The blood of the perfect world spreads all over the sky

Chapter 328 Shi Hao’s Resurrection Progress

Yuechan's main body was flooded several times before Shi Lei stopped.

Looking around, I found that there was no dry place in the entire room, and there was still a fishy smell in the air.

Shi Lei frowned, waved his hand, and the whole room returned to a refreshing look, and then he fell back to rest.


After three days of solid rest, Shi Lei was in full swing again.

Turning around, he saw that the two women had not yet woken up. He applied life essence to them respectively to speed up the repair of their injuries.

Another day passed, and the two women woke up one after another, but they still couldn't accept it and looked lost.

Shi Lei brought the dull two people back to Shicun, placed them in his room, and set up a restraint so that they could not leave the room. Then he went up the mountain to check on the progress of Shi Hao's resurrection.

Nearly two years have passed since the burial. The vegetation has grown very tall near Shi Hao's earthen grave. Just a few days ago, the villagers burned a lot of paper there because that day was the anniversary of Shi Hao's death.

"This short mountain has more spiritual energy. Is it because Xiao Hao was buried?" Shi Linhu was a little surprised.

"I really want this child to live." Shi Feijiao sighed, feeling very sad.

During this period, villagers came here from time to time. Finally, they shook their heads and went down the mountain.

"Xiao Hao, how much I want you to come back to life!" Da Zhuang, Er Meng and others came and brought several jars of wine. They sat here. After they drank a cup, they would sprinkle a cup on the grave.

They were a few years older than Shi Hao, but when he was a child, Shi Hao had a very strong physique. At first he was running behind them, but later he surpassed them.

"I can't believe you have left. How could you die?" Ermeng's eyes turned red.

Pihou, Huzi, and Sniffy Baby were also sad. They kept pouring wine, drinking one cup after another and spilling it on the ground. In the past two years, they have come here every few days. Drinking like this, you can see them in a trance. Shi Hao.

Not to mention the sincere feelings they had grown up with together since childhood, Shi Hao had done so much for Shi Cun, which made them unforgettable and filled their hearts.

"It's really unfair. Xiao Hao is lying here alone, but that guy is said to be an unparalleled genius. He is said to be invincible in the world. That guy belongs to Xiao Hao." Pihou said.

Although they are in Shicun, they also know a little about what is happening outside, because there has always been contact with the Shiguo Palace, and the news is not blocked.

Because Qingfeng inherited the throne of Shi Kingdom, he has been moving between the two places.

"Tell me, are there any resurrecting plants in the world? It would be great if I could find one. I really want Xiao Hao to come back to life." Da Zhuang said dullly.

"I always feel that he hasn't left, as if he's still around." Sniffle Baby said. He is the only boy among his companions who is a few months younger than Shi Hao, and he is now married.

In the end, they supported each other and walked down the mountain together, smelling of alcohol, toward Stone Village.

Over the past few days, if anyone in the village is the most heartbroken, it must be the clan leader Shi Yunfeng, because Shi Hao was raised by him with his own hands, and he has the same affection for his ancestors and grandchildren.

It was really difficult for him to adapt and couldn't accept this result. In just the past two years, he seemed to have aged ten years, with blond hair and a sluggish look.

The old man often sits alone at the end of the village. He sits there all day long and ignores the villagers' greetings. Everyone in the village feels uncomfortable when they see him.

"My child, when you were brought here, you were only as high as my knees. You were so weak that you were about to die." The old patriarch murmured. He looked at the yard, as if he could still hear the cry of the weak baby.

"Later, you finally survived. Our grandparents and grandchildren were together and dependent on each other. It was really full of fun." He sighed softly, tears falling from his eyes. In a trance, he saw the big eyes twitching and walking. The waddling little guy pulled the tail of the big yellow dog and made a childish sound from his mouth.

"Chief, go have a meal, don't be sad." The villagers came to persuade them. In fact, everyone felt uncomfortable.

"I can't eat it." The old man lowered his head and rubbed a small earthen pot with his hand. This was something that the little ones used every day to brew animal milk and drink it secretly to avoid being discovered.

Of course, how could everyone not know that these animal milks were sent by uncles. "Grandpa Patriarch, what is outside the mountains? I want to see it and get out of the wilderness." When he was a little older, Shi Hao had already begun to yearn for the outside world and wanted to go out and have a try.

These words seemed to still ring in his ears. Shi Yunfeng blamed himself and shook his head, saying: "I really shouldn't have agreed. We just live here like this and never go out. That would be great, and nothing like this would happen."

"Chief, we know you are sad, but you still have to eat, otherwise we won't eat either." A group of children came forward with red eyes, really worried.

"Well, people have to live and live their lives. We can't always be immersed in the past." Shi Yunfeng stood up in despair and said.

However, the villagers knew that he could not let go. In fact, everyone could not forget Shi Hao, and they would feel a little sour when thinking about him.

There were many people guarding the low mountain, always paying attention to the latest situation, and all the villagers were extremely nervous.

However, after careful consideration, Maoqiu and Xiaohong stayed in Shicun and did not go near the place for fear of disturbing the colorful sparrow.

No one knows if the Five-Colored Bird has any other means. If it prevents it from appearing because of this, that would be bad.

As for the villagers, there is no need to be shy, because this bird never cares.

Sure enough, the five-colored sparrow appeared several times later. It looked big and stopped on the grave, as if it was sensing something, and then flew away again.

"Thank you, Divine Bird!"

The villagers prostrated themselves, it was obvious that the colorful sparrow had saved Shi Hao!

Two months have passed in a blink of an eye. Shicun has no communication with the outside world. Everyone is paying attention to and protecting Aishan, and they are getting more and more nervous.

"Hey, the tomb is cracked!" Er Meng shouted.

The earthen tomb cracked open, and the auspicious light rose up and spread from the gap. The peaceful light was more powerful than before, and the spiritual energy was so rich that it could not be dissipated.

The old patriarch moved quickly and was stronger than the strong young man. He pulled Shi Linhu, Shi Feijiao and others away at once, rushed to the front, took out the double pupil, and looked at it carefully.

"The cocoon underground is falling apart!" He breathed rapidly.

Incorruptible grass, with thick and long roots and shiny silvery white, was all wrapped around the coffin earlier, emitting a soft light. Now many grass roots are broken, exposing the coffin.

Shi Yunfeng observed carefully and found that the coffin was also cracked, and a body inside could already be seen.

Shi Feijiao and others were excited and worked together to activate their double pupils. They could see the scene in the coffin more clearly.

The place was filled with steam and all kinds of light and mist. Shi Hao was lying in it, his face rosy and lifelike!

"There are runes flashing on his body!"

Pihou exclaimed, there were some mysterious symbols flowing out from Shi Hao's body from time to time, and some parts of his body were shining with brilliance from time to time.

"Oops, the arms turned golden!"

"Hey, no, why did the palms turn purple again?"

Everyone was nervous and excited, expecting a miracle to happen.

"Ah, he is breathing. Xiaohao is still alive. I saw white airflow between his mouth and nose!"

The villagers were surprised, many people shouted, and the place suddenly became excited. (End of chapter)

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