

"Please be more solemn, what I want to talk about is very important." Yuechan said.

Shi Lei immediately solemnly looked at her seriously and said, "I really want to have three children. The clan leader told me this before he went back. I can't let him down."

"Three?!" Yuechan screamed.

"Then... just two. I will make the decision myself. I guess there can't be any more!" Shi Lei said seriously.

"What...are you talking about? Who is your child? That's not what I want to tell you. Don't interrupt!" Yuechan was furious, her face turned red with anger. This guy definitely did it on purpose.

"You gave birth to me, didn't you? Wife, you don't have any health problems, right? It doesn't matter, I have the golden liquid here that can cure you." Shi Lei joked.

"You..." Yuechan turned her head angrily.

"You are my wife, of course you are born to me." Shi Lei didn't know when he had taken her hand, which was white and crystal clear under the moonlight, as beautiful as jade, slender and slender.

Yuechan's cultivation level was sealed, her soul was suppressed, and her consciousness naturally declined severely. She was already holding her hand without seeing how Shi Lei moved.

She hurriedly pulled it out, her expression changed, her beautiful and flawless face was filled with uneasiness and complexity, and she felt that she was doomed today.

"Shi Lei, it's not impossible for you to marry me too." She gritted her silver teeth and suddenly said such words, which really surprised Shi Lei.

"Are you serious?" He never really believed that Yue Chan was gentle and right from the beginning. This must be a process full of battles and it will take time to solve everything.

"Of course, as long as you promise me one condition." Under the moonlight, Fairy Yuechan was exceptionally beautiful. A layer of clear light outside the window fell on her body, making her extremely beautiful.

"No!" Shi Lei refused firmly. He didn't need to think about it to know how harsh the conditions were. Besides, there was no need for him to agree to any conditions.

"Don't you want to hear it? It's not harmful to you, but it's a good thing." Yuechan said, her voice calm.

"I don't believe it." Shi Lei shook his head, drank a glass of wine, stood up, and said, "Madam, it's late at night, we should rest."

Yuechan's heart was pounding non-stop and she couldn't calm down. It was obvious that a small pimple appeared on her body again. She was extremely nervous and said: "You have to go to the witch first and marry her, and I will marry you."

"Hey, are you talking about this condition?" Shi Lei's eyes flashed with a different kind of light, a little surprised.

"As long as you marry the witch and let her accompany you in this palace, I will accept today's wedding." Yuechan said, her beautiful eyes sparkling, and her bright red lips flowing with a seductive luster under the moonlight.

Shi Lei smiled, this witch had to be hated by others to make Yue Chan make such a strong determination, and use this as a condition to drag the witch into trouble.

These two women are worthy of being rivals. Even though they are in this world, Fairy Yuechan still wants to drag the witch into the water and "share the joys and sorrows".

"Madam, today is your wedding. The witch's wedding will be next month. You don't have to be so anxious. It's better to rest now." Shi Lei smiled brightly.

"Won't you agree to this condition?" Yuechan said, her white body glowing, her cultivation level sealed, and her skin also glowing. (End of chapter)

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