The blood of the perfect world spreads all over the sky

Chapter 326: The main body and the secondary body are all gathered together, let’s get together!

At this moment, Yuechan frowned slightly, feeling uneasy inside. This feeling of being beyond her control was very bad. She had never experienced this before.

In the past, whenever she traveled, she would be like the stars holding the moon. No matter where she went, she would be the only center, and everyone would respect her.

Facing such a difficulty tonight, she felt uneasy and wanted to avoid it. She was extremely nervous and was thinking hard about how to deal with it.

"Ma'am, relax." Shi Lei teased, but it was considered a kind of comfort. He didn't know when he took her soft hand again and led her to sit down at the jade table. Then he poured the wine himself and brought it to her snow-white and warm wine. In Yu's hand, he also raised his glass and said: "We haven't had a drink yet. After drinking, it's time for the bridal chamber."

"What?!" Yuechan was shocked. She was in a daze just now, thinking constantly, and almost drank it directly. She immediately felt as if she was facing a powerful enemy and was on guard.

Shi Lei smiled and said: "You are not like this on weekdays. You are as ethereal as a fairy, with an ethereal posture. What are you so nervous about now? Isn't it just to have a few babies? It is much easier than your hard training to transform into two divine fetuses, primary and secondary." "

"People say that husband and wife have the same heart and roots. You can't even satisfy my first wish, how can you make me fall in love with you?" Yuechan said coldly.

As she spoke, Yuechan's eyebrows glowed, and a sacred aura filled the air, as if a god was resurrecting, making her whole body translucent and giving her a body fragrance.

Shi Lei was surprised, and he was on guard. Then he looked carefully and felt relieved. Yue Chan was trying to break through the Yuanshen's ban, but it was obviously in vain.

Her sea of ​​consciousness was glowing, but the holy and godlike Yuan Shen could not move. Only a little holy light emerged, which only made its body more moving.

"We say we are of the same mind, but you want to regain your fighting strength. Do you want to take action against me?" Shi Lei said with a smile.

Yuechan closed her hair, and the brilliance on her skin faded. She sighed inwardly, was there really nothing she could do? If she could use magical powers, she would definitely use them immediately.

"Okay, I don't ask for anything else. I just want you to marry the witch tomorrow." Yuechan said.

Shi Lei was surprised, was she showing weakness? Even though he was laughing and joking, he was always on guard because the fairies of Butian Sect were so extraordinary that they didn't know any secret method to communicate with the main body.


The two luminous cups clinked together, making a crisp sound, and then they drank separately.

Soon after, under Shi Lei's perseverance, Yue Chan frowned and had small bumps all over her body, crossed arms with him, and drank a glass of wine.

"Why do I feel that drinking this glass of wine is more difficult than letting you break through and become a true god?" Shi Lei said, and for the first time he doubted whether he really looked like an ancient ferocious beast.

He could clearly feel that Yuechan was gritting her teeth. When she drank the glass of wine with him, her hair stood on end, as if she was facing a big devil.

"I thought I was infinitely handsome, mighty and heroic, and yet I got married tonight. Alas. I'm so confused and melancholy." Shi Lei pretended to sigh deeply.

"You are so narcissistic and so thick-skinned, you can consider not getting married." Yuechan knew that she was probably doomed tonight, so she gradually relaxed and became less afraid.

Shi Lei suddenly smiled and said: "An enemy has become a daughter-in-law. What kind of relationship will we have in the future? In the following years, will we fight or support each other?"

Yuechan curled her lips, her skin as white and crystal clear as jade, turned around, and showed her attitude.

Shi Lei was dumbfounded, then smiled and said: "That means both relationships are wrong, just change it to another relationship, and become a child's mother." Shi Lei mentioned the old things again.

"You..." Yuechan still didn't turn around, her hair was flying and her figure was graceful. She turned her back to him and said, "If you let me go, we can be friends for life, otherwise we will be enemies."

"It doesn't matter. Let your opponent become your daughter-in-law, fight like this for a lifetime, and finally conquer slowly. I think it is a challenge full of accomplishment." Shi Lei said, when he said these words, he was full of energy and his eyes were shining.

Not to mention, such a woman can also have a certain flavor.

Yuechan snorted and expressed disdain.

Shi Lei laughed loudly and said: "If nothing else, it's getting late tonight, we should rest."

It was said to be a rest, but naturally it was still a dispute and a small-scale "battle". In the dim moonlight, the two of them faced each other tit for tat, and it took a long time before they fell side by side on the bed.

However, during the fight, he touched everything that needed to be touched and clearly grasped Yuechan's size.

Shi Lei took her body in his arms and was very rude.

Fairy Yuechan was polite to him. On this wedding night, even if she was taken advantage of by Shi Lei, she still showed her solemnity and sanctity. She was busy arranging her somewhat messy clothes and ignored her.

"Hey, you are so cold, is this still a wedding night? Why do I feel like you are abstinent?" Shi Lei asked, stroking her soft hair.

There is a light fragrance on Yuechan's body, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

"Don't touch me!" Yuechan turned around.

Shi Lei suddenly discovered that she was secretly reciting the scriptures, which distracted her into the world of the scriptures, making her appear more solemn and sacred.

He was speechless. This bridal night was really speechless. The bride was like a saint, trying hard to transcend her mind.

"Yuechan, I'm going to fuck you. When your body is at its hottest, I don't know if you can still maintain your sanctity."

While speaking, he quickly moved his hands to undress and touch Yuechan's skin.

Before, he only grasped the size through the clothes, but now he wanted to experience Yuechan's crystal clear snow skin.

At the moment of contact, Yuechan could not put her mind on the scriptures and come back to her senses.

"Yeah!" She exclaimed immediately, because her dress was half untied, and a lot of her white skin was exposed. When she returned to reality, it was no longer sacred. She couldn't control herself, and she was throbbing.

In particular, a hand traced across her snow-white back, which made her feel embarrassed. This was something she had never experienced before, and her whole body felt strange.

"What do you think we look like like?" Shi Lei asked, stroking one of her crystal arms with his palm.

Yuechan was embarrassed and annoyed. This guy was so unkind. Is he still teasing her under such circumstances?
She sharpened her teeth, suddenly opened her mouth, and bit directly at Shi Lei.

"Hey, hey, hey, you can't bite, or you may hurt yourself." Shi Lei said, giving her a shoulder generously.

The silver teeth were grinding, and Yuechan's white teeth bit his shoulder very hard, but for Shi Lei, it didn't hurt at all because his body was incomparable.

Moreover, he had to restrain his body-protecting Xuanwu skills, otherwise he was really afraid of hurting the fairies around him.

"It hurts so much, please be gentle." Shi Lei said.

"You..." Yue Chan was extremely angry. She felt that this guy was a bit wicked. This tone seemed to be deliberately teasing her.

At this time, a strong palm had already passed through her black hair, and landed on her fair and soft snow-white neck. It slid all the way down, surprising Yuechan, as if she had been electrocuted.

At this moment, the hair on Yuechan's body stood up, her skin was covered with goosebumps, and her body was as tight as jade.

"Hey, fairy, you are too offensive. I just touched you, and you reacted like this, like a snake fell on you?" Shi Lei was dissatisfied.

With a "pop" sound, Shi Lei slapped her plump white buttocks.

"How dare you!" Fairy Yuechan was frightened and stepped back. Unexpectedly, without realizing it, her clothes were half-opened and the area where she was photographed was already cold.

She was extremely nervous and said, "Let's talk about how to catch the witch."

However, a pair of hands brushed her hair, and his face faced hers, close at hand, and came closer.

"You..." The next moment, Yuechan's bright red lips were blocked and she was speechless.

And Shi Lei felt the fragrance on his lips and teeth, and a fragrance moistened his mouth. It was a different experience to embrace her, so he took a bite.

Yuechan pushed hard and opened her eyes wide. This... experience just now made her feel ashamed and angry, and her heart was pounding violently.

Shi Lei lay aside, as if reminiscing, with the fragrance lingering on his lips and teeth. Then he turned his head to look at her, stretched out his arms, and caressed her body, which was as white and crystal clear as ivory.

I don't know how much time passed, but Shi Lei felt like there was a big sticky furnace in his arms.

He moved his head away from Yuechan and looked at her carefully.

"You..." Fairy Yuechan's face was red, and the sacred light often shone, which was glowing.

Shi Lei suddenly felt a sense of satisfaction and conquest that he had never experienced before. This is a sacred fairy!

"Shi Lei, let me tell you a secret." Yue Chan separated from Shi Lei, gasping for air, her towering conscience rising and falling violently.

"What secret?" Shi Lei naturally didn't believe it. He ran his hand across the full conscience and felt the smoothness and softness of the snow.

"The main body will come!" Yuechan said.

"What?" Shi Lei was really surprised.

"Do you want to catch her?" Yuechan asked.

Shi Lei shook his head and asked deliberately: "What are you talking about?"

"I'm not talking nonsense!" Yuechan said seriously.

"I don't believe it?" Shi Lei smiled, and his palms traced her snow-white back, making it smooth and warm.

What made him feel speechless and defeated was that small bumps and a layer of small pimples soon appeared on his smooth and satin-like skin.

It seems that he still has to drink water. As long as there is enough water, Yuechan will naturally change into his shape.

At this time, Yuechan's hair stood on end, feeling like a snake crawling over her, and she felt uncomfortable all over. She slapped him away and said, "What I said is true."

"You don't have to hit people like this, right?" Shi Lei avoided talking, caressing her black and shiny hair, and changed the subject: "I don't think I am so powerful and heroic in the world, but I am so unbearable in your eyes, just touch you, You have goosebumps all over your body? It’s unforgivable.”

If he still doesn't come, he will take action. After all, he has already gained respect.

"Why don't you always believe me when I tell the truth?" Yuechan's big eyes blinked, shining brightly, and there was a divine luster on her white and beautiful face that was irresistible.

Shi Lei pretended to frown and said: "Then tell me, I'm listening. It's clearly your main body. You two are one body. Why are you telling me this?"

Suddenly, the bright moonlight disappeared, and the dark clouds in the sky became thicker, covering the imperial capital. It was pitch black between heaven and earth, and even the new house became dark because the candles were extinguished.

However, Shi Lei's eyes were bright and clear, and he could still see everything clearly. The snow-white body next to him became more and more beautiful, hazy and crystal clear.

"She is her, and I am me. After being divided into two divine fetuses, we can't really remain the same. At least there will still be differences before returning." Yuechan said.

"No matter how you are the same person, you will betray the main body and truly surrender to me?" Shi Lei sneered, and naughtyly clamped a crystal ear to make it change shape.

If you don’t come, I will enter~~
Yuechan slapped his hand, and there were two blushes on his beautiful face, with annoyance and shame and anger, and she almost wanted to cut off his hand.

She is a fairy from the Butian Sect. Even in the upper world, it was priceless and had an astonishing origin. It was sacred and flawless in the eyes of the world and could not be desecrated, but yet he was playing with his flawless ears and pinching it so casually. It's really annoying and hateful.

Shi Lei smiled and didn't take it seriously, but he didn't press forward and asked: "That's all, it's not convincing enough."

"I'm worried that she will come to kill me." Yuechan said this.

"If you want to kill, you are here to kill me. How can I target you? It's better to save you." Shi Lei showed a strange look, thinking silently in his heart, and had some thoughts, but he didn't take them as lies.

"If I can't kill you, I will probably try to kill me, thus solving all the problems." Yue Chan said, with a bright light flashing in his eyes. The body is a little tight.

The main body and the secondary body are both real flesh and blood bodies, and both are divine fetuses. As long as one of them is alive, another flawless divine body can be created.

The premise is that one of the main body and the secondary body must die first, otherwise the third immortal body cannot be created.

"Relax, don't be nervous. She doesn't dare to show up, and she won't come by such a coincidence today. Even if she has such courage, she still has to deal with me first. You are my wife, and I will protect you. "Yes." Shi Lei teased.

Moreover, he was very enthusiastic and used his hands to comfort her, sliding across her snow-white body. As a result, Yuechan suddenly became even more nervous, her body tensing up as if it were a piece of mutton-fat jade.

"Oh, I really failed. I had a bridal relationship with my wife, but she always treated me like a snake and a scorpion, deliberately destroying my confidence, right? How could you have such a reaction when you think of me as a genius?" Shi Lei pretended to be angry. Like, he slapped her white plump conscience with a "pop" sound, expressing indignation.

"Are you listening to me?" Yuechan's pretty face turned red, and she was even more annoyed. She was constantly being blasphemed, but it was difficult to reverse the situation. She secretly gritted her teeth.

"I'm listening. Just tell me. It's best to finish it all at once. Although the night is long, delaying the beautiful scenery like this can be regarded as a squandering of life." Shi Lei said very relaxedly.

Suddenly, a throbbing surged into his heart, making his body tense like a moonlight, and his eyes shone brightly, illuminating the entire palace like two bright lamps.

Yue Chan was shocked. Shi Lei looked extremely fierce at this moment, like a young god of war. His whole body was emitting blue light, powerful and astonishing.

The next moment, Shi Lei jumped up like a civet cat and came to the window. Facing the night wind, his black hair was spread out. He looked up at the sky and said, "Is it going to rain?"

The dark clouds are getting lower and lower, making people feel dull and depressed.


Suddenly, lightning flashed across the sky, the fluctuations were violent, and the power was amazing.

Shi Lei's pupils shrank sharply and he stared at the sky.

This lightning was very strange. It did not dance horizontally or curve. Instead, it all fell vertically. The beam of light reached the sky, and it was so bright and eye-catching.

"It's a meteor!"

"Sure enough, it's going to rain, but it's actually a shower of meteors!" Shi Lei looked at the night sky with frightening eyes.

These meteorites fell vertically from above the dark clouds at such a fast speed that their beams of light were like rainbows, trailing long tails of light, which were astonishingly powerful.

In this kind of natural disaster, not to mention a palace, even a huge city will be destroyed and turned into ruins, and even the entire land will sink and become a catastrophic land.

It was so dense, the meteorites were coming one after another, and the beams of light illuminated the night sky, penetrating the sky and the earth, it was very spectacular!
All the meteorites are concentrated in one place - his palace!

Not one of them escaped from the track. Outside the palace, this was naturally not the anger of heaven and earth, but human control. It was really terrifying and boundless, making even the venerable shudder!
It is obviously the power of God, but under the control of one living being, it is enough to shock the world. Such a massacre can wipe out endless living beings.

But Shi Lei knew that this was the lower realm of Yuechan's main body! " really here!" Yuechan stood up, ignoring the exposed expanse of snow-white skin, and came to the window, looking up to the sky, her eyes flashing.

The brilliance in her pupils kept blooming and changing, creating infinite pictures. She didn't know what she was thinking, but she was in a trance.

Her icy muscles and jade bones were gleaming white under the "lightning", and her entire body was like the most perfect work of art, beautiful without any flaws.

"You just messed around with me and you should be punished." Shi Lei said, holding his slender jade body, giving a reason and kissed her bright red lips.

Then Yuechan was completely imprisoned, unable to even move her hands.

Yue Chan woke up with a start, her beautiful eyes were filled with surprise, panic, and even more surprise. The situation was so critical and Shi Lei was still so calm. Why?
"I will punish you slowly in the future!" Shi Lei said, holding her waist tightly and not letting go, watching the meteor shower together.


Finally, the first meteorite landed, broke close, and hit the top of the majestic palace, bursting out with a brilliant brilliance. The huge fluctuations were terrifying and boundless.

At this moment, people were almost suffocated, and their heartbeats almost stopped.

The power was immeasurable, and it shook the Imperial Palace of the Stone Kingdom, shaking the earth and the earth. However, when the meteorite touched the front of the palace, it exploded, and all kinds of rain of light burst out and rushed in all directions.

The earth shook and the mountains shook, the divine glory was endless, the dazzling light flooded the place, and the palace was trembling.

The palace is glowing, and various ancient symbols appear, like huge magic weapons resurrecting. They are engraved with the marks of time, and even have the patterns of the magic circle.

Meteorites were like waterfalls, as if they were about to destroy the world. They continued to fall from the top of the black clouds. They were huge and boundless, and white beams of light penetrated the sky and the earth.

This kind of divine power cannot be countered by human power. If they are really trapped, the venerable master and others will be reduced to ashes.

The only good thing is that the palace's magic circle protected it and was not broken through at this moment. One big star after another exploded in the void, turning into a bright brilliance.

Although this heavenly power is terrifying and is enough to destroy many giant cities on the earth, it is currently blocked by the ancient magic circle.

The sky-reaching light beams fell down one after another and hit the top of the palace, but they all exploded and none of them could penetrate.

Shi Lei narrowed his eyes, his eyes were awe-inspiring. For today, he used a lot of magical materials to set up several layers of Xuanwu protective formations.

At the same time, he also arranged thousands of rune formations connected to the avenue outside the palace. Within this formation, he could borrow the power of the avenue.

The power of the sky is endless. Meteorites are summoned from the sky one after another and fall to the earth. It is hard to imagine how powerful that energy is!

At this moment, Yuechan trembled and looked in a certain direction, looking at a halo of light in the clouds.

Shi Lei raised his head, his eyes were like lightning. Through the meteorite rain, the light beam in his eyes was astonishing, and he saw a figure in the clouds. She was divine and jade, shrouded in hazy light, transcending the world, like a god looking down. The vast land.

She has a sacred aura that is stronger and more powerful than Yuechan. She seems to be close to an immortal, completely isolated from the world, and aloof.

Her true appearance was invisible, and her whole body was wrapped in radiance. At this moment, she looked over and looked down at Shi Lei, her eyes flickering but without any fluctuation.

Shi Lei knew that if the main body and the secondary body were too close, they could interact with each other as if they were one body.

Looking at the tall and holy figure, he showed his snow-white lower teeth and smiled brightly. Then he turned his head and blocked the red lips of the banished fairy next to him with his mouth.

At this moment, not only Yuechan was shocked, but also the holy immortal body in the sky looking down below trembled, emitting violent energy fluctuations.

In the clouds, the stars are blocked and meteorites continue to fall.

A hazy figure, with flowing gleaming light, was trembling at this moment. She seemed to have been shot down from the sky, and she could no longer maintain her coldness and detachment.

In an instant, the fairy light on her body surged, turning into a bright galaxy, surrounding her. The powerful aura surged, and countless runes were densely covered, wrapping her body.

At this time, she cut off the connection with the lower body, letting herself be free from all influences, looking inwards with her spiritual consciousness, observing her true self, and reciting immortal sutras to calm her throbbing heart.

That fiery experience could be said to be too bad. It was inconsistent with her worldly mind and conflicted with the ethereal aura. For her, that brief moment was like walking through hell.

She was a relegated fairy, she was aloof, and she would never have such turmoil in her heart, but she had just experienced such an unimaginable encounter, and her heart was shaken.

The white clothes are fluttering, the runes are brilliant, she is guarded in the center of the world, standing high in the clouds, with a trace of true anger, dare to blaspheme her like this, unforgivable!
Trying to meditate and recover, she looked down and saw the young man smiling at her, holding Yuechan in his arms, very intimately. It was the most straightforward provocation.

Below, in front of the majestic Heavenly Palace, the two of them hugged each other and looked at the sky. The young man's teeth were sparkling, as if he was savoring the fragrance, and he smiled at her too brightly, full of a different charm.

On the clouds, the beautiful figure, the real Yue Chan's main body, became colder and colder, with white light falling, flying in all directions. She looked ethereal and almost transformed into a Tao, coexisting with the immortal.

However, if you look closely, you can find that there is a little divine light radiating in her pupils. This is the anger of the banished immortal. There is no scolding or curse, only a powerful wave spreading.


Finally, she raised her hand, around it. The stars emerged, densely packed, and then turned into a line, flying along her fingertips towards the palace below.

Meteorites rained down, and one of the beams was particularly bright. It was caused by dozens or hundreds of meteorites gathering together, turning into a beam of light, hitting along the same trajectory, and pointing directly at Shi Lei!
This kind of horrifying method, the woman from the dust in the sky raised her hand. The starlight condenses and the meteorites form a line. When concentrated like this, they bombard each other with unfathomable power.

The meteorite blooms and turns into a flower!
This was a brilliant light, which lasted only a moment, and the palace shook violently, like a tsunami. The stormy waves hit the shore, and all the temples were glowing and roaring.

The formation is imprinted in the void to protect this palace. Various powerful symbols glow to fight against meteor attacks from the sky.

The sound of popping was endless, and many meteorites fell and collided with the magic circle. It was shattered one after another, and the light flashed across, dazzling and astonishing. It is also accompanied by terrible fluctuations.

In just an instant, twenty or thirty meteors fell on the palace, hitting the same rune repeatedly, causing an unimaginable impact.

There was a clicking sound, and a gap opened in the formation. A line of meteorites from behind rushed towards it at high speed, trying to break through the formation and kill the young man below.

This was the anger of the fairy on the clouds. Although there was no scolding or angry expression, the effective actions were more terrifying than anything else.

Shi Lei looked solemn, hugged Yue Chan, jumped up to a high platform, looked directly at the sky, and let out a trembling sound, he pulled out the golden magic sword and pointed at the sky.

This is the mother energy of all things, which was given to him by the ruthless emperor.

He didn't know why the ruthless emperor gave it to him, but since he gave it to him, he had to use it.

The battle sword in Shi Lei's hand was as powerful as the sun, its brilliance was like fire, burning fiercely, and then with a bang, a thick beam of light erupted, shooting towards the sky.

Meteorites one after another were penetrated by the sword energy and exploded in the air. The rays of light were endless, and the boulders turned into powder, flying one after another like a dust rain.

Twelve meteors in succession, although they emitted endless light, were chopped down by this sword when they fell, and exploded in mid-air.

At the same time, the formation rumbled and closed on its own, and the gap that had been opened earlier disappeared. In addition, a turtle shell appeared above Shi Lei's head, with runes shining, taking control of the entire palace, and activated several layers of magic circles to protect the important place.

Shi Lei held the sword and looked towards the sky from a distance. The sword's edge was facing the holy figure in the clouds, its sharp edge clearly visible.


A ray of sword light flew out, rushed against the sky, turned into a dragon-shaped air column, crushed several meteorites, and struck directly in front of the main body of Yuechan, filled with murderous intent.

There was a secret treasure shining brightly above the crystal body, blessing it, and she herself was very calm, stretched out a finger, crystal clear, like crystal, and pointed it on the sword energy.

With a soft bang, the sword energy exploded and bloomed in the void, as beautiful and short-lived as fireworks.

She looked down, her pupils filled with brilliance.

Shi Lei also pointed his sword at the sky. This was a silent confrontation. Although the two of them were far apart, they both felt each other's murderous intent.

"Shi Lei, are you okay?" Xiaohong from Shicun sent a message to him. .

"I'm fine!" Shi Lei replied via voice transmission.

Shi Lei's eyes were filled with brilliance and murderous intent. He stared carefully and estimated the combat power of Yue Chan's main body. This woman was absolutely amazing.

"More powerful than you!?" He turned back to look at the beauty in front of him.

Yuechan snorted. Relatively speaking, she was full of vigor and vitality now, and the one above the clouds was the real worldly and near-immortal. That kind of holiness and pride comes from the bottom of her heart, as if it doesn't belong to the human world, and nothing can shake her Taoist heart.

Shi Lei had a feeling. The main body is very powerful, and with the secret treasure in hand and the help of the magic circle that can summon meteorites, it is really invincible.

But Yuechan has secret treasures and magical formations, so why doesn't he, and his formations are more powerful, but it takes a little time to activate these exciting things that touch the avenue.

Shi Lei rushed up, taking Yue Chan with him on his back, fixed with a rope made of runes, and they reached high altitude together.

If the secondary body Yue Chan strikes again, the main body Yue Chan will not escape!

During this process, meteorites kept falling into pieces, but he used the Kunpeng Technique. He dodged them one by one and quickly stood in the clouds, confronting the hazy figure.

On the clouds, meteorites were densely packed, all displayed behind that beautiful figure. It was a huge magic circle, and some huge rocks were summoned from the sky, and more were some mountain peaks in the wilderness.

She is indeed well prepared!
"Does she look different from you?" Shi Lei asked the beautiful and soft woman on his back.

Yue Chan didn't answer for a second, but also looked at the other side, with a brilliant glow in her eyes. There was an inexplicable connection between the two at such a close distance.

Shi Lei smiled faintly, carried her on his back, walked in the void, and carefully looked ahead.

On the clouds, the moonlight is like water, falling down. The woman in front of her is pale and hazy. She is clearly close at hand, but she seems to be far away in the sky, giving people a feeling of being ethereal and inaccessible.

She is too worldly, that kind of beauty, that kind of indifference, and does not belong to the human world.

"Yuechan, are you here to have a bridal chamber?" Shi Lei said, looking directly at her, his words were calm and provocative, and said: "It must be very special to have your own bridal chamber."

The fairy opposite stood tall and graceful, and her voice was as beautiful as the sound of nature. She said: "My heart is towards the Tao, and my heart is as pure as the bright moon."

Her voice was very soft, like the sound of a fairy, and it was like a spring breeze. She clearly told Shi Lei that such a provocation would not disturb her mood.

Shi Lei held the sword and said: "The fairy is very charming and has extraordinary bearing. Since she is so transcendent, why not go to the palace and sit down. Let's have a drink and talk to the moon."

In the hazy halo, the ethereal and slender body exuded a gleaming light. She smiled calmly and said, "I'm here to kill you."

"It's a pity that you can't get what you want."

"How can you know if you haven't tried it? The divine moon hangs high in the sky. Ask you to understand my Taoist heart!" Under the cold moonlight night, a thin layer of smoke appeared on her body, peaceful and sacred, becoming more and more ethereal and agile.

A great danger emerged in Shi Lei's mind. He knew that this woman was very scary and extremely strong.

The Xuanwu magic has already been covered on his body, shimmering with blue luster, and the Xuanwu turtle shell is hanging on his head. Shi Lei's fighting spirit is already aroused.


Fairy Yuechan took action first, pointing out thousands of sword lights, each one as transparent as crystal and containing powerful divine will.

This battle broke out like this. Neither of them said much. Their sword energy was like a rainbow, soaring into the sky.

In just a moment, they had fought thousands of times, and their magic skills soared into the sky from time to time, eclipsing the bright moon. Only two figures turned into immortal light.

In fierce confrontations, magical powers blossomed.


The two people passed each other, and a fiery red fairy phoenix rushed out of the body of the holy fairy. It spread its wings lightly, and the red clouds were gorgeous. It cut through the void and was unparalleled.

"Huh?!" Shi Lei dodged the phoenix soaring, and Chi Yu struck horizontally. The main purpose was to kill Yue Chan on his back, but he was already prepared.

Fortunately, Kunpeng had unparalleled skills and quickly avoided it, allowing the beauty behind him to avoid death.

"You... took action against me? You gave up on me!" Yuechan's pretty face was filled with shock, sadness and anger.

Her expression changed, and finally her beautiful face returned to calmness, and she was very decisive. She lay on Shi Lei's back and whispered in his ear, "I'll help you catch her!"

"Okay!" Shi Lei only said one word, and then he squeezed her butt hard, sinking into the soft flesh, making her scream.

At such a close distance, even if the main body of Yue Chan in the transcendent world tried to cut off the connection with the secondary body, she could still clearly sense it.

At this moment, her body trembled, and she felt an unspeakable discomfort in her buttocks, and she quickly retreated.


Sword light flashed across the sky, Shi Lei came to kill, and used a world-shattering treasure to suppress him.

The two people clashed with each other with their magic skills, creating a grand fireworks. At the same time, they used their magic skills to fly into the sky and escape from the earth, entangled with each other, and for a while, the two fell into a stalemate.

But the mentality of the two people was completely different. Shi Lei used Kunpeng's magic to deal with it easily and comfortably. From time to time, he pinched Yue Chan everywhere, even in hidden places.

He could feel that his main body Yuechan's attacks were becoming more and more urgent and unorganized!

Most people may think that they have a sure chance of winning, but Shi Lei knows that no saint is simple. The main body Yue Chan is probably preparing some back-up plan, and her anger is just an illusion.

But he was always preparing his backhand, and his backhand was more powerful and faster.

"Crackling." Purple lightning suddenly appeared in the whole world. This lightning does not hurt people or anything in the world, it only damages space.

The entire space was shattered like porcelain, and the avenue suddenly became chaotic.

Below the god level, everyone relies on the cave to communicate between heaven and earth to activate their magic.

After the purple thunder broke through the space, no one in the entire space except Shi Lei could activate the magic.

"What?" Yue Chan, the main body, looked frightened. She was really anxious!
Her cave was unable to communicate with heaven and earth and absorb spiritual energy, and the treasure arts she was about to take shape also collapsed, and she was unable to activate the treasure arts! (End of chapter)

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